Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 207 Fulgrim is in a bad mood. (1/2)

"You shouldn't do this."

"You must do this."

"My brother, don't be bothered by the demon in your mind. It's just a clown. Don't pay too much attention to it. There is no need. There is no need to pay attention to it. Follow your own heart, so that you can be redeemed."

"Shut up, you dead idiot, shut your mouth."

Listening to the words in his mind, Fulgrim sat on the soft throne with an expressionless face.

The endless chattering voices in his mind, these two voices will continue to make noises in his mind, and he is playing with his fingers expressionlessly as usual.

Fulgrim actually has no interest in this rebellion.

After losing his body, he lost all pursuit of honor. If Lorgar hadn't bitten the bullet and dragged him out of the palace of Slaanesh this time, he would never come to Terra at all.

What's the fun of attacking Terra? How can I be with Enkali no matter how fun it is?

(Enkali was once a human on old Terra, an actress with serious conduct problems, named Sasha Grey. Due to her addiction to desire and pleasure, the projection of her soul in the warp eventually gained consciousness and became an existence that was hungry beyond imagination. After realizing her own existence, she immediately felt the disturbance in the warp - Slaanesh was about to be born, and immediately realized that she was her future master. So Enkali patiently waited for the arrival of the new god, and then devoted himself to her without hesitation. He also has another elder sister named Slaanesh, the Queen of Magic.)

Yawning out of boredom, Fulgrim reached out and subconsciously wanted to touch the Flame Blade that he had always carried with him, but soon he found and remembered again that the Flame Blade had been thrown away by himself and thrown into the ethereal warp.

The Flame Blade was the best gift given to him by Ferrosmalus. In return, he gave Ferrosmalus the exquisite warhammer, the so-called Furnace Breaker.

When he thought of this, Fulgrim's face, which had always been wearing a lazy smile, began to slowly show an expression of nostalgia and regret.

If he was given another chance to choose, no matter what consequences this opportunity would bring him in the end, he would choose to wake up when he was about to swing the flaming blade, even if this might make him be smashed in the head by the fierce "snake-haired old witch" Ferrus Malus, who was full of fighting and killing.

How he wished that it was himself who died at that time, instead of his gene brother's eternal best friend.

Because if he died at that time, he would never have to endure such torture again.

"Great father, there are enemies approaching this side!" Listening to the words from the gene offspring around him, Fulgrim frowned slightly and didn't say much, but just waved his hand casually and continued to watch the farce performed by millions of hive residents under the throne.

A large number of Emperor's Sons Astartes stood on a high temporary platform, constantly pouring the pink powder in the iron bucket in their hands, letting the pink powder float back and forth in the air.

As the pink powder floated continuously, the air was gradually filled with a sweet smell.

Fulgrim smelled the smell, and the smile on his face became more intense. His snake body covered with scales began to twist subconsciously.

"Dear!" Enkali's voice came from behind, and the smile on Fulgrim's face became brighter. He shook his body and quickly embraced the magic queen who appeared behind him.

"Why are you here?"

"I just happened to pass by and came to see you."

"Are you playing a game? Or are the "clothes" around you not enough again?"

"Oh, I'm just helping out a little. After all, my father's will is too strong. If I don't help, dear Horus will fail." Fulgrim's face was full of indifference. Obviously, he didn't care whether Horus would succeed or fail. He helped just to repay a favor he owed Horus.

"Are you really not going to help?" A flash of red light flashed quickly in Enkali's eyes. In addition to reminiscing about the past, she came here for other purposes, and her main purpose was to let Fulgrim participate in the battle instead of staying in the back to fish.

After all, for all the Chaos Demons this time, there is nothing more meaningful than taking down the human empire, which is absolutely a hard bone to chew.

And because of the Emperor's will, these Chaos Daemons have no way of directly joining the frontal battlefield. They can only play on the edge like Fulgrim, which is very meaningless!

"Don't use any spells on me. It's meaningless. I've done everything I can do in this war. I've gained and lost everything I should have gained and lost. What's left in this war has no meaning to me. What I'm doing now is just to repay a favor. Once I've repaid this favor, I should leave here immediately." Fulgrim's face darkened. He rolled his tail and threw the beautiful lady in his arms out. Then he said indifferently: "I know your little tricks very well, but unfortunately I can no longer be manipulated and fooled by you."

Enkali lifted his hair and climbed back into Fulgrim's arms.

"Don't be so heartless. I don't mean to do that. It's just that I'm too bored. Mixing with those guys who are either constantly shouting "kill, kill, kill" or smelling bad, I feel like my spirit is going to collapse."

"Boring?" Fulgrim smiled, "I'm actually bored too. Otherwise, let's enjoy ourselves during this time."

"Okay, we should be in the palace at this moment, instead of staying here and getting bored."

Fulgrim smiled and shook his tail again, but just when he had time to put his tail up, his face froze in place.

Enkali's face suddenly became ugly.

Why did this idiot appear here?

In their powerful perception, a guy who made them tremble from the depths of their souls was approaching this side at such a super fast speed.

"Why did this guy come here? This is different from what Carlos said." Enkali stood up quickly and took out her weapon, a staff inlaid with strange models. As the magic queen of Slaanesh, she is a powerful chaos mage, and her strength is no worse than Carlos, the weaver of fate.

The only difference is that Carlos, the damn two-headed bird, likes to wander around the universe and make trouble, while Enkali's favorite thing to do is to stay in the palace of Slaanesh and have endless parties with all the creatures in it.

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It is precisely because of this that her reputation is not as loud as Carlos, the weaver of fate.

But the facts prove that strength and fame are not actually related.

"What are you going to do?" Looking at Encari who was facing a formidable enemy, Fulgrim's eyes were full of speechlessness, "You don't really want to fight with that butcher! That guy did something that even my father couldn't do."

"..." Seeing that Fulgrim had no desire to fight at all and looked like a salted fish, even Encari, the magic queen who didn't like fighting very much, began to become quite speechless.

"Are you planning to run away?"

"Congratulations, you got it right!"

"Didn't you say you still wanted to do Horus a favor?"

"The prerequisite is that I won't be in any danger of life! If it was Rogal Dorn who came this time, I would be very excited to have a friendly exchange with my brother. But unfortunately, it was a butcher who didn't understand romance.

Fighting with him would damage my demeanor, not to mention that I can't beat him, and there is a risk of complete death."

As Fulgrim spoke, he finally stood up from his soft throne, and it was only at this time that he could see the full picture of this throne.

This throne actually has dozens of naked women, their bodies pieced together, and they are all still alive, but their breathing is very slow, as if they are still alive, and it is only to ensure the absolute comfort of this physical throne, rather than sitting on a hard and cold throne.

"Where can you go?"

"Don't worry about that, but if nothing unexpected happens, I will return to the palace."

While the two were talking, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded outside the hive occupied by the Emperor's Children Legion, and the black fog that rose into the sky came out with it.

After a moment of hesitation, Enkali finally gave up the idea of ​​escaping, and sent a message for help to some close friends with whom he had in-depth exchanges.

The next second, violent spatial fluctuations began to spread in the open space near the flesh throne.

In the blink of an eye, several Slaanesh demons who were either exposed or wrapped in purple armor appeared in the open space next to the throne.

"Oh, are you all going to die?"

"The will of my father will weaken your strength. The longer we stay on Terra, the more obvious our strength will be." Fulgrim raised his eyebrows and stopped his attempt to escape.

"Fulgrim, if you want to leave, no one will stop you, but I suggest you stay and continue to command your legion and complete your mission!" The speaker was a triangular-eyed man wearing gorgeous armor, with no mouth or ears, only a pair of snake eyes.

If I'm not mistaken, this guy should be a Slaanesh, at least he was a Slaanesh before he became a demon.

The Slaanesh are a race loyal to Slaanesh, and they are also the first race in the entire galaxy to embrace Slaanesh.

But unfortunately, during the Great Crusade, the Emperor's Children Expeditionary Corps led by Fulgrim brutally slaughtered all the Slaanesh, and carried out absolute extermination in the face of the Slaanesh's home planet.

Looking at this fish that escaped the net, Fulgrim smiled disdainfully. He was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot, but he didn't want to leave either, after all, there was a good chance that a good show would be born here soon.

"One, two, three..." There were a total of six Slaanesh Daemons. And they were all six guys who cooperated seamlessly.

Oh, Encari should also be counted.

Then it should be seven.

This should be a quarter of the Chaos Daemons sent by the Slaanesh camp!

After all, as the weakest of the four gods, Slaanesh does not have too many Chaos Daemons under his command. Slaanesh simply couldn't lose all its base in the Warp just to besiege Terra.

You know, when Horus and the loyalists were fighting hard, the battle for territory in the Warp, which had lasted for who knows how many years, became more and more intense because of the war in reality and the influx of a large number of souls.

Especially the battle between Nurgle and Khorne, which was almost hard to resolve. Otherwise, the number of Chaos Daemons coming to Terra this time would at least double.

"Why don't you leave?" The piercing Chaos Daemon frowned slightly. Although, after the upgrade and the upgrade, he and his original race have no big relationship.

But in fact, it is not the case. Without his own race, he has no physical body in reality, and no free sacrifice from his mother race. He must pay a high price every time to buy enough sacrifices from other Chaos Daemons, so as to gain the right to step into the real world.

The price was so high that it made his scalp tingle just thinking about it.

But he had to do it.

The culprit of all this was the damn Fulgrim in front of him.

"Don't look at me like that. I stayed here just to watch the show. You guys are busy with your own things, don't worry about me!" The purple mist in his hand flashed by, and a tall wine glass appeared in Fulgrim's hand, which was filled with blood-red liquid, which looked like red paint.

But the pungent smell of blood told everyone present that this was not red paint.

After doing all this, he collapsed back on the throne of flesh.

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