Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 170: Battle for the Control Room (1/2)

The two blue fear monsters were born for only a few seconds. They were torn to pieces by the dense torrent of steel without even running out of the tunnel, and turned into pure energy and returned directly to the embrace of the subspace.

But their death did not stop everything. Instead, as if the start button was pressed, violent explosions began to spread in all directions, and red flames rose into the sky.

"General Katomins, it seems that the adjective you used when you said this place is like an iron barrel is not very appropriate."

"Yes, Your Majesty Marshal!"

Katomins's eyes were full of fear, but the only thing he was thankful for was that the radiation shield transmitter that stood on the ground in the middle did not suffer any damage. The explosions and explosions coming from the surroundings The firelight was far away from it.

"Don't be stupid. Find out why these guys are here. They should have been here for a while. Find out how they got in. As for these guys, leave them all to Let my men do it!”

A trace of determination flashed in Chen Guo's eyes. Without waiting for the general next to him to say nonsense, she waved her hand directly at the demon-faced soldiers she had brought. These demon-faced soldiers who had been on alert immediately ran away. Run towards the place where the explosions came from.

"Let's go, General Katomins, let's go to the main control room and take a look. Just leave the minor problems here to my subordinates!"

"Okay, Marshal!"


Ten minutes ago, the Space Guards who were patrolling outside the main control room suddenly heard a voice coming from the main control room.

The captain of the team, Cumming, is a noble from Terra and belongs to the elite of the Guards. He is the personal guard of General Katomins, the deputy commander of the Guards.

It is precisely because of this that I was arranged to come here.

After opening the cumbersome general control door, they saw a desperate scene.

The main control room has completely turned into a slaughterhouse, and those powerless engineers are being torn to pieces in the hands of several monsters shrouded in blue light.

The blood on the ground quickly accumulated until it quickly converged into a red stream.

The red lights flashing overhead and the blood on the ground contrasted with each other, making the Guardsmen who had just stepped into the control room feel like they were in hell.

On the big screen not far away, purple light was flashing continuously, and a number that made everyone feel frightened slowly climbed up.

Fourteen percent!

Fifteen percent!

Cumming's face immediately darkened. As a senior officer, of course he knew what this meant. This rising number meant that the radiation shield transmitter was slowly entering an overload state. As for why it was not flashing red instead of a purple light... This means that it has passed the second stage of overload. Once it enters the third stage of overload, the light will turn into dark black, and by that time everything will become irreversible.

Unless the entire radiation shield is completely shut down and restarted, as the black light slowly reaches 100%, the central crystal element of the radiation shield will be damaged, causing the entire radiation shield transmitter to completely stopped working.

If it stopped working normally, that is, if it stopped working, the sages of the Mechanicum could replace the central crystal in just a few hours.

But in this kind of war, not to mention a few hours, even five minutes will have unimaginable tragic consequences for the entire battlefield.

Death is spreading, and more and more engineers and researchers have completely collapsed. Kaming also completely woke up from his daze.

The overload is continuing, and it is extremely important for these engineers and researchers to stop the overload. After all, this radiation shield is not something that a big-headed soldier like him can control at will.

"Rescue people and kill enemies."

With a deafening roar, Cumming immediately raised the rapid-fire laser gun in his hand, pointed it at the nearest blue monster and pulled the trigger crazily.

As he roared, the team members behind him immediately began to attack.

The Chaos Demons from the Tzeentch camp were caught off guard and failed to guard against the surprise attack from behind, resulting in numerous casualties.

Several guys were even shot into a hornet's nest, and immediately turned into transparent subspace energy, returning to the embrace of subspace.

However, under the command of a Pink Horror whose body was radiating with pink light, the Tzeentch demons gave up on massacring the defenseless engineers and researchers, and began to focus on the nearby people who rushed in. On the Guards.

Although the Guards are the most elite among the Terran Guards, they are still mortals after all. Even though they are equipped with the most advanced weapons, even the armor on their bodies is a simplified version of the Mark II power armor. , but still no match for these Tzeentch demons.

In fact, if the demons of Khorne come here, then they might still be able to fight, because the demons of Khorne do not bother to use various chaos spells, and they prefer to use the swords in their hands. The enemy's head was chopped off.

But unfortunately, the demons of Tzeentch who came here to undertake the destruction mission this time were led by a famous pink demon wizard.


The blue flame appeared out of thin air, and with its appearance, the temperature in the entire control room rose several degrees out of thin air.


The fierce green wind appeared, and the flames and wind alternated and blended with each other. The shocking fire tornado appeared in the control room.

This was actually a joint spell, a spell released by two Tzeentch demons.

Looking at the fast-moving fire tornado, Kamin's eyes flashed with a trace of determination. He kicked away the teammate who was tightly attached to him but still shooting, and took out the power sword at his waist and adjusted the energy threshold of the power sword directly to the maximum.

The Nasuk-type power sword in his hand immediately burst into a dazzling white light.

The NASDAQ model power swordsman is a very niche power sword. Because the name is difficult to pronounce, people who use it often call it Nasuk, which means the teeth of the Titan.

As a niche power sword, its power is much greater than that of ordinary power swords.

More importantly, it has a very good advantage, that is, as the energy is infused to the maximum, its sharpness will increase exponentially, and even the existence of sword energy will appear.

But it also has a fatal disadvantage, that is, lack of energy.

Once a long-term battle is carried out, it will become a stick due to insufficient energy supply, and it will be unusable and even worse than a stick.

So most people will not choose it as their weapon. Only those swordsmen who have a certain degree of recognition of their swordsmanship, feel that they can fight quickly, and are pursuing absolutely sharp weapons will choose to use this slightly flashy power sword.

Kamin is one of them.

The swordsmanship instruction that Kamin received came from the Emperor Fist Astartes. Under the careful training of Astartes, plus the small amount of genetic modification he received, his strength should not be underestimated. At some times, his single-soldier combat ability can even tie with Astartes one-on-one.

Of course, this is limited to special moments. In normal times, he is unilaterally slaughtered by Astartes.

As the valve of the simplified power armor on his body was opened to the maximum, Kamin directly turned into a residual image, waving the power sword in his hand quickly, and rushed towards the amazing fire tornado with the momentum of thunder.

The white light spreading from the blade of the power sword became more dazzling, and white ripples spread outward from the blade.


The elbow shook, the wrist rolled, and the blade emitting dazzling light rose from the bottom to the top, and then chopped from the top to the bottom. Kamin's strength couldn't allow him to swing the sword directly like Chen Guo did, but with the help of the power sword in his hand, the air was still cut open, and the dazzling white air wave quickly passed to both sides from where the sword tip went.


The fire tornado was split open, and the scorching heat immediately ignited his armor, but fortunately, the fire tornado was split open, preventing his teammates behind him from being caught in the man-eating fire tornado, resulting in the annihilation of the entire army.

But did it really split open?

Unlike the ecstatic teammates behind him, Kamin's face was very ugly, because he clearly knew that it was not him who split open the fire tornado, but the moment his sword blade was about to touch the fire tornado, the huge fire tornado automatically spread to both sides, turning into two smaller fire tornadoes, quickly avoiding Kamin's sword tip, and crashing into his body from the left and right.


Without any surprise, a high-speed fire tornado is not something a mortal can avoid, even if this mortal is a relatively powerful swordsman and is wearing a simplified version of power armor.


The whistling wind passed, and Kamin completely disappeared in the middle of the fire tornado. The hot blue flames not only burned his body to ashes, but the violent tornado also quickly blew away the ashes that had become slag.

And his soul did not have a good end.

The magic flame from Tzeentch quickly sucked his soul into the subspace and completely merged with Tzeentch, becoming the nourishment of this terrifying evil god.


Before the teammates behind him could exclaim, the tornado had quickly enveloped them all.

After all these disruptive mortal Terran guards turned into flying impurities, the engineers and researchers who had already been slaughtered were completely dead, and only the voice of the Tzeentch demon remained in the huge control room.

The eyeless pale mask slowly appeared in the control room, holding a staff that was several heads taller than his body, and said in a slightly vicissitudes of life: "Carlos, this is the last time I will help you. After this time, there will be no more debts of favor between us!"

"Really... Good luck!"

The Pale Mask is the Tzeentchian demon of the Pale Tower under Tzeentch. In the world of Tzeentch, there are seven Pale Towers, and the master of each tower is called the Pale Mask, which means there are seven Pale Masks in total. According to the different directions they focus on, their scepters have eyes, noses, mouths, ears, brains and two books with different metallic lusters.

Unlike Carlos, the fate weaver who likes to mess around and make trouble everywhere, the Pale Masks usually do not leave their towers, but stay in their towers, working hard to help Tzeentch compile various books, and continue to use their endless lifespans to study the relevant spells related to the direction they focus on.

But their combat effectiveness is not weak at all. When Tzeentch was besieged by the other three gods, the spells released by the seven Pale Masks directly killed the Nurgle Demon Vanguard from the camp of the benevolent father Nurgle, which completely led to the failure of that siege.

It can be said that if Carlos is a tool used by Tzeentch to disrupt the fate of the universe, then the Pale Tower is his mainstay.

The invisible ripples slowly dissipated from the air, which meant that Carlos had completely left.

But at the moment he left, the Pale Mask, who was originally very calm and waiting for the radiation shield launcher to stop working due to overload, suddenly showed a horrified expression, and immediately cursed Carlos who had just left in his heart.

Carlos deceived him and covered up the fact that Chen Guo came. With Carlos's departure, the fact that he had covered up also appeared in front of the Pale Mask.

Even the Pale Masks who stayed in the Pale Tower every day and studied various spells knew that the Thunder Tyrant was very powerful in the universe at this moment.

What's more, the Pale Tower was not unfamiliar with this Thunder Tyrant. At the Chaos Champion Competition a few years ago, the ticket used by Chen Guo was still issued by the Pale Tower!

It was in that Chaos Champion preliminary that Chen Guo first emerged and showed his unparalleled strength.

He hesitated for a moment, looked back at the percentage number that was still rising, and suddenly knocked the scepter in his hand, releasing a blue barrier, and directly closed the door of the entire control room.

He was ready to fight!

There was only a dozen minutes left before entering the next stage of overload. As long as the next stage of overload could be entered, the star war that was already fighting outside would end soon.

Even though the Empire's navy was also very powerful, it would still be torn apart and dispersed by the huge fleet of Horus and the Chaos Demons.

By then, Terra would be truly exposed to Chaos.

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