Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 241 Let’s go. Don’t let Horus wait any longer.


Chen Guo looked at the scepter and the sparkling crown in front of her and smiled contemptuously.

He looked at the crowd around him again, the smile on his face was full of mockery.

"If I'm not wrong, no one in this hall except me can survive to the end of the war?"

After scanning everyone in the hall again, Chen Guo did not find any of the high-ranking imperial officials listed on the list.

Although he successfully saw many high-ranking officials among the mortal crowd, and indeed they had some real power, they were not particularly important positions, and relatively speaking, their influence was not too high, and there were even many real powerful officials. All the high-ranking officials were blamed for their poor defense... Chen Guo was not a fool. Of course he understood the purpose of Macado's actions.

Let a group of officials who are guilty of crimes participate in their own coronation ceremony, and let those high-ranking officials with real power or noble officials with high reputation not participate in their own coronation ceremony. This is a very sophisticated political method, that is, wearing a hat on yourself A misplaced hat.

Although this hat actually doesn't mean much to him, it is still a hidden danger.

As soon as Chen Guo's words came out, everyone in the entire hall was stunned, but soon everyone looked away again. It was obvious that they also wanted to understand the purpose of Macado's doing this.

They all immediately understood that when they left this hall, they would probably die.

After all, in this universe where even the dead may not be able to keep secrets, death is relatively the best way to keep secrets.

Some people turned back and looked in the direction they came from, and suddenly they seemed to have seen the expressionless assassins of the Assassin's Court standing outside the door.

Just wait for them to finish their swan song in this hall and kill them directly, making everything that was originally clear here become confusing.

"The light on your body is so dazzling. I have to do this to protect you...Okay, don't hesitate any more and accept the coronation safely.

There will be nothing less for you, I just need to smear some black mud on your body for the time being, and I can assure you that this is only temporary and may end anytime and anywhere. "

Malcador's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Chen Guo thought for a moment and finally nodded, not rejecting Macado's kindness.

However, he didn't like that kind of ritualistic thing. Instead, he quickly walked over and took the scepter, and then put the crown directly on his head, thus directly ending the scene, which looked a bit crude. coronation ceremony.

Of course, in order to leave evidence, the imperial officer quickly walked up and started taking photos.

Originally, after the officials who wanted to say something understood the context of this matter, the desire to curry favor in their hearts immediately disappeared without a trace, and their faces were all ashen, but they They had no right to refuse, so they could only look at each other in despair, and after the coronation ceremony, they slowly walked out of the hall behind them.

Watching them leave, Chen Guo took off the crown on his head and threw it aside. However, he did not throw away the scepter in his hand because he found that except for the silver lightning symbol on the top, it was not made by Yao Yao. Made of gold, the entire scepter is made of gold. It feels particularly good to hold it in your hand.

Moreover, the gems inlaid on the scepter are also rich in subspace energy, and each one is not an ordinary gem.

Sanguinius picked up the crown on the side, collected the dust on it, and then handed it to Chen Guo again.

"The scepter and the crown are a set. This is a symbol and a safe password. If any piece of this set is missing, it will be a incomplete password and cannot play the corresponding role. In the future, you will rule the Hazy Star Territory. If you want to get the approval of those galaxy governors, you must wear this set... Of course, you can also directly replace those disobedient galaxy governors.

In moments of chaos, there will always be some careerists born, and most of the galaxies in the Obscure Star Territory were conquered by the expedition fleet led by Horus. Therefore, necessary cleaning is a very important thing. Although those careerists dare not oppose you openly, there will definitely be a lot of small moves behind the scenes..."

"Okay!" Chen Guo nodded, put away the scepter and crown, and then pulled up the black sword that was lying on the ground.

And at this time, those psychics who had watched the entire process were finally about to complete the work at hand.

On the ground, the complex array has been completed, and only some final finishing work has not been completed. After these finishing touches are completed, this directional array that can carry out long-distance transmission can directly transport them. Teleported to Horus' flagship.

As if sensing that the work here was almost finished, the Emperor jumped out of the subspace channel like a carp leaping over the dragon gate, followed by Rogal Dorn, and then followed by a number of imperial guards. It seemed that these guys were originally trapped in the subspace channel, but the Emperor rescued them directly.

Standing in front of the throne again, the Emperor did not say too much nonsense, but talked with Malcador. Chen Guo pricked up his ears to listen, but they seemed to be isolated by some strange energy. Even though they did not lower their voices too much, Chen Guo still could not hear a word. He could only see that the two people's mouths kept closing very quickly. At a glance, it was clear that it was not the high-singing Kot language, nor the low-singing Kot language, but another language, so there was no way to translate it.

After explaining, the Emperor finally moved his eyes over here. But he still didn't say a word, just silently put on the golden helmet beside him, which he had never worn before, and then walked to the teleportation array that had not been completely completed without saying a word.

With a wave of his hand, fierce spiritual power burst out from his palm, pushing all the psychics who were working hard away and hitting the wall heavily.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, these psychics were like being stuck to the wall, and they died completely in the blood and flesh lake.

"Let's go, don't let Horus wait anxiously."

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