War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1619 It's him!


"Sect Master Ye Feng, there must be a reason why you suddenly mentioned the 'Monument of Sealing Demons'?"

Qian Wang looked at Ye Feng and asked with burning eyes.

The Demon Sealing Tablet, one of the ten super sacred artifacts on the "Top Ten Sacred Artifacts List", who wouldn't want to get it?

Now, when Ye Feng mentioned the Monument of Sealing Demons, the first thought that popped into his mind was that Ye Feng knew the whereabouts of the Monument of Sealing Demons.

In fact, he is more than just a king.

Even the two old men behind Qian Wang thought so too.

"I mentioned the Demon Sealing Tablet for a reason."

Ye Feng nodded, not only did not deny it, but also said bluntly: "Because I know the current whereabouts of the Demon Sealing Tablet!"

boom! !

As soon as Ye Feng said this, it was like a thunderbolt falling from the blue sky, or like a huge boulder falling on a calm lake, which made the pupils of Qian Wang and the three suddenly shrink, and then looked at Ye Feng in unison.

The eyes of the three were like knives, as if they could cut Ye Feng into countless pieces.

"Where is the Demon Sealing Monument?"

Qian Wang asked.

As for the two old men behind King Qian, their spiritual consciousness extended, and their aura immediately locked onto Ye Feng.

"That's exactly what I'm going to say next."

Ye Feng was not angry because of the locking of the two old people's qi, his face was still calm, and he said unhurriedly.

"Previously, Your Highness, Fourth Prince, didn't you say why I was in such a mess? Actually, the reason why I was in such a mess was because of the person who owned the 'Monument of Sealing Demons'... Presumably, His Royal Highness, Fourth Prince also knows that I, Ye Feng, are Yin Ming. The sect master is also a holy demon cultivator."

Ye Feng said.

King Qian nodded, he already knew about Ye Feng being a demon cultivator.

However, what he was most curious about was who had the Demon Sealing Tablet.

"The person who owns the 'Monument of Sealing Demons' is only a half-step saint-level martial artist...but because he has the tablet of sealing demons, all the Supreme Elders of our Yin Mingzong died in his hands. If it weren't for me If he escaped quickly, he might have become a dead soul under the Demon Sealing Tablet in his hand."

Speaking of later, Ye Feng had lingering fear on his face.

"If I remember correctly, the Supreme Elder of your Yinming Sect should also be a strong person in the holy realm?"

Qian Wang asked.


Ye Feng nodded, "The Supreme Elder, like me, is a holy demon cultivator... It is precisely because we are all holy realm demon cultivators that we have learned the way of sealing the demon tablet! If any of us are not demon cultivators, As for that half-step holy realm martial artist, we can easily crush it."

"Who is he?"

Qian Wang asked with hot eyes.

As far as he is concerned, a mere half-step holy realm martial arts is nothing to worry about.

As long as he knows which half-step holy realm martial artist owns the Demon Sealing Tablet, he can snatch it immediately.

"Your Highness, Fourth Prince, before I tell who that person is, I hope you can promise me a request and give me a promise."

Ye Feng's eyes flashed, and he said bluntly to King Qian.


Hearing Ye Feng's words, King Qian frowned, but the two old men behind him couldn't help shouting, "Ye Feng! What are you? Are you worthy of negotiating terms with His Highness the Fourth Prince?"

"You are a bereaved dog, believe it or not, today we will keep you in Prince Qian's Mansion forever!"

The aura of the two saintly strongmen behind King Qian became stronger and stronger, and in the end, they swept towards Ye Feng like a black cloud overwhelming the city, putting great pressure on Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng ignored them, and stared straight at King Qian, "Your Highness, I know the strength of the two seniors beside you, and it's easy for them to kill me... But, you really don't want to know Is the whereabouts of the 'Demon Sealing Tablet'?"

Just when the faces of the two old men changed drastically and they were about to teach Ye Feng a lesson, King Qian raised his hand to stop them.

"Sect Master Ye Feng, state your request and promise you want."

King Qian looked at Ye Feng, and said lightly, without any emotion in his tone, and he couldn't hear any joy or anger.

"Your Highness Fourth Prince, now that I, the Supreme Elder of Yinming Sect, have been killed,

I also escaped from the Yinming sect, and the current Yinming sect is in name only... I would like to ask Your Highness the fourth prince to agree to let me belong to your subordinates and serve you. "

Ye Feng bowed to King Qian and said, his tone full of humility.

"Oh? You want to rely on me?"

King Qian smiled, "As far as I know, you and your Yin Mingzong, and the Situ family are inextricably linked... If you do this, isn't it equivalent to betraying the Situ family, or in other words, betraying the Situ family?" The Situ family is from the Situ Ming lineage."

As the Fourth Highness of the Fufeng Kingdom's royal family, King Qian naturally knew everything about Situ's family.

"Your Highness, the fourth prince, as the saying goes, 'people go to high places, water flows to low places'... I know very well that even if I tell Situ Ming the news about the Demon-Sealing Tablet, he may not be able to capture the Demon-Sealing Tablet, or even Yu is very likely to steal a lot of money. Besides, compared to you, Situ Ming is nothing."

The majestic holy man, Ye Feng, flattered the king in front of him.

"It's a good one, 'people go to high places, water flows to low places'... good, good, good."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, King Qian smiled, "I agree to your request."

"However, before you came to me, you should have known... In the battle of the royal family of Fufeng Kingdom, the Situ family did not support me. Your entry into my subordinate also means that you are an enemy of the Situ family. Even if Situ Ming Yimai and Situ Hao are at odds, but no matter how they are, they are the same body, and it is difficult to change their positions."

Qian Wang reminded at the right time.

"Don't worry, Your Highness the Fourth Prince, I have a way to split the Situ family and make Situ Ming's line support you instead."

Ye Feng said solemnly.


Qian Wang's eyes lit up, "Is this true?"

If he could really get the support of Situ Ming's lineage from the Situ family, not only his strength would be greatly increased, but even his opponent's strength would be reduced accordingly.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for him.

"Ye Feng dare not deceive His Highness the Fourth Prince."

Ye Feng said again.

"Okay, okay...Ye Feng, you are fine. From now on, as long as you work hard under my command, I will never treat you badly."

King Qian smiled and said, "Now, go ahead and say what you want."

"The promise I want is not difficult for His Royal Highness the fourth prince, and it is even a matter of smooth sailing..."

Ye Feng took a deep breath, his eyes flickering with coldness, "I hope that after the Fourth Prince captures the Demon Sealing Tablet, he will hand over the owner of the Demon Sealing Tablet to me, and let me personally take his life!"

"That's the promise you want?"

This time, King Qian was a little surprised, because he didn't expect Ye Feng's promise to be limited to this.


Ye Feng nodded, and at the same time said bitterly: "That person not only killed the Supreme Elder of my Yinming Sect, but also made me escape from the Yinming Sect in embarrassment... The current Yinming Sect is probably dead in name only. He destroyed my sect, I want his life!"

"It's just a trivial matter, His Highness can promise you."

Qian Wang responded readily.

"Thank you, Your Highness, Fourth Prince."

Ye Feng quickly thanked him.

"Now, you should be able to tell who owns the magic tablet, right?"

Qian Wang asked.

For a while, the two old men behind King Qian also stared at Ye Feng's face closely, as if they wanted to see whether Ye Feng was telling the truth from the change in Ye Feng's expression.

"Your Highness the Fourth Prince, you should have heard of the owner of that magic tablet."

Ye Feng said.

"Oh? I've heard of it?"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Qian Wang became even more curious, "Who is he?"

"Duan! Ling! God!"

Ye Feng almost gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice word by word.

"Duan Lingtian?"

King Qian frowned, "I seem to have heard of this name somewhere."

"Your Highness the Fourth Prince, the newly-emerged and well-known Ke Qing of the Situ family is 'Mr. Duan', whose real name is 'Duan Lingtian'."

At this time, one of the old men behind King Qian said to him.

"is it him?"

When Qian Wang heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Ye Feng, as if he wanted to confirm from Ye Feng's mouth.

"That's right! It's him."

Ye Feng nodded fiercely and said: "That day, he was the one who broke into our Yinming Sect and killed the Supreme Elder of our Yinming Sect with the Demon Sealing Tablet. Life."

Thinking of the scene that day, Ye Feng still shudders.

At the moment when he was locked by the energy mechanism of Fengmobei, he thought that he was doomed, but he didn't expect that Fengmobei was the first to chase after him, the Supreme Elder of the Yinming Sect.

And taking advantage of that close chance, he forcibly mobilized the true energy in his body, breaking away from the lock of the Qi machine of the Sealing Demon Monument, and only then was he able to survive.

"Situ's family, Duan Lingtian, the owner of the Demon-Sealing Tablet... No wonder you come to join me. It turns out that the owner of the Demon-Sealing Tablet is from the Situ family!"

A wise gleam flashed in Qian Wang's eyes, and he said lightly.

In the royal family of Fufeng Kingdom, although not many have the ability to seize the heir, there are quite a few. Although he is one of them, he is not considered the most powerful.

The most powerful one was His Royal Highness the second prince supported by the Situ family.

And Ye Feng didn't go to his 'second brother', but came to him, he could guess that it must have something to do with Situ's family.

If Ye Feng went to find his second brother, even if his second brother could get the Mofeng Tablet, he might not hand over the Ke Qing from Situ's family to Ye Feng... For Ye Feng, the Mofeng Tablet is not Most importantly, the most important thing is revenge.

And he can give Ye Feng a chance to take revenge.

"Is it Duan Lingtian, Situ's guest? I want the Demon Sealing Tablet in your hand."

At some point, the corner of Qian Wang's mouth turned cold, but his heart was filled with inexplicable excitement, as if he had seen the scene where he had obtained the Demon Sealing Tablet.

"If I can get the Demon-Sealing Tablet, those Saint Realm Demon Cultivators under my second brother will be nothing to worry about! I can suppress them with the Demon-Sealing Tablet myself."

Thinking of this, King Qian became even more excited.

The excited hand was unsteady, and he threw the portrait left by Ye Mubai on the ground, and unfolded it.

"It's him!"

Seeing the handsome young man in the portrait, Ye Feng's pupils shrank suddenly.

This book comes from 品\u0026书#网

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