Warcraft Eternal Tree

Chapter 391 Violent Tino (third update)

Chapter 4 will be released before twelve o'clock.


Today's demonic realm, while killing enemies in the realm, will also convert the enemy's power into demonic aura for its own use, and even continuously feed it back to Illidan to enhance the power of his demonic form.

However, those killed now are just ordinary humans, and the improvement to Illidan is minimal. If Illidan can kill a large number of demons, his strength as a demon hunter will be greatly improved, even easily surpassing Tyrande who has reached the mythical level.

After throwing energy balls casually for a period of time, Illidan stopped attacking. After the palace guards he killed transformed into demonic auras, the newly added demonic auras were enough to eliminate the remaining guards. Illidan turned his attention to the six legendary powerhouses who came to help.

Relatively speaking, Maiev is much stronger than Luna and Tino. After all, she is a genuine heroic unit rather than a transformed one. Maiev, the strongest, faced off against two legendary mages whose strength had been greatly limited by the magic of the Elf Dragon.

You know, as an assassin, Maiev is best at dealing with magicians. A smoke screen was casually set up, and Maiev flashed into the smoke screen and started playing with the two magicians.

Yes, in Maiev's eyes this was just a joke. Under the smoke screen, the two magicians, even legendary level ones, could not release magic, and could only rely on some trigger magic prepared in advance to fight. It would be very easy for Maiev, whose power level was higher than theirs, to kill them.

Luna, as the second soldier to appear under Yu Fei's command, has now been transformed into the Moon Knight, and has been promoted to the seventh level of the hero level like other transformed heroes.

But to be honest, Luna is a hero suitable for group battles. Her Moonlight Baptism and Dark Side of the Moon skills are used to weaken enemy troops and add status to friendly troops. Super ejection is another passive skill, and the only real attack skill is Moonlight Strike.

If she didn't activate her ultimate skill, Lunar Eclipse Formation Field, enhance her own attributes, and cast down continuous moonlight, it would be really difficult for Luna to defeat the night elves' heroes who prefer combat abilities.

However, Luna is now facing two legendary human powerhouses—note, there are two. Does anyone still remember the super ejection effect of Luna's passive skill?

Super Bounce: Moon Knight's normal attacks can be bounced to enemies near the target, and the damage of each bounce will be slightly increased. This effect can bounce back and forth between two or more units, and buildings can also participate in the bounce. The number of bounces and damage increase increases with the skill level.

The back-and-forth amplified attack effect of the super ejection is the most lethal when dealing with two enemies. Now Luna's super-powerful bounce is level three, and her basic attack can bounce four times, with each bounce increasing the damage by 15%. In other words, the rebound in the end is almost equivalent to a double attack.

Relying on the super ejection effect, Luna didn't even use the moonlight strike, leaving the two human legendary powerhouses who came to help in such a mess that even self-protection was a problem.

As for the honest and honest mountain giant hero Tino, he did not just take action to block the strong men who came to help like Maiev and Luna, just for fun. He had never had a chance to take action until now, so he now regarded the two strong human beings who flew in one after the other to support him as targets for practice.

Two legendary human beings had just roared over and before they had time to check out the situation on the field, Tino directly used the landslide skill.

A large number of rocks suddenly appeared above the two unlucky human strongmen, and soon they landed and hit them hard. The damage of the landslide skill was still second, but the stun effect caused the two legendary powerhouses to temporarily lose consciousness and fall downwards.

However, before they could land, Tino, who was slightly taller than the palace wall, instantly rushed towards the two of them at a speed that was completely incompatible with his huge body. Then, without any pause, Tino wrapped up the two strong human beings who just landed on his chest and charged.

This sudden attack was exactly Tino's mountain assault skill. After the two strong human beings were hit by Tino, who was covered in rocks and rocks, they both spouted blood and recovered from their dizzy state. However, when they woke up, they were unable to control their bodies and could only be knocked backwards by Tino.

The place where Tino chose to terminate the mountain assault was the palace wall of the royal palace. Originally, the second stage effect of the Mountain Assault skill was to cause the enemies at the end point of the skill and the trapped enemies to suffer a large amount of damage and be slowed down. However, now that Tino's chosen end point is the palace wall, the ones who will bear the damage naturally become the palace wall and the enemy. Two strong human beings were captured by a sudden attack on the mountain.

After Tino grew up with the ultimate skill, he was much larger than the average elite mountain giant and taller than the walls of the Holy Lion Empire Palace. As for the hardness, Tino's body with its rugged appearance and passive skills is harder than the stone wall blessed by magic.

These two advantages, coupled with the destructive power brought by the mountain assault skill, resulted in the seemingly solid palace wall almost collapsing after Tino's mountain assault was interrupted. The palace guards on that part of the wall were reduced to rubbish along with the palace wall.

That's it, Tino isn't done yet. After the mountain assault was terminated, he quickly raised his thick stone legs and stamped hard on the gravel. "Boom!" The entire Holy Imperial City felt a tremor. The earth tremor used by Tino was no less than an earthquake of high magnitude.

And with the release of earth tremors, the description of this skill that can bring "extreme damage" to buildings is no exaggeration. Almost the entire western wall of the palace collapsed under Tino's stomp. The palace guards on the wall also fell down one by one, or were slowed down or stunned.

As for the two legendary human beings, they were almost reduced to a puddle of mud when they were hit by the Tino Ridge Assault Skill and suffered secondary damage to the palace wall. They could only breathe out but not in. Under the damage caused by the earthquake, it was completely destroyed.

Yu Fei, who had always felt that Tino was the most honest among the many heroes of the night elves, could not help but be speechless after seeing this violent scene. An honest person going crazy is more terrifying than a real lunatic!

The calm Illidan was also shocked by Tino's actions and had no intention of continuing to play. He could sense that after Tino dealt with the two legendary human beings, the epic human beings who noticed the change had arrived at an extremely fast speed.

Do you have to die to stop sitting on the Diaoyutai and rush out in a hurry? These human epic level warriors are really cheap! Illidan didn't know that it was not the Holy Emperor who was presiding over the situation in the palace now, but the palace guard commander.

He is just a commander, so naturally he cannot order an epic powerhouse who maintains his own identity to go out and guard the palace wall. Only after sensing that the auras of the two legendary powerhouses outside disappeared directly, that is, they died, did the four epic powerhouses become anxious.

The speed of the epic powerhouse is much faster than that of the legendary powerhouse. Almost when Illidan decided to get serious and started to kill the four human legendary powerhouses in the demon realm, the four in the palace The epic powerhouse appeared outside the demon realm.

Seeing the west palace wall that had been turned into ruins, even an epic-level warrior couldn't help but be stunned. However, what happened next in front of them made them go crazy.

In front of the four epic-level strong men who had just arrived, Illidan gathered the demonic aura released after the palace wall collapsed and the palace guards were dead to the four human legendary-level strongmen in the demon realm. In just a few blinks, They were dealt with within a matter of seconds.

Illidan's movement seemed to be a signal, and immediately after him, Maiev and Luna stopped holding back. Throwing out the sword array and shadow strike skills, Maiev eliminated two legendary magicians. Luna also guided the moonlight strike, and coupled with the normal attack with super ejection effect, she also easily eliminated the two human legendary powerhouses in her charge.

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