Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 75 Khorne...is coming!

"Quick, it's right here!"

"Quick, dig it for me!"

Lu Duo Yin'er, slightly crazy, commanded the punishment army under him, and kept digging the soil in front of him.

Hundreds of legion commanders with magic bags used the storage capacity of the magic bags to quickly transport large amounts of soil away.

Dozens of engineers squeezed into the narrow gap and used support frames made of alloy to support the collapsed cave tunnel bit by bit to prevent the tunnel from collapsing again.

Behind them, there was intensive gunfire and artillery fire from time to time.

But compared to before, the sound of fighting was obviously much quieter.

This is not that the Chaos Demons have retreated, but that there are fewer and fewer resistance forces.

In order to stabilize the battle line, Lu Doyin'er mobilized the Zero Gram Army as the last trump card into the battle line without asking Chen Guo for instructions... There was no other way, the battle line had reached an extremely critical moment.

The Punisher Legion is now out of ten, and more than 70% of the front lines have been lost.

If the Zero Gram Corps does not enter the battlefield at this time, then any flaw in the front will make all the previous efforts and persistence in vain.

"Step aside!"

A dozen Ogryn ape-men roughly pushed through the team in front of them. They held shovels and hammers made of some kind of giant steel and began to dig up the mound in front of them.

With their participation, the project was immediately accelerated dozens of times, and the source of the collapse was quickly reached.

"Master!" The leading demon faces immediately roared loudly, hoping to get Chen Guo, who was buried under the soil, to react so that they could point out the direction of their excavation.

But the soil is buried too deep, so the sound insulation effect is surprisingly good.

Therefore, no matter how loudly they roared, they still could not get any response, so they could only dig out every inch of soil in front of them in order to rescue their master Chen Guo.

After finally digging for a while, Demon Face suddenly let out a shout of surprise, because they had found a damaged adamantine sword, which meant that Chen Guo was not far away from them.

"There is no need to dig any further. Center here and dig like a carpet!" As the commander-in-chief, Lou Duoyin immediately issued a new excavation order.

There is a general range, so when digging, there is no need to rush in like headless flies. It didn't take long for the excavation team to find Chen Guo buried under the soil.

However, the top of Chen Guo was piled with soil and several huge blocks of granite were placed on it. Since the engineers did not install support pillars, Lu Doyin could only carry several Astartes with him. Dig carefully with your own palms.

Once the engineers who came over installed the support pillars, Lu Doyiner went up and wielded his power sword to chop up all the granite above, and then dragged Chen Guo out from below.

Looking at the strange appearance with only eyes and mouth on the berserker's armor, Lu Doyin felt a wave of fear in his heart.

Not only him, but everyone around him showed expressions of shock and fear after seeing Chen Guo's face at this moment. The Engineer of the Penal Legion, who had not undergone any transformation, sat down on the ground with his legs weak. On the ground, I couldn't stand up from the ground for a long time.

Lu Duo Yin'er suppressed the fear in his heart and slowly stepped forward to push Chen Guo's body, "Master, my lord, are you okay? My lord!"

I don't know if it was because of Lu Duo Yin'er's words or his pushing, Chen Guo slowly woke up. Not only did his body begin to shrink slowly, but the Berserker armor on his body also began to shrink, and the terrifying helmet also seemed like It slowly dissipated as if it were alive, revealing Chen Guo's slightly pale face... And if you look carefully, you can clearly see that he seems to have grown up by more than ten years.

It's the side effect of the Blood River Forbidden Technique - the Taotie Doubling Technique.

Of course, this is the world of Warhammer, and things like lifespan are simply trivial to a biological sage like Linda.

Through genetic engineering, Linda could easily replenish all the decades of life that Chen Guoso had lost.

"Sir, there's something here!" The engineer responsible for installing the support pillars suddenly yelled, and the mud wall nearby began to shake violently, as if something was about to come out of it.

"Get ready for battle!" Lu Duoyin took out the power sword from his waist and the bolt gun in his hand, and looked at the wall over there with all his concentration.

Suddenly, there was no movement on the wall over there, but the ground not far away suddenly broke, and a big hole appeared. A tall man with a door panel stuck in his chest, half of his body had bones exposed, and half of it was missing. The blood-red monster with legs roared and rushed towards Chen Guo lying on the ground.


Lou Duoyin raised his hand and started shooting wildly, and the surrounding guns also let out fiery shouts. But what no one expected was that whether it was a bolt gun, a laser gun, or an ultra-small macro cannon and light energy The cannons, and even the photon spears, which have not been fully installed due to the problem of the abortion line, have not been able to leave even a little white mark on this terrifying monster!

On the contrary, this terrifying monster, with the waving of his palm, easily tore a large number of punishment warriors, Astartes and even the largest Ogryn apes into pieces.

In the end, only Lu Doynel and more than a dozen demons were left in front of him!

Facing such a terrifying enemy, the demons did not hesitate at all, nor did they want to retreat. The wizard demons immediately launched various spells, and the martial artist demons took out their power swords and rushed towards the huge monster in front of them.

Their fate was the same as the pieces of meat lying behind the monster. In the blink of an eye, they were torn into pieces and turned into blue mucus, and finally splashed everywhere!

However, the wizards' performance was very eye-catching. The wizard spells that did not belong to this world quickly left conspicuous marks on the hateful monster in front of them.

But... that was all!

Although the wizard spells could leave marks on him, they still could not stop him from moving forward!

Lu Duoyiner gritted his teeth, rushed forward, grabbed the sword stuck in his chest, and began to twist it vigorously.

Wearing armor, his grip and thrust can reach several densities... but he still can't pull out the sword, and can only twist it slightly.

And the hateful monster in front of him just slapped him away with a slap, deeply embedded in the mud beside him, half of his body and armor were smashed, scarlet blood kept flowing out, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

Chen Guo, who had just sat up from the ground, watched this scene with his own eyes. His body was extremely weak after using the forbidden method, and his brain was also affected to a certain extent when the Berserker Armor just did its best to absorb emotions, so he didn't react to what happened for a while.

Until he watched Lou Doyle being slapped away, followed by the demon-faced wizards in front of him who tried to block him and were quickly torn to pieces.

Chen Guo finally figured out everything that happened before!

A nameless anger suddenly appeared in his heart, and his body, which had shrunk not long ago, turned into a demon again. As his mind turned, the Blood River Forbidden Technique - Taotie Multiplication also appeared on his body again.

The strange helmet of the Berserker Armor quickly emerged, Chen Guo grabbed the hilt, raised his leg to block Skarbrand in front of him, and then pulled out the giant sword stuck in his chest.

Even a Khorne demon like Skarbrand, who was insensitive to pain and fearless of death, couldn't help but tremble when he felt such a huge sword being pulled out of his body. Even the palms that kept hitting Chen Guo's body paused for a while, and it took several seconds to recover.

"Go to hell!"

With a turn of his wrist, the sword of the Dragon Slayer Great Sword slapped Skarbrand's chest fiercely, directly knocking him off the ground, and letting him enjoy the feeling of flying again since his wings were damaged.

While he was enjoying flying, Chen Guo also carried the great sword and disappeared from the original place like a ghost, and then appeared at the place where Skarbrand was about to fall, and began to wave the great sword in his hand, slashing Skarbrand, who was about to fall, and then once again instantly arrived at the place where Skarbrand landed and slashed him again...

In this way, Chen Guo played table tennis with himself, and the sharp great sword kept dismembering the Khorne demon in front of him.

Soon, Skarbrand was chopped into a human pig, completely without the ability to resist.

But just when Chen Guo was about to chop off his head and send him back to the warp, a fist hit him hard on the back of his head, causing him to stagger and almost fall to the ground. At the same time, Skarbrand, who had been flying in the air, finally fell to the ground.

Chen Guo turned around and looked back, only to see a winged Khorne bloodthirster standing there like a puppet, holding his fist high, with a dull look on his face!

Chen Guo, who had already lost some of his mind, wanted to think clearly about why a seemingly ordinary Khorne bloodthirster could almost knock him to the ground.

But the punch just now seemed to turn on some kind of switch, causing him to suddenly have endless tyranny and killing in his mind for some reason.

Therefore, he didn't care about so much at all, and directly rushed towards this Khorne bloodthirster waving the greatsword in his hand.

But what the crazy Chen Guo didn't notice was that the survivors around him couldn't help but kneel down in the direction of the Khorne Bloodthirster.

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