Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 185: The Siege of Terra 1 - The ulcer attached to the bone... The secret cult. (1/2)

The preparation process lasted for nearly a month. During this month, the amount of morale potion released into the air has been increasing, and it has even begun to affect the Astartes.

However, fortunately, this potion does not have any strong side effects, otherwise, if it continues to be used for a month, I don’t know how many mortals will die.

On the night of the 31st Terra Day, Chen Guo, who was sleeping in bed with Linda in his arms, suddenly opened his eyes. The golden inner armor on his body was emitting a faint light even in the dark, but fortunately it was not very painful, so Linda slept relatively peacefully.

Looking at Linda in his arms, Chen Guo's face slowly showed a serious expression, and as if Linda felt his gaze, she slowly opened her eyes.

Neither of them spoke, and they almost knew what was about to happen.

"Is it about to start?"

"Yes, it's about to start." Chen Guo nodded. Through his perception, he could clearly sense that there were hundreds of powerful pressures approaching Terra quickly.

However, due to the void shield that had been defending the sky above the planet Terra, they still could not successfully enter Terra, but the war was about to break out and it would only take a few more hours.

"Be careful!"

"Stay safe underground. If anything goes wrong, take the boat and escape immediately. As for me, don't worry!" Chen Guo patted the golden inner armor on his body, "Although this thing may cause some irreversible consequences, it is also a big killer. At most, I will take them with me..."

After saying goodbye to Linda, Chen Guo rushed to the palace. He was the last one to arrive, but he did not miss anything because no one was talking. Everyone was quietly looking at the virtual projection image showing the inside and outside of Terra.

After waiting for another two hours, Malcador stood up without saying a word. Chen Guo and the others followed him and came to the outside of the palace.

The Himalayas are the highest and clearest place on the planet. As they stood still, a macro cannon flashing with extreme blue light hit the void shield on the surface of the planet fiercely.

If you look at the angle of this macro cannon, you will find that its target is not somewhere else, but the palace.


"Hahaha!" Khan suddenly laughed. While he was laughing, he kept muttering: "A laughing warrior is not afraid of death. Life is short. Please enjoy yourself while you can."

Compared with Khan's cheerfulness, Sanguinius showed a compassionate expression, and his eyes were filled with unspeakable sadness... Although he knew through the prophecy that the first macro cannon would definitely fall right above the palace, when he saw it with his own eyes, he still felt extremely sad and desolate in his heart.

Rogal Dorn had a resolute and cold face, with his mouth twitching constantly, as if he was cursing Horus and the rebellious Primarchs, but at the same time he was constantly looking at the locations where the artillery fire was falling, calculating how to defend in a while.

Rogal Dorn was still the commander of the battlefield this time. Of course, if Guilliman was here, this position would definitely be his, after all, his powerful multi-threaded processing ability was something that everyone in the empire could see.

But unfortunately, he was not here.


"This is really spectacular!" Looking at the millions of dense shells that were constantly detonating above his head, Chen Guo sighed with a heartfelt sigh, "Who could have thought that these shells that were supposed to help mankind continue to advance until they reoccupied the entire galaxy and slowly expanded beyond the galaxy would actually fall on the palace of Terra one day... What a waste!"

"The Aegis is enough to withstand most attacks, of course, only within its range. Those places outside the range of the Aegis..." Sanguinius did not continue.

"Alas! It's actually starting to snow!"

Looking at the white snowflakes slowly falling from the sky, Chen Guo curiously caught some of them with his hands.

Logically speaking, under the continuous bombardment of millions of dense shells, let alone snowflakes, even the sea may be quickly evaporated.

So, where do these snowflakes come from?

"Snow of death!" Khan was full of poetic inspiration, but he did not speak out the gorgeous poem he had created, because he knew that these snowflakes were not snowflakes in the traditional sense, but the lives and creatures that were attacked by shells without the protection of the Aegis, and the substances that were vaporized and recondensed after the objects were rapidly vaporized.

This is an absolutely rare substance, and it is transformed from a series of fresh lives. Because they fall slowly and have high heat resistance, they will not be blocked by the Aegis. On the contrary, those shells that fall at a high speed will be blocked by the Aegis because of their fast moving speed.

In addition to these snowflakes representing death, a large number of leaflets were also continuously thrown to the ground by the low-flying gunboats.

All of these flyers were engraved with relevant words about Guilliman's upcoming arrival... I don't know which little cutie came up with this idea.

Picking up a flyer slowly, Chen Guo looked at Guilliman, who was wearing blue armor, grinning and full of naive smiles, and couldn't help but feel a little funny. At the same time, he hid the flyer close to his body.

He decided to give it to Guilliman as a gift when he saw him.

"Boom boom boom..."

The interface of a void shield in the distance suddenly broke, and countless laser macro cannons fell vertically from the sky at the moment when the interface broke, and quickly destroyed all the turrets that were constantly outputting below.

And the attacks from the sky continued to continue, just like a rotten fungus found a fresh apple. Horus was ready to erode all the shields bit by bit, as well as the air defense facilities protected under the shields.

He planned to directly rappel after destroying these air defense facilities, so as to achieve the goal of quickly breaking through the palace wall through a large number of troops and surprise attack tactics.

"What a foolish dream!" Khan looked back at the wall behind him.

The outermost main wall of the palace is called the Eternal Wall. The wall is more than 30 meters wide and higher than all the buildings on Terra. There are a large number of turrets composed of anti-aircraft guns along the wall, and inside the wall are endless ammunition supply lines, power generation devices, void shield generators and barracks. The wall stretches for thousands of kilometers and is defended by the Terra Defense Force. There are also many imperial guards and Astartes, which are enough to withstand the attack of my thousands of troops.

Behind this eternal wall is the core of the entire palace defense, which is the location of the Aegis launcher. Is the Aegis rotated by the top mechanical god of the Mechanicus? The perfect defense equipment designed by the body can block all objects weighing more than half a gram and with a speed exceeding two meters per second, including laser cannons.

Moreover, it can ensure that the Aegis can be opened for a long time.

The energy source of the entire Terra Palace was arranged by the Emperor himself. No one knows where the energy source comes from, but the only thing we know is that the energy here is almost inexhaustible.

"I want to go out for a walk!" Sanguinius slowly stood up from his position and drank the wine in his hand.

"It's still early now. It will probably take some time for them to come in."

Chen Guo continued to pour himself another glass of wine. Although it is best not to drink while working, who can take care of yourself at this moment!

"It's okay, I just feel a little annoyed and want to go out and relax. I'll be back in a while!" Sanguinius' attitude was a little firm. It seemed that he was really annoyed and wanted to go out for a fly!

"Okay, be careful!"

"I will!"

Slowly spreading his wings, Sanguinius flapped his snow-white wings and flew away. Only Khan and the few white scars he always carried with him were left at the scene.

Chen Guo and Khan were not very familiar with each other, so they did not talk much. The two of them drank strong liquor one cup after another.

The White Scar Astartes on the side brought out barrels of precious welcome wine from the cellar of the Terra Palace and placed them next to them.

It is said that in the entire empire, only the emperor himself can drink these precious wines anytime and anywhere.

At other times, when something important must happen or when there is a celebration, these wines that fill the entire cellar will be brought out for people to enjoy.

Now, although it is not a time to celebrate, it would be a waste if you don’t drink it. If the Chaos rebels get it, it would be a waste of natural resources!

The rebels don’t know shit about wine. They just use the power of Chaos to dip it in water and drink it.

A female imperial officer ran in quickly from outside. She came quickly behind Chen Guo and said in a hurried but very clear tone: "Sir, there is a rebellion among a group of civilians. They have already had a fight with the Imperial Guards. It seems that some soldiers of the rebel legion are pretending to be them. The commander-in-chief would like you to deal with them!"

"Let me deal with it?" Chen Guo rolled his eyes in annoyance. This Rogdorn really took chicken feathers as a command. Is it necessary for me to personally deal with a group of rebels who sneaked in?

I don't think I have offended him. Although the relationship is not very good, it is not to the point of...

The Khan suddenly said, "Although Rogdorn is a little arrogant, he will never do anything to use public power for personal gain. He must have encountered some situation.

His command rhythm is that he will let the person he thinks is most suitable to solve the most suitable problem, so maybe something really happened there, and we need to come forward to settle it!"

Chen Guo nodded. If that's the case, it's not impossible to come forward to settle it. However, this so-called most elite mortal auxiliary army is really useless. It can't even deal with some soldiers of the rebel legion.

"Rogal Dorn, did you say anything to limit the method I can use to solve it?"

"The commander-in-chief said that everything is up to you!"

"Then I will kill them all without leaving a single one alive!"

After making the decision, Chen Guo said hello to the Khan and started his first firefighting mission.

In theory, because most of the star regions have been lost, the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be operating at a very fast speed at this moment, and it is absolutely impossible to let any soldiers of unknown origin enter.

If those soldiers of unknown origin can be allowed in under such circumstances, then the current Ministry of Internal Affairs should be disbanded and replaced by new people.

With the recovered Lu Doyne and a team of thunder warriors, Chen Guo passed through the Eternal Wall and passed by the Gate of Helios, also known as the Gate of the Sun God.

After passing through this door, he entered a position that only the Lord of Terra could enter, but at this moment, behind this line of defense was crowded with civilians who were taken in from the surrounding nests.

They were able to appear here and were not directly blown up by the millions of bombs outside into the flying death snow, all thanks to Sanguinius.

Otherwise, according to Rogdorn's character, he would not care about the lives of these civilians.

Yes, after repeated requests from Sanguinius, Rogdorn agreed to his request and took all the civilians in the nearby nests who could not be evacuated into the palace.

"My Lord, can't you just tell me to do this kind of small matter? They are just a bunch of mortal rebels who sneaked in. I will lead people to slaughter all the civilians in that area and ensure that no rebels will be left behind!"

Lu Duoyiner patted his chest and made a promise, and at the same time, a trace of extreme murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Reckless man!" Chen Guo rolled his eyes at him unhappily, "Did Linda touch your original genes? Why do you feel less and less like Coze, but more and more like those irritable war dogs."

"Is there?" Lu Duoyiner shook his head, looked left and right at his whole body for a moment, "It seems not!"

Ignoring him again, Chen Guo and the others soon came to the area where the riot occurred.

Those were temporary board houses, and a large number of imperial defense forces were surrounding some of them with live ammunition.

Looking through the gaps in the board house, more than a dozen Astartes wrapped in armor and many mortal auxiliary soldiers gathered in the board house.

"Light blue armor with Hydra patterns engraved on it... It turned out to be the Alpha Legion... But it's really strange, are those guys in the Ministry of Internal Affairs really eating for free? Don't they even know that so many Alpha Astartes have sneaked in?" Chen Guo narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt some conspiracy from it.

"My Lord, leave it to me!"

Lu Duoyin obviously saw the armor worn by the Astartes inside, and his eyes immediately bloomed with a different light.

It turned out to be the Alpha Legion!

You know, there is a lot of grudge between the Midnight Lords and the Alpha Legion.

Although Lu Duoyiner had long since left the Midnight Lords, it would be a great thing if he could resolve the conflict with Alpha.

"Okay, go and deal with it, and don't make too much noise!"

Facing the dozens of Asta and the mortal auxiliary troops of the Alpha Legion, Chen Guo didn't take it too seriously. If he had to take action against such an enemy, he would be too embarrassed.

In addition, in order to prevent any accidents, he had better be responsible for the pressure, so that even if there is an ambush inside, he can take action at the first time, so as not to cause various unexpected situations due to the confusion of vision and battlefield.

Chen Guo handed this simple "important task" to Lu Duoyiner, and stood outside to watch the show.

"Try to catch him alive, but it doesn't matter if you can't catch him, but don't make too much noise!"


Lu Duoyiner rushed in with the Thunder Warriors around him, and at the moment he rushed in, a strong figure suddenly pressed against Chen Guo's body and leaned against his right side.

Chen Guo raised his eyebrows and was about to pull this guy who didn't know how to live or die directly in front of him, but he stopped the next second.

His intuition told him that there was something wrong with this guy who came up to him. He was able to come to his side without anyone noticing, and he still didn't react at all.

At the same time, Chen Guo directly told him that this person who approached him definitely had the power and strength to threaten his life!

"Great Prince, please don't be nervous. I greet you on behalf of the secret sect and want to talk to you!"

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