Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 19: Expected betrayal. (Transition chapter, please reward, please collect, please everything

"Dong, Dong, Dong~"

Chen Guo was awakened by the sound of his heartbeat. He opened his eyes in confusion, but the world he saw was divided into two halves, one half was a green flesh ball and the other half was endless darkness.


Chen Guo wanted to reach out and touch his right eye, but he only felt a sharp pain. His right hand had no feeling.

Fortunately, his left hand was not scrapped. Chen Guo successfully sat up from the ground with it.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Chen Guo couldn't help but scream again. This seemingly simple sitting action affected his muscles and bones all over his body.

At this moment, Chen Guo felt that there was no part of his body that didn't hurt, especially the pain from his spine, as if someone was holding a hammer and hitting every joint on his spine hard!

Sitting on the ground, slowly relaxing for a while, Chen Guo remembered everything that happened before he fainted.

He looked at the green heart on the ground that was still beating, reached out and touched his empty right eye socket, tilted his head and looked at his scrapped right hand, and couldn't help but let out a miserable laugh: "Haha, this time... I lost a lot!"

He reached out and touched the heart of Kesel Tan. Sure enough, as he imagined, the green heart disappeared immediately, and the panel of colorful meteors in his mind immediately had another one.

[Fantasy Manifestation Data Table Updated! ]

[The Heart of the Despicable Slime Apostle is collected and registered. ]

[The Heart of the Despicable Slime Apostle]: Level B++, the heart of the Slime Apostle under the seat of the great Nurgle Father, after replacement, there will be a 100% probability of transforming into the Slime Apostle under the seat, and has the potential to upgrade to a demon. Of course, from the moment you become a Slime Apostle, your body, your heart, your feelings, your memories, everything about you will belong to the Father! Everything decays, only life is eternal.

This heart comes from the Warhammer 40k world. It has witnessed countless betrayals. In order to fight for it, close relatives will turn against each other, and close friends will stab in the back, just because it represents eternal life.

Once this exchange item is used, it is irreversible. (20000/3059 cannot be exchanged. This entry is unique. 70% of the materialization points can be obtained by exchange.)]

"Finally, I didn't lose too much..."

Grinning and laughing bitterly again, Chen Guo exchanged another Huanglong Pill and swallowed it.

This Huanglong Pill with a rating of only D is more useful to Chen Guo than a real Bodhisattva. If it didn't exist, Chen Guo would have died many times.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious. Although the sound of artillery outside did not stop, it had become sparse. Only one or two sounds were heard every few seconds, and it felt like it would disappear completely at any time.

Time is running out!

The drug slowly dissipated, and Chen Guo's pain gradually subsided. He tried to gather the Qi in his body, which had already been scattered into an unknown shape, and slowly stood up from the ground despite the pain.



Three times...

It took Chen Guo nearly 10 minutes to finally stand up from the ground. It was only at this time that he realized that his right leg was severely fractured like his right arm, but compared with the right arm that had exposed bones, the fracture of the right leg was slightly better, but it was also severely twisted and deformed.

As for the left leg... Although it was not fractured or deformed, it must have been broken, otherwise it would be impossible to be so painful even to simply stand up.

Using the bone sword as support, Chen Guo stepped on the white bones on the ground, limping and staggering three steps at a time into Eugene Tamba's office.

The office was in a mess, and all kinds of furniture that looked valuable were overturned on the ground, as if someone had robbed it.

Without turning over the furniture that had fallen to the ground, or touching the scattered documents, Chen Guo walked straight to the wall covered with photos and landscape paintings.

Using his body to prop up the wall, he tremblingly tore off all the paintings on the wall. Chen Guo did not see the so-called safe, and it was only after using the perspective ability of the Face of Truth that Chen Guo finally saw the secret safe embedded in the corner of the wall.

Bending over and poking the wall, Chen Guo struggled to press the password to open it.

The safe was very small. In addition to the black box that Eugene Tamba wanted, there were only some exquisite jewelry and a fist-sized black metal block.

Pulling out the box and opening it, Eugene Tamba did not lie. There was really a document wrapped in kraft paper inside.

Holding the paper bag under his armpit, Chen Guo tore it open and quickly read the contents from top to bottom. In addition to a few blank pages filled with various strange characters, there was actually a contract signed by Eugene Tamba and the Mechanicus. It said that with this contract and key, anyone can exchange a Retribution-class battleship for the Mechanicus or any forging world with the ability to manufacture spacecraft at any time.

In addition to this contract, there was also a thank-you letter from the Great Sage, thanking Governor Eugene Tamba for successfully finding a planet of adamantium minerals for the Mechanicus. For this, Eugene Tamba will be a friend of the Mechanicus forever.


Stuffing the documents back into the brown paper, Chen Guo searched in the cabinet, but he didn't find any keys until he focused his attention again on the unspectacular black metal block.

Gently picked up the metal block. It was very light, as if it were made of sponge, but it had a hard appearance and was not as soft as a sponge at all.

Fingering its irregular surface, Chen Guo could clearly feel the extremely subtle and complex patterns on it that were impossible to see clearly with the naked eye.

Chen Guo understood, it should be the key needed for this gift contract.

Putting the things into the black box and tucking it under her arm, Chen Guo came to the corner of the office. She first used perspective to search, and then stabbed open the wall with her bone sword. She curled up and crawled into the small space behind the wall. in the secret door.

According to what Eugene Tamba said, this secret road can lead to any corner of the entire Governor's Palace. If you want to go to the north garden, you only need to go all the way down to the end, and then keep walking to the left. .

Chen Guo didn't know why Eugene Tamba wanted to build such a secret tunnel, but at this moment, it was fortunate that such a secret tunnel existed.

Otherwise, Chen Guo would definitely not be able to leave this majestic Governor's Mansion, nor would he be able to cross the ocean-like wave of plague outside.

However, the further down the secret passage, the more uneasy Chen Guo felt. He was afraid that Eugene Tamba would abandon his promise. After all, at this moment, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death. Not only did he no longer have any value, he also There is no qualification to resist.

"This damn crazy woman, damn bitch..."

While cursing in his heart, the uneasy Chen Guo did not stop. Now he could only take a gamble. Bet that Eugene Tamba was a warrior who kept his promise, not a politician who told lies. Bet he'd trade a frigate for a battleship.


"Mr. Governor, why don't we retreat first! The Osprey helicopter has been set up. Let's leave here first. When our fleet comes back, it will be too late to execute all these damn traitors!"

"General, stick to the order I gave you, instead of asking you to give me any advice!" Eugene Tamba looked at the endless green ocean in front of him, and then at the secret passage exit behind him, with anxiety deep in his eyes. , showing that his mood at the moment was far from as calm as he appeared on the surface.

However, no matter what, he never considered retreating, because at his status, he had already enjoyed many things.

He doesn't care anymore, the only thing he cares about now is to continue living.

"Do you have to go there in person?" Eugene Tamba gently touched his body wrapped in armor. There, the normal ups and downs of the heart had long since disappeared, leaving only a severely shrunken body. , a green heart filled with electronic components.

"Mr. Governor, there is a voice!"

Just when Eugene Tamba was hesitating whether to face the terrifying and rebellious daughter in person, the shouts of the soldiers responsible for guarding the secret passage made Eugene Tamba's anxious mood clear up in an instant. rainbow.

He quickly pushed aside the soldiers in front of him and rushed into the secret passage.

Soon, Chen Guo, who was seriously injured and dying, appeared in front of Eugene Tamba. At the same time, he also saw the box Chen Guo held under his arm.

Eugene Tamba stretched out his hand to grab it, but Chen Guo raised the bone sword in his hand and forced him back.

"Take me first!"

"Give me the box first, and I'll take you away!"


"Don't bargain with me. You have no right to choose. Give me the box, otherwise I can get it back myself even if I kill you!" Eugene Tamba took out the bolt gun from his waist and pointed it at Chen Guo's face. head.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Guo put down the bone sword and threw the box under his arm to the opponent.

After taking the box, Eugene Tamba didn't want the gun. He opened the box hurriedly and rummaged inside.

Soon, he found the Mechanicum contract, the letter of thanks, and the white papers filled with strange characters.

But what made Chen Guo feel strange was that Eugene Tamba didn't seem to care about the contract of the Mechanicum. He didn't even take a second look at the black metal block and just threw it all back into the box. Instead, As if she had found a treasure, she began to examine the pieces of paper that Chen Guo couldn't even read.

After a while, he nodded, carefully folded a few pieces of paper and stuffed them into the armor around his heart, and kicked the box on the ground hard to Chen Guo, "I've given everything here to you, I wish you good luck." ,goodbye!"

After saying that, Eugene Tamba turned around and left, completely forgetting his promise to Chen Guo.


Although Chen Guo had long expected that such a situation would occur, there were still some things that Chen Guo couldn't accept.

However, under the current situation, she had to accept it even if she no longer wanted to accept it. Chen Guo silently swallowed the questioning words in her mouth, and used her remaining one eye to look coldly at Eugene Tamba sitting with a senior general. He took the plane and evacuated, leaving behind the soldiers who were charging into the battle and himself, the tool man, waiting to die here.

No, I was left here to wait for death.

The officer who was left to command the scene was obviously unwilling to wait for death here. From the moment he obtained the highest command, he began to issue orders, asking the Chimera tank that was temporarily used as a bunker to start again, and began to load desperate soldiers, preparing to launch a new charge towards the green ocean to see if they could fight their way out.

"Let's go together?" The officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel walked in front of Chen Guo and threw a laser rifle to Chen Guo.

Chen Guo glanced at him, threw away the bone sword in his hand, raised the gun, clamped the black box under his armpit, and grinned: "Let's go together!"



The headless corpse in the general's uniform fell from the Osprey helicopter. Eugene Tamba, whose face had begun to grow green pustules, pointed the grenade gun at the pilot's head again with an expressionless face.

"Governor... I... didn't see anything!" The pilot didn't dare to look back, and could only beg for mercy trembling all over.

"Really? Then just fly your plane!" Eugene Tamba smiled and took back the grenade launcher, and took out the communicator instead: "I have successfully obtained the things, when can we start the sacrifice?"

"Where is Kesel Tamba?"


"You are really cruel enough, you can even kill your own flesh and blood? But that's right, you raised her for her organs, no wonder she took the initiative."

"Don't talk nonsense, my body can't hold on for much longer, I need a new heart."

"Don't worry, you can't die, come to the temple to find me, I'm ready, with those spells, the sacrifice will never fail again!"

"I hope so, I'll be there soon."

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