Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 157 Luo Jia is indeed brainless, and he is no longer a child. (1/2)


Macador, who had set his sights outside the solar system, raised his head and focused his sight on the red planet.

As a powerful psychic, he immediately noticed the tiny space cracks that appeared on Mars.

At the same time, he also felt the terrible subspace storm brewing in the subspace behind the real world.

"Is this your plan?"

A blue light flashed, and Carlos stood next to Macador. He looked a little embarrassed, with many feathers on his body still in a burnt state, and many places were even bald!

"Isn't this exactly what you want?" Macador smelled the chaotic stench emanating from Carlos beside him, and frowned slightly feeling a little disgusted.

"Don't look at me with that expression. Without the support of psychic energy, do you think you, a mortal body, can live for thousands of years?

You get your life from the benevolent and loving subspace, but you despise the life that allows you to live to the present... You don't really think you are immortal!"

Malkado sneered and interrupted Carlos' words directly, "Haha, you can go, I have to go to a meeting later!"

"Okay... I wish you good luck, gaha ga ga ga..." In the laughter, Carlos immediately turned into a blue light and disappeared just like when he came.

Slowly retracting his gaze, Malkado continued to lower his head and began to deal with the documents in front of him. As the prime minister of the empire, when the emperor was not attending to government affairs, all kinds of major events in the empire were decided by him.

What's more, at this moment, it is still the most important war period.

Although there are very few things he can do in this war, he still has to do it!

However, after writing something, Malcador was forced to stop what he was doing. He couldn't help but once again look through the vast sea of ​​stars to the red Mars in the distance...

"Dong Dong Dong~"

His heart was beating violently, and the black light had completely covered Chen Guo's body and began to continuously pollute the surrounding ground.

This was transforming the entire mechanical ark, transforming this mechanical ark that was larger than the continent...And this time the transformation was not Chen Guo's request, but the Fire Source's own intention.

Or it could be said that it was the irrational behavior of the Fire Source under the guidance of the machine soul of this mechanical ark.

Although Chen Guo was completely covered by the black light at this moment and could only stand there stiffly like a statue, his consciousness was very clear. At the same time, he could also clearly feel that in the space behind him, several cracks emitting violent energy fluctuations of the subspace appeared.

As a veteran who had dealt with the subspace many times, Chen Guo could sense the size and even the length of those subspace gaps even if he turned his back and did not use his eyes to see.

At the same time, he could also feel that a huge energy fluctuation that could easily crush him was trying to enter the real universe through those subspace gaps and immediately change the physical laws around the gaps.

"Hades, calm down!"

"Hades, calm down!"

The Fire Source seemed to have entered a violent state. It did not respond to Chen Guo's call at all. It just kept releasing a large amount of materialized black light, trying to completely cover this ship as big as the continent.

To be honest, Chen Guo was very interested in turning such a huge mechanical ark into a Transformer!

However, the premise of all this is that it will not tear up any terrifying subspace storms, and at the same time create another Eye of Terror that is enough to swallow the entire solar system!

Although it was unclear what exactly happened, Chen Guo was certain that the subspace gap behind him and the subspace storm that was constantly forming were all caused by the fire source... But why is this happening!

Why would something that happened in the real universe affect the existence of the subspace!

It doesn't make any sense!

"Do you know about allergic osmotic rejection?" The machine soul who had been standing aside and watching what was happening here coldly suddenly spoke again.


Chen Guo did not speak. He had no way to make any sound now. However, as he focused his attention on the machine soul, the machine soul also clearly felt Chen Guo's curiosity and stopped keeping him in suspense. He continued, "Your energy fluctuation is an energy fluctuation I have never seen before. It is very strange. At the same time, based on the perception systems transmitted from my own body, I can judge that this is a physical energy rule that does not exist in the real universe!

Although I don't know where your energy fluctuation comes from, since it does not belong to the real universe, it will inevitably be rejected by the real universe.

To put it in a common and understandable concept, a patient's organ must be removed and replaced because of the disease. The new organ, although it is also an organ, is not the original organ of the patient, so it will naturally produce some rejection reactions, which is a very normal thing.

However, some patients reject it, and the reaction is very small.

However, some patients have very severe rejection reactions, sometimes even leading to surgical failure...

The real universe is a very tolerant existence. You must have used this energy more than once before, but there was no rejection reaction. This shows that the real universe has slowly adapted to the physical rules of this unknown energy.

But I'm sure you've never been crazy enough to use this energy to change a mechanical ark as big as the continent!

Your actions directly angered the real universe, which has not yet fully adapted to it... In other words, the pressure you instilled far exceeded the level that the real universe could digest, which resulted in the real universe having to deal with you. produce rejection reaction.

At the same time, the rejection reaction of the birth of the real universe also indirectly caused a chain reaction in the subspace interconnected with the real universe, thus leading to the rotation and birth of that subspace storm..."

As expected of a machine soul who has come from the golden age to the present, her analysis was almost flawless and Chen Guo couldn't find any loopholes.

But now, even if Chen Guo knew the cause of what happened, she couldn't stop at all... because the seed source was completely out of control.

"You're such a bastard Hades, I'll give you the last five seconds..."


"Stop it!"

There was still no reaction, the fire source was still in an extremely violent state, and as the black light continued to spread.

Soon, the entire hall was completely wrapped in it, and Ralph Jacob could only be forced to stand outside the hall. However, because he was a machine soul connected through consciousness, he still stood safe and sound. On the floor with black light.

"Is it out of control?" Looking at the black light that was still spreading, Machine Soul shook his head and snapped his fingers.

The next second, a mechanical steel tentacle shining with pale golden light suddenly broke through the package of black light and came to Chen Guo's side.

Under the influence of the golden light, the twitching black light began to dissipate quickly like a mouse seeing an old cat.

"Huh, as expected, Yao Jin is indeed the most reliable!"

Yaojin is a very special spiritual metal, and it is also a very valuable metal. The value of a little Yaojin is enough to be worth a galaxy with abundant supplies.

All of the Emperor's armor and the golden throne he is sitting on at this moment are all made of shining gold.

But what I didn't expect was that Yao Jin could actually suppress the energy of the fire source, and seemed to be the nemesis of the fire source!

This steel tentacle quickly wrapped around Chen Guo's body, and under his entanglement, his violently beating heart began to slowly weaken. Like a fountain, the black blood continuously poured out of his body. The light finally stopped spurting outward, and began to slowly recover the light that had covered the entire hall.

After more than ten minutes, the black light slowly retracted from the edge of the hall, and Chen Guo once again gained control of her body.

Stroking the steel tentacles outside her body, Chen Guo looked back at the subspace gap behind her.

As the rejection reaction disappeared, the subspace storm group that was born not long ago completely disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The subspace cracks that tore apart the real universe are slowly dissipating, and everything is as if it never happened.

But Chen Guo's face didn't look good at all, because he knew that if there was a first time, there would be a second time. The source of fire that existed in his heart also began to change from a tool to an unknown thing. A time bomb that will detonate at any time.

"Is this Yao Jin?"

"No, this is an experimental tentacle mixed with 25% radiant gold. Although it is not as good as a guy's fancy armor, it is enough.

gave it to you.

If my inference is correct, after this incident, the real universe will become disgusted with you, which will greatly delay its adaptation process to the energy in your body. So just in case, you'd better use less and stop being greedy!

The subspace storm is the most terrifying existence in the entire universe. You should know that at the end of the Golden Age, there were countless powerful psykers who wanted to use their bodies to withstand the terrifying subspace storm.

There were many of them that could tear an entire galaxy apart out of thin air, but all of them died without exception. They didn't even survive for a second before they merged directly with the subspace! "

While Machine Soul spoke, the steel tentacle mixed with Yaojin fell directly from the ceiling and landed on the ground beside Chen Guo.

Chen Guo nodded without being polite, stretched out her palm, picked up the tentacle on the ground, and was about to put it directly into the magic bag beside her.

But Chen Guo had just put the Yaojin Tentacle into the magic bag, and her heart had calmed down and suddenly started beating violently. Chen Guo was so frightened that she quickly took out the tentacle and held it firmly on her shoulder. It's wrapped around my body like this.

He looked like a weirdo from a science fiction movie.

"Looks like I have to get some shiny gold decorations!"


After Macado read the whole process, he saw that there was no difference between the process and the process he had designed. He immediately nodded with great satisfaction and completely withdrew his gaze.

However, he did not continue to review the documents at hand. Instead, he left his magnificent office, walked down the long corridor like a walk, and slowly walked into the depths of the palace under the respectful eyes of the imperial guards. He walked under the tall golden throne.

"Your method is good, but it's not perfect!" The emperor was still sitting on the golden throne with his arms stretched out. He didn't look like the master of mankind at all, but just like a salted fish.

At this moment, he was not wearing the golden armor he wore when he met those genetic descendants not long ago.

Instead, he was wearing a very decent and loose white pajamas. There was a large gray table in front of him, which was filled with all kinds of sumptuous delicacies.

It can be seen that although he cannot get his butt off the Golden Throne, his life at this moment is very nourishing!

"Things must be done step by step, and the meal must be eaten one bite at a time!" Macado twitched his nose, and he also smelled the aroma of the dishes on the table, "He is too ostentatious, this will bring him trouble. There are too many enemies. The biggest enemy of mankind is not the Chaos Demon, but mankind itself! Since we have decided to leave the last hope to mankind, we must do it ourselves!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't pretend to be serious. Has that two-headed bird been here? I smell his stench from your body. Doesn't this guy know how to take a bath? Sometimes I doubt which one he comes from..."

Macado did not answer, but said silently: "Have you seen Sanguileno? He..."

"That can't be copied! Don't think about it. At least for now, it can't be copied at all... How is the church plan going?"

"Have you forgotten where I came from?" A disdainful smile appeared on Malcador's face.

"Remember, the palm-printer!

A church composed of a bunch of extreme lunatics and perverts, who know all day long that they are destroying and killing people for the sake of your so-called ideals. "

"...Lorgar is a good boy, but he went astray..." Malcador suddenly said a word without any clue, but before he could finish his words, the Emperor interrupted him directly.

"He is indeed brainless, and besides, he is no longer a child!"

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