Warcraft Eternal Tree

Chapter 371 You can call me Queen

To the surprise of the Canaan Empire Navy, the weapons on the Widow Pirates' warships had a very long range and were able to attack them. The Canaanite Empire, which has always been immersed in the strongest imperial navy, has not invested much energy in the development of its navy, so that in the research and development of naval warfare weapons, it is even inferior to the original Shadow Island organization.

No one in the Canaan Empire has developed alchemical creations such as magic depth charges and magic mines that are only suitable for naval and water battles. There are already a large number of these two weapons on the warships of the Widow Pirates. After being launched through special catapults, the chaos caused to the enemy is actually no less than that caused by the Sea Tribe.

For a moment, the originally quiet sea became extremely noisy. The tuna people, barracuda people and other sea tribes were gathering together and trying to dig through the bottom of the ship, while the shark warriors surfaced and directly started bombarding the hull of the Canaan Empire navy warship.

The most eye-catching ones are naturally the two giant deep-sea seals that Tang Yijia specially brought out and the giant whale warrior. The Deep Sea Chapter, which was more terrifying than the legendary sea monster, faced the Canaanite Empire Navy fleet that was not even equipped with alchemy bombs and did not have as many powerful pirates. The deterrence and destruction it brought were extremely huge.

As for the giant whale warrior, just like when he fought against the pirates before, he anchored a warship and never failed.

The vassal Sea Tribe worked so hard, so naturally the Naga Tribe, directly under Tang Yijia, was not far behind. The dragon turtles that emerged from the sea like small floating islands sprayed water jets and began to "wash" the decks of the Canaanite Empire warships. The soldiers of the Mugher tribe used their relatively flexible limbs to climb onto the warships in batches and engage in boarding battles.

Even the Naga Siren, who rarely took action in the past, couldn't help but use parasite skills at this time. While causing continuous damage to those Canaan Empire naval soldiers, it also caused terrifying and disgusting monsters to emerge from the corpses of the dead naval soldiers, attacking other Canaan Empire naval soldiers who were originally friendly forces around them.

The terrifying attacks of various sea monsters, accompanied by the rumbling explosions of magic bombs thrown by the Widow Pirates in the distance, made the naval officers of the Canaan Empire feel like they were trapped in hell on earth.

This time Tang Yijia led a total of 20,000 vassal sea tribesmen and 5,000 directly subordinate Naga tribes to participate in the battle. Although the number of warships in the fleet of the Canaan Empire was much larger than the number of pirate fleets that attacked before, they Without the slightest preparation, and without any weapons against the Sea Clan, the weak resistance seemed very weak.

In just half an hour, of the five hundred warships of the Canaan Navy, only a hundred or so were left barely able to float on the sea. The other ships were all sank to the bottom of the sea one by one under the crazy attacks of the Sea Warriors and Naga Soldiers, creating huge whirlpools.

On the Myron, General Myron, who had long since recovered from his hiatus, looked at the hellish scene in front of him with dull eyes, unable to give any effective instructions. The original idea of ​​​​preparing to wipe out the pirates in high spirits, and then use this as an excuse to suppress the Shadow Kingdom and add more prestige to himself has long been forgotten.

Now General Myron, what appears in front of his eyes is the scene of himself being hanged by the emperor. One-fifth of the Canaanite Empire's navy was lost. Even if he was a general, he could only eliminate the impact of this incident by dying.

General Myron shivered and was startled. In the current situation, even if you want to be hanged, it's not very likely, right? Whether he can return to the empire is still a slim hope.

Because they wanted to capture the largest "ship", Yu Fei and Tang Yijia unanimously decided not to destroy the flagship Myron as much as possible. An Abyssal Chapter was specially sent to wrap around the Myron with eight tentacles, waiting for the Queen's arrival after the battle.

It is precisely because of this that General Myron, who is not very strong, has survived until now.

Another half hour passed, and the noise on the sea gradually turned into silence. In addition to leaving dozens of still intact warships to expand the strength of the Widow Pirates, all other Canaan Empire warships have been sunk. Even on the dozens of captured warships, there was not a single human presence left.

On the deck of the flagship Myron, General Myron was trembling as he was surrounded by a group of Mugher warriors who looked extremely terrifying to him. Although he was surprised as to why these monsters didn't kill him immediately, General Myron recalled more of his life - he thought his life was about to come to an end.

General Myron, who had empty eyes, suddenly heard a commotion around him. Thinking that the Mugel warriors were finally going to kill him, he closed his eyes tightly and used his remaining pride as a naval officer of the Canaanite Empire to face death seemingly calmly.

However, what he was waiting for was not the feeling of a sharp weapon cutting into his body, but an extremely sweet voice.

"Are you the commander of this fleet?" General Myron opened his eyes suddenly. Mainland lingua franca? Could it be that I was hearing hallucinations? How come these monsters are asking questions in the common language of the mainland?

The moment he opened his eyes, General Myron suddenly thought of the pirates he thought he could capture easily, and he seemed to understand a little bit.

Opening his eyes and looking at the person who asked the question, General Myron couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise. Tang Yijia's appearance is absolutely impeccable, except for her somewhat flat figure, which is a common problem among lolita.

Sensitively aware of the gill-like organ next to the ear and the sea-blue scales on the forehead of the extremely beautiful girl in front of him, General Myron determined that this was not a human or one of those pirates.

Guessing the girl's identity in his mind, General Myron's answer was not slow.

"That's right, you. Who are you?" In the face of creatures that can communicate, humans can always quickly calm down their panic. Somewhat deliberately, General Mailun used honorifics when addressing Tang Yijia.

Tang Yijia smiled slightly, and General Myron felt that he had never seen such a beautiful smile before.

"My name is Azshara, you can call me my queen. Your calmness saved your life, commander of the human fleet. Also, when asking about the identity of a woman, should I introduce myself?"

General Myron, who felt as if he was talking to a well-educated noble lady, responded to Tang Yijia's question obediently.

"I'm very sorry, Queen Azshara. I am the commander of the Canaan Empire's third fleet. My name is Meron."

With a chuckle, Tang Yijia turned around. Yu Fei, who was looking at this place from afar on the sea, felt that Queen Tang Yijia was at her most elegant at this moment. Because he was going to let some people go back to report the news to the Canaan Empire, Yu Fei decided not to be exposed in front of the people of the Canaan Empire. After all, the elf characteristics of his elf king clone are obvious, and it is easy for people to associate him with the Dark Night Empire.

After showing General Myron's back, Tang Yijia continued to speak domineeringly.

"Your Excellency, Commander Myron, you don't seem to be in a very good situation right now. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble, but you can't blame me. You asked for it."

"Now, as the Queen of the Sea Clan, I declare that Eslaze, from the southern coast to the south, is the territory of our Sea Clan. Anyone who wants to pass through the territory of the Sea Clan will pay the price with his life. ——Except those who surrender to me.”

Turning around again, Tang Yijia stared closely into General Myron's eyes.

"I need someone with enough status to go back and inform me of this news, do you understand what I mean?"

General Myron, whose back was soaked with sweat, nodded hurriedly, which reminded Tang Yijia of the traitor translator in the Anti-Japanese War movie.

"I understand, I understand what the Queen means. However, with my strength, I may not be able to return to the shore by myself."

"You don't need to worry about this. We will naturally send you back to the shore. However, you must convey to me everything I announced before, word for word."

Listening attentively to the words of this mysterious woman who was both extremely beautiful and terrifying in his heart, General Myron suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head and fainted.


I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow, and I'll probably be in the car all day. If updated, there may only be one chapter.

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