War Paradise

Chapter 919 Devil Guard

Lin Chi turned around and closed the door, stood beside Molliya who was bending down, patted her back gently, and waited for the woman to relax.

"What's wrong outside?" he asked.

"It's... The Underworld soldier...out there."

Mooriya gasped in horror, and tore off the mask on her face, revealing a white face: "The Underworld soldiers are everywhere..."

"Is it because of the murder in the kingdom of the king of the gods?" Lin Chi stood by the window, raised a gap between the curtains, and observed the conditions on the street.

In the block next door, you can see two huge shadows. Soldiers of The Underworld, who are taller than the roadside house, are wandering in the territory of Mephistopheles.

"It shouldn't be for this reason, Messenger-sama..." Mooria, who finally recovered, pulled a wooden chair and sat down and explained, "The reason why the god king sent so many soldiers is probably to hunt down the cursed. , That is, the existence of your messenger."

"Go on." Lin Chi stared at the two Devils on the street.

——I was able to get rid of the soldier of The Underworld before, thanks to the slow Sword Technique, but the slow Sword Technique has a cooling time of 20 minutes. When facing a large number of The Underworld soldiers, this skill is not blessed. , With his current attribute value, he is not the opponent of The Underworld soldiers at all.

Before Moria could speak again, the Mephistopheles altar in the bedroom had already answered Lin Chi's question: "I thought I was the only one who resurrected the walking corpse to accumulate strength, and now several other gods have also been resurrected. A large number of messengers, the God King who felt the threat, began to summon soldiers directly from The Underworld..."

"Is there such a large-scale summoning, is there such a thing as a magic circle?" Lin Chi asked.

"There is a gate leading to The Underworld in the center of Sodom City, Messenger Lord." Moriya said softly, "As long as the King of God gives an order, a large number of residents of The Underworld will come up."

"There is this kind of operation?" Lin Chi put down the curtains, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious.

It seems that this large-scale Devil invasion should be a forced plot event in this map. Players under other gods may have the power to contend. But he, who belonged to Mephistopheles, the weakest god, did not have the power to resist now.

However, following the balance of the game, the players assigned to the Mephistopheles camp should also get a solution, otherwise, this part of the players can only wait to die, and the game experience will definitely explode.

"What can you do?" Lin Chi looked back at the Mephistopheles altar in the bedroom.

"The other chess pieces under my hand have already taken refuge." Mephistopheles' voice was particularly low: "But you are my most valued subordinate, and you can survive..."

"How many other chess pieces are there?" Lin Chi went straight to the topic.

"The walking corpse, don't even think about it." Mephistopheles looked like "I would rather die than surrender": "Do you think I will put all the bets on you?"

——Even though I have seen Lin Chi’s power and gained a lot of benefits, Mephistopheles is still protecting other players under his command. Obviously he intends to "multi-line development" instead of relying on a subordinate to return to God. altar.

"All right."

Realizing that Mephistopheles could not fully trust himself, Lin Chi did not waste time on this topic, but changed the topic: "Can The Underworld soldiers detect the existence of the cursed?"

"The soldiers of The Underworld are blind, but the beholder can see the cursed." Mephistopheles continued his "background introduction": "However, I asked Moria to bring things."

While Mephistopheles spoke, Moria took out a U-shaped bone from the cloth bag hanging around her waist and placed it in Lin Chi's hands.

The bone is almost the thickness of a pinky finger, and the length is about five centimeters. It is hard to see what material it is. When Lin Chi took the withered yellow bone, the introduction of the item popped up in his sight:

Hidden Bone:

Special props and consumables.

Item level: Sophisticated.

The cursed person carrying the bone will not be observed by the low-level Devil, and the effect will disappear after six hours. When someone other than the cursed person is carrying the Bone of Concealment, this effect cannot take effect.

"It is said that the hidden bone comes from a certain part of the demon god's body. This kind of bone can make the cursed person disappear from the sight of the beholder and at the same time escape the pursuit of the soldiers of The Underworld."


After reading the article introduction, Lin Chi asked angrily: "Why don't you give me this kind of good stuff earlier?"

"Walking corpse, this bone was taken from me. Do you think it is very comfortable?" Mephistopheles retorted, "This is the treasure I gave you. Don't hurry up and kneel to pray to Master Mephistopheles. Blessing?"

"Come on..." Lin Chi smiled and put his bones into his own pocket.

With this thing, I can say that I am temporarily safe. Taking advantage of the opportunity of being unable to be observed by Devil outside, I can just go directly to find the shelter of the "hermit".

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also slowly opened the front door of the House of Sacrifice. He had just taken a step when a hot wind suddenly hit his face, engulfing his body with an indescribable stench:

A "brain" measuring three meters long and two meters high flew over the street, with a dark purple eyeball inlaid on the brain, which was turning continuously, observing the street below with its circular pupils.

The appearance of this beholder is very curious. In contrast, the appearance of the three The Underworld soldiers who walked down the street looks much more "normal": these have blue skin and have curved sharp corners. Devil, a humanoid with four arms, ignored Lin Chi's existence like a beholder. Holding a bone knife and a spear, he walked across the street in front of Lin Chi, leaving deep footprints on the road.

"What will happen if I attack them?" Lin Chi turned around and asked Molia.

"That, Mr. Courier... please don't treat The Underworld soldiers as fools." Mooriya covered her mouth to block the sulphur smell coming out of her face: "As long as you attack The Underworld soldiers, they will immediately discover your presence. ."

"Okay, I understand." Lin Chi nodded, waved to Moria, and smiled: "Then please take care of the house."

Closing the door of the House of Sacrifice, Lin Chi, who was carrying the skeleton of the Devil God, directly stepped onto the street full of Devil and walked towards the southwest of the map.

The sky was shrouded in dark yellow clouds, obscuring the originally bright moonlight and starlight. Countless soldiers and beholders of The Underworld wandered around in the city of Sodom, making this extremely evil city in the legendary record fall into a real nightmare.

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