Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 90 Linda's Baby - Biological Brain Terminal

"Bad guy!"

With a blush on her face, Soni punched Chen Guo's chest hard. She resisted the most fiercely just now, so she was also shocked the most severely. Up to now, her body is still going on without stopping!

"Hehehehe!" Chen Guo smiled mischievously and kissed her hard, "Don't say I didn't take care of you, this time it all depends on who is the most successful between you and Linda!"

"Okay!" Sony nodded immediately, then looked at Linda with provocative eyes.

Linda faced his gaze, rolled her eyes with disdain, patted her slightly swollen belly, and said, "You will definitely lose!"

Soni immediately seemed to have remembered something and yelled loudly, "Guo, she is a biological sage, she wants to cheat!"

"Hehehe, then I'll just help you a little bit more!" Chen Guo pounced on Soni again amid her screams!


As Soni and Solan fell asleep first due to exhaustion, Linda slowly climbed onto Chen Guo's chest and took over his body.

She was still lying on Chen Guo's chest and rubbing circles. Everything seemed to be the same as before. The only thing that had changed was that Linda's body seemed to be heavier than before - she was definitely doing something to her body again. An unknown transformation!

Looking at the white five-pointed star on Chen Guo's chest, Linda asked curiously, "When did you get the tattoo?"

Chen Guo lowered her head and glanced at the white five-pointed star, and said with some helplessness, "I didn't take the initiative to get this tattoo, but she refused to leave!"


"Yes, her!" Chen Guo smiled bitterly and told Linda everything she had encountered during her trip.

But after Linda heard that the white five-pointed star tattoo was a fragment of the Star God that was lingering on, her face was immediately full of curiosity.

As a well-read and well-informed mechanical sage, Linda certainly knew about the Star God.

This is not surprising.

After all, the Mechanicum's most powerful forging world in each star field has more or less fragments of the Star God.

However, she was still in such close contact with a new divine fragment.

But compared to this Star God fragment, she was more interested in Chen Guo's physical condition at this moment. After all, she could feel that Chen Guo's body was becoming more powerful than before!

"Okay, now that I've finished talking about my side of things, let's talk about your side of things!

Tell me what's going on with the biochemical army outside, and why can I feel Angron's aura on them? "Chen Guo reached out and pinched Linda's vagina!

"Ah... I knew I couldn't hide it from you!" Linda said while twisting her body, "What you feel is indeed right. I will use your genes, Angron's genes and Ax-79 for good biochemistry. The viruses have been modified and strengthened on the basis of zero grams, and their biological intelligence has also been strengthened to a certain extent. I named them primitive war dogs... By the way, come with me! "Linda! He slapped away Chen Guo's hand that was doing bad things, and quickly took out two sets of red robes and put them on Chen Guo and himself.

Then she walked into the room through the secret door and along the long and narrow tunnel stairs into the Starport's most secret laboratory - the Dark Nest!

This laboratory was built by Linda herself. Apart from her, Chen Guo, Sony and Solan, not even Alice and Leopold knew about it!

Although Chen Guo knew about the existence of this laboratory, this was the second time he entered this laboratory, and the last time he came in, there was nothing in it, only empty rooms and various experimental equipment that had not yet been unpacked. .

And when he walked into the laboratory again this time.

This place has completely become another world.

Huge cultivation cabins are everywhere, with no end as far as the eye can see, and clones that have just been cultivated from the cultivation cabins are hung one after another on the high-altitude transportation lines and curved shelves. They are walking along the The assembly line was slowly sent into the hole at the top!

A cursory look showed that almost every few dozen seconds, a clone would be picked out of the culture chamber like an apple, and then the long hook holding them would be shaken hard twice. , shook all the liquid from their bodies, and then carried them towards the hole in the ceiling.

Although the faces of these clones bore no resemblance to his own, Chen Guo could still see his shadow in them, and there was a vague feeling of blood connection... If If you guessed it correctly, these clones also have their own genetic cells on their bodies.

"This clone assembly line is the latest original war dog assembly line that I have deployed. Their complete bodies are the ones you just encountered.

Of course, what you see are all original versions that have not had time to undergo organ transplantation. So far, the success rate of organ transplantation on the original War Dog is less than 40%.

In other words, most of the clones you see at this moment will be scrapped during organ transplant operations... However, you don't have to worry about any waste of raw materials! Linda explained a little, then pulled Chen Guo and continued to move forward.

Continuing to walk forward along the long cloning assembly line, Chen Guo saw many strange biological experiments.

Most of them were related to the T virus. It can be seen that under Linda's research, the T virus has surpassed the height of its original world, but... these monsters that Linda has researched, let alone going to the battlefield, even if they are released from the box and let them stand there, they may scare the enemy to death!

However, these guys are not the focus of Linda bringing Chen Guo here. She didn't even want to introduce them, and directly pulled Chen Guo to the deepest part of the laboratory!

Under the surveillance of hundreds of familiar scarlet walker big-eyed tentacle monsters, but their size was obviously several times larger, Linda took Chen Guo into the most confidential place.

As soon as she walked in, a pungent and unpleasant smell hit her face, and then a semicircular culture chamber that looked larger than several transport ships combined appeared in front of Chen Guo.

And in this semicircular culture chamber, there were densely packed with all kinds of brains... real brains!

This is simply a paradise that will make brain-eating zombies ecstatic!

The colorful connecting wires connect these brains of various shapes together, and dazzling light flashes from time to time on these connecting wires... It's like... No, it's just a giant brain, a brain made up of countless brains!

Looking along those colorful connecting wires, more than a dozen weirdos with huge brains were tied and lying on a round black long table, and on their heads were steel helmets that looked like motorcycle helmets.

The connecting wires extending from the huge semicircular culture chamber were fixed on those helmets, and colorful light continued to flash from the connecting wires until it was completely immersed in the helmets.

And with each flash of light, those big-headed weirdos wearing helmets would tremble uncontrollably, as if they were undergoing some kind of torture, and their faces became more distorted.

"Is this... a biological brain terminal?" Chen Guo hesitated for a moment, but still successfully called out the name of the device in front of him.

Linda mentioned the concept of biological brain terminal to Chen Guo more than once... This concept was born when she was a biological sage of the Mechanicus.

However, not only did the Mechanicus not allow such cruel experimental designs, but she also did not have enough resources to create at that time.

That is to say, now that she has regained her freedom and has sufficient resources, she can boldly create... But even so, only she and Chen Guo have seen this biological brain!

After all, such a creative design is too inhumane.

"Yes, this is the biological brain terminal, and it is also the device I use to replace pheromone control. The memory cells of these brains have been cleared, leaving only brain cells dedicated to thinking!

With the help of the connection lines I designed, these tens of thousands of brains will provide the most perfect, most appropriate, or most successful solution to any problem at the first time. With its help, all biological troops will have powerful auxiliary brains from now on.

In addition, it can also be used for some more complex data calculations."

Linda showed a proud look on her face. She pointed at the big heads and said, "And these big-headed weirdos are all psychics with psychic talents, and after my transformation, their brain stem cells were removed, and their emotional cells were also removed. I only retained a small number of memory storage cells for them, and through some special means, their psychic power has increased by unknown times in a short period of time.

At this moment, each of them can be compared with some powerful astropaths. In addition, they can easily and quickly transmit language and signals to the edge of the Milky Way through the subspace!

Unfortunately, their physique is still a little too weak. Once they transmit spiritual signals for a long time, their heads will become bigger and bigger until they explode.

And, even if I continue to send fleets to the surrounding galaxies to capture them, I can only capture these dozen psychics!

The number of psychics is still too small, and there is no way to copy and clone them!

According to my prediction, if this biological brain system wants to operate better, it is not enough to rely on these guys alone. More wild psychics are still needed!

And once the number of these signal transmission sources is large enough, then from now on, all biological legions can enjoy the assistance of this super brain! "

Looking at the creepy device in front of him, Chen Guo couldn't help but think of the empire's torch lighthouse... The torch lighthouse that burned day and night consumed the lives and souls of a thousand psychics every day.

The device designed and built by Linda is similar to the Psychic Torch Tower... It seems that I will have to compete with the Silence sisters for work in the future.

Wait, Chen Guo suddenly thought of another question, "Linda, how can you guarantee that these psychics will not become uncertain subspace bombs under your torture?"

"I can't guarantee it. I haven't thought of any solution... But I have done everything I can. If this gets out of control, then I can only blame myself for my bad luck!"

"Linda, stop first... You are playing with fire, you know that?

I think your brain terminal facilities are great.

But you shouldn't use psychics as signal transmission sources. Once these dangerous psychics self-destruct, the resulting subspace vortex will swallow up everything on the starport!

Stop it, I believe there should be other technologies that can implement ultra-long-distance interstellar transmission!"

As Chen Guo spoke, he couldn't help but think of the ticket to the Fantasy Apostle Club in his mind... Maybe there would be the answer he needed!

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