Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 14: Human Relationships, the Changes of Colorful Meteors (pure transition chapter, friendly

"Hey, are you okay!"

T didn't reply, but the answer was already obvious. He was... very bad.

That's right, half of your body was frozen into ice, how could you still be fine?

I poured the zhenqi into it and looked around, and then used the perspective spell on the mask to take a closer look. As expected, the condition was extremely bad. This arm and all the muscles and joints on the body had been necrotic by cryogenic freezing. There was no trace of it at all. Rescue is necessary.

Since it is necrotic, it must be removed quickly, otherwise once the bad water and rotten muscles inside spread and become infected, the area that needs to be removed will not be as simple as just one arm.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ It looks like someone is going to be a one-armed hero in the future!"

After rummaging around in the boat for a while, Chen Guo found the emergency medical kit. However, the condition of the medical kit was a bit too old. The medical kit that was originally supposed to be silver-gray had completely turned yellow and discolored. She didn't know it had been placed here. How long.

But for a while, no other medical supplies could be found, so he could only treat a dead horse as a living horse.

Try opening the medical kit the normal way.

Yes, the lock is rusty and cannot be opened at all.

I tore open the box and found it was well protected inside.

He casually picked up a medicine labeled hemostatic, which had not yet solidified.

Production date - 369.m14.

Yes, it was a medicine at the end of the Golden Age more than 10,000 years ago.

There is no expiration date, I hope it will be useful.

"Buddha bless!"

Inject forcefully into T's body.

Potion notes take effect in one minute.

After soaking her nails with ten thousand years of alcohol, Chen Guo aimed at the position of her arm. "Shua~", the sharp nails flashed past, and the whole arm immediately fell to the ground. Black and red blood spurted out, and the fallen arm also Because of the embrittlement caused by the extreme low temperature, it broke into seven or eight pieces.

Seeing that blood was still flowing out, Chen Guo felt a little relieved, but the hemostatic agent didn't seem to have any effect.

It's not really expired.

He took a few more and injected them all into T's body. The blood column like a fountain finally became much smaller.

Carefully digging out some necrotic black flesh that was visible to the naked eye, Chen Guo took the bandage and tightened it to completely stop the splattering blood, and began to bandage the wound.

Although the bandage is not very beautiful, Chen Guo dared to pat his chest. This bandage is definitely useful.

It's a pity that all the manifestation points have been used up. Otherwise, if he exchanged for another Huanglong Pill and fed it to T, his chance of survival would have been higher.

Injecting another shot of adrenaline, Chen Guo patted T's cheek.

Still no consciousness to wake up.

Maybe...have to wait a while?

No longer paying attention to the lying corpse, Chen Guo walked to the console and fiddled with it for a while, trying to activate the normal flight engine of the spacecraft. Unfortunately, he struggled for a long time and had no effect at all. There was only a big red warning character on the display. Flashing back and forth.


T's voice came from behind as he woke up. Looking back at the "bald shipmate" who was gradually waking up, Chen Guo felt very satisfied.

Sure enough, my medical talent is still very high, wouldn't this save people?

Looking at the severed hand and the medicine box on the ground, T's face was full of confusion, and he had no idea what was going on.

It wasn't until a while later that he struggled to sit up, looking at the broken arm beside him with an ugly expression.

Combined with the bandages on his body, he finally recognized that this arm belonged to him.

"Don't look at it. The whole arm is frozen to death from the inside out. I'll just cut it off for you. You're welcome."

"...You...I...you used the medicine in this medicine box?"

T was stunned again and pulled the medicine box on the ground with one hand, his face full of disbelief.

"Yes, is there anything wrong?"

He didn't speak, but stood up slowly, picked up a black box from where Chen Guo was holding the medical box and threw it to Chen Guo.

Chen Guo opened it and felt a little embarrassed.

Because the box was filled with nothing else but brand-new medicines.

"Uh...where did you find it? I just searched for a long time and couldn't find it."

Covering his missing arm with his robe, T injected himself with several blue solvents. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. He squeezed Chen Guo away and checked the spacecraft in front of the console. Status: "The state of the spacecraft is very bad. Many parts have been severely damaged due to overloading in the subspace. The fuel in the back is also exhausted. It seems that we must land. I will see if I can put the remaining Gather the fuel... huh?"

T clicked on the red warning on the console screen, and a middle-aged man's projected face suddenly appeared in the center of the screen, saying: "This is the first spaceport in the Dyna sector. Please report the ship's identity information and where it will be in the future." If you have permission to enter the Dyna system, please reply in time, otherwise we will send a patrol fleet to board the ship for inspection. "

"Praise Terra, I am Rockefeller, from the star planet of Amros in the Centaur star system. The interstellar pirates we encountered were forced to take refuge in the subspace. Our ships encountered subspace storms in the subspace. We are the only ones. Survived..." Chen Guo skillfully used Gothic to tell the middle-aged man the sad and tearful story of being robbed by interstellar pirates and forced to flee.

Chen Guo didn't know whether the middle-aged man on the other side of the projection believed the story, but when the other man heard that Chen Guo was speaking Gothic, his stiff facial expression became much kinder.

In the vast galaxy, those who can speak High Gothic are not necessarily noble, but they must be people with noble status, because only with this noble family background can they have enough ability for their children to learn and master High Gothic.

If the Gothic language was not convincing enough, then coupled with the fact that Chen Guo was piloting an antique ship from the golden age, his identity as a playboy disciple of a large family in a distant hive city was basically confirmed.

"Okay, dear Mr. Locke, welcome to the Dyna sector. The rescue fleet has set off. Please wait patiently for a moment."


After turning off the communication projection, Chen Guo breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she had made the right bet to communicate in Gothic.

Ignoring T's weird look, he said: "Okay, take a look at what other valuables are on this ship and take them all away. I will find a reason to sell this ship to the rescuers later." The fleet, an old antique from the golden age, can also perform subspace jumps. Although there should be no fools really using it to conduct subspace navigation, even if it is regarded as an antique, it should be worth a lot of money. When the time comes, we will be alone Half, with this kind of money, it shouldn’t be difficult to find a hive planet in this sector and survive.”

"...Okay!" T nodded after hesitating for a while. To be honest, he had never set foot on land in his life, so he would be lying if he said he wasn't curious.

Besides, he has completely lost an arm under the leadership of a certain quack doctor. Without an arm, he is no longer suitable to be a crew member on other ships. Maybe he can take the opportunity to escape from the curse of the Void Child passed down from generation to generation. It is also a better choice.

In addition, his most valuable asset now is not this transport ship, but the production methods, blueprints and installation steps of the miniaturized subspace engine from the golden age in his head.

That is truly priceless.

The rescue fleet at the Dyna Sector Spaceport quickly found them. A frigate slowly captured the spacecraft with gravity, and steadily put the unpowered ultra-small transport ship into the frigate's cabin.

"Hello, Mr. Locke, I am the captain of this frigate, Colonel Ans. Do you need any help?"

Colonel Ans said he was here to provide humanitarian care, but in fact, his eyes were almost entirely fixed on this small transport ship. The greed in his eyes was not hidden at all, and his eyeballs almost bulged out.

It's not his fault. Faced with an ultra-small Golden Age ship that can sail in subspace, it is inevitable that people will not be excited.

Even if such a ship cannot be repaired, if it is placed on Terra, many nobles and playboys will lose their money and compete to buy it.

Good guy, tell Cao Cao, An Si is here, and this ready-made deal is delivered to your door so quickly.

Seeing the other party's expression, Chen Guo felt happy.

"Hello, Captain Ans, this is my crew member T. He is not in a very good condition right now. Could you please..."

"No problem, Henry, take him to the medical room!"

"Yes, sir!"

After giving T a wink and asking him to follow him to heal his wounds, Chen Guo began to greet Colonel Anse in front of him and at the same time promoted this "high-quality" ship.

"Colonel Anse, how is this ship?"

"Ah, very good, very good... Is this subspace engine installed afterward?"

"Of course not, this is real Golden Age technology. It was originally matched with this ship, but some parts were broken, so I replaced some parts from the same Golden Age. Essentially, it's the same set! "

"Oh... I wonder if you are interested, Mr. Locke, in giving it to me?"

His words made Chen Guo startled, and she had a bad feeling. This guy couldn't be motivated by money!

"This..." Chen Guo had a troubled look on her face, "Colonel Ans, it's not that I don't give you face, it's just..."

Before he finished speaking, Colonel Ans interrupted Chen Guo's words.

"I understand, I understand, Locke, please rest assured that I am an upright imperial soldier. I will not do anything to buy or sell by force. I will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

"I'm serious. Although our Rockefeller family is the largest merchant family in the Horned Galaxy, I don't even know where I am now. I am living under someone else's roof. How dare I ask Ans for more requests? You can figure it out. As long as the price is If it suits you, I will transfer this ship to you.”

(Because the territory of the empire is so large, there is no unified currency (mainly because some damn guys like to make counterfeit coins). The main method of transaction is barter, so even the tithe is directly Submit the physical object.)

"Okay, since you said that, I won't be polite anymore... Thirty million Dyna energy coins, according to the current economic price of the Dyna galaxy, can buy three million dense pure water."

"Three million secret...pure water?"

"Haha, you don't know this. Most of the planets in the Dyna Star are barren desert planets. Water here is more valuable than the population. The value of three million dense pure water is enough for you to have enough food and clothing in the Dyna Star. Living for a lifetime is enough for you to hire a small local fleet to return to your hometown."

Chen Guo thought silently with his head down, and then stretched out his hand with some reluctance, "Although I feel a little bit at a disadvantage, I will consider it as making friends with you, Ans. Deal, this ship is yours."

"Hahaha, happy cooperation. If you are not in a hurry to go back, why not stay on Dyna main planet for a while? Our governor spent fifty years to transform an artificial ocean in the desert of the main planet, right next to the No. 3 nest. Although it is not as good as the original ocean planet, the scenery is still unique. You can spend a vacation here to calm down!"

"Build an artificial ocean in the desert? Then I really have to go and see it."


"What are your plans next?"

A month later, lying in a private sun room next to the beach, Chen Guo looked at T who wrapped himself tightly and kept drinking ice juice next to him, and asked speechlessly.

Chen Guo had repeatedly suspected that this guy was out of his mind. On such a hot planet, he had to wear the thick clothes he wore in the space ship to keep warm, and he didn't even wash them. The oil smell was terrible. I really couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

"This planet is too hot. I still want to find a ship to serve..."

"Didn't you say you wanted to get rid of your wandering life and break the curse of the Son of the Void? Why did you think of running to that broken ship again?"

"Before I came here, I was indeed full of curiosity about the land, but after I came here, I found that it didn't seem to be worth my curiosity. Compared with the empty room, the heavy body, the noisy and lively nest, I still prefer the dark pipes, the low-gravity floating and the quiet space... To be honest, I haven't been eating or sleeping well for many days. Compared with this sweet tooth-ache juice, , I still prefer to drink my home brew and synthetic energy bars. ”

“Well, it seems that the curse of the Void Son cannot be broken on you.”

“Yes, maybe, this is fate!”

“Hey, fate? Don’t believe in fate, just believe in yourself... When are you going to leave?”


“So soon?”

“A Rogue Trader’s transport ship has already accepted me. I will report to the spaceport tonight. I may not have the chance to meet again in the future...” T was in a very low mood. In a sense, Chen Guo was his first and only friend at the moment.

“Hey, don’t be so depressed. I probably, maybe, maybe... I won’t leave this star zone for many years. You can come back to see me anytime.”

“Okay, if there is a chance, I will definitely come to see you... This is for you!” T handed Chen Guo a thumb-sized crystal.

"What is this?"

"The blueprint for the miniaturization of the subspace engine and my transformation plan. After I installed the artificial brain, I copied a copy for you."

"This... is too valuable. I can't take it." After these days of understanding, Chen Guo has fully understood how valuable the technology of miniaturization of the subspace engine is.

This technology was not a rare technology in the golden age, but at this moment, this technology is a priceless treasure technology.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he finds a suitable mechanical monk, such as the reasonable Linda Sage, Chen Guo can pat his chest and guarantee that he can use this technology to exchange for the ownership of a desolate galaxy, or a complete medium-sized long-distance fleet.

If there is a chance to obtain this technology through stealing and robbing, Chen Guo will steal and rob without hesitation, or even kill and rob.

After all, the temptation brought by the value of this technology is too great.

But facing such a precious gift given to him by someone who regards him as a friend, Chen Guo said he would not accept it no matter what.

This is not a moral issue, but a matter of principle.

"Take it, just think of it as a gift from me. If you feel embarrassed, one day in the future, when you become rich and own a cruiser, don't forget to invite me to be the captain!" T forcefully stuffed the crystal into Chen Guo's palm.

Chen Guo wanted to push it back, but was stunned for a moment, because the colorful meteors in his mind changed. Not only did new options reappear on the rotating refresh symbols, but there were also three new options in addition to the original nine options on the table.

From nine to twelve.

After quickly reading the extra option at the top, Chen Guo knew that whether he accepted the crystal or not, he had already owed this favor.

"...Live well, I will definitely invite you back to be the captain in the future. Cruisers are shit, if you want to drive, drive a heavy battleship!"

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