Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

12. Unexpected help. (1/2)

"Sir, he escaped from the ventilation duct. Do we need to chase him?"

"Close all the duct openings and start the low-temperature fire extinguishing procedure."

"Yes, sir!"

Stopped twisting his body in the narrow and curved ventilation duct, Chen Guo looked at the white fog in the distance, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

He wanted to retreat, but saw that the white fog began to spread behind him, and as the fog in front and behind got closer, the temperature began to drop rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, fine thin ice appeared on the steel pipe.

Liquid nitrogen?

A black light flashed in Chen Guo's eyes, black hair broke out of his body, and his sharp claws easily tore the pipe under him into pieces. The whole person immediately fell down and fell into another cabin.

It was just unlucky that the cabin was full of people, and Chen Guo, who had turned into a tiger man, fell into their sight.

"Alien... shape!"

"Kill it!"

The soldiers in the cabin grabbed the weapons beside them and wanted to kill Chen Guo, but Chen Guo was obviously faster. The claws covered with black fur turned into bloody sickles, harvesting the lives in the cabin as easily as cutting rice.

"Squeak, squeak~"

Liquid nitrogen containing extremely low temperature poured out from the broken pipe. Chen Guo, who was bathed in low-temperature liquid nitrogen, shuddered uncontrollably.

After pinching off the spine of the last soldier in the cabin, Chen Guo turned back into a human. He suppressed the hunger in his mind, changed out of the clothes that were broken and stained with blood in the cabin surrounded by white mist, found a clean set of clothes to change into, and quickly left the cabin.

Not long after he left the house, a team of fully armed guards hurriedly ran past him. Judging from the direction they left, they should have discovered the location of the broken pipe. Fortunately, Chen Guo did not stay there for too long, otherwise it would be another fierce battle.

"You... stop!"

"Hey, didn't you hear me telling you to stop?"

Looking at the puzzled eyes of the soldiers passing by, Chen Guo silently stopped. He turned around and saw a stormtrooper squad. The stormtrooper with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the lead was holding a half-human-high biochemical hound in his hand.

At this moment, the dog was constantly twitching his nose at him.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Your name and rank!" Holding the dog, the stormtrooper lieutenant colonel walked over slowly. Because he was wearing a closed helmet, Chen Guo could not see his face and eyes, but he could clearly feel that this guy was staring at him.

If Chen Guo makes any rash move, he will pull the trigger without hesitation, and the Hell Gun connected to the backpack behind him will completely turn Chen Guo into a ball of black ash.

"Lengyue Scouting Corps, Thirteenth Company, Sixth Platoon~ Lieutenant, Monto, meet the commander!" Fortunately, Chen Guo was well prepared and remembered the ID card of the owner of this set of clothes.

"Scouting Corps, that means you have never been on the frigate below... Then can you tell me where the bloody smell on your body comes from?"

"Report, it's... from you!" Chen Guo hit him hard, and his sharp nails quickly pierced through the tiny gaps in the armor, and after touching the internal organs, they began to shake wildly, crushing everything that the nails could encounter. At the same time, Chen Guo's other hand fiercely resisted the Hell Gun that had been pulled the trigger, and pointed the muzzle at the wall beside him, so that the red laser was completely immersed in the innocent wall beside him.


The bio-hound roared and bit Chen Guo's thigh, with its sharp teeth deeply piercing into Chen Guo's thigh!

With a muffled groan, Chen Guo quickly pulled his palm out of the Stormtrooper's body and slashed the neck of the dog's head. The bio-hound didn't even have a chance to scream before it was split in two. The headless body fell to the ground, but the dog's head was still firmly nailed to Chen Guo's thigh, and it was still exerting force, sinking its teeth deeper into the thigh.

Kicking the twitching Stormtrooper back hard, Chen Guo didn't even have time to pull the dog's head off his leg. He seized the opportunity at this moment, picked up an unlucky passing soldier, held him up as a shield, and rushed towards the Stormtroopers in front of him.

Facing the flying bodies of their teammates, the stormtroopers behind them did not hesitate at all. They did not care about the surviving soldiers in Chen Guo's hands and the seriously injured teammates flying over. They raised their guns and pulled the triggers frantically in the direction of Chen Guo.

(The Hell Gun, also known as the Laser Gun, is a type of laser gun produced by the Empire. It has a more advanced and powerful laser generation system, designed to provide more powerful laser firepower. This makes the Hell Gun superior to the standard ordinary soldier's laser gun in terms of range and power output. However, higher power output requires larger batteries or the use of a separate backpack power supply, and the more complex internal structure of the weapon also requires more time and resources to manufacture than a standard laser gun. This makes the Hell Gun more expensive, so the Hell Gun is generally not issued to ordinary Star Army soldiers, only the Zhongsi Army and other arms like the Storm Commando will be equipped.)

"Puff puff puff~"

The red laser passed by Chen Guo like raindrops, and the soldier in front of him had been shot into a sieve, but no drop of blood flowed out, because all his wounds were completely dried up the moment he was penetrated by the laser.

3, 2, 1!

Chen Guo finally crossed the short distance of more than ten meters. After completing the demonization in an instant, he directly used his demonized arm to use the corpse that had just died in his hand as a weapon, swung it in a circle, swung it with all his strength, and hit a storm hard. On the soldier's head.

boom! !

Amidst the dull and loud noise, Chen Guo's wild swings made the already broken and shriveled body become even more broken! But on the contrary, the helmet that looked extremely hard also collapsed and deformed, and the head inside was shattered and twisted together.

The storm trooper standing next to him immediately lowered his gun, and at the same time, he pulled out the dagger on his leg with one hand. He fired, covering his teammates and Chen Guo in the muzzle, and stabbed Chen Guo in the lower abdomen. , but the next second, Chen Guo raised his leg and kicked hard, and the sole of his foot, which was filled with vitality, was printed on the Storm Soldier's chest.

The storm trooper in front of him felt as if his chest and heart had been hit by a heavy cannon. The thick carapace body armor on his upper body groaned miserably, and then his body rose from the ground with a heart-breaking bone cracking sound. He screamed and flew backwards in severe pain, a large amount of blood spurted out from his mouth, and the entire helmet was submerged in the blink of an eye.

Chen Guo moved vigorously and resolutely, and did not dare to stop for a moment after taking down two stormtroopers in a row. Relying on the fluff on his palms for heat insulation, Chen Guo did not care at all how hot the muzzle of the hell muzzle that had just sprayed the laser was, and moved directly left and right. Grabbing the muzzles of the remaining two guns, he yanked the two stormtroopers together hard, and then the sharp claws flew past, and the hard helmets and the heads inside turned into slices.


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Seeing that the whole group of stormtroopers was slaughtered, Chen Guo pulled out the dog's head that was still stuck to her thigh with force, turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

During the fight just now, in order to prevent accidental injuries, the rest of the idlers all ran far away, leaving enough fighting space for the stormtroopers.

They guessed that the battle might end soon, but they didn't guess that the bodies lying on the ground at the end would be those of Stormtroopers.

They were stunned for a moment, until a guy with a senior military rank shouted to fire, and then they belatedly picked up the weapon in their hands and started shooting at Chen Guo.

How could Chen Guo just stay there and wait to die?

He quickly picked up a slightly complete Stormtrooper corpse on the ground, and rushed into the crowd while holding the corpse.

Not to mention anything else, the carapace on this stormtrooper was really hard. Ordinary laser guns and gunpowder bullets quickly destroyed other parts of the body, but the parts wearing the carapace remained unscathed.

As a result, the imperial soldier who fired could only watch helplessly as Chen Guo held up only a small piece of minced meat wrapped in carapace and rushed into the crowd with enough energy to kill an Ogryn warrior.

However, today was their lucky day. Forced by the intensifying hunger in his mind, Chen Guo did not dare to waste any time fighting. Instead, he directly knocked through the crowd, snatched the bomb from an imperial soldier, and detonated it. Escaped temporarily under cover of flames and smoke.

During the Great Expedition, the conventional length of a heavy cruiser was more than 4.5 kilometers, the crest width was more than 0.5 kilometers, the mass was more than 29 million square meters, and the minimum total area including the upper deck exceeded 10 million square meters.

Of course, this is just the data for ordinary heavy cruisers. In the future, some super large heavy cruisers and even battleships will be half or even more than double the size of this.

Logically speaking, it is not difficult to hide an army inside such a huge ship, and it is even easier to hide a person.

But the actual situation is not like this. Not to mention the biochemical hounds that can follow the taste and have amazing fecundity, there are thousands of various equipment and devices specially used to search for enemies in ships.

(This is not an exaggeration or bragging. In this world where gang jumping occurs at every turn, it is very normal for invaders and defenders to engage in guerrilla warfare inside the ship. What some Astartes like to do most is to run away. Go to the enemy's flagship and fight guerrilla warfare.)

Hiding in a utility room on an unknown deck, Chen Guo regained his human form. His blind and crazy hunger made him lose his mind. He directly exchanged all the manifestation points he had recently obtained for Two Huanglong Pills, I swallowed them all in one gulp.

The surging medicinal power flowed through his body, and the uncontrollable hunger in his mind finally began to slowly fade away.

Reason finally reoccupied the highest point of the brain.

"Big loss!"

Chen Guo regained her senses and felt a pain in her body. The synthetic energy bar could solve the problem, but she spent 1,600 Realization Points, directly wasting two Huanglong Pills that could save her life at a critical moment. This business was really a huge loss. .

Seeing the tangible points returning to single digits, Chen Guo kept sighing in her heart.

However, the flowers were spent and it was impossible to spit out the Huanglong Pill. Chen Guo could only silently accept this reality.

"Woof woof woof~"

The barking of biochemical hounds could be heard again from the passage outside. Although these hounds, which had undergone genetic modification and intensive training, still retained the characteristics of dogs, they were no longer dogs, but biological weapons with extremely high IQ.

In just over ten minutes, they found Chen Guo in the complicated and cumbersome cabin by relying on the smell of blood.

(To tell a little joke from the underworld, the olfactory modification surgery was not included in the initial surgery, but some warlike Astartes would choose to perform another olfactory modification surgery like the biochemical hounds. Later, these Astartes also had another name called - hounds (hunting masters).)

It's endless, right!

Chen Guo was annoyed. He opened the door and was about to continue walking towards the lower deck, but at this moment, the wall of the utility room, which looked smooth and flat, suddenly opened from the inside.

There was actually a secret door there!

The silver-gray mask quickly appeared on his face, and the perspective spell of the Face of Truth was activated again. Chen Guo looked at the secret door that suddenly opened, and immediately saw the bald man hiding in the darkness behind the secret door.

It was he who opened the secret door.

"Come in if you don't want to die!" As if he had noticed Chen Guo's gaze, the bald man no longer hid himself and walked quickly to the front of the secret door.

This was a young bald man with pale skin like a corpse. Not only was his skin frighteningly white, but the color of his pores was also particularly frightening. He unconsciously had a sick smile on his lips, two worn-out plastic tubes were inserted behind his head, his clothes were old and tattered, his pair of white palms were covered with calluses, and his whole body exuded the pungent smell of motor oil.

"Come in quickly, they are already at the door."

Gritting his teeth, Chen Guo followed the bald man directly into the secret door.

The next second, the bald man skillfully closed the secret door, and pulled the thick metal plate above the secret door to seal the entire secret door, and then took out a thick black engine oil and smeared it on the gap of the metal plate, completely isolating the smell of Chen Guo.

"Follow me!" Throwing away the black engine oil in his hand, the bald man did not want to explain more, turned around and walked down the dark pipe.

Chen Guo did not hesitate too much, and followed him, following him through the complex and ever-changing pipes.

He could feel that this bald man had no malice, but no kindness, only a faint disgust for Chen Guo.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you helping me?"

"You talk too much, I'm not helping you, I'm just preventing you from demolishing my home." The bald man stopped while talking, and calmly took out a welding gun and a wrench from under his simple robe, and began to repair a pipe on the wall that was spewing steam.

"Your home... Are you a Void Child?"

(Maintaining a massive interstellar fleet has always been the foundation of the Empire's survival. Without the support of these fleets, the human world would fall into isolation and helplessness, and the Emperor's light would gradually dim with the arrival of darkness. However, the voyage within the Empire is not smooth sailing, because the warp is always unstable. A warp storm, turbulence or time disorder can cause the sailing ship to deviate by thousands of light years, or fall into a state of complete stagnation. Later, due to the time confusion between the warp and the real space, the ship that sent out the distress signal may need to wait for several years before the belated rescue team and supply ship arrive. Because of the long time span of the voyage, the crew gradually adapted to the disturbance of the warp to the real space, got used to living in a low-weight or zero-gravity state, and forgot the touch of the ground. Some ships never even docked, and the crew gave birth to generations of descendants in the cold cabins. These people born in the iron wall are called Void Children - or rootless people.)

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