Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 222 Only the Midnight Lord knows how to trick the Midnight Lord, the old sixth Legion of Ast

"This damn guy actually sent us here."

The fully armed Night Lord Astartes, under the cover of five Chaos Dreadnoughts and a Warhound Titan, quickly passed the Eternal Wall.

"Stop talking!" The leading captain of the Great Company, Pease, curled his lips, "Tell the Dark Mechanical God's Warhound Titan to roll aside later. It's too big and too easy to attract targeting."

"My Lord Count, didn't you protest? You actually let us rush to the front..."

Pease glanced at his subordinates who were indignant over there, and a trace of impatience flashed in the depths of his eyes.

This is the most direct consequence of having no backers. Without a backer, half of their Great Company didn't even have the opportunity to refute, and was directly judged as cannon fodder. They could only enter the interior of the Eternal Wall under the surveillance of Astartes, the son of Horus, and become a broom to clear the obstacles ahead.

After entering the trench, hundreds of Astartes directly crowded the entire trench.

"Separate according to the plan and gather in Alpha 3 area. The time is set to seven hours later..." Before Pease finished speaking, he suddenly stopped because a sharp sound of breaking air suddenly appeared in the sky. He knew from the sound that it was the sound of bombing without even raising his head. And it should be the thermobaric bomb known as the death god of hell!

"These damn loyalists are crazy. They dare to use it in this place..." While cursing all the Midnight Lords Astartes, they ran to the trenches on both sides.

The huge Warhound Titan and the Dreadnought Armor had not had time to go far. When they heard the sound of breaking wind from the sky, they immediately understood what they had discovered. The huge Titan immediately squatted in the corner of the Eternal Wall on the side, and directly opened the energy output of the Void Shield to the maximum, hiding in the corner of the Eternal Wall like a turtle bastard. The fearless mechas ran forward without looking back. They relied on their relative flexibility and tried their best to run out of the bombing range.


Just like releasing a big fart, the huge temperature sucked away all the air. The flame disappeared immediately because the oxygen was sucked away. Only black smoke rose slowly from the ground.

Several Astartes who did not escape in time were directly enveloped in it.

They were like fruits placed in a press. The armor on their bodies was visibly dented, but not a drop of blood flowed out of it.

This was not because the airtightness of the armor was so good, but the blood was directly evaporated because of the extremely high temperature at the moment it was about to flow out.

The Warhound Titan squatted in the corner of the Eternal Wall and shivered. Fortunately, the pilot who operated him turned on the function of the void shield to the maximum at the first time.

Therefore, except for a little scorching on the surface, there were no other changes. But the five dreadnoughts were not so lucky. Even though they ran really fast, they could not run beyond the range covered by the shells. However, they did not suffer much damage.

However, they were all blown away by the shock wave, and their shells were seriously damaged. Even the damaged part of one unlucky one began to flow out with pale yellow fluid... That was the nutrient solution of the disabled Astartes inside, which was used to maintain the survival of the Astartes inside.

Pease stuck his head out of the cave. Because the surrounding air returned here again, the ground began to burn with hot flames again.

However, this level of flames could not cause any substantial damage to the Astartes. Even the Astartes of the Midnight Lords ignored the flames on the ground and walked through them directly, quickly dispersing according to the original plan.

They must have been targeted by someone, otherwise they would not have suddenly bombed them when they just stepped over the Eternal Wall, and used thermobaric bombs with relatively strong lethality.

Pease also led his deputy and quickly advanced in the trench.

Because he had escaped quickly before, the bombing just now did not cause any harm to him.

It was just that the spray paint patterns he had sprayed on the armor were a little burnt and faded by the high temperature.

"My Lord, we have found the direction from which the bombing came. It is not far from here."

"Then let's go and see which idiot dared to bomb me..." Pease's voice stopped again. He looked at the place where the steel collision sound just came from under his feet. He really couldn't help it.

In the mud under his feet, as he stepped on it just now, a round object appeared in his sight... It was a mine, a mine model that looked very familiar.

The gentle resting disc!

Are these damn loyalists really crazy?

They dared to bury this kind of mine in the trench!

Aren't they afraid of accidental injuries?

This mine is an anti-infantry mine, and it also plays the role of anti-heavy vehicles.

Because it is extremely powerful, enough to blast through the chassis of a heavy tank like Leman Russ. It contains a large number of adhesive hot-melt bombs, which can emit thousands of degrees of heat in an instant, blasting through the armor on his legs. The ceramite armor allowed him to be cooked through the armor, so it was naturally effortless.

However, there is also a way to crack this kind of landmine, which is to step on it hard and then run backward quickly, so that you have a chance of surviving.

Because, in order to prevent accidental injury, this kind of landmine has an anti-accidental injury mechanism inside. Just step on it again to trigger the mechanism to delay the explosion, so that the person who steps on it has a chance to escape.

However, the required amplitude of the mechanism inside each mine is different. Only friendly forces can know how hard to step on the mine so that the mine will not explode immediately.

Pease was obviously not an ally of the guy who deployed this mine, so he could only take a gamble. In addition, he often used this kind of mine, so he was confident in trying it out.

He waved to the deputies behind him to ask them to step back and make way for him to escape, and then Pease stepped down little by little.

As a trap master, he is confident that he can find that intensity.

But just as he exerted his strength, he suddenly heard a kacha sound, followed by a deafening roar, accompanied by a huge shock wave and countless hot melt bombs flying in all directions, covering the entire trench tunnel.

"Another idiot! My anti-accidental mechanism will not explode after stepping on it. It will only explode when the second afterburner is applied. Hehehe, you like to try it bit by bit, right? Then try it slowly. !

Eat a lot and be full! "

Not far away, Lu Yinduoer, who was hiding in another trench, had a sinister smile on his face.

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