Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 191: The second battlefield of the defensive battle - the fragile network.

The battle of the Destroyers continued, and Chen Guo was still surrounded by a large number of Destroyers.

He threw that head when he was being beaten up, and he himself didn't expect it to be so accurate, nor did he expect Alpha to dodge it.

However, Alpha's attention was not on that head, but on the Destroyers who kept falling.

The Destroyer, as a genetic weapon of the Dark Age, this alone is enough to represent its strength.

Many people think that it is just a weapon of the Dark Age.

But if I tell you that even the Ringbearers represented by the Imperial Prime Minister Malcador, an organization that committed a lot of blood debts in the Dark Age, cannot be regarded as the strongest organization in the Dark Age.

You can probably understand the difference between the Destroyer, who can be regarded as the ultimate genetic weapon of the Dark Age, and the Astartes cultivated by the Empire today.

"How is this possible!"

The Destroyer is not a genetic warrior in the conventional sense, but an assassin. With the space devices they were equipped with, their assassination efficiency was higher than that of the assassins of the Assassin Court.

With the space jump device, they could appear anywhere without being noticed, and with their trained and transformed bodies, they were able to eliminate most of the enemies.

That was why they could become the trump card and hope of the warlord of the Dark Ages.

"You guys come on too!" Alpha waved his hand again with a gloomy face.

More destroyers rushed towards Chen Guo, but at this moment, Alpha also knew that today's plan was a complete failure.

Although the battle outside was in full swing, the imperial guards guarding the palace did not leave much, and according to intelligence, the assassins court established by Makado and a large number of secret organizations were all transferred into the palace to guard the safety of the entire palace.

The noise here was too big, and it was impossible not to be discovered.

"In that case, we have to get rid of you, the restless factor."

Nodding gently to the several Destroyers leaders who had been standing beside him without moving, the latter immediately took out several silver pillars from their arms.

Chen Guo was very familiar with this weapon, because not long ago, the guy from the secret cult planned to use this weapon to send Chen Guo into the warp - the psychic bomb.

The design drawings of this bomb had been lost at the end of the Golden Age, but at that time, because humans were still in the stage of expansion, a lot of this weapon was made, specifically for those races that were hostile to humans, including the Eldar, so this bomb was not difficult to find, and Alpha prepared them for the purpose of restraining the ridiculously powerful psychic power of Malcador and even the Emperor.

"Send him to the warp!"

These higher-ranked Destroyers, without the slightest hesitation, immediately flashed and disappeared from their original places, ready to die with Chen Guo.

Alpha silently grasped the button hidden in the armor glove, waiting for them to get close enough and then detonate it immediately.

For ordinary people, the power of these psychic bombs is at most similar to that of heavy grenades. They are not very powerful, but they have strong penetration and are not very lethal. They can only make people crazy and demented.

But for psychics, the power of this grenade is no less than that of a cruise missile, and even more powerful than ordinary cruise missiles. Or, it should be said that it is a more targeted poison, a special poison specially prepared for psychics.

As long as the psychic enters the range of the explosion and subconsciously activates psychic power for defense.

Then, they will soon know what psychic backlash looks like.

"Three, two, one..."

Just as he was about to press the button, a palm like a dry straw slowly touched his steel armor. The huge psychic power made him freeze in an instant. He shook his eyeballs, and the only eyeball that could still move in his body quickly locked onto the old man next to him.


Alpha's heart became completely cold.

"Let them stop, Omega!"

As Malcador finished speaking, Alpha felt that his mouth could move normally again. He moved his neck stiffly and said one word softly, "Stop!"

As this sentence landed, all the Destroyers stopped their actions, but Chen Guo did not stop his actions. He directly reached out and grabbed the bodies of the two Destroyers who had no time to dodge and retreat, and slammed them together. Then, he quickly kneaded their bodies and the armor they were wearing into a bloody meat ball.

Throwing the meat ball aside, Chen Guo stepped on the corpses on the ground and walked to Alpha. He lowered his head and looked at Alpha standing in front of him with a cruel smile on his face.

However, Chen Guo did not take action, but silently shifted his gaze from Alpha to Malcador, as if blaming him for coming out so slowly.

Chen Guo was not injured, but the fists of these destroyers were very hard and their strength was amazing. Most of them were not unarmed, and many of them were holding some power swords in their hands, so there were more or less wounds on his body.

However, relying on his strong recovery ability, the wounds have almost recovered.

But if Malcador could show up earlier and stop Alpha earlier, does it mean that he would not suffer this kind of injury again?

"Omega, give him some of your blood, and then I will take you to see the emperor, he misses you too."

Alpha did not say anything else, but just cut a wound on his face in the same way, but the blood flowing from the wound was extremely charming bright red.

So, the blood on the dagger that was given to Chen Guo before was not his real blood, and the extremely red blood at this moment was his real blood... This guy was too insidious, and with his expression that looked like he deserved a beating, Chen Guo inexplicably had the urge to beat him up.

After taking the dagger and storing it in a special cultivation device, Chen Guo turned around and left without any hesitation.

His purpose of coming here has been achieved, and Malcador has successfully controlled Alpha. During this period of time, he returned to his command room to be a qualified commander and quietly watched this big show.

"Please wait a moment, Your Excellency. I have something I want to ask you for help."

Malcador's voice came from behind, and his tone was very calm, completely lacking the feeling of a ruler when he was the prime minister of the empire in the past.

Is it coming?

Chen Guo was suddenly startled. Was the guy sitting on the toilet finally going to meet him?

That's right. He was already here at this moment, in the center of the Imperial Palace. It shouldn't be too far from the palace where he was. It wouldn't take too long to meet him.

But Malcador's next words were like a basin of cold water, pouring on Chen Guo: "Dozens of demon legions have entered the webway. There are some cracks in the webway. The imperial guards are short of manpower, so I would like to ask you to transfer some of your legions and yourself to participate in the defense of the webway."


After a moment of silence, Chen Guo pointed to the destroyers standing behind Alpha, "I want the equipment on these guys. Forget it, just give them all to me."

Malcador glanced at the destroyers around him without any hesitation.

"No problem, this is indeed the reward we should pay, don't you think? Omega!"

What else could Alpha say at this time? In addition, these destroyers were cannon fodder in his heart, so he just nodded and said nothing more.

"Thank you so much!"

Malkadot took Alpha away quickly, and a guard came over and took Chen Guo around the palace and quickly entered the depths of the palace.

In fact, at the beginning, the entrance to the webway was indeed just under the throne of the Emperor, but as time went on, especially with the arrival of the Horus fleet, the Chaos Demons' attacks in the webway became particularly fierce.

When the civilians on Terra began to die in batches in the bombing and massacre, the distance between the subspace and reality on Terra became closer and closer, and more and more cracks appeared in the webway.

As these cracks continued to spread, more and more Chaos Demons began to climb out of these cracks and began to fight with the guards and other legions defending the webway.

This is why Malcador and other top psychics of the empire did not appear on the battlefield. Although the emperor sitting on the golden throne bears most of the pressure on the webway, Malcador and the psychics of the Star Tongue Court still need to repair it continuously.

Otherwise, once there are more cracks, the tragic situation of a thousand-mile dam breaking due to an ant hole will appear.

But as more and more blood sacrifices are carried out on Terra, the webway begins to become more and more fragile, and more and more cracks appear on the webway, while the defense force does not increase much, which is why Malcador asked Chen Guo to borrow troops.

Chen Guo originally wanted to refuse directly, but considering that he is now on Terra after all, if there are some major problems on the webway, leading to serious consequences, it will really be more than worth the loss.

"I'll go with you!" Linda's tone was full of undeniable meaning.

Chen Guo rubbed Linda's head angrily, "Are you worried about my safety or do you want to see the webway up close? Or the webway equipment from the golden age."

"What do you care about me!"

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