Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 204 Every human being is the empire's most precious treasure. (1/2)

"Is Sanguinius mad?"

Louis Meg frowned deeply.

Although Mortarion used his own life to blow up the Gate of Helios, due to the existence of Aegis, the Gate of Helios did not suffer much damage. It only cracked a gap. Soon It was patched.

But what no one expected was that the Gate of Helios slowly opened a few minutes later, and the light from within the city illuminated the battlefield outside the gate.

The one who opened this door was not a spy, but Sanguinius.

The archangel flapped his wings and slowly flew out of the gate, slowly flying into the air. The light on his body was like a torch in the dark night, making the mortal army outside the gate who was ready to die panic. He fled towards the gate of Helios.

In everyone's eyes, the opening of the Helios Gate represented the fall of the Eternal Wall, and everyone began to fearfully doubt Sanguinius's loyalty.

After all, in order to defend against the chaos caused by Mortarion's self-destruction, a large number of Astartes and mortal soldiers sacrificed their lives, but Sanguinius actually opened it directly.

This makes everyone have to doubt his loyalty!

"He is trying to bring new hope to the mortals on the battlefield, because the next battle is no longer something that mortals can participate in. Tsk, tsk, tsk, this bad habit of being compassionate and compassionate has not changed at all. But it doesn't matter. , Anyway, we don’t have much time." Chen Guo had a smile on his face. He had known that this would happen, so he was not too surprised.

"My lord, do you need my support?" Lu Doyin rushed back to the command center, which had been re-installed.

"Why do you still want to be lazy? Although the Gate of Helios will eventually fall, at least not today." Chen Guo sat down on the chair and started to fish.

There is no point in going up now, but when there is no way to hold on, if you go up and turn the tide, then you can highlight your importance even more.

Furthermore, at this time, apart from the Astartes of the Night Lords Legion, the only ones left on the front line were the stinky guys of the Death Guard.

Chen Guo didn't want to get involved with those stinky guys. Even if she wouldn't be bothered by their diseases, a smelly body would inevitably make people feel uncomfortable.

Lou Doyle left with his Thunder Warrior Legion, and Louis Meg began to direct the orderly evacuation of his legion.

There are millions of mortal legions outside the door, and it is a big challenge for all mortal commanders to withdraw them all.

About an hour or two later, the ground began to tremble violently. Chen Guo walked out of the command room and looked at the huge Titan, which was several times taller than the city wall, slowly appearing in front of Helios. Behind the door, he knew that Horus had failed again in this attack!

Sure enough, not long after, as the huge beam of light hit the huge mechanical demon siege tower built by the Dark Positive Cult, the biggest enemy of the Gate of Helios disappeared, and the heavy gate slowly closed again. .

"Louis Meg, how many people were evacuated in two hours?"

"Eighty percent of the mortal army has successfully withdrawn, and all the surviving legions under our command have also withdrawn. However, the casualties are still very heavy, and the epidemic has begun to spread among most of the surviving legions. A large number of pharmacists have been dispatched to deal with the horrific epidemics, but even though we have made adequate preparations, we are still at a loss when facing those epidemics, and the treatment effect is not very obvious. "

"That's it!" Chen Guo turned around and looked at Linda, or nodded in understanding and whispered to Mintis for a few words, and then said: "The best way to get rid of the Chaos Disease is to burn it The best way to suppress them in a short period of time is to kill them all and burn them to ashes... It is definitely not possible to cure them all under the current conditions. But as long as the pharmacist goes down, The spread of the disease should be greatly reduced! In addition, we have already seen the samples of the disease, which contain a lot of terrifying power of chaos. My personal suggestion is to take those infected soldiers to the palace. Those horrific diseases are caused by subspace magic, so the emperor's spiritual will should be able to alleviate or even eliminate this disease. "

"I understand, madam, I will now arrange to bring all the soldiers who have been infected with the disease to the inner city." Louis Meg said loudly.

"No need to go to such trouble! I'll just say hello to Saint Gilius later and ask him to send Saint Gileno over for a spin."

The huge Titans come from the Imperial Hunter Titan Legion, and are the last batch of Titans in the entire Titan Legion, in order to preserve the most powerful combat power.

The Titan Legion came and went in a hurry. After destroying the mechanical demon towers, they left quickly and disappeared into the layers of the palace.

"Sir, the Prime Minister of the Empire invites you to attend the meeting!" The imperial officer coughed violently and quickly ran into the No. 3 command room.

Smelling the stench lingering in the air, Chen Guo waved his hand casually and released a bolt of silver-red lightning, sending the imperial officer flying away.

This silver-red lightning did not kill him. After he stood up, he was surprised to find that he no longer coughed.

He immediately understood that his life was saved and he did not have to suffocate to death due to lung suppuration and infection like his colleagues.

"Which legion do you belong to? Are all the commanders of your legion idiots? You know clearly that the air is full of plague viruses, why don't you issue oxygen masks to isolate the air?"

"Sir, it happened suddenly..."

"Let your commander, after the war is over, go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to attend a military court himself!"

Ignoring the imperial officer again, Chen Guo walked outside on her own, with Louis Meg following closely behind him.

As the commander of the third command area, he already has the right to participate in this highest meeting at this moment.

Because they originally belonged to the imperial palace, Chen Guo and the others arrived earlier than Sanguinius who was flying in the sky.

However, at this moment, the palace has become chaotic. Many mortal legions under the Emperor's Fist have occupied the palace, and under the influence of the Emperor's will, they are slowly getting rid of the disease that plagues them. , of course, some of those who really could not be saved were dragged out and executed by officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after confirming that there was no possibility of rescue, and then burned.

The law enforcement team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has also gone to the battlefield. At this moment, in addition to most of the clerks responsible for maintaining order, there are only a small number of experts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the general's personal guards.

Chen Guo saw two familiar figures among the crowd, two tall Ogryn ape warriors who stood out among the dwarfs among the mortal soldiers.

Seeing them, Chen Guo knew that the intelligence chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Kraft Vandil, should be here.

Unexpectedly, he had returned safely. Chen Guo had specifically looked for him before, but heard that his fleet had been encircled and suppressed by the Horus fleet outside the solar system, and he might have died.

Unexpectedly, I was lucky enough to survive.

Sure enough, there really is some unknown relationship between him and the future Mr. Fandier.

Slowly walking past the soldiers, Chen Guo occasionally ejected tiny silvery-red lightning bolts into the imperial soldiers whose bodies were rotten from top to bottom.

Although the power of thunder cannot cure serious diseases immediately, it can at least prevent the disease from spreading rapidly, giving these imperial soldiers a chance to survive. In addition, the power of thunder is not omnipotent, and there is no way to cure it. Those diseases have already caused damage to them. Whether they can survive it depends on themselves.

As these silver-red lightnings burst out, the already anxious pharmacists immediately felt much less stressed. They no longer had to watch these soldiers die one after another after drinking their own medicine.

They looked at the medal temporarily pinned to Chen Guo's armor, and Louis Meg who followed closely behind him with the rank insignia of the Commander of the Third Command Area. They immediately understood Chen Guo's identity, and they all saluted. Show your respect.

Of course, besides the pharmacist, there were also many Astartes and Imperial officers who discovered Chen Guo's identity. They all closed their mouths, stood up, and saluted with their own different etiquette.

The empty hall seemed very noisy at first, but now it became completely quiet.

Even the wounded who were howling in agony from all over their bodies were infected by the calm atmosphere and slowly calmed down.

With a slight nod, Chen Guo walked towards the interior of the palace while treating the wounded people passing by.

Dozens of millions of soldiers poured into the palace. The number of soldiers who could obtain the emperor's will in the palace and assist in dispelling the chaotic magic all over their bodies was, after all, a small number. The vast majority of soldiers could not even enter the palace. Can squeeze into the square behind the Gate of Helios.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. The palace is only so big in total. If you include the underground palace, it is not difficult to stuff all these soldiers into it. However, at this moment, the chaos demons in the underground palace have not been completely eliminated. Sending them in would be equivalent to sending them to die.

Chen Guo suddenly stopped because he saw Imperial Fist Captain Maximus helping several pharmacists to rescue the mortal soldiers.

After turning around and taking a look at her surroundings, Chen Guo walked towards Maximus.

It seemed that besides him, only Maximus had the highest status in this place. He had to be responsible for vacating the wounded who had been healed, so that the wounded outside could come in and receive treatment from the emperor's will. Otherwise, even if the mortal soldiers outside have successfully withdrawn from the Gate of Helios, they will still suffer heavy casualties, and as the number of people continues to die, the power of the disease will increase.

Before he even got closer, I heard him answering a question from a mortal soldier.

"Sir...is it too wasteful to waste so many resources to save the mortal army? I am a coward who is not worth saving. Not only did I fail the empire's trust, but I also watched my comrades die in front of my eyes. Under the traitor's gun."

Chen Guo stopped and stopped again. He looked at the soldier whose whole body was covered in green abscesses, and suddenly felt something in his heart was touched.

Maximus, who was busy, did not notice Chen Guo coming behind him. He fed the soldier a tube of medicine and slowly helped him to lie on the stretcher, saying calmly: "You are not cowards, you have successfully completed the mission, and the Empire is proud of your sacrifice in welding the city wall. Your bravery will be recorded in the history books of the Empire forever..."

Listening to Maximus's standardized language, Chen Guo shook his head.

What's the point of saying this at this time!

"Soldier, every human is the most precious treasure of the Empire. Even if you are a coward and have not completed the Empire's mission, you are still one of the most precious treasures of the Empire. If you think you are a coward, then live well and use the most heroic achievements to brush off the title of coward you think you are, instead of being recorded in the so-called history books of the Empire. History books will never remember the names of cowards..." Chen Guo walked behind Maximus. He looked at the captain of the Imperial Fist who saluted him, and casually shot a silver-red lightning to the soldier who asked questions.

"Captain Maximus, I need you to send all the soldiers who have recovered out of the hall and bring in more imperial soldiers outside to receive treatment according to the Emperor's will. Since Saint Gilles chose to save them, I think they can't die from the plague from Mortarion."

'Yes, sir! '

"Louis Meg will help you!"

After that, Chen Guo continued to walk deep into the palace.

There is no place inside or outside the palace that is peaceful. The noise of war, the noise of guards, and the painful howling of imperial soldiers are everywhere.

However, there is one place that is an exception. At least it seems a little quieter now.

The Great Arctic Strategic Office, Rogal Dorn's fortress, and the entire palace command center.

The fortress consists of twelve identical sanctuaries. It is connected to the palace by a covered bridge. It is the oldest building in the palace. Part of it is as old as the empire. It was designed and supervised by the Emperor himself.

Before Dorn authorized the transformation of the entire palace's defense system, it was one of the few areas that were preserved intact according to the Emperor's order.

The other areas are the most famous Victory Hall and the Imperial Senate in the empire.

And so far, they have not undergone a transformation of the defense system.

Unfortunately, it is precisely because of the lack of transformation of the strategic defense system that they were all destroyed by bombs dropped by supersonic aircraft under Horus.

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