War Paradise

Chapter 923

"The walking corpse, I said not to touch those things."

Half an hour later, Lin Chi, who had just returned to the House of Sacrifice, immediately heard Mephistopheles' proud voice: "Now you understand? Your god will not deceive you."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Lin Chi turned to look at the statue in the bedroom.

"My messenger, Mamen is an unbeliever in Sodom, and even lies to the gods." Moria, who was leaning against the wall, explained very intimately.

At this time, the Holy Maiden had changed back to a snow-white long skirt, which formed a sharp contrast with the messy and messy living room.

Hearing Devil's footsteps on the street, Lin Chi asked, "Does this happen often in Sodom? When will they go back?"

After escaping from Leviathan's territory, he spent a lot of time before he avoided the high rank Devil patrolling the street and returned to the sacrificial house.

Lin Chi could tell: Compared to when he went to Leviathan, there were obviously more high-rank Devils in the city on the way back. In addition to The Underworld Cavalry, various high-rank monsters such as the Succubus Queen, The Underworld Dog, Sheep Devil, Pig Head and Kobold have appeared.

The current situation in the city can no longer be solved by the bones of concealment alone. If it weren't for his strong ability to sneak, I'm afraid he would die on the road.

"It's not very common. Last time it was when the Holy Light Knights arrived in the city..." Mo Liya muttered softly, then opened her eyes wide, and looked at Lin Chi with expectant eyes:

"If it's the messenger, it should be possible to do it?"

"Huh?" Lin Chi narrowed his eyes and looked at Mo Liya.

"You can definitely investigate what happened outside, the messenger is so powerful..." An unabashed admiration hung on Molliya's white and clean face: "If it's you, it's absolutely fine!"

Looking at the other side's appearance as a little fan, Lin Chi hadn't spoken yet, but a task reminder suddenly appeared in his eyes:

Start mission: Sodom's nightmare.

Holy Maiden Moriya of the Mephisto sect, entrust you to investigate the cause of the mutation in the city.

Task reward: the power bestowed by Mephistopheles.

——Is this the initial task of recruiting Moria?

Realizing that he might have been given the opportunity to recruit this entourage, Lin Chi also nodded unambiguously: "It's okay to investigate this, but I need Mephistopheles' help."

With the current situation on the streets, relying on the hidden bones is a complete act of death. If you want to go back to the street, only with the help of Mephistopheles can you have a chance to avoid Devil's pursuit.

"The walking corpse, I know what you want to say..." Mephistopheles' voice sounded from the bedroom: "I am a deceitful demon. It is easy to create a disguise, but now..."

"I already know that you are weak, and there is no need to repeat it again. But should it be possible to disguise for a short time?" Lin Chi interrupted the other party's whispers.

"Master Mephistopheles, if we can investigate what happened in the city, this territory should not be occupied by soldiers sent by the King of God!" Moria also looked very excited, as if she couldn't wait. .

"Okay, I will give you strength..." Mephistopheles sighed: "Be careful, don't be discovered by the'observer'. If your disguise disappears, even Mephistopheles will not be able to save you."


ten minutes later……

Several blue-skinned soldiers of The Underworld, staring at decorative eyeballs without sight, strode across the street. Every step of their huge body made the road under their feet tremble.

The black-skinned two-headed demon, slightly shorter than the soldiers of The Underworld, passed by the soldiers of The Underworld. He lowered his head and made a weird whine in his mouth.

On top of this monster's muscular body, there are two fleshy heads with three eyes growing on each head. The big mouth is grinning all the way to the position below the ears. It looks like it was cut by a knife. Appalling.

The two-headed demon wore a tattered leather cloak, which seemed to be sewn with human skin. The two heads sharing the same body were talking non-stop at this time, mixing with the low-level Devil on the street, and walking towards the central area of ​​Sodom City.



The language used by the two-headed monster is not only unrecognizable by humans, but even by the Devils on the street. But even so, the Devils were not surprised. After all, even the residents of The Underworld would have different languages ​​in different regions, and it would be normal for them to be incomprehensible.

However, other Devils obviously did not realize that the language used by the two-headed demon actually did not come from The Underworld, but a language created by the demon god Mephistopheles.

In fact, if these Devils could understand what the two-headed demon was saying, they would definitely chop the two-headed devil into meat sauce immediately:

"Are we...really okay, Messenger-sir?"

"It's okay, they didn't see it."

"I mean... it's really wrong to be a messenger..."

"Can you stop using this kind of misunderstanding statement?"

——The body of this two-headed demon was controlled by Lin Chi and Molia. Under the disguise created by Mephistopheles, the two bodies were fixed in the body of the two-headed demon. Manipulate this huge body together through consciousness.

Although both of them can control the body of the two-headed monster, Mooriya, who is very self-aware of own power, has basically given up control of the two-headed monster's body at this time, and delegates all the work of movement to Lin Chi. Just manipulating the head of own to look around, curiously looking at Devil on the street.

"Are you interested?" Lin Chi asked.

"It is truly an honor for me to be able to come into contact with soldiers from the God Realm in this way, aren't you happy, Lord Messenger?" Moria's voice was extremely excited.

"God Realm... forget it, just be happy." Lin Chi smiled.

These scary Devils on the street, in the eyes of ordinary people, absolutely have nothing to do with the gods. But for the residents of Sodom City, these monsters are indeed soldiers who arrived from the "God Realm."

The disguise created by Mephistopheles with his old life is indeed much more reliable than the Hidden Bone. Lin Chi controlled the two-headed demon's body to stride forward, through the sulfur smoke floating on the street, and walked towards the king. Territory.

The muscles of the double-headed demon continued to change shape with the movements of the legs, and the two heads continued to chat without a word, coal-like black skin, blending into the shadow of the night.

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