Warcraft Eternal Tree

Chapter 382 Space Transfer Array

When the epic mage Simpson led a large number of members of the Royal Mage Corps to join the battle, the morale of the Western Holy Pass defenders immediately recovered a lot. The soldiers became excited when they saw that these master mages repaired the collapsed second city wall in just a short time and made it look stronger.

As expected of a great epic mage, Lord Simpson is simply too powerful! The re-erected city wall seems to be stronger than when it was blessed by the mage tower. Now the enemies outside the city can't attack it, right?

Among the crowd, those officers who had not had the enthusiasm to rush forward to fight against the mountain giant and the earth bear now stood up to maintain order and prepared to lead some soldiers to re-station on the city wall.

However, if they want to return to the re-established city wall, they still need to overcome the mountain giant and the earth bear. Although this vanguard of the night elves is now locked in the Western Holy Pass, it is obviously not something that a group of ordinary soldiers can contend with. The tragic scene of the previous "officer's death squad" is still vivid in our minds.

Master Simpson, who was still standing in the air, also frowned. Although he seemed to have exhausted all luck and built a stronger city wall than before when he first appeared, he also felt very troublesome facing the giant beasts that totaled more than a thousand.

Without much time to think, Simpson quickly entered the mage tower with a hundred royal mages. Fortunately, the Mountain Giant and the Earth Bear launched their attacks in front of the Mage Tower, because the time factor has not yet surrounded them, otherwise it would be troublesome to enter the Mage Tower.

As for the night elves, when they saw the enemy's reinforcements arriving, they locked the vanguard within the new city wall that suddenly appeared, but they showed no signs of urgency. Illidan does not think that these mages supported by the Holy Lion Empire can turn the situation around.

Even an epic level powerhouse cannot easily defeat the mountain giants and earth bears whose defense power has almost reached the legendary level due to various technology tree upgrades and skill blessings.

Those mages seemed to want to deal with the vanguard of the night elves by closing the door and beating the dogs, but unfortunately their thinking was too simple. Firstly, even the magic troops led by the epic mage plus the mage tower would not be able to quickly deal with the mountain giants and earth bears; secondly, the night elves outside the city were not free eaters either.

Without any hesitation, Illidan ordered the night elf troops, which had slowed down slightly after the incident, to continue advancing rapidly towards the city wall. As for the troops in the city, most of them have shifted their attack targets to the city walls.

Illidan did not use demon transformation, but he still walked at the forefront of the night elf troops. The body is not burly, but there is a faint aura that makes people feel palpitated.

When Illidan gathered all his strength, every step he took seemed slow, but he always stood in front of the rapidly advancing night elf troops. Every step he takes leaves a quietly burning sacrificial flame on the ground, which looks extremely strange.

As the supreme leader of this war, Illidan could not bear to be hindered too much before he could obtain what the Father needed. He originally planned to wait until he attacked the Holy Imperial Capital before taking action, but he had decided to cooperate with the troops in the city and destroyed the reappeared city wall.

It seemed that the epic mage was still quite capable. Just now, Illidan had cooled down the blade-throwing vehicle and used the charged sword again to launch a wave of attacks, but the city wall emitting bright yellow light remained motionless.

But just when Illidan rushed towards the city wall step by step, seemingly at a slow pace, and at the same time secretly ordered the Earth Bear team to release the earth-shaking force again, the entire mage tower in Xishengguan lit up.

I saw a few solid white lights emerging from the mage towers, but they did not fly out like the previous magic. Instead, they began to flow like water, quickly flowing along some grooves on the ground all over the west. The entire area behind the second wall of the Holy Pass.

This situation occurred so suddenly that even Illidan's progress was stalled. Immediately afterwards, the light behind the city wall shone brightly, and the mountain giant and the earth bear who were within the circle formed by the lines drawn by the white light gradually turned into a shadow and were about to disappear!

Now, not only Illidan, but also Yu Fei, who had been quietly observing, was no longer calm. These are half of the night elves' mountain giants and almost all of the elite claw druids. Are they going to disappear by an unknown magic circle?

But soon, Illidan and Yu Fei felt relieved again. The moment the mountain giants and earth bears inside the city wall turned into phantoms and disappeared, their shadows appeared again in the open space in front of the city wall, and they quickly solidified.

It seemed that the effect of that massive magic circle was just to move the mountain giants and earth bears outside the city. Is this the legendary space transfer array? But the transfer distance is too small, right?

What Yu Fei was thinking of was a deeper problem. This sudden appearance of the space transfer array reminded him of the ancient space that his own body possessed.

Since the main body has advanced to the ancient tree level and the space in the body has greatly expanded, it has no longer shown any miraculous features. And Yu Fei only used this space as a place to place more and more moon wells, and found no other use.

But now that I think about it, since Eslaze has a space transfer array, it means that it is still possible to develop ways to use space power. Maybe in the future, he can use the space power in his body to return to the earth. After all, although Eslaze is good, it is not my hometown!

After thinking wildly, Yu Fei turned his attention to the space transfer array in Xishengguan.

It's strange, since they can activate this space transfer circle, why don't the mages of the Holy Lion Empire do some tricks to make the transfer fail midway? In this case, even if the mountain giants and earth bears have strong defenses, they will be severely damaged by the failed space transfer, and may even be exiled to unknown places.

To be honest, of course the mages of the Holy Lion Empire want to do this, but it is a pity that they cannot do it.

The space transfer array in the Western Holy Pass was not arranged by the Holy Lion Empire. Even if they were the strongest empire in mankind, they did not have this capability. This magic circle is a relic left from ancient times. In addition to the terrain, a large part of the reason why Xishengguan was built here was because of the existence of this magic circle.

To put it bluntly, the mages of the Holy Lion Empire can indeed activate this space transfer circle, but they only play a role in providing mana. When the mana is full, the space transfer magic circle will start to operate, and at this time, the magic circle has nothing to do with the mages who provide the mana.

Although Yu Fei didn't know these secrets, it didn't stop him from coveting the space transfer circle. He has not forgotten the changes in the space inside his body when he analyzed the scroll of return to the city that he exchanged from the Miracle Ancient Tree.

If we can learn more about space from the space transfer array in Xishengguan, not only the inner space of the body may be improved, but it is also unknown whether we can even take a big step forward on the way home.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the night elves troops can capture the Western Holy Pass. The mountain giants and earth bear troops that have now entered the city have been moved out by the enemy, and the city wall has been strengthened by the mage tower and has become stronger.

Moreover, after the epic mage Simpson led some members of the Imperial Royal Mage Corps to reinforce, the defenders of Xishengguan felt like they had been given a shot in the arm and instantly had the courage to fight back. The current Xishengguan cannot be broken just because it wanted to be broken like before.

Licking his lips, Illidan, who was only a hundred meters away from the second wall of Xishenguan, glanced at the soldiers on the wall who had begun to set up defenses, and made a decision.

The night elves had already wasted a lot of time in the Western Holy Pass. Illidan decided not to waste any more time and directly wiped out the place.

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