Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 144: The Most Mysterious Road on Mars (1/2)

"Be careful, my Lord!"

Looking at the blue light that flew past him quickly, Chen Guo's eyes flashed solemnly.

What is this?

It can actually evade Chen Guo's perception.

You know, at this moment, Chen Guo's perception can easily receive the attack from the Chaos Demon.

But the blue light that passed through seemed to be non-existent. If Des hadn't found it and pulled him in time, I'm afraid Chen Guo would have been hit by the whole body.

"My Lord, leave it to me!"

The demon-faced wizard Nad, who followed closely behind, took a quick step forward, muttered something in his mouth, and then suddenly knocked on the ground.

The next second, a dozen mechanical servant armors with fiery red decorations and a blue energy weapon on top flew up quickly from a place not far away that was blocked by buildings.

"It's a Martian combat servant, a heavy-duty destroyer that is a specialty of Mars.

However, the weapon in its hand has never been recorded. It is very likely that it is the secret technology and weapon equipment decoded by the chief sage Paul Har from the Moravec Vault."

Following in the team, the mechanical casting general Jackson from the Changtuo Casting World immediately spoke quickly.

As he spoke, Linda, who stayed in the Broadsword Nest and did not come in person to coordinate the overall situation, also spoke quickly through Chen Guo's headset, "Jackson is right. This is an energy fluctuation that has never been recorded in Eucalyptus. It should be a golden age technology decoded from the Moravec Vault."

"Is it possible to reverse research?"

"It's very difficult. Any technology in the Golden Age requires a huge amount of computing power to conduct hundreds of millions of experiments if you want to conduct reverse research!"

"Forget it!" Shrugging, Chen Guo winked at Nad, who immediately stopped hesitating and slammed the staff in his hand again.

Soon, the mechanical servants that were struggling in the air turned into charcoal in the flash of electric sparks and fell back behind the dense buildings.

"Darling, don't rush to move forward.

There is a logic station on your left, a secret logic station. Insert the data terminal I prepared for you!"

"Logic station?"

"Yes, that's where the mechanical monks download and upload data. From there, I can remove many restrictions and make your way forward unimpeded!"

"Got it, where is it?"

While talking, Chen Guo suddenly waved his hand. After seeing his instructions, the team behind him dispersed in an orderly manner to the buildings on both sides, and Des beside him led another team and quickly walked to the end of the street in front.

During this time, they can go for reconnaissance.

The reconnaissance of a small team can effectively reduce the probability of being discovered.

According to Linda's instructions, Chen Guo walked into a small building not far away.

This is a plain two-story building, which looks no different from the surrounding houses. The outside is full of various skull and gear combination flags that are unique to the Mars foundry base.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see what's special about this section of the building.

Pushing the door and walking in, there is a steep slope down, and walking down the steep slope, Chen Guo came to a dull basement, in which countless blue data cables were lying quietly on the ground.

Looking carefully, Chen Guo found that every ten or so blue data cables were a group, directly connected to the screen on the far wall.

And on that wall, there were hundreds of screens densely placed... Could it be that such a dull and narrow basement allowed thousands of mechanical monks or cathars to squeeze in here for data transmission and downloading at certain times?

"Upload or download?"

A hoarse electronic voice without any emotion came quickly from the opposite side of the screen wall, and as the voice sounded, a group of blue data cables quickly floated up from the ground and slowly extended towards Chen Guo.

Taking out the hard drive Linda gave him, Chen Guo plugged all the data cable connectors into the hard drive one by one.


In an instant, dense data numbers suddenly began to appear on the screen wall not far away, and countless 0s and 1s crossed the barriers between the screens and began to run around on this wall.

"You can just walk around, I'm breaking through the firewall?" Linda's voice appeared in Chen Guo's ears.

"Is it difficult?"

"It's OK. If it was placed in the previous brain terminal processor, it might not be able to handle such a firewall, but I specially expanded it before coming here. The computing power is now more than ten times the original... 10%!"

"Okay, then I'll just walk around. Call me if you have any questions?"

"Got it, my long-winded lover!"

Walking casually along the edge of the basement for a while, Chen Guo's eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of doubt. He reached out and knocked on a steel wall that looked extremely hard.

Sure enough, his hearing was not wrong. This wall was hollow. No wonder he could hear the slight sound of wind appearing in his ears.


"Yes, sir!" Jackson walked in quickly with his subordinates.

"The back of this is hollow!" Chen Guo pointed to the wall in front of him and didn't say much.

But Jackson nodded very cleverly, stretched out dense mechanical tentacles from under his red robe, and began to cut the metal wall in front of him.

But whether it was the gear cutting machine or the micro-cutting equipment emitting extremely high temperature, it could not cause any substantial damage to the wall in front of him.

After a while, Jackson wiped the cold sweat that did not exist on his mechanical forehead, turned to Chen Guo and said: "My lord, this wall seems to be made of refined gold. With these equipment in my hand, it is impossible to effectively break it!"

"Let me do it!"

Take out the big sword, Chen Guo gestured at the gap in this wall, and dazzling silver-red lightning began to emerge from his body. A fierce gust of wind was born out of thin air, blowing the data cables that fell on the ground and Jackson's red robe back and forth.


It was inserted into the deep crack of the wall with force. The scorching heat began to melt the hard wall slowly with the constant friction of the silver-red lightning.

Chen Guo was like pushing the bellows of a rural earthen stove, holding the big sword and constantly going in and out of the wall, cutting this extremely hard wall bit by bit.

Finally, after cutting for about ten minutes, Chen Guo pulled hard and dodged to the side. In addition to the big sword emitting high temperature, he also pulled out a metal block more than ten centimeters thick.

Looking through the hole into the wall, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

A lightning ball was spit out from his mouth, and as the lightning ball kept falling downwards, the elevator shaft with silver-white light and extremely smooth appeared in front of Chen Guo.

"Do you know this place, Jackson?"

"I don't know, sir!" Jackson shook his head decisively.

Although Jackson was also born on Mars, he had never been here, and had never even heard of it!

"Send someone down to check!"

"Yes, sir!"

Under Jackson's command, a mechanical monk hung up steel tentacles and quickly crawled down along the smooth elevator shaft.

Watching him gradually being swallowed by the darkness until he completely disappeared without a trace, Chen Guo turned his head and focused his eyes on the electronic screen that was temporarily built not far away.

This electronic screen can broadcast everything that the mechanical monk sees in real time.

On the screen, the mechanical monk is still crawling down in the smooth elevator shaft.

Unknowingly, it has crawled down a distance of several thousand meters, but this elevator shaft still has no intention of reaching the bottom.

"Linda, do you have any clues?"

"Wait a minute, there is still 5%, wait until I finish the things in my hands first!"


Continuing to look at the screen, after nearly five minutes, Linda finally broke through this small logic site and completely connected to the Mars Network Thinker System.

However, Linda did not make any happy sounds, but instead let out a surprised and suspicious gasp.


"How could this happen?"

"What happened?" Chen Guo asked Linda curiously.

There is a strange attack system that is constantly attacking my firewall... It is an electronic demon!

An electronic demon has spread throughout the Thinker system and all the logical sites.

"It's okay, right?"

"His attack methods are very backward, but fortunately I expanded the brain terminal, otherwise there is really no way to withstand its tidal attack... I'll try to kill it, you guys go forward first!"

After Linda finished speaking, she disconnected the communication directly and began to devote herself to the battle with the electronic demon.

Chen Guo pouted and continued to look at the screen.

In just a short while, the mechanical monk had successfully reached the bottom of the elevator shaft. But in front of him were three forks leading to three different directions.

"Sir, which one should we go?"

"The one on the left!"

Chen Guo's intuition told him that there might be something rare and good on the left.

Under Jackson's command, the mechanical monk quickly drove the steel tentacles outside his body and crawled into the hole on the left in front of him.

It was still the same steel tunnel.

It looked boring. Chen Guo didn't know why these guys from the Mechanicus built such a long underground steel tunnel here!

And it looked like this steel tunnel was made entirely of refined gold...Is the Mechanicus so rich?

Is it so rich that it would waste so much refined gold to cast a tunnel that seems to be useless?


The mechanical monk suddenly stopped because a black shadow suddenly passed through the depths of the tunnel in the distance.

He was not the only one who saw this shadow.

Through the screen, Chen Guo and Jackson also saw the black shadow that flashed by clearly and intuitively.

"What is that?" Chen Guo's brain began to work rapidly, analyzing the shape of the shadow, but after thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure out what the shadow was.

It just looks very big and has many arthropod-like legs, very much like some kind of giant spider!

"Sir, do you still need to move forward?"

"Please withdraw, our purpose is not to explore this place!"

As soon as Chen Guo finished speaking, and before Jackson could issue an order, the scene represented by the Mechanician Friar suddenly turned into a screen of snowflakes, and only the Mechanical Friar's shrill screams were conveyed to the outside through the screen.

After a while, the mechanical monk's voice completely disappeared... This meant that he was completely dead!

However, in that brief moment, Chen Guo used her astonishing eyesight to see clearly the entire black figure—it was indeed some kind of big black spider.

Its body is covered with black carapace, and there is a layer of golden bronzing pattern on the surface of the carapace.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that its pair of sharp claws are rippling with the luster of metal. The pair of big claws can easily cut into pieces the mechanical monk and the hard steel limbs that carry his body. Two halves.

And, its eyes are green mechanical eyes!

But the green light is very weak, and only if you get close enough can you clearly see the existence of those green mechanical eyes.

"Sir... do you still need to send people to explore?"

"No, let's go. Just send some people to guard this place!"

"Yes, sir!"

Time is tight, and Chen Guo doesn't have much time to waste here. Let's explore this steel tunnel again when she has the opportunity in the future!

Moving forward again, according to the marks left by the reconnaissance team led by Des, Chen Guo and the others did not encounter any sneak attacks or ambushes along the way. They quickly left the area affected by the Broad Sword Nest City and entered the vastness. in the desert.

"Finally killed!" Suddenly, Linda's breathless voice appeared in Chen Guo's ears, "This guy is particularly difficult to deal with. If you give him a little chance, he can replicate himself anytime, anywhere. Out of the millions..."

Listening to Linda's sudden stop, Chen Guo asked with some confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Look back quickly. That road is called the Road to the Origin. I didn't expect it to be anything but a legend. You don't have to go any further. You can go to any place on Mars through it!"

Under Linda's explanation, Chen Guo gradually understood the importance of that tunnel. That tunnel was called the Road to the Origin. It had been built in the Golden Age and was a secret passage connecting various locations on Mars.

But later, due to the Iron Man War and the Dark Age, a lot of data and records were lost. This secret passage was originally in the hands of a few people, and because of the loss of data and records, it completely turned into a real The secret way!

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