War Paradise

Chapter 952 The Way of Evil Believers

A series of kill prompts appeared in the sight of the surviving players. The players who were still fighting, realized that the situation was not good, and began to flee from the airspace near the undead zone.

Although the kill prompt is nothing strange, if nine players die within 30 seconds, and they all die by the same person, anyone will find that things are not simple.

What's more, the players who have watched the invitational game know exactly what that name means...

The bone wings behind his back kept flapping, making Lin Chi's body stay in the sky. He turned his head and looked around. Seeing that the other players who were still here had escaped, he sighed:

"Don't even have a backbone?"

However, since everyone else has run away, I can just focus on the "Blood God" who is raging in the undead zone.

Even if it looks extremely powerful, any BOSS will have weaknesses. Since the "Blood God" is set as the world BOSS, this fallen guardian who has defeated The Underworld several waves of attacks will definitely have weaknesses.

As long as the weakness of the blood god can be found, there is a possibility of defeating this BOSS. From the previous situation, the frontal attack is obviously doing useless work. The weakness of the guy should be outside the body, for example...

Lin Chi lowered his head and cast his gaze on the undead area covered by blood.

The gods of Sodom used those pickets to seal the blood god underground, and at the beginning of the battle, the Devils also tried to nail the pickets to the streets of the undead zone.

The "main body" or weak spot of the blood god should be hidden underground in the undead zone, but the blood tide covering the entire area prevented the Devil from nailing down the picket.

If you can find a way to attract the blood god’s attention, and then nail down the stakes below, you may be able to stop the blood god’s actions - of course the Devils also thought of this, but it’s a pity that the brutal blood god didn’t leave it to them. Any opportunity.

Several lion-headed beasts with piles on their backs were close to the undead zone flooded by plasma under the cover of The Underworld soldiers. The brown fur-wrapped feet had not been able to set foot on the bloody street, but the ground under their feet suddenly trembled.

The super-long bone pierced out of the soil. The lion-headed beast didn’t even have time to react. Its body had been pierced into a "human stick". It was pierced in from a certain part, and then the picket that came out of its mouth looked like It has the style of the "piercing man" in ancient Romania.

After the lionhead was killed, the soldiers of The Underworld turned around and were about to evacuate, suddenly a huge bone claw stretched out from the blood pool, strangling the body of one of the soldiers of The Underworld, and dragging the Devil into the blood. In the pool!

The strong Devil with blue skin, leaving only a few bubbles, disappeared completely in the blood pool and disappeared completely.

Witnessing this scene, Lin Chi vetoed the plan to "secretly go down to piling" in his heart: Unless someone can hold the blood god and let the blood god have no time to take care of the streets below, the piling plan can be successful.

But having said that, there is another way to effectively weaken the power of the blood god. And this method, only Lin Chi can do it...

Lin Chi swooped down from the sky and flew towards a dark area on the ground. Just approaching that side, Yazlar, standing in the clearing, suddenly turned his head, the cross-shaped double-edged blade in his hand pointed directly at Lin Chi's head. .

"Don't do it, your own person!" Lin Chi shouted, declaring his own identity.

"The cursed... don't bother me." Yazlar was not interested in chatting at all, but frowned and looked up at the blood mist above Sodom.

She was sent by the god king to solve the problem, not only failed to seal the blood god, but also lost several clones in the battle with the blood god. Although Yazlar was very upset, there was no good solution.

——As a "mercenary" under the command of the god king, Yazlar's power was originally weaker than the other gods in the city. If she fails to complete the task assigned by the God King, what awaits her in The Underworld will only be cruel torture.

Being troubled by internal and external troubles, she naturally didn't have time to pay attention to the cursed person, but Lin Chi's next sentence was exactly what was on her mind:

"I can weaken the power of the blood god."

Yazlar glanced back at Lin Chi and made no secret of own disdain: "I know you are Mephistopheles' subordinates, don't be kidding, even his godly supporter is not enough to fight against the blood god."

"Do you know where to find the blood god's altar?" Lin Chi continued to ask questions.

No matter how powerful the blood god is, as long as the altar fragments can be offered to the sealed god outside the city, the blood god's power will be greatly weakened immediately.

The problem now is that the city of Sodom is blocked, and Lin Chi cannot leave the city, but if he can get the help of Yazlar, this "angel" should be able to get the permission to leave the city temporarily from the king of gods. , Let yourself dedicate the fragments of the altar to the ancient gods outside the city!

Seeing that Lin Chi seemed to be serious, Yazlar, who was in desperate illness, left a clone to stay with Lin Chi, and asked angrily: "What are you looking for the altar for?"

"As long as I get the fragments of his altar, I can weaken the power of the blood god." Lin Chi said vaguely, and added meaningfully: "You know what I mean."


The avatar of Yazlar was about to say something, but suddenly the conversation changed: "Do you want to make an ancient sacrifice?"

"That's what I meant." Lin Chi nodded.

The gods of Sodom City would certainly not be ignorant of the ancient god outside the city. It sounds like the "ancient sacrifice" in Yazlar's mouth should be his act of offering altar fragments in the territory of the ancient gods.

Since that guy also knew the effects of the ancient sacrifices, she might also assist in this operation. Of course, this god might also make the opposite judgment--

Lin Chi was trying to speculate on the opponent's actions, but saw that Yazlar's clone trembled suddenly, and the cross-blade in his hand suddenly became larger, and the sharp blade brought out the howling wind, and slashed towards him!

Before the blade arrived, the "touch" had been activated, taking Lin Chi's body to escape from Yazlar's attack range at five times the speed. But Yazlar obviously didn't let his intentions go. The clone chased after him decisively, turning into a cold and merciless voice again, creating a long echo in Lin Chi's ear:

"Ancient sacrifice is an act forbidden by gods, cultists!"

However, even though Yazlar's attitude was very firm, Lin Chi still tried to persuade the other party:

"To fight against the blood god, this is the only way."

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