War Paradise

Chapter 935 Halloween Extraordinary Evil Night and Fierce Spirit -4

——In this game, the "chairman" was also judged to be the dead?

Looking at a few young people in casual clothes, Lin Chi couldn't communicate with them even if he wanted to ask questions. You can only stay behind them with the scientists and continue to "watch on" these people's picnics.

Generally speaking, no one chooses to have a picnic at a well in the middle of the night. These young people obviously have some reason to come here. As for what the reason is, just look at the photos in the frame to understand:

"Linzi, brothers are coming to you for a drink again..."

The man with the flat head held up the can to the photo frame, and took a swig of Harbin beer with his head up, not only because of alcohol but also because of his emotions, his eyes suddenly became red:

"We all did well in this exam, and you don't need any further guidance."

"Are these people nearby students?" Lin Chi commented.

"College student in the medical school." The scientist said eloquently.

"How do you know?" Lin Chi turned to look at the pale Onee-san beside him.

"It's written on the car." The scientist pointed to the body of the van.

The five inconspicuous small characters-"North City Medical College", were printed under the white car body, and were not illuminated by light. If it hadn't been for the scientist to discover this line of words, Lin Chi would never have noticed such details.

"Wait a minute, this name is a bit familiar..." Lin Chi frowned slightly.

——In the city where he currently lives, there is also a university called Beicheng Medical College. Of course, there are no old-fashioned vans in the North City Medical College in the real world. But the era in this game, obviously not 2035, looks like sometime in the beginning of the 21st century.

Is it a coincidence?

Under the gaze of the two, the young people around the well head toasted to the photo frame leaning against the well head, and then they started to eat and chat, talking about playing at school and making up girls and other boring content. , It doesn’t sound like it will bring any help to the development of the game plot.

"Shall we go?" Lin Chi winked at the scientist.

"Do you want to scare them?" The scientist smiled with his mouth bent.

"When did you become so cheerful? It doesn't fit your personality." Lin Chi teased.

Unlike the girl who had always maintained a high cold state before, the scientist in the game seemed to have changed individuals. However, the reason why she chose to do this naturally has her reasons:

"I've played a game before, and I played ghosts. As long as they intimidate ordinary people and make them feel fear, ghosts can gain power." Long-haired Onee-san said Own inferred: "Maybe the same is true for this game?"

"This is too old-fashioned. Will there be a market for making such a thing?" Lin Chi doubted the scientists' opinions: "In addition, what should we do to scare them?"

The two of them cannot be observed by the students who are on a picnic, and they cannot have any impact on the surrounding environment. With this state of "transparent people", even if you want to intimidate these people, you can't do it at all.

Lin Chi tried to stretch out his right hand to one of the boys with messy hair. As he approached the opponent, he suddenly became very weak. The right hand that should have fallen on the opponent's shoulder also fell weakly.

Perhaps it was because of something like Yang Qi, the young and energetic students seemed to have their own "barrier" to isolate the ghosts, making Lin Chi unable to get close at all. And even if they can get close, they will only be regarded as air by these young people.


The scientist stepped forward slowly and tried to touch a boy's head. As a result, the translucent arm passed directly through the opponent's body, and his body almost fell to the ground.

"Neither can I." She shook her head depressed. Then, as if suddenly thinking of something, the godless eyes lit up again:

"Maybe there is a way."

"What way?" Lin Chi looked at the "transparent man" beside him.

"In the game I played before, the ghost can't be seen by people normally, but it can materialize a part of its body in a short time, and then it can be scary." The scientist cast a questioning look at Lin Chi: "You Do you want to give it a try?"

"You are really obsessed with scary people..." Lin Chi sighed long, closed his eyes and started to try the scientist's proposal.

In the ghost witnessing cases he has read before, there have indeed been examples such as "faces appearing on the wall" or "halflings drifting across the house".

If this woman is right, she may be able to make part of her body appear in the sight of young people. Although it may not be successful, it is better to give it a try.

Lin Chi closed his eyes and tried to call out the menu and skill bar, but the game "The Evil Night" seemed to be still in the development stage and did not provide these things. However, he still felt his own body and began to undergo subtle changes.

The original cold body temperature seemed to have slowly increased, and warm "blood" began to flow in his body, making him feel a bit of temperature.

——Is this the ability to control the physical appearance?

Feeling something flowing in his body, Lin Chi slowly opened his eyes, trying to bring the temperature to his face. The scientist standing aside put his arms around his chest and cheered him in a low voice:

"Quickly, hard, coming out soon."

"Don't say anything like I am going to have a baby..." Lin Chi said angrily.

As soon as he said this, the five people around the white cloth turned their heads at the same time, cast their eyes to his position, and asked loudly, "Who is there?"

Although they hadn't seen Lin Chi's figure yet, they should have heard the voice just now. Lin Chi saw that the two people close to this side had stood up and walked towards where they were.

"It's not that Huilinzi really came..." A boy shrank his head into his collar with a little horror.

"Bullshit, that voice doesn't sound like him." The flat-headed man who was the first toast just now screamed, but his slightly trembling arms still exposed the fact that he was also afraid.

"Alright, almost..."

Amidst the encouragement of the scientist, Lin Chi gathered the "power" flowing in his body on own.

The two young men who were walking by were frozen in place as if they were electrocuted. Staring at Lin Chi's face with wide eyes, there was a vague voice in his mouth:


——The scene they saw was probably a picture of a human head suddenly appeared in the air. Realizing this, Lin Chi raised the corner of his mouth with a kind smile, gritted his teeth and said, "How are you guys?"


"My grass!"


The miserable howling sound persisted over the winding road for a long time. A few young people rushed into the van, and only had time to take the photo frame, then dropped the food and drink and emergency lights on the side of the road, and drove away at the fastest speed. NS.

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