Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 162 Do you believe me? (1/2)

"Although we don't have any physical trophies, we got better trophies!" Linda walked over slowly.

"Madam!" Des stood up from her seat, but Linda held out her hand and stopped her again, "You don't have to get up, sit down!"

The only ones who came in with Linda were Jackson and Ralph Jacobs. In addition, there is a familiar face to Chen Guo.


Chen Guo raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

In just a few hours, she was able to walk normally.

How Linda did it is really incredible.

Suddenly, Chen Guo remembered something and her eyes fell on Linda, "It's the medical warehouse, right?"

"You still remember, I thought you had forgotten it!" Linda rolled her eyes angrily and pulled Mintis, who had been following her, directly to her side.

"Mintis, what's wrong?" Looking at Mintis with a somewhat complicated expression, Chen Guo showed a smile on her face, "There is no need to worry anymore. You are completely safe. From now on, there will be nothing." No one can hurt you anymore!"

"Meow meow meow...I..."

Although the medical cabin successfully healed her physical wounds, it failed to successfully heal her mental wounds... It seemed that it would take a long time for her to fully recover.

"Okay, okay, don't force her!" Linda held Mintis's palm, gave her a comforting look, and continued, "This time, it's not really a bad loss. Because we have With the help of the electronic demon, the Thinker system was broken into, and I successfully obtained a large number of extremely sophisticated files, including some very precious technologies in the golden age.

Compared with these precious technologies, this loss is within an affordable range! "

"That's true!"

Ralph Jacob followed Linda and said, "In the Martian casting world, all the drawings of the Conqueror series of intelligently controlled robots with the strongest single strength have fallen into our hands! Relying on these drawings, Not only can our intelligent robot team be strengthened to a certain extent, but even the original scripts and design and manufacturing drawings of the mechanical servant core crystals that have been monopolized have also fallen into our hands.

With these things in hand, the workshops on Neptune can start production immediately without fear of controlled mechanical servants! "

Ralph Jacobs was beaming and looked extremely excited, as if he had been hit by a pie falling from the sky.

Indeed, mature technology is indeed extremely valuable. After all, every technology must go through thousands of experiments and records before it can be characterized as a mature science and technology.

This process is very time-consuming and energy-consuming, not to mention that the technologies plundered this time are all mature technologies that have undergone actual combat experience, and their value is self-evident.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Lou Doyle and Louis Meg walked in from outside the cabin together.

"What, are you here for a meeting today? Why didn't I know that I was here for a meeting today? Why didn't anyone inform me?" Chen Guo stood up with a smile. At this moment, standing in the captain's cabin, they were all his confidants.

"Everyone's not here yet!" Linda shook her head, "Soni and Solan are on another battleship. Your little fiancée is still on Terra, so this meeting won't be held. Take her!"

"We really have to have a meeting! What kind of meeting are we going to have? Why haven't I heard anything about it?" Chen Guo frowned in confusion. He originally just said it as a joke, but he didn't expect that there was really going to be a meeting. And look at this It seems that today's meeting is just for me.

Without waiting too long, Soni and Solan also entered the captain's room. Moreover, they both came with concerned eyes. As soon as they entered, they rushed to Chen Guo and began to look up and down carefully.

From the outside, she didn't seem very reassured. She stretched out her hand to pull the berserker armor on Chen Guo's body.

"I have nothing to do, it's just a small problem!" Chen Guo quickly stopped the two of them, hugged them and sat on the captain's throne, and then asked Linda: "My dear sage Sir, why are you making such a big fuss? If it's for me, you don't have to be so nervous. There's really nothing wrong with me, it's just a little problem."

"Is it still a small problem? You have already been rejected by the real universe, is it still a small problem? I don't want you to be thrown into the large trash can of subspace just because you are rejected by the real universe!"

Of course Linda knew that Chen Guo's physique was very strong, but no matter how powerful her body was, it was absolutely impossible to enter the subspace storm with her physical body.

"Guo, this time we want to discuss leaving the solar system and give you a holiday!" Sony didn't hold back and directly stated their goal for this meeting.

"I'm fine, why do I need to take a vacation? Wait! Who said we're leaving the solar system?" Chen Guo frowned suddenly, feeling a little confused.

He could understand the holiday. His current condition was not suitable for fighting. He was not going to fight in person until he could think of a good way to completely solve the fire source lurking in his body.

However, leaving the solar system made him feel a little inexplicable.

Soon, Horus will completely enter the solar system, thus starting the nearly two-year solar system offensive and defensive war and the siege of Terra. During this period, there are countless benefits and opportunities, and there is also the opportunity to gain greater power.

Once such an opportunity is missed, the empire will change from a giant cake that anyone can reach out and grab a handful to a steel cake made of steel.

Although it is still a cake, it will become very difficult to profit from it!

"Our fleet and legion have suffered heavy losses!" Linda began to explain her point of view, "From various perspectives, Horus, with the help of Chaos Demons, seems to be more likely to win this war.

According to the news we received, Guilliman's fleet was blocked by the planetary wall set up by the Iron Warriors, and it would be impossible to reach here without a few years.

And even if he came, it would be useless! I admit that his fleet is indeed very large, and at the same time, hundreds of thousands of Ultramarines Astartes are definitely a force that cannot be underestimated.

But Horus is not fighting alone. The five lines of defense set up by Rogal Dorn can't stop Horus's progress at all, and can't even slow him down. He can't even make it! What's more, Horus still has the help of the rebel legions and chaos demons!

The powerful Chaos Demon Fleet is no weaker than an equally powerful Imperial Army. I don't see any hope of winning this battle.

Why don't we take advantage of this time to leave here in advance and move towards the outside world. As long as we leave the Milky Way, it doesn't matter whether we fight to the death here.

And once we leave here, with the Neptune Mechanical Ark and the relevant technical drawings we obtained this time, the development speed will not be worse than in the Empire, but the speed may be slightly slower. "

After listening to Linda's words, Chen Guo looked up and looked around.

Seeing that the people around him were looking at him with the same eyes, Chen Guo immediately understood that they all had the same idea.

Indeed, Linda's choice is indeed the best choice. Without the ability to predict in advance, Horus's current state is indeed a sure win. Although Guilliman is coming with great momentum and the loyal legions are fighting desperately, Horus only needs to successfully break through Terra before Guilliman arrives to directly determine his victory.

Under this premise, leaving the solar system first and avoiding the possible purge after Horus' arrival is indeed a very good choice.

Besides, if they choose to leave here at this time, no one will say anything. Although Malcador did give Chen Guo the title of Imperial Prince, the coronation ceremony did not take place, and Chen Guo had no genetic relationship with the guy sitting on the golden throne. Now the fleet and the legion have lost a lot, and they have done their best.

Don't talk about obligations. After all, at this moment, he can only be regarded as an interstellar warlord with the title of Imperial Marshal. There is no need to fight for an empire. You must know that the empire cannot represent mankind.

Even in the golden age of mankind, no empire dared to say that it could represent all mankind!

The territory of mankind has long been not limited to the Milky Way. No one knows whether there is another human empire outside the Milky Way.

However, Linda and others do not have the ability to predict the future. Although Chen Guo does not have this ability, he knows clearly that victory will definitely belong to the empire. Although leaving now can protect himself, it is picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons, and it is still an extremely large watermelon.

"Guo..." Solan, who had been silent, was about to open his mouth, and Chen Guo lowered his head and looked at her, with a smile on his lips, and said calmly and confidently: "Lan, do you believe me?"


"Ni, what about you!"

"I believe it too!"

"Old De!"

"My Lord, from the moment I cut off Angron's head, I told myself that I no longer have the right to question you!" Des's eyes were full of determination. Just like countless times before, he would never disobey Chen Guo's orders.

"Lu Doyle?"

"My master, Lu Doyle is always here." Lu Doyle picked his nose without gentlemanly etiquette, his face was full of cynicism, and his expression was the most relaxed.

To be honest, he didn't want to leave. The genes from Koz made him eager for war.

"Louis Meg?"

"Your Excellency, your order, this is my life!" Louis Meg didn't want to leave at all. He didn't want to leave here. His only wish was to make achievements and gain supreme honors, and earn a noble title by himself.


"My Lord, I'm here!" Jackson's eyes flickered back and forth. He wanted to leave.

As a casting general, although he was full of goodwill towards the empire and had some personal worship for the emperor, he didn't want to die.

"Relf Jacobs?"

"Hehehe, although I really want to leave, since no one wants to leave, there is no need for me to leave... After all, I am a follower, my master!" Ralph Jacob said the most Directly, but also the most obvious way to express his position.


"Meow... I believe... I believe you!" Mintis stammered, but his tone was very firm.

Chen Guo focused her attention on Linda, who gently bit her lip with her upper teeth and hesitated. After a long time, she said, "Forget it, let's die together!"

But then she changed the subject.

"However, we can't all stay here. To equalize the risk, hanging from a tree will never happen!"

A smile appeared on Chen Guo's face. He glanced at the people around him and said, "Since you all believe in me, then follow my arrangements!

The chance of Horus winning this time is indeed very high, but it may not be 100%. There are some secrets hidden on Terra that you can never imagine.

There are also several legions of the Loyal Legion whose strength has not been damaged. Billions of human legions are enough to hold back Horus and the others for a long time... However!

Just like Linda said, you can't put all your eggs in one basket, you must share the risks...Linda, Lan, Ni, Mintis, you can take your children and leave first, Des is responsible for protecting them. .

Ralph Jacobs and Jackson are left to command and control the mechanical legion, and Lou Doyle's biological and chemical legion will be left to you. As for the punishment legion, it will still be commanded by Louis Meg..."

"Guo!" Chen Guo had just finished her deployment, and Soni was the first to object. Her wizard army had not participated in the war for a long time. Every time they sat at the back, every time they were the first to leave!

"Be good and be obedient. You have to take good care of your sister. It's very dangerous outside the territory. If I can't hold on anymore, I can still go to you!"

Soni was about to speak, but Solan took her hand and shook his head at her.

After a long sigh, Soni stopped talking. Since Chen Guo said so, what else could she say?

"Let me stay! Ralph Jacob and Jackson will leave first. With me here, the mechanical army can play its greatest role!" Linda said with an unquestionable voice.

Chen Guo looked at her and nodded for a long time: "Okay!"

"Meow, I... won't leave either... I want to be with... Linda!"

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