Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 107: Use singing to defeat mental suggestion!

"Left full rudder!"

"Go forward five, push the push rod down hard!"


"Long live the Empire!"

Looking at the red and black indicators on the screen with a gloomy face, Chen Guo dialed Sanguinius's communication line.

"What do you think?"

"Try again to see if you can get rid of it. If it doesn't work, leave the subspace first. This is his home court. We won't have any advantage in fighting him!" Sanguinius's expression was also very ugly. In the battle just now, he also lost a cruiser and a dozen frigates.

Although I don't know if the soldiers on those cruisers and frigates are still alive after being tied in by the tentacles that came out of the black hole.

But according to the empire's rules of engagement, when contact is often lost, it can actually be directly determined that they have all died in battle!

Looking outside, facing the black hole where several cruisers and hundreds of frigates were massacred, Chen Guo nodded in agreement and said:

"Okay, let's make a space jump first and return to the real universe. I just don't know what Laon's condition is. It shouldn't be anything serious!"

Chen Guo recalled that just before the war started, Laon and his fleet were dragged in by the dense black tentacles extending from the black hole without even reacting.

"I can't control that much anymore. Let's go out first and talk about it later!"

Although Sanguinius is also very worried about this genetic brother, this is not the time to hesitate. He should leave quickly to prevent the fleet behind him from making the same mistake again!

After hanging up the communication, the fleet immediately issued the order to leave the subspace. All the ships pushed their subspace engines to the extreme, and large or small subspace cracks appeared in front of each ship.

Of course, those ships that have been fighting with the black hole are not included in this list... If nothing unexpected happens, they will all become victims!

Although Chen Guo felt extremely painful after losing so many ships at once, Chen Guo did not show it.

Because he knew that such sacrifices and losses were inevitable.

Seeing a large number of ships returning to the real universe through their respective subspace gaps, the Shining Star battle barge also slowly shuttled towards the subspace gap that had appeared in front of it.

It looked like he was about to enter the real universe, but at this moment, an extremely thick black tentacle quickly penetrated from the distant black hole. It was like a javelin, shooting directly without any deflection. Collided into the Shining Star battle barge.


Amidst the violent vibrations, the ship began to shake up and down. Although the extremely thick black tentacle failed to penetrate the ship from the middle, it squirmed at an extremely fast speed after touching the fleet and colliding with the ship. It entangled the ship and pinned the huge battle barge firmly in place, preventing it from passing through the subspace rift that was so close and entering the real universe!

"Cut it off!"

Photon cannons, macro cannons, destructive torpedoes...a large number of weapons quickly attacked the black tentacle.

But I don’t know what kind of material that tentacle is made of. Even the hardest adamantium may not be able to withstand attacks, but when it hits its body, it doesn’t leave even a single scratch. Come down.

Overall it still looks unscathed and feels like brand new!

"Well!" Chen Guo raised her eyebrows and looked at everyone around her, with a mocking smile on her face, "Who is this guy who is so reluctant to let me go?

With so many ships, it was actually able to wrap around them accurately.

Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that I can’t leave today even if I want to! "

"My lord!" Des's voice came from the communication channel. It was obvious that he also saw what just happened, "I'm here to save you!"

"No!" Chen Guo quickly interrupted him, "Hurry up and enter the real universe. We can't put all our eggs in one basket. You have to keep an eye on the fleet outside to prevent some guys from taking the opportunity to seize power. !”

"Then, my lord, this way..."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Since you've sent me an invitation, you have to do whatever you say, otherwise it'll be rude!"

"My Lord..."

Seeing that Des was going to continue to pester, Chen Guo winked at Linda behind him.

The latter immediately nodded and manipulated the artificial intelligence to seize control of the Death Ray. Then, under the shocked eyes of Des and others, the Death Ray crashed into the swinging subspace gap at full speed, and started again. Returned to the real world.

Soon, most of the ships in the subspace successfully returned to the real universe, and those ships that had undertaken the post-break mission were almost completely swept away during this period, with only a few left. A part of it has not yet been dragged into the black hole.

However, looking at the trend, it is only a matter of time before they are caught and dragged in by those huge tentacles!


The tentacles wrapped around the ship twisted hard again. The Shining Star battle barge pushed the engine to the maximum in time, but it still could not break free from the entanglement of the tentacles. Under the twisting force of the huge force, the entire ship was twisted. The hull of the ship also began to make a miserable and harsh steel groaning sound from the outside to the inside.

"Is there still no way out?"

"There is no way. From the data scan, this thing does not exist at all. It should be some kind of unique subspace creation, so the previous physical attack methods did not have any effect on it.

Moreover, according to my mental scan of it, I found that it is more like the psychic power used by psychics to some extent." Linda shook her head decisively, indicating that she had no other way.

"...Then increase the horsepower of the engine and give it a try!"

After wrestling with the black tentacles for nearly half a Terra hour, the engine of the Shining Star had already shown overheating, but it still could not break free from the entanglement of the black tentacle...

Seeing that there was really no way to escape, Chen Guo had no choice but to let the Neptune mechanical ark, which had been parked not far away, leave the subspace directly, and ordered the Shining Star ship to give up resistance and let the black tentacle drag the Shining Star into the center of the black hole.

After seeing the Neptune mechanical ark and Solan and Sonny stationed on it, as well as Alice and Leopold, all successfully enter the real universe, Chen Guo looked at the crowd gathered around him again.

Linda, Lu Doyle, Cassel...

He clenched his fists and said seriously, "Everyone, enter the combat state, everyone is ready to fight at any time, now... we can only rely on ourselves!"


Everyone walked to their posts, only Linda remained in the captain's control center.

"I'm sorry, because of the gap between the subspace and the real universe, I can no longer borrow the massive computing power of artificial intelligence!

But Darling, I will always fight with you!"

Linda showed a playful expression on her face. This was the first time she fought side by side with Chen Guo after a long time.

"Okay, let me see how your intelligent biochemical army has grown under your personal control!"

"No problem!"

After the Shining Star battle barge no longer resisted and turned off its engine, the black tentacles no longer continued to increase their strength to twist the ship's hull.

Instead, they dragged the spaceship hard, like a fisherman who had been hooked by an ear hook, excitedly and forcefully dragging the spaceship into the black hole.

"Get ready for battle, you're about to be dragged in!"

Chen Guo shouted loudly, and the void engine that had been extinguished started slowly again.

He was not ready to sit there and wait for death, and was ready to see if he could find another opportunity to escape.

But things went against his wishes. Until he was completely dragged into the huge, squirming black hole, the tentacles tied to the ship had no intention of loosening.

As they entered the black hole, all the light seemed to be sucked away. The entire ship became pitch black, and even the light in the cabin began to dim, as if the whole world was covered with a gray filter.

Everyone held their breath and stared blankly at the darkness outside the window.

At the same time, an idea came to everyone's mind, that is, at this moment they seemed to be walking in a long black tunnel.

As long as they could endure it, they would be able to see the light again, the real light!

"...It's mental suggestion!"

Chen Guo shook her head quickly, quickly woke up from the mental suggestion that had quietly penetrated into her head, and began to remind the people around her.

Fortunately, Chen Guo discovered it in time, so it didn't take much effort for Chen Guo to wake up the people who were trapped in the mental suggestion.

"Is this mental suggestion?" Cassel showed a novel expression.

Because of her identity, Guilliman arranged several think tanks of the Ultramarines Legion around her.

Because of the protection of these think tanks, Cassel has never been assassinated by psychics.

So, this is also the first time she has directly felt the means and power of psychics.

Although everyone in the captain's room has all awakened under the influence of Chen Guo, the crew members in various places on the ship are not so lucky.

Whether it is the human crew from the Punishment Legion, the loyal demon face, or the wandering Astartes after two or even three genetic modifications... all are intoxicated by the mental suggestion of "seeing the light soon".

Of course, there are also those who are not affected at all in the ship-for example, those biochemical warriors who have no independent consciousness but only hive thinking, or a small group of intelligent biochemical warriors who have been specially modified by Linda!

For these biochemical warriors who have no independent thinking ability or are completely controlled by computer quality, the mental suggestion that sneaks in like a moist rain has no effect on them at all.

After all, they don't even have a brain, so how can they talk about mental suggestion?

"... Play music, play the Great Compassion Mantra!"

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