Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 51 Intelligence Expert——Kaf Vandil (1/2)

Hearing the gunshots coming from outside, Chen Guo frowned and walked out of the small room. He looked at the corpses on the ground and asked Des in confusion, "Old Des, what's wrong?"

"My lord, please order that all the demon faces who arrive at the scene be executed, and there are also these Zero Grams... In other words, except for me and you, no one can be left alive!"

"What happened?" Chen Guo frowned, but he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

"My lord, please give the order first!" Des's attitude was very tough, while the demon face looked at each other, and then they began to cry out that they were wronged.

Chen Guo glanced at them, stretched out her hand to drag Des into the small room, closed the door with her hand, then frowned, and asked with a deep look: "What happened?

Why should so many people be silenced? "

Speaking of this, Des hesitated and said, "My lord, do you know the "file room" of the Assassin's Court?"

"The stalls?"

Chen Guo shook her head, looking confused.

He had never heard of any other stalls in the Assassin's Court.

However, this does not mean that he does not have his own understanding.

"You mean that there is a secret room of the Assassin Court on this planet?"


"Is it from the memories of the mortals we just killed?"

"Yes! They rushed down here in a hurry just to destroy the archives of the Assassin's Court, because there are too many secrets stored in it that no one can know."

"Wait a minute... How did they know such a confidential issue?" Chen Guo was very confused. He couldn't understand why such an important secret would be known to a group of mortals. This was very unreasonable.

"My Lord, this is the most important point. There is an internal affairs expert from the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he is in the archives now.

And among the group of people outside, there were his subordinates and his favorite heir! "


Chen Guo raised her eyebrows: "Internal affairs expert?"

The so-called internal affairs expert is actually a title in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And it is a higher title, and above the experts is the famous member of the high lords-the Director-General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

It is no exaggeration to say that the status of every internal affairs expert is extremely noble.

After all, the Chief of the Interior is chosen through competition among many internal affairs experts.

Chen Guo raised her eyebrows high. She didn't expect to catch a big fish when she came to take revenge.

A high-ranking imperial official.

You know, even above Terra, the status of an internal affairs expert is extremely noble.

It would be even more serious if the department in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was the Imperial Archives Department.

There is a high probability that he will become the next chief of the interior, or even inherit the position of high lord!

"Which internal affairs expert is he? Which department is he in charge of?"

Des was silent for a moment: "Intelligence Department!"

"Oh, it turns out to be the Intelligence Department!" Chen Guo nodded thoughtfully.

I couldn't help but let out a long sigh in my heart, it would be great if I were an internal affairs expert from the Imperial Archives Management Office.

However, this is also consistent with common sense. Only internal affairs experts from the Intelligence Department need to move back and forth among various star fields.

After all, their political resource is the quantity and accuracy of good intelligence.

(Basically, internal affairs experts will not leave Terra, because once they leave Terra, it means that they are far away from the political center, and their political resources will be reduced... But this situation is not included in the period controlled by Uncle Ma, because As the chief speaker, Uncle Ma is extremely possessive, so he is basically the one who speaks and has no so-called political resources at all.)

"Where are they now?"

"It's in this room, right above your head!" Des pointed to the space above his head.

"The top of your head?"

Chen Guo looked up and at the same time, the Mask of Truth appeared on his face again.

After a while, he shook his head.

There is an ordinary ceiling above the head, and nothing seems out of the ordinary!

"There's nothing up there!"

Des didn't speak, just walked out of the room silently.

Soon, he brought back a demon face, a demon face named Eric.

Chen Guo remembered him. This guy had very good wizard talent and was one of the second batch of demon faces to enter the official wizard level after Zach.

He was also Zach's disciple. Since he didn't take Zach with him this time, Chen Guo took him and several other first-level wizards with him, and they will command the Demon Faced Wizard Apprentice Army.

Seeing him walking in, Chen Guo narrowed her eyes again: "Is there any mystery behind this?"

"Yes, my lord!

Eric, the guy you assimilated, you are responsible for opening the secret passage! "

Eric glanced at Des coldly.

But he still remembered that this guy was the one who just encouraged his master to kill him.

Therefore, Eric completely ignored the orders of Des, the deputy commander of the fleet.

He was stunned and pretended not to hear.

"Okay, Eric, open the secret passage."

"Yes, my master!" Seeing Chen Guo give the order, Eric stamped his feet fiercely, and at the same time, his palms began to flap rhythmically.

Slowly, as he began to beat rhythmically, the floor beneath his feet suddenly vibrated, and then Chen Guo felt a sense of weightlessness. Chen Guo, Des, and Eric disappeared in an instant. In situ.

When the feeling of weightlessness disappeared, Chen Guo and the three of them appeared in a wide, majestic, bright hall filled with all kinds of tall bookshelves!

Shaking her head and smelling the faint subspace odor on her body, Chen Guo immediately understood why she couldn't find the secret passage after searching for a long time.

It turns out that the room is inside a huge subspace teleportation device. The device can be activated directly through sound stimulation, and the people in the room can be teleported here!

It is worthy of being the Grand Master Temple that rules the Assassin Temples in the entire galaxy!

There is such a big deal!


In the sea of ​​tall bookshelves, hundreds of guards sprang out in an instant.

In order to prevent the bookshelves from being set on fire and causing serious damage, the guards here did not have kinetic weapons on them. They all held a black wooden sword.

At the same time, they were dressed very coolly, almost all of them just hanging two or three pieces of cloth to cover the important private spots on their bodies!

Chen Guo didn't even look at them, but slowly focused her gaze on a bald man who was leisurely browsing through documents on the bookshelf accompanied by two Ogryn apes.

He felt an aura from this man that only high-ranking people could possess.

If Chen Guo guessed correctly, this should be the expert from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As if aware of Chen Guo's gaze, the bald man slowly put down the document in his hand and turned around impatiently.

He looked up and down at Chen Guo, who was not far away, smiled slightly, and said casually: "My name is Kraft Vandil. What do you want me to do?"


Chen Guo's head felt like it was struck by thunder. He turned around and glanced at Des beside him, who nodded and said, "Yes, it is indeed called Kraft Vandil."

Chen Guo glanced at Eric again, and he nodded in agreement with Des's statement.

Wait a minute...Kraft!

Chen Guo relaxed a little. This bald internal affairs expert was not the legendary Goji Vandil.

That's right, when Goji Vandil came to power, it was many, many years later.

If Gogi Vandil had stayed in the position of internal affairs expert of the Ministry of Intelligence at this moment, then he would not have lived by that time and would have died of old age, and there would have been no so-called apostasy era.

However, special attention should be paid to the surname Vandire.

Besides, this is another Van Dier's surname in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Still in the very important position of internal affairs expert in the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And it seems that this Kraft Vandier has a good relationship with the Assassin's Court, and he can actually look up information in the top secret archives of the Assassin's Court at will.

"Hello, Mr. Kraft Vandier, my name is... Jack Smoak!" Chen Guo didn't even look at the guards in front of her and walked quickly towards the bald man.

The surrounding guards also saw him approaching, and immediately waved weapons made of unknown wooden materials in their hands to attack Chen Guo.

But before they could get close, a suffocating huge pressure came upon their bodies, causing their legs to weaken immediately. They knelt down on the ground with a tremble, and soon they connected with the weapons in their hands. The weapon can no longer be held firmly.

It fell to the ground with a clang!

Without even looking at these weak guards, Chen Guo walked directly to a place ten meters away from Kraft Vandil.

It's not that he doesn't want to move on.

Instead, two large mountains appeared in front of them - two Ogryn ape-man bodyguards who were covered in armor and carried no weapons.

It's no secret that the Ogryn apes can become smart through brain modification surgery, but there's another secret about these big guys, and that's that they're very hard-headed.

Once something is determined by them, unless they are killed or given a new brain, there is no other way to change their minds.

In addition to their ruthless loyalty, rough skin, and hard work, the Ogryn apes have always been the best bodyguards in the empire.

Many high-ranking Imperial officers, as well as some dignitaries, wish to have one or two Ogryns as bodyguards.

Chen Guo was not demonized at this moment.

Therefore, he is slightly shorter than the Ogryn apes.

Therefore, he needed to raise his head to see these two big men who were only slightly taller than him!

Through the serious but scrutinizing eyes of these two big men, Chen Guo immediately knew that these two Ogryn ape-men must have undergone brain modification surgery, and they were two smart Ogryn ape-men!


What if he undergoes brain modification surgery and becomes a smart Ogryn ape-man?

Chen Guo took out the Blood Father and Blood Son, looked at the two fat men in front of her with a smile, and said indifferently: "Go away!"

After the Ogryn ape-man on the right heard this, his eyes were instantly filled with anger, but he managed to suppress it. The Ogryn ape-man on the left couldn't control himself, and immediately opened his mouth wide and began to curse, and at the same time stretched out his fist. Then he called Chen Guo.

"Little Ant, what are you talking about? Believe it or not, Cass took off your head and used it as a urinal..."

"Karl, Cass, stop!" Kraft Vandil yelled loudly and called the two Ogryn apes back behind him.

It can be seen that Kraft Vandir is very good at dealing with these two Ogryn ape-men.

Moreover, these two Ogryn ape-men also listened to his words.

It seems that there must be a story between them. Otherwise, how could Kraft Vandire be able to tame these two Ogryn ape-men?

But it was a pity that Chen Guo was not interested in knowing the story between them.

Moreover, compared with these trivial household knowledge, he still has many questions that he wants to discuss with this internal affairs expert from the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

"Jack Smoak...can I call you Chen Guo?"

Kraft Vandier walked up to Chen Guo with a ceremonial smile.

She didn't care at all, Chen Guo could chop him in half at any time.

His eyes were full of confidence and an arrogance that was hard to conceal... a kind of arrogance that could only be cultivated by being a ruler for many years.

"Your Excellency Kraft Vandil, I can see that you should know a lot about my deeds!"

Chen Guo looked down at this short, bald man, with a glimmer of hesitation in his eyes.

He was considering whether to assimilate this bald man directly... but he soon gave up this idea. Terra had a set of mental identification equipment. Once any loopholes appeared, all previous efforts would be in vain.

Therefore, spiritual assimilation is definitely not the best policy, but the worst of the worst!

"How could I not recognize the famous Thunder Tyrant? Ever since you killed Angron, your fame has begun to spread throughout the universe.

The first strong man to kill the Primarch in human form.

Now I don’t know how many people want to challenge you, and then cut off your head as a symbol of glory... Oh, by the way, I heard that you successfully escaped from being chased by a black ship not long ago. I want to know this Is it real? "Kraft Van Dier took out a very small notebook from his arms and looked at Chen Guo with enthusiasm, looking like a young reporter from a gossip newspaper.

"Haha, why is Mr. Kraft Vandier asking here knowingly... Of course, if you really don't know, then I can tell you clearly that this is true!" Chen Guo put away her axes and sat cross-legged. He dropped to the ground so that Kraft Vandil would not keep looking up at him.

"I... really don't know very well, because my fleet was accidentally swept into a subspace storm, and it just came out of it not long ago." Kraft Vandier showed an awkward smile, and he also Sitting cross-legged on the ground: "Chen Guo, I wonder if you are interested in accepting my... interview. You may not know that what I like most is to inquire deeply and pursue secrets!"


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