War Paradise

Chapter 930

"My messenger, this is the smell of Devil hunters..."

Mooliya sucked her nose and looked towards the end of the street with her brows furrowed, as if she felt something, her body shuddered involuntarily.

"Shall we go quickly?" she urged.

"No, I am very interested in these Devil hunters." Lin Chi rubbed his hands.

Now the Devil in the city are all hunting for Devil hunters. If it is true that there are many Devil hunters nearby, as Moria said, if you dispose of those guys now, your own power will get further Ascension.

"But Devil hunters are too dangerous!" Mooriya said worriedly, "You can't deal with them with your strength alone, Messenger-sir!"

"Do they like to move in groups?" Lin Chi looked at a quiet street.

"Yes, they are also a kind of cultist. Those red windbreakers and long swords are standard equipment issued by the cult organization. They are like a disgusting plague." At this point, Moria clenched her fists, like some A scared look.

—— The terrifying appearance of the Devil hunter makes everyone in the city feel terrified, and the powerful power of those guys can even slaughter the mode in the city. However, if they all underestimate the enemy like the idiot just now, they still have a chance to fight.

Thinking of this, Lin Chiyu asked Moria earnestly: "Can you go back by yourself?"

"I... probably. But what about you?" Molliya was still a little worried.

"I'm fine." Lin Chi smiled.

"Well, then, good luck, Sir Courier..."

Realizing that she couldn't change Lin Chi's choice, Moria nodded, turned and walked along the street, and slipped towards Mephistopheles' territory.

The Devil on the street here has been eliminated, and it has relieved a lot of pressure for Moria. She, who is not the cursed person, is actually not within Devil’s hunting range. As long as she reaches the territory of Mephistopheles, this name Holy Maiden can hide whereabouts immediately.

At this time, Lin Chi's actions had just begun.

With the blessing of the ancient gods, he doesn't have to worry about being discovered by the low-level Devil at this time. Lin Chi's target was not Devil, but Devil hunters on this street.

The Devil here has been slaughtered, and the sulfur smoke covering the sky has long since dissipated. The dim moonlight casts on the street, creating a long afterimage.

Lin Chi hid in the shadows on the street, sneaking cautiously, looking for the traces of Devil hunters. When he passed the corner of this street, he immediately saw a red light.

Two men wearing long windbreakers and carrying epees are patrolling the streets looking for traces of other Devils. In addition to these two people, several blurred figures also appeared on the road far away.

Just as Moria said, the Devil hunters here basically act in small groups, and the hapless lone ranger just now is nothing more than an outlier.

Seeing the corpses of The Underworld soldiers lying down on the street, Lin Chi finally understood why the street was empty just now: there were at least five enemies here. If he directly rushed out to face these Devil hunters, he would only end up tragically.

Due to the large number of players here, Lin Chi did not dare to act rashly for a while, but continued to observe the conditions on the street, looking for a chance to do it.

After a short while, the Devil hunters who had just slaughtered a large number of low-level Devils finally encountered real powerful enemies.


Accompanied by the sound of heavy horse hooves, a wall on the west side of the street was knocked into flight. Five "knights" riding on skeletal horses, wearing scarlet armor and holding burning epees, rushed into the street.

Lin Chi once met the cavalrymen of The Underworld, swinging the epee that was igniting green flames, the skeletal warhorse under him raised the scorched skull, and a strange green light suddenly lit up in his eye sockets.

When the five celebrity cavalry rushed out, the flames on them immediately caused the temperature of the entire block to rise a lot, and the dangerous red text bounced out and appeared in the sight of the player who remained here:

The Underworld Cavalry, hero-level NPC (leader-level), cannot be recruited.

-Will they retreat, or are they planning to fight?

Under Lin Chi's gaze, the Devil hunters on the street did not retreat, but raised their long swords and greeted the attacking The Underworld cavalry!

"Are these idiots crazy..." Lin Chi mumbled.


The loud noise of the collision of the blades reverberated in the street, and the blazing fire dissipated the nearby darkness. The crimson armor on the cavalry of The Underworld seemed to be burning, and the heavy attack made Devil hunters completely unable to cope.

A Devil hunter wearing a red coat was hit and flew directly when he was fighting with The Underworld Cavalry Regiment. Before he could stand up, The Underworld cavalry's skeletal warhorse had already lifted its front hooves burning with green fire and stepped heavily on it!

With a scream, data fragments scattered all over the sky. What followed was an icy Death prompt:

The player "Adver" has died.

Seeing that they were not the opponents of The Underworld cavalry, the Devil hunters dispersed, trying to lure the cavalry to disperse. But the boss-level monsters will naturally not be fooled by this trick, but continue to charge in groups on the street and attack the remaining Devil hunters.

Just as Lin Chi had expected, the remaining seven Devil Hunters on this street were not the opponents of the five leader-level NPCs at all. Within a minute, another Devil hunter died under the epee of The Underworld Cavalry.

However, Lin Chi knew very well that the seemingly disorderly actions of these Devil hunters must be for another purpose:

"Is this group of idiots dragging time?"

Lin Chi looked at the cooling time of his own skill, the slow Sword Technique of the Dark Sword still had twelve minutes to activate again. Although he wanted to rush in directly and launch a surprise attack from behind the Devil Hunter, but without this "main skill", he could not step into the battlefield for a while.

The Underworld Cavalry's combat effectiveness is extremely powerful, and rash action is undoubtedly an act of death. When the two sides are defeated and both sides are injured, it is the right time to appear. and……

——What are these Devil hunters waiting for?

When Lin Chi was speculating, another change occurred on the battlefield.

Two figures in white robes suddenly entered, as if teleporting to the battlefield, even Lin Chi couldn't see where they came from.

The weapons in the hands of the two were completely inconsistent with their sizes. They were broad-bladed giant swords nearly two meters long, with rusty edges on the blades, and they looked very old.

When these two appeared on the stage, as if they were guarding against them, the pace of The Underworld cavalry suddenly slowed down. Lin Chi stared at the backs of the two white-robed men for a few seconds, and the dark red text lit up from them:

The magic sword cult is a practitioner. Hero-level NPC (leader-level), cannot be recruited.

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