War Paradise

Chapter 950 Vengeance Angel

The two men who fought fiercely on the dilapidated street froze in place. The hands holding the weapon also stopped moving.

As Bone Saw made a proposal that sounded very attractive, Lin Chi did not continue pursuing him. He just stood on the devastated street and stared at the Bone Saw, which showed facial muscles.

Faced with such a weird enemy, he naturally would not completely trust the other party. Moreover, if it continues to drag on, the situation may not be detrimental to oneself.


Lin Chi squinted his eyes, focused his gaze on a place behind the bone saw, and then slowly retreated a step, and said in a deep voice, "Then how about we let it go?"

Bone Saw's eyes were bent, and while nodding his head, the red muscle exposed in his chin twitched slightly. Although it was not very eye-catching, Lin Chi noticed it.

The blood god summoned a roaring gale, swept across the street, the scarlet clouds in the air began to twist, the clothes of the two of them fluttered in the wind, and they kept hunting.

Bone Saw's eyes were like poisonous snakes, staring at Lin Chi's body.

Under the gaze of the other party, Lin Chi backed slowly, and the right foot that was stepping backward suddenly stepped on something like a glass bottle.


With a crisp sound, Lin Chi's body was instantly swallowed by the burst of purple smoke, and his visibility instantly returned to zero. The smoke bomb that the bone saw threw before finally came in handy at this moment.

The current situation is just as expected by the bone saw!


The humanoid monster in the cloak laughed wildly and rushed forward to the cloud of mist.

——Even the champions of the Invitational Tournament need a little reaction time when facing emergencies.

In this level of battle, being blind for a short period of time is tantamount to winning!

After rushing out 20 meters in 0.5 seconds, the bone saw rushed directly into the cloud of smoke, the long scimitar gripped in his right hand shook suddenly, and three extremely dangerous arcs of light swept out in an instant.

Then, the scimitar's light suddenly disappeared. The bone saw's body also stiffened suddenly and stopped directly in place.

"Uh... ah ah ah ah!"

The bone saw, whose body was out of control, howled, but the sound was not because of pain, but out of total regret.

He lowered his head and saw a slender blade piercing through Own's chest, and the wild power erupting from behind directly picked Own's body up!

"The cursed... Are you trying to contend with Yazlar?"

A female voice without any emotion sounded behind the bone saw. The female angel in dark armor raised the double-edged cross in her hand. The body nailed by the blade was hung on the blade like a barbecue.

"You have made a mistake." Lin Chi strode out of the smoke, a smile appeared on his pale face.

It was precisely because of seeing the abnormal movement on the street behind the bone saw that Lin Chi deliberately stepped on the trap left by the bone saw and attracted the bone saw to attack him. In fact, if it wasn't because the bone saw was too excited when attacking, he ignored his back. In the case of, this player should be able to perceive that the squally wind coming from behind was not all created by the "Blood God".

Yazlar, whose clone was wiped out, had gathered his remaining strength at this time and came to avenge the bone saw. Only then did the bone saw finally realize that he had chosen the wrong target to attack:

Even if he was sent under the fence and became the "running dog" of the god king, Yazlar was still the god of Sodom, and he couldn't compete with the cursed person alone!

The bone saw howled and wanted to break free from the shackles of Yazlar, the blade of the scimitar blasted a silver-white arc back, leaving a slender knife mark on the ground. Yazlar's body suddenly disappeared, appeared in front of the bone saw, and cut his neck with a single cut.

The bone saw in a different place on the head, his head and body fell on the ground at the same time, his eyes blinked, and then he was cut in half by Yazlar with a cross-shaped knife. The body was twisting like a worm. Finally stopped.

"Stupid cursed person."

Yazlar snorted, and withdrew his looted soul from the bone saw. His blue eyes blinked without blinking, staring at Lin Chi's face, and there was a slight sense of distrust in his voice:

"Still not leaving here? The cursed."

"I'm here to pick up waste." Lin Chi pointed to the body of "Bone Saw".

Yazlar clearly knew that Lin Chi was actually helping herself to attract Bonesaw’s attention, but when she saw Lin Chi’s face, she still thought of something, turned around and disappeared at the end of the street, leaving only The next cold sentence:

"Remember, don't come to the territory of the King of Gods, you won't be so lucky next time."

The icy wind swept across the street, and Yazlar's figure disappeared completely. Seeing that the "god" had left, Lin Chi stretched his right hand to the corpse of the bone saw. The corpse rose up and was sucked into his palm.

Bafengte Soul (large).


Item level: Sophisticated.

The cursed person who is empowered by Baphomet will carry this spirit and bring it to the altar of the gods, which can be used in exchange for props or temporary abilities.

"Sometimes the gods of Sodom will give power to sacrifices, making them horrible living corpses. Those transformed living corpses carry part of the soul of the gods."

——In other words, is Bafengt also a "god" in Sodom City.

Baphomet is the sheep-head Devil in Christian records. It is said that this Devil has the head of an antelope, a human body, a deer-like lower body, the feet of a goat, and the tail of a poisonous scorpion. .

Lin Chi didn't know much about Devil's ancient book records. However, these "gods" in Sodom did not completely follow the records in the real world. Even if you don't know the background information, it doesn't really matter.

After being extracted from the soul, the bone saw's body dissipated into the air in fragments, and the Death prompt was also bounced out in a timely manner.

Since the kill just now was done by Yazlar, the bone saw was judged to have died in the hands of the NPC. Lin Chi, whose head count had already met the requirements of the "murder demon", didn't care much about the ownership of the kill, just staring at the location where the bone saw corpse disappeared.

A purple light lit up.

"Well, it's almost..."

Lin Chi bent down with satisfaction and picked up the epic equipment dropped by the bone saw. The long scimitar that the player just used appeared in his hand. Regrettably, the blade of this knife made a raid in Yazlar. The middle was broken, and only half of it remained.

Lin Chi clenched the handle of the knife wrapped in white cloth and looked at the scimitar in his hand. The upper half of the knife is nowhere. It may be that he returned to that guy's backpack with the "Bone Saw" exiting the field. NS.

Then, the item introduction appeared before his eyes:

"Shadow Blade" (damaged).


Item level: Epic.

Melee weapons, use no proficiency, require minimum strength value: 19, require minimum agility value: 20.

Because the weapon has been damaged, the skill is temporarily unavailable. The skills and real name of the weapon will be displayed after the repair is completed.

"The background story of this weapon is temporarily missing, because you can't tell its real name. Only when it is repaired can the real power be liberated."

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