Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 164: Angron is still alive? (1/2)

"Will there be some risks in this? After all, this technology is taboo in the empire. Once others know about it, the consequences will be disastrous.

After all, the Thunder Warriors were executed en masse, and this secret has been completely sealed. "

"There is nothing that is not risky!" Chen Guo took Linda in his arms and said, "The last thing our great Emperor should have is so-called kindness... Of course, there is no way to deny whether he did this on purpose. of.

We just need to learn from it and just make them cannon fodder. There is no need to give them too much intelligence... This matter should be very simple for my dear Mechanical Sage. Let's do it! "

"Well... okay, let me give it a try. It just so happens that I still have a lot of gene seeds from various legion Astartes. Let's see if we can copy it!" Linda was silent for a long time before finally accepting it. Chen Guo’s dangerous proposal.

As the most ferocious and brutal primitive genetic warriors, everything about the Thunder Warriors was wiped out by the Empire. Only a few words were preserved, but they were also buried deeply in the thick history of the Empire. Even if you search carefully, you will find that It may not be possible to find relevant phrases.

However, to re-create such primitive genetic warriors at this moment would undoubtedly be a slap in the face of the empire... However, Linda thought of the biochemical legions born in her hands, and suddenly felt the need to revive them. These big guys don’t seem to be a big deal anymore.

After a while, she seemed to have remembered something and said, "By the way, besides this matter, there are some things I want to show you!"


"You'd better come and see for yourself!"

He quickly entered the deeper layers of the laboratory, which was filled with all kinds of terrifying cultivation chambers, as well as hundreds of mechanical servants that were constantly conducting various experiments.

With the blessing of massive logical computing power, Linda almost no longer needs to do experiments with her own hands. She only needs to control a large number of mechanical servants to conduct various experiments on her behalf.

But what Linda wanted to show Chen Guo was not here. She passed through the secret door on the side and entered a slightly narrow tunnel.

Because the tunnel was too narrow, Chen Guo, who was huge and burly, had to bend down to walk. He felt very suffocated and said, "Hey, my Lord Mechanical Sage, can't you build this place bigger?" ? It’s so small that it’s hard for me to walk!”

"I didn't build this myself. It was only later that I discovered that there was such a passage here, and discovered that there was a secret room below... Darling, promise me that you won't care about it later, and don't feel too overwhelmed by what you see. Surprised!" Linda's tone seemed a little deep, as if what she was hiding was something big.

"Okay, I promise you!" Chen Guo didn't have any great feelings. After all, what else was there that he hadn't seen before?

In the narrow passage, I walked around for nearly ten minutes, passing more than a dozen black alloy doors. Finally, after the final door with golden light rippling on its surface was quickly opened, a wide and bright hall appeared. in front of him.

This hall is called a hall, but in fact it is not very big, only a few hundred square meters. Compared with the super large laboratory above, which is at least several thousand square meters, this place is pitifully small.

There are also hundreds of mechanical servants working here non-stop.

However, it does not handle other tasks separately, but specifically handles a single task... taking care of an extremely large transparent glass culture chamber.

There is a naked man suspended in the training cabin. His face looks extremely calm, and the muscles all over his body are ferocious. The square-shaped muscles are like iron blocks, and it seems that they are full of powerful energy. explosive force.

This man's whole body was covered with various conduits, and a large amount of green, blue, or purple nutrient solution was transported into his body through those plastic conduits.

He was not wearing an oxygen mask, but his chest was still rising and falling, which showed that he was still alive, but he didn't need to breathe at all.

Chen Guo stood in front of this huge training warehouse and looked at the man floating quietly in it. She always felt that this man's figure looked familiar, but she still had no way of determining who this guy was.

"Who is this guy? He can afford to live in a single room!"

Linda walked slowly to his side and said in an unusually calm tone: "This is Angron!"

"Angron!" Chen Guo's eyes suddenly popped up and she said in a somewhat incredible tone: "You told me this is Angron? Did you clone him?"

"No...this is the body you gave me!"

"Then whose body I gave to Guilliman belongs to!"

"That's the real clone. I can't clone a living Angron, but I can easily clone a dead Angron, and I guarantee that no one will find out."

"You're playing with fire, you know?"

Chen Guo looked up again. After losing his dreadlocks and ferocious expression on his face, Angron's expression at this moment looked extremely calm, not at all like the cruel butcher.

"He won't survive!" Linda quickly added, "I have completely removed his brain, or in other words, even if I don't remove his brain, it will be of no use to you. When those Butcher's Nails were pulled out, his brain had been completely destroyed, and there was no chance of rescue. He was now a vegetable, a vegetable that would not pose any danger, and it would continue to grow at the same time. The gene generation, a gene derived from the primarch, is one of the best raw materials used to create biochemical corps."

Hearing that Angron at this moment was just a large raw material, Chen Guo felt a little calmer.

He didn't say anything more, and he had no way to say anything more. Angron did a lot of evil when he was alive, and the number of humans he killed would definitely be counted in hundreds of millions. Faced with such a terrifying and bloody executioner without any sense, , making him a large biological raw material is also a kind of punishment for him.

"Since you said that he has no way to be resurrected, and he is just a large raw material at this moment, then I won't say anything more... But this secret can't be kept by anyone except me. Do it, and you must prepare a complete set of destruction procedures to ensure that when the Neptune Mechanical Ark is occupied, everything here can be destroyed quickly, including this large experimental raw material!”

"Don't worry, Darling, have you seen those purple tubes? Those purple tubes store a highly corrosive liquid. That liquid can destroy the entire culture chamber in fifteen seconds." It's all corroded into a pool of liquid that can never be recovered." Linda pointed to the purple plastic tube in the culture chamber with a positive expression on her face.

Chen Guo did not make any response, but silently looked at Angron, who was still floating up and down in the training cabin... He finally understood why those new war dog biochemical warriors were so powerful. , it turns out that they were all created using Angron's active genes.

"Besides this one thing, is there anything else you're hiding from me? If so, you might as well tell it all at once!"

Chen Guo turned around and looked at Linda seriously. He was not angry because Linda hid something from him, but he felt that the Linda in front of him was a little strange.

She actually didn't even reveal a single word to herself about the important matter of resurrecting Angron's body, and she also deceived Chen Guo into using the genes of Angron's dead body to build the new war dog biochemical warriors. Made... although to some extent...

Chen Guo couldn't find any reason to excuse Linda's behavior, but he was still willing to give Linda a chance, a chance to be honest with her.

Linda turned around, her face also full of sincerity, she looked at Chen Guo calmly, and said very solemnly: "I have nothing to hide from you anymore, this is the last thing I will hide! "

Looking at Linda's sincere and calm eyes, Chen Guo nodded without saying a word, but silently stretched out his hand to hug her into his arms.


"Have you found the wild wolf?" Sanguinius drank the strong tea in his hand with an expressionless expression. Next to him, two female Imperial officers with convex figures were helping him put on makeup.

Although, as one of the most handsome men in the Empire, Sanguinius didn't need any makeup at all.

But what he relied on this time was not his handsome face, but the feeling that the empire would definitely win.

Therefore, necessary makeup is also very important.

"Sir, please turn your left cheek toward me!"

"Sir, it might be a little cold!"

Cooperating with the two imperial makeup artists around him to apply makeup on himself, Sanguinius took another sip of strong tea and continued to say to Khan, who was also applying makeup in front of him: "I can't find where the wild wolf is!"

"It is impossible to find traces of wild wolves in the vast wilderness, even if they are from the same wolf pack!" Khan stretched out his hand to interrupt the movements of the two female imperial officers beside him, and pulled them away They all were sent to Sanguinius's side, "According to the reports from the front, Horus has begun to attack!"

"I know... I hope the five lines of defense can really last for a while!"

"Forget it, those five bastards can't even stop me, let alone Horus, who has a strong army supported by Chaos Demons... Is Malcador crazy! He would actually support..."

Sanguinius stretched out his hand to interrupt his words, and invited all the female Imperial officers around him to leave.

"Sir, there are less than thirty minutes left before you need to proceed to the next stage of your speech!"

"go out!"

"Yes, sir!"

After all the female officers had left the dressing room, Sanguinius drank the last sip of strong tea in his hand. He stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the sea of ​​people outside through the narrow window. Some of them smiled lonely.

No matter in the Second Empire, or here he is a majestic Primarch, he is actually regarded as a mascot-like existence.

Especially here, in this home without any emotion, facing the strange yet familiar father, Sanguinius only felt a chill.

He felt like a child walking in the snow at night.

But... fortunately, he was not without anything, because there was a burning fire waiting for him on the dark wasteland in front of him.

"Maybe... after doing all this, I can really relax!"

"Sanguinius, what are you talking about?" Khan also walked to Sanguinius' side. He looked at the restless crowd outside and patted Sanguinius' shoulder gently. It's almost our turn to appear... I hope this kind of publicity is really meaningful.

Sanguinius shook his head and nodded, and called back the imperial female officer who was waiting outside the house.

Soon, the speech that lasted for several hours ended, and the new conscription ceremony continued. More people, encouraged by Sanguinius, began to join the imperial army and prepared to go to the front line to resist those insidious, cunning and cruel traitors!

After doing all this, Sanguinius directly declined Khan's invitation, and instead took a spaceship to leave Terra and came to the Neptune Mechanical Ark, which was already at the edge of the solar system.

Chen Guo had been waiting for him for a long time, but today he did not simply invite Sanguinius to be a guest here, but invited him to be a witness to witness his so-called loyal people!


"My Lord!"

"Be safe!"

After hugging Solansoni and the others, and then hugging his daughter, Chen Guo sent them to the transport ship one by one, and watched the ship they were on quickly sail out of the solar system.

"Why don't you go with them?" Sanguinius stood beside Chen Guo, with no expression on his face, but his eyes were extremely firm, "You should go with them, instead of letting them leave alone!

This war has nothing to do with you to be precise... You shouldn't get involved!"

Chen Guo glanced at Sanguinius, he knew that Sanguinius did not mean to blame him, but really wanted him to leave here as soon as possible.

"What will you do if I leave? I still have to count on collecting your body!"

"Heh... OK, remember to find me a quieter place after collecting my body. I don't want to be disturbed again!"

"OK, I think I'll find you a beautiful place with absolute quietness. I believe you'll like it then."

"Maybe, who knows!"

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