Warcraft Eternal Tree

Chapter 349 Yorick ascends to power

Shadow Island. All the members of the House of Representatives in the conference hall had red eyes and had not slept all night. Although at this time, Shadow Island already has enough strength due to their return and is not afraid of possible attacks from the Sea Tribe. But what they are worried about is that more other fleets wandering around will be defeated by the Sea Clan one by one, causing the strength of the Shadow Island organization to be eroded by the Sea Clan.

Councilors who can become the leader of a large pirate group are not weak in strength, so staying up all night is nothing. No one can rest peacefully until the two Chancellors, Hecarim and Evelynn, come back to preside over the situation.

Of course, many members glanced at Yorick, who was the only one sitting in the speaker's seat, from time to time to calm down a little. The power level of the Shadow Island organization is very clear. Each speaker is a pirate king elected once every ten years, and has a reputation and strength that far exceeds that of ordinary pirate groups.

The members of the Shadow Island Council are considered to be the nobles among pirates. Each member controls a large pirate group, which is much stronger than ordinary pirates. Pirate groups at this level have almost all abandoned robbery, and each has its own designated sea area to collect protection fees. Even some members of the Shadow Island organization are actually pirates secretly, but they have the identity of a certain chamber of commerce on the surface.

Further down, there are the large and medium-sized pirate groups that are not qualified to enter the parliament. This pirate group is considered the backbone of the Shadow Island organization. Although each pirate group may not be too strong, their numbers can make up for this. Generally speaking, this is what coastal residents think of pirates.

The lowest level is naturally those small pirate groups or even pirate rangers with only one ship. This group of pirates can only bully small caravans and some fishing villages along the coast. Some of them are actually just adventurers who hang out in the sea and are assigned to the Shadow Island organization.

Every speaker can be regarded as a monument within the Shadow Island organization. Even Yorick, who has only been in office for a short time, is actually one of the most powerful persons in the entire Shadow Island organization in name, and his status is the same as that of the previous three Speakers.

In fact, Yu Fei's plan is very simple, that is, to use the hands of the sea tribe to get rid of the three big pirate groups above the Anchor Pirates, so that Yorick can become the only pirate king of the Shadow Island organization, and become the official leader of the Shadow Island organization. The supreme ruler of the organization - no one.

There may be some smart pirates who will question why only Yorick, the Speaker, has survived, but Yorick has already made a clear reason before.

"Because I just came to power, I felt that my strength and prestige were insufficient, so I chose to assign cruise routes on the Shadow Island instead of fighting against the Sea Clan to make achievements. I don't want to escape the Sea Clan's key sniper attack because of this. I am really lucky."

These words were the explanation Yorick put on the stage to the middle-level pirates who accounted for most of the Shadow Island organization's power. As for the lower-level pirates, generally you don't need to worry about them; the key to controlling the Shadow Island organization actually lies with a group of congressmen.

In Yorick's plan, the 60% of the members who are now present in the Shadow Island conference hall can be fought for. Those pirates and more independent members who were inclined to the three major speakers were all arranged by him to distant places by virtue of his position.

As long as these congressmen in the conference hall support him, then taking control of the Shadow Island organization is a sure thing. Scanning the hall, Yorick silently thought to himself that he was just waiting for the news that the War Pirates and the Widow Pirates had also been destroyed.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the hall. Everyone in the hall was in high spirits. Although they knew that the two speakers would not be able to come back so soon, it would be great to have some news to break the dull atmosphere in the meeting.

"Squeak-" The door of the conference hall was pushed open with great force, and the early morning sunlight suddenly poured in, causing everyone in the hall to squint their eyes involuntarily.

"Hoo Chi, Hoo Chi" The person who came in was obviously very tired from running, and there was a heavy breathing sound as soon as he entered the door. A pirate councilman near the door recognized him as the apprentice of a messenger magician on Shadow Island, and immediately stepped forward to help the magic apprentice who was bent over and gasping for breath.

"Hahn, why are you so anxious? You are so tired from running. What summons did Mr. Battier receive? Tell us quickly." After helping apprentice Hahn sit down on a small stool, the congressman asked immediately. The pirate leaders in the hall immediately focused their attention on the magic apprentice.

Being watched by the big shots in the organization, Hahn was obviously a little nervous. Coupled with the fatigue from running here, he was even speechless. Fortunately, he managed to calm down within a few seconds, and intermittently announced the news brought by his teacher, the messenger magician on the island.

"Teacher Shane Battier said, huh, huh. He said, the fleet of the two Speakers, huh. There has been no routine summons for six hours." Young Hahn knew what this news would bring to the big shots here. Shocked, after the announcement, he dragged his tired body and left the conference hall.

"Bang——" The sound of the door closing was so loud that the bodies of the members in the hall trembled. Everyone knew what this news from Hahn's apprentice meant.

Although magic communication consumes some magic materials, in order to ensure the smooth flow and safety of each fleet's information, fleets wandering outside will contact Shadow Island every two hours. There was no news for six hours, which meant that the fleets of the two Speakers had no contact with Shadow Island at least three times.

With the experience of the Prison Pirates, everyone can imagine that the War Pirates and the Widow Pirates are in danger. The messenger magicians of the Prison Pirates can also use the temporary safety brought by the mine formation to call for help and deliver messages. The two pirate groups were probably attacked at night, so the messenger magicians had no chance to communicate in a stable situation.

With no news for six hours, it was almost certain that they had been wiped out by the Sea Clan. After a brief commotion, the councilors in the conference hall all rushed out of the room and ran to the special messenger tower on Shadow Island.

Before the news was confirmed, everyone was still holding on to a bit of luck. If all three pirate groups were destroyed by the Sea Tribe, it can be said that the monument of the Shadow Island organization would have fallen by three-quarters.

Another half day passed, and the bad news was finally confirmed. After being dispatched, two fleets composed of thousands of warships arrived in the sea area where the two pirate groups last sent messages. After a simple search, they quickly discovered the remains of the warships remaining after the battle.

Perhaps because of the battle that took place at night, the two battlefields were different from the battlefield left after the Warden Pirates' attack. Many broken ships could also be seen. This undoubtedly confirmed to the pirates that the two big pirate groups had been wiped out by the sea clan's night attack.

The news could not be blocked. The two large pirate fleets that rushed to the battlefield to investigate the situation were composed of many pirate groups. Relying on magical communication methods, almost all pirate groups with magicians in the Shadow Island organization were able to communicate within one day. Got the bad news.

The first pirate king Hecarim, the second pirate king Evelynn and the third pirate king Thresh of the Shadow Island organization, together with their pirate groups, were completely destroyed by the concentrated strength of the sea clan within two days. Lost.

Parliament was quick to react, confirming the sad news. For a time, the hearts of the Shadow Island organization were in shock. All three pirate kings were killed by the Sea Tribe. How can ordinary pirates feel safe?

In this case, Yorick stood up as a matter of course. As the last speaker left in the organization and the only pirate king in the pirate world, Yorick began to sort out the chaotic situation within the organization.

The first order he made was to withdraw all the pirate fleets cruising in the waters where the Sea Tribe was infested and declare a temporary ceasefire. This made the anxious middle- and lower-class pirates and even some upper-class pirates immediately calm down and agree with Yorick's instructions.

In addition, some time ago, Yorick has been secretly bribing congressmen and promoting anti-war sentiment among the middle and lower class pirates, gaining a lot of support. For a time, the pirates of the Shadow Island organization began to support Yorick, regardless of top or bottom.

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