War Paradise

Chapter 955 Devil

In the enclosed fighting space, the foul smell spread.

From the wriggling sea of ​​cockroaches, Bafeng crawled out again, and the trident brought out a tyrannical whirlwind and swept towards Lin Chi.

"This guy is really resistant..." Lin Chi complained.

As a weak Devil who was seriously injured and lingering, Baphomet’s attack power is actually not strong, and his fighting method is also unusually single. Compared with the blood god who stays above Sodom and reveals an invincible breath, he is not on the same level. .

Bafengt's attack speed is very fast, but the only way to attack is the physical attack of the trident and the whirlwind summoned. With the five times the speed that comes with the Dark Sword, hiding is fairly easy.

As long as you are familiar with the attack mode of this Devil, the next step is basically the time to kill. The problem now is that the opponent's infinite resurrection ability is really too troublesome.

Within three minutes, Lin Chi had already killed Bafengt nearly ten times, but after each death, the sheep's head Devil would crawl out of the worm again and recover unharmed, and fight Lin Chi again. .

No matter where he launched a fatal attack, he couldn't kill Baphomet. As time went on, Lin Chi's endurance also declined. If he drags it any longer, he will only end up being killed by Baphomet.

However, after previous attempts, Lin Chi probably understood the principle of Baphomet’s resurrection:

The "body" of this Devil, or the source of power, should be hidden in the worms in the square. The problem is that with his current equipment and skills, it is impossible to destroy the giant aggregate composed of rats and cockroaches.

The weapons of mass destruction he carries are basically equipment that can only be used in modern and future maps. The only ancient equipment that can cause large-scale damage is probably the Celestial Sword that absorbs lightning. There would be no lightning to absorb, let alone release it.

"Trouble now..."

Avoiding the trident stabbed by Bafengte who was resurrected for the eleventh time, Lin Chi groaned secretly in his heart. Even the walking corpse body with super high attribute value is almost unable to stand up at five times the speed.

"I will, recapture, strength!"

Bafengt howled and lifted the trident, and black smoke spewed out, covering the entire battlefield of the BOSS battle in a flash. Lin Chi was completely covered by darkness, and in a short time he lost his sense of direction, as if he was in a dark void. , Looked awkwardly at the boundless darkness ahead.

——Is this the second stage of the BOSS battle? After 10 deaths, Baphomet is finally going to show his true strength?

Realizing that the battle mode had changed, Lin Chi was not nervous, but he was relieved: As long as he can reach the "turning stage", he will undoubtedly have the hope of winning. If he maintains the battle just now, it will be the most exciting. Desperate.

A gleam of light lit up in the darkness, and a group of burning flames reflected the slate in the clearing.

Lin Chi lowered his head and found that he was wrapped in a black robe, standing outside the square, and a group of people were watching something.

He cast his gaze to the center of the square, and then witnessed something that seemed to be familiar:In front of the stake in the center of the city, the judge in a white robe with a white pointed hat on his head, with only two eyes exposed, looked at the leader of the Knights with a resentful expression: "Jacques, Grand Commander of the Knights Templar • De Molay, was fired on charges of heresy. Do you have any last words?"

Morley, whose arms were twisted by the two executioners, showed a distorted smile on his face: "I want to know why the emperor wanted to destroy the Templars, is it because of our wealth? The wealth of the Templars is now embezzled by him. Got it."

"Shut up!" The judge stepped forward and punched Morley in the face.

Morley took a sip of blood on his white robe, and the corners of the bleeding mouth still smiled: "Philip IV and the Pope, you will face trial within a year. Repent in the deepest part of The Underworld forever."

"Dare to curse the Pope, you really are a heresy." The judge ordered: "Tie him to the stake!"

Morley laughed wildly: "Curse? Hahaha! This is not a curse, but a prophecy."

The silent crowd witnessed the firewood piled up under the scaffolding start to burn, and the hot flame engulfed the body of the leader of the Knights Templar, but the man's laughter continued to echo.

"Is this..."

Seeing the scene of the torture and recalling the name before, Lin Chi suddenly thought of the ancient story he had read:

In the Middle Ages, the Knights Templar of the French Catholic Church was a very powerful crusader force. Because of their strong fighting capacity and wealth of the enemy, they were jealous by kings and bishops, and incurred them. Their demise.

Under the secret order of the French King Philip IV at the time,

On Friday, October 13, 1307, without any warning, almost all members of the Knights Templar in France were arrested and restricted from using any property.

The large-scale search continued, and the entire Knights Templar was almost completely destroyed. These warriors who had contributed everything to the church were accused of various "blasphemy" charges, and were inexplicably sent to the torture frame. . And the leader of the Knights Templar: Jacques de Molay, also ushered in Death on the stake.

Before the execution, the leader cursed the pope and the king, saying that they would face trial. Later, just as Morlay "predicted", Pope Clement V died of a sudden illness a month later, and Philip IV also He was assassinated while hunting.

As for what Baphomet has to do with this matter-

"When the Templars were framed, they were believed to believe in Devil Baphomet." Lin Chi whispered.

"My believers died in this way, just like them." A voice sounded from the flames.

The illusion of execution in front of him turned into a sea of ​​flames. Devil the sheep head strode out of the flames, holding the trident that can summon the whirlwind in his hands, two yellow lights lit up in his eyes, and he strode towards Lin Chi, with sheep’s hoof stepping. There was a crisp sound on the stone slab.

This time, Baphomet’s voice didn’t stammer anymore, it sounded like it was very magnetic. Unlike Devil who was seriously injured in the first stage and was still fighting, Baphomet seems to have returned this time. The heyday before the crusade.

"Hello, the cursed."

Bafeng said to Lin Chi with "heavy bass surround sound": "Welcome to my battlefield."

"Are you planning to fight me seriously?" Lin Chi smiled.

"This is the last battle." Baphomet lowered his head, and on his goat-like face, there was no expression: "Come on, the cursed, don't let this battlefield be ashamed."

Seeing this Devil's "flourishing" appearance, as if he had been instilled with a new plot, Lin Chi immediately understood what was going on with those cockroaches and mice:

This crazy power-seeking sheephead Devil was conquered by other Devils in the city. The believers were all executed and his own body was also destroyed. But at the last moment before his death, Bafeng transferred part of his own power to the underground. Taking cockroaches and mice hidden in the sewers as carriers, they have a chance to survive.

One can imagine what kind of humiliation this militant Devil has experienced underground. The cockroaches and mice it summoned just now are actually its true "body".

But now... this humiliating battle is coming to an end.

Baphomet will use his last strength to return to his heyday form-even if this form cannot be maintained for too long, Devil Sheep Head only wants to have a real duel with Lin Chilai!


Sheep head Devil screamed back to the sky, the lines of his chest and abdominal muscles were particularly conspicuous. Baphomet, who had been lingering and panting, finally used his own true power and launched the final battle with his chosen opponent!


The first blow of the Trident landed on the ground in front of Lin Chi. The huge rock turned into dust in a flash, and the irresistible shock wave blew Lin Chi's body three meters away. Taking this opportunity, from the "bystander" state Lin Chi, who had changed back to his original appearance, had already spread his wings and flew, the blade of the Dark Sword pointed directly at Bafengt's head.

If it were in the first phase of the battle, Baphomet could not resist the attack at this speed, and he would definitely be killed by a direct headshot. But this time, Baphomet did not even step back. His right hand flashed, and he was originally on the ground. The trident brought out a dark afterimage, and instantly appeared in front of Lin Chi.


A dangerous signal erupted from Lin Chi's consciousness, and his body flashed to the left at the limit speed, and his wrist was still cut by the "air knife" surrounding the trident. Fortunately, the wound was not too deep and did not hinder the fight.

——Is this the true strength of "God"?

Realizing that Devil’s power is higher than before, Lin Chi shook his head, which was beginning to ache, and once again entered the "limit state", used his own limit power, and went crazy with Bafengt. The decisive battle.

Although the "limit state" of the original equipment is strong, the side effect is that it will cause headaches if used too much. This is also the reason why the body that should not feel pain in the walking corpse starts to get headaches. However, in order to solve this difficult boss, Lin Chi can't take care of that much now.

"Sorry, I also have a reason to win." Lin Chi smiled.

Seeing Lin Chi back into the sky, a black light lit up behind Bafengt, and the dark wings suddenly broke out, and a large number of rotten feathers fell on the ground one after another.

Ba Fengte, who could only fight on the ground, rose directly into the sky with a huge body, as if a fanatical flame spurted out of his eyes, rushing towards Lin Chi!


When the weapons were connected, the brutal impact shook Lin Chi's body, Bafeng's power was almost unstoppable, and Lin Chi could only passively block and dodge, and it seemed that he had no chance of winning. but……

Sheep's head Devil's body is decomposing at a speed visible to the naked eye.In the course of the confrontation with the opponent, Lin Chi had already noticed the abnormal change on Bafengt's body: its fur began to fall off, revealing the scarred red muscles underneath. And the muscles are also withering, and the outline of the bones can even be seen in the legs.

Sheep's head Devil's last strength cannot be sustained for too long. Lin Chi knew that as long as he continued to dodge and didn't confront Baphomet head-on, this Devil would die soon, and he would win the BOSS battle without any suspense.

However, Lin Chi did not intend to do this.

Facing the trident waved, he did not retreat this time. Instead, he jumped upwards. He made a 180-degree turn in the air, avoiding the sharp edge of the trident with a "carp hitting" motion. The Dark Sword slashed towards Bafengt's neck protected by the mane!

Baphomet’s reaction speed was surprisingly fast, his body dodged straight down, but he was still cut off a horn on the left by the Dark Sword. On the rotting sheep’s head, those turbid yellow eyes were bent, as if showing. Gave an approving smile.


The Trident summoned a wild hurricane, which was more than twice the size of the tornado in the first stage, and swept towards Lin Chi at an extremely fast speed. The invisible wind knife cuts the air, making a rustling sound.

Even though his body began to decay, Bafengte's power did not seem to have declined, but he became more brave as he fought. He seized Lin Chi's opportunity to avoid the violent wind and swooped in his direction!

Devil's huge body passed through the howling gale, and the rotting flesh and blood peeled off at a faster speed, revealing the dense white bones and strange-looking internal organs. In the center of the empty chest, surrounded by two pairs of ribs, a red ball was beating wildly, obviously the heart was right.

"I am Baphomet, the demon king of Sodom!"

Sheephead Devil screamed frantically, and the trident directly pierced Lin Chi's body. This strike sank vigorously. The speed was so fast that even Lin Chi, who was in the limit state, could not dodge!


Seeing the trident's rapid expansion in his field of vision, Lin Chi raised the Dark Sword at the last moment before being hit, and used the invisible blade of the Dark Sword to block Bafeng's crazy attack.


With a crisp sound, the trident touched the Dark Sword. But the picture of Lin Chi's being knocked into the air did not appear. The opponent's seemingly fast attack seemed to have suddenly declined, but the power at the time of the hit was exceptionally "soft", and it could not even shake Lin Chi's body. Cents.

"I won."

He had lost all his fur, only the boneless sheep head, Devil, stared at Lin Chi with the round yellow eyeballs in his eye sockets. He let out a sigh of satisfaction, and his body fell downward, falling into the bloody one. On the earth.

In the last battle in his life, this Devil finally won—if his strength did not decline, Lin Chi, who suffered from this strike, would definitely be bombarded with bones!

Watching Devil's bones turn into white smoke and dissipate in the air, Lin Chi, who was still in mid-air, smiled, put away the dark sword, and whispered:

"Goodbye, I had a great time playing, buddy."

The next thing that appeared in front of you was the usual game prompt:

The BOSS battle "Bafengte" has been completed, which took 6 minutes and 42 seconds.

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