Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 227: Who is more sinister?

"Boom boom boom!"

Kens pulled the trigger again and again, and the sniper rifle in his hand kept making deafening roars.

But unfortunately, the sniper bullets that were usually indestructible and unstoppable were useless at this moment. Although all the bullets were able to successfully penetrate the body of this big guy, after penetrating into the body of the big guy in front of him, except for blooming a bunch of green sticky pus flowers, there was no actual effect at all, and it didn't even stop the big guy from moving forward.

That's right, the bullet that was enough to easily break a mortal soldier was as small as a needle in front of this big guy. It was very normal that it didn't work. If it didn't work, it would be an exception!

"Boom boom boom!"

Instead of sitting there and waiting to die, Paul led his guards to circle around this big guy, while keeping a distance from him, and constantly pouring all the firepower of the weapons in his hands into his body.

But unfortunately, all these were useless.

Even the high-explosive grenade that could cause huge damage, thrown at this guy, only made it hesitate for a moment.

"Damn it!"

Although they kept cursing in their hearts, Paul and his men really had no other way to solve the difficulties they encountered except cursing.


In desperation, Paul issued an order to retreat and quickly led his men to retreat to the trench in the distance. But what they didn't expect was that a dark green pus ball passed over their heads faster than their speed and hit the ground of the trench not far from them.

The next second, it seemed like a fountain appeared, and the green liquid sprayed out from the ground, rushing quickly to the sky. After reaching a height of more than ten meters, it slowly slowed down its upward momentum and began to gradually descend, forming an artificial fountain waterfall.

However, this waterfall is not clear spring water but a stinking green liquid, and many tiny maggots can be seen swimming up and down in the liquid. It makes people feel very disgusted and want to squat down and vomit immediately.

"Don't get wet!" Paul stopped the guard who was still running forward, and then quickly threw out several high-explosive grenades, trying to blow up the fountain in front of him. But when the huge shock wave fell quickly with the rising flames and dust, the fountain still stood there unscathed.

"My lord, let me try!" Seeing the burly figure getting closer and closer, a guard quickly rushed to the side of the fountain to see if he could run through the gap next to it.

Paul stared at his departing back, silently held his breath, then turned back to shoot again, and threw all the last batch of high-explosive grenades on his body, trying to slow down the approach of the big guy. As if to tease his prey, the big guy did not stop slowly because of the shooting, but stopped on his own initiative. A very mocking smile began to appear on the fat face that had rotted and could not see any facial features.


As if to confirm this mocking smile, Paul suddenly heard a scream behind him. He looked back and saw that most of the body of the guard had passed through the gap, but at this moment, green pus suddenly appeared on half of his body, and then his left arm covered with green pus uncontrollably punched the wall of the trench, locking him there firmly, so that he could no longer move forward.

He drew out the power sword at his waist and wanted to cut off the uncontrolled left arm with his uninjured right arm.

But at this moment, the fountain that had been standing still seemed to come alive, and quickly moved to the side, wrapping the guard in it. Then only the piercing screams began to echo between the trenches.


The fountain was actually alive, no wonder the big guy behind him showed such an expression, it turned out that he and others were just a prey in his eyes.

"Sir, run from the top of the trench!" Several teammates looked at each other, quickly pulled out the last defensive weapon on their bodies, and rushed towards the big guy behind them with a dying attitude. Paul pursed his lips and wanted to rush up together, but he stopped when he thought of what these guys had just said.

He had to report the information of this big guy quickly, otherwise the number of deaths would be even higher.

He quickly climbed up the trench, occasionally using his hands and feet to run out, and soon heard the screams of other teammates behind him. He knew that his guards and subordinates had absolutely no chance of survival.

Paul bit his teeth silently, and did not look back. He did not waste any time, but just went around the edge of the green waterfall in a very embarrassed manner, successfully escaping from the big guy's sight.

Looking at Paul's departing figure, the big guy did not chase him, but waved at the green fountain in the distance.

In an instant, the green fountain that shot straight into the sky disappeared and turned into a green mist all over the sky.

Then, the big guy looked down at the body pieces in his hand, and kneaded them together as if he saw some toys.

As he continued to knead, the body pieces did not become more fragmented, but began to slowly merge and entangle together... Soon, a monster with green pus all over the body, four legs, five arms and three heads appeared in his hand.

Looking at the monster in his hand, the big guy's face slowly showed an innocent smile. He was like a child, slowly putting the monster in his hand on the ground.

Maybe because he had so many legs and arms, and because he had three heads, they were fighting for control of this body, so although this guy had life, he had great difficulty moving.

After fiddling with it for a while, he still couldn't make the monster move like a normal person. The big guy suddenly showed an impatient expression on his face. He grabbed the monster on the ground and stuffed it directly into his mouth. He just chewed it lightly for a few times and swallowed it directly without any hesitation...

Paul used his hands and feet to quickly crawl back to the vicinity of Kens. Although he had already circled a long way away from the fountain when he just escaped, he was still drenched with a lot of dark green stinking liquid, so various pustules began to grow densely on his body.

However, compared with his dead guards, he was relatively lucky.

The pharmacist in the company quickly helped him deal with the pustules growing all over his body. More medicine and gauze wrapped his body. Paul, who originally felt tired and couldn't get up, immediately felt energetic again.

He quickly grabbed the communicator from the signalman next to him, and reported the situation to the command center using some code words that only those at his level knew.

Not long after he reported to his superiors, a golden hill rushed over from a distance, and the hill fell heavily on the ground of the trench, causing the trench ground, which had been completely compacted, to sink several centimeters again.

Lu Yindor looked at Paul in front of him, who was wrapped in white gauze all over his body, but the gaps between the gauze were still constantly flowing out of dark green pus, and nodded gently: "You did a good job, Louis Meg is still a little too stingy, your command ability and overall view are enough to make you a major general... Retreat, leave this to me."

Paul nodded silently, and this time he did not try to be brave again, but led his remaining team members to quickly withdraw from this trench.

On the way out, he also encountered a team of assault teams composed of all Thunder Warriors. These assault teams passed by them quickly and ran towards Lu Yinduoer.

"Hey, be careful, that guy may not be as easy to deal with as you think." Chen Guo's voice came into Lu Yinduoer's ears from the headset.

"Understood, my Lord!" Without rushing to the trench in front, Lu Yinduoer bent down and dug out two mines from the mud beside him, dismantled the two mines, and hid all the explosives on them in the gaps of his body armor. It was not until this time that the assault team composed of Thunder Warriors arrived beside him.


After diving into the trench in front, Lu Yinduoer saw an area covered by green mist in the distance not long after.

Looking at the trench completely covered by thick green fog, Lu Yindor nodded. It seemed that Paul did not lie. He did have a problem here. He just didn't know whether the Chaos Warrior he mentioned was still here!

Without going up to check in person, Paul waved his hand and the Thunder Warriors in front of him rushed in all at once. With the help of biological pheromones, Lu Yindor didn't even need to command in person. The hive consciousness carried by the Thunder Warriors could fight on their own, and he only needed to give orders to fight.

Standing outside the fog for a moment, no sound came from inside. Lu Yindor nodded and gave the order to retreat through pheromones.

But after waiting for a while, there was still no movement at all, and Lu Yindor's face began to become ugly.

But he was wearing a heavy helmet, so it was impossible to see what his expression was at this moment.

Pulling out the flare from his waist and throwing it into the trench in front of him, Lu Yinduoer took a few steps back, revealing an absolutely safe space.

Looking at the gray smoke and green mist entangled together, the sky immediately rang with a sharp whistle of shells cutting through the air.

But at this moment, a big hand suddenly appeared under his feet, and then a fat face with a completely unrecognizable face and a pair of rotten palms appeared in Lu Yinduoer's eyes.

This guy has been hiding underneath!

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