Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 103: The Spoiled Guards and the Silent Sisters. (1/2)

"Twenty-seven combined fleets from the Dan'an sector and other surrounding areas have arrived at Macragge and are now reorganizing the fleet. It is expected to be completed within fifteen days... The Dajie Saiga sector fleet is in Milo Motor The Fusi sector was attacked and the entire army was wiped out. Only a small number of frigates successfully escaped..."

While listening to the reports in his ears, Guilliman kept reviewing the documents with an expressionless face.

No one thought, including him, that the Second Empire would last so short.

The founding of the Second Reich was like an organized and planned rebellion.

And he, Leon, and Sangilis all seemed to be the leaders of this rebellion.

However, Akito did not tell secrets. They had never thought of establishing their own business. Therefore, after a simple discussion, the three of them immediately decided to disband the Second Empire and began to gather strength to return to Terra and save it. Their genetic father and the imperiled Empire of Man.

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Guilliman said without raising his head, "Urge the fleet of the Adeptus Mechanicus to arrive at Macragge as soon as possible and as scheduled.

By the way, is there any news from the vanguard of the expedition? "

"My Lord, no, the vanguard troops stationed at the edge of the storm will pass on information every few Terra hours. According to their information, the fleet entering the Destruction Storm has not yet broken away from the subspace and transmitted Corresponding complete signal."

"Let Toph bring a fleet to support! We must find a route that can safely break through in a short time..." Guilliman suddenly stopped giving orders, then raised his head and looked up at the sky. .

His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the thick hard ceiling and detect the huge fleet approaching slowly in the vacuum of the universe.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Guilliman's silent expression, his subordinates were all confused.

It wasn't until Yingjie in charge of planetary defense walked into the command room and reported Chen Guo's arrival that they realized that it was the Imperial Marshal who had arrived!

Not just Guilliman.

Leon, who was sitting cross-legged in front of Coze, constantly wiping the bloody sword in his hand with a cloth, also slowly raised his head. He grinned and turned towards the person hanging upside down in the sky with his eyes closed to rest. Kurtz said, "What did you see again?"

"Oh, I saw your future. You will sleep peacefully underground for tens of thousands of years like a Sleeping Beauty. The lovely Sleeping Beauty..." Coz suddenly opened his eyes and said an extremely loud voice from his mouth. A perverted high-pitched voice.

"Hehe, I hope you can still laugh when the time comes!" Leon ignored Coze's gossip and continued to wipe the sword in his hand.

Because they are far away from their home planet, neither the Dark Angels Legion nor the Blood Angels Legion can effectively replenish their troops.

However, in order to wait for Guilliman's fleet to assemble, they did not take the risk and set off alone.

After all, anyone who is not a fool knows that the road back to Terra must be full of dangers. If their two weak fleets go on the road alone, the end will be very miserable.

Instead of destroying themselves, it would be better to follow Guilliman's huge fleet and advance.

In this way, not only can they take care of each other, but they can also preserve their strength and prepare for the final battle.

Sanguinius was naturally aware of the pressure coming from the depths of the starry sky.

However, compared to the silent Guilliman and Leon who focused all his energy on Curze, Sanguinius seemed more relaxed.

After he stepped down from the title of regent, not only was all the pressure on his body immediately relieved, but even the reluctance deep in his eyes that had been suppressed disappeared, and his whole person became the same person again. The "angel sister" that everyone in the empire is crazy about.

And with the opening of the heart lock, Momo Huhu's prophecy about the future immediately became much clearer... Sanguinius could now clearly see some brief scenes of the future like Curze.

Suddenly, a vision of the future prophecy popped up in his mind again, and Sanguinius shook his head helplessly.

Before Guilliman's communication signal came, he raised his head and drank the high-purity wine in his hand. Then, Sanguinius left his room and entered his flagship on a transport ship. .

Well, although he has successfully gotten rid of the title of regent, he still needs to appear in the ceremony... He has become a mascot.

Although the change from regent to mascot is a bit big, the gap between the two is really big... But in fact, there is not much change between the two, because when he was the regent, he was still a mascot at best.

And, compared to the regent who was sitting on pins and needles, he preferred to be a pure mascot!

With the Blood Angels Astartes, Sanguinius met Chen Guo on the Shining Star battle barge.

Seeing the man in front of him who seemed to be getting stronger again, Sanguinius showed an interested look, and without any concealment he directly asked Chen Guo how to become stronger.

Facing this Primarch who really regarded her as a friend, Chen Guo did not hide anything. She directly took him to meet Linda and recommended a series of powerful biological modification plans to him. After he visited Lots of bio-soldiers to display.

Unfortunately, although Sanguinius was very keen on Chen Guo's strength becoming stronger again, he had no intention of reforming it.

However, after he saw Linda, a biological sage, and understood her strength, he immediately asked Linda in the most sincere tone to help him solve the terrible genetic flaw in the body of his genetic offspring - blood Thirst and black rage.

Blood Thirst, as the name suggests, simply means that the Astartes of the Blood Angel Legion must take human blood regularly and quantitatively, otherwise they will become weak... This is not because their bodies need human blood, but It is a desire that comes from the depths of the soul!

However, this kind of genetic ischemia can be effectively relieved by taking blood regularly, but it sounds a little... unacceptable!

(PS: It is worth noting about blood thirst that once the Astartes of the Blood Angels Legion drink blood, they will become addicted to blood, which will also lead to the Astartes of the Blood Angels Legion at some point. Special agents will take great action on their slaves and even teammates because of their thirst for blood, just to alleviate the thirst for human blood that comes from the depths of their souls.)

Compared with the genetic defect of blood thirst, the genetic defect of black rage is even more terrifying... If you have to give an example, then you can take these Blood Angels Astartes who are trapped in the shady world. It can be compared to an enhanced version of Li Kui in Water Margin - turning into a madman without any sense at all, killing everything he sees and even his own teammates!

The level of madness is no better than that of the World Eaters Legion Astartes equipped with the Butcher's Nail.

Although after entering the Black Rage, the combat effectiveness of the Blood Angels will be greatly enhanced, but once they enter the Black Rage state, they will never be able to get out again...

This does not mean that they can never wake up from the black rage again, but after the first time, they will frequently enter the black rage in the future, with no cure or solution.

This is not to say that the "Black Rage" cannot be cured, but it is temporarily untreatable and difficult to prevent. Once the Blood Angels Astartes fall into the "Black Rage", they can only be imprisoned on Baal Prime. The Lost Towers will either be transferred to Death Company where they will be used as death squads to give these once noble warriors a quick and glorious death on the battlefield.

These are two extremely terrifying genetic defects, and they are also secrets that the Blood Angels Astartes have kept sealed.

However, compared with the Dark Angels Legion, which is known for its tough words, this secret of the Blood Angels Legion is not actually a secret...it is even a secret that most of the Astartes Legion knows.

As a biological sage, Linda certainly knows this secret of the Blood Angels Legion. At the same time, when she was a mechanical monk, she tried to help the Blood Angels Legion... But unfortunately, this countless How could it be possible that a little mechanical monk like her could solve a problem that biological sages, scientists, and geneticists could not solve?

However, at this moment, Linda is indeed qualified to challenge these two problems that have troubled countless biological sages... But, not now.

"Well... keep your genetic samples, and the genetic samples of your descendants.

I'll give it a try and see if I can patch it.

However, I suggest you not to have too much hope. The two topics of blood thirst and black rage have always been the goals that all biological sages in the Mechanicus have struggled and worked hard for.

And I am only one person. Even if I can repair the genetic defects in your genetic offspring, it will take a long, long time... You must be mentally prepared! "

"No problem!" Sanguinius was not disappointed when faced with such an answer, but happily left behind his own genetic samples and the genetic samples of several genetic descendants who had been following him.

After leaving the area specially set up for him to visit, Chen Guo and Sanguinius entered the office on the Shining Star alone.

After simply pouring two glasses of wine, Chen Guo and Sanguinius sat facing each other on the sofas on both sides.

After chatting casually for a few words about what had happened recently, Sanguinius stopped being reserved and directly brought the topic to the issue he was most concerned about.

"I want to invite you to join me!"

"Join you?" Chen Guo scratched her head inexplicably, unable to realize what Sanguinius wanted to express for a while.

"Yes... I want to invite your fleet to join my fleet... At some point in the future, I will need your and your fleet's help!" As Sanguinius spoke, a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes. A deep light.

Although this ray of light disappeared very quickly, Chen Guo still clearly captured the existence of this ray of light... As Chen Guo had faced off against Curze several times, she naturally knew that this was what Sanguinius saw in the future. A prophetic picture of what happened.

It seems that if nothing unexpected happens, he may eventually die at the hands of Horus as his fate dictates... But now that he is here, he may be able to save this man's reputation in the empire. The tallest "angel sister".

After just a brief brainstorming, Chen Guo made a decision, "Okay, then you will owe me a favor!"

"No problem. Even if I can't repay this favor, the Blood Angels will always remember it..."

After chatting for a while, Sanguinius was about to say goodbye and leave when a red light lit up on the top of the cabin above his head... This was a red warning light that would only light up when a battle entered.

It is normal for a battle barge to flash this light.

But right now this is definitely something that shouldn't happen.

After all, this is Guilliman's home base of Macragge, and even the Chaos Rebellion Legion who are not very sane would not dare to rush in here. !

Then who has the courage to take action here?

After looking at each other, Chen Guo took the communicator hanging on the side and called Linda directly.

As Linda, who has always been connected to the mechanical body, she knew the cause and effect of the whole thing through the powerful computing power of the mechanical body, which carries Skynet and the Legion, the moment before the alarm sounded.

"Black Ship?"

"Are they crazy!"

"Once you dare to attack, fight back immediately without any mercy!"

From the conversation between Chen Guo and the communicator, Sanguinius knew the cause and effect of the matter almost instantly.

Especially after hearing the words "Black Ship", he already understood... No wonder someone dared to wield swords and guns here. It turned out to be the Forbidden Army and the Sisters of Silence who were spoiled by the empire!

As soon as he mentioned that black ship, Sanguinius felt extremely dizzy.

The matter goes back to the beginning of the Second Empire!

Just a few days before the Second Empire was about to be established, this black ship suddenly broke into Macragge and demanded that the establishment of the Second Empire be stopped, saying that this was a naked betrayal of the Empire.

And if they don't stop, the black ships they represent will directly go to war with the three legions.

Facing each other, whether it was the Imperial Guards and the Sisters of Silence who were not very smart, Guilliman used a little trick to lock them all up. It was not until a few days ago that he decided to disband the Second Empire that he locked them up. It was replayed and explained accordingly.

Although these guys were not very smart, they saw that the Primarchs had no intention of betraying the empire, so they did not continue the trouble, but planned to participate in King Qin's rescue activities together.

What I didn't expect was that years of imprisonment did not change their personalities. They were still so trouble-making!

No, if anyone is not watching, they will start causing trouble again!

"Don't do it, leave this matter to me!"


Walking to the edge of the hanging window, Chen Guo looked at the fleet in the distance that quickly surrounded the black ship under Linda's order. A smile appeared on Chen Guo's lips.

He could finally take a photo with these big sisters of Silence!

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