Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 245: A friend's promise

"What do you want to do?" Chen Guo looked at the statues in front of him with some doubts. These statues were all transformed from the souls of the dead who died on this ship, and most of them were enemies of the human empire. Without exception, they all became Horus's trophies, staying on the Spirit of Vengeance forever, and there was no way to leave until the day when their souls flew away.

In theory, even after death, they should become Horus's enemies, but in fact it seems not to be the case.

"Disappear from my sight, otherwise I don't mind killing you again!"

Before Chen Guo finished speaking, invisible ripples began to ripple in the air.

It was mind hypnosis again... These damn guys, without a physical body, can only use mental attacks.

"Looking for death!"

A trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes, and Chen Guo went up to chop all these damn statues into pieces!

But when the black sword passed through these statues, it only rippled like water waves, and did not cause any substantial damage to these statues.

"Yes, illusory?"

"No, I got hit again!"

Chen Guo felt a little speechless. These guys knew that their physical strength was extremely strong, but their mental strength was relatively weak, so they directly began to use mental strength to attack.

How cunning!

Just when Chen Guo reacted and fell into mental attack again, the statues in front of him suddenly changed. One after another, living people began to walk out of the statues in these mental illusions.

There were men and women, old and young, and each of them had visible ripples on their bodies, which meant that they were all powerful people who should not be underestimated when they were alive.

But they all died without exception, and they all died on the Spirit of Vengeance and became trophies and decorations on this legendary battleship.

Chen Guo did not feel any malice from these guys.

He immediately understood that these guys wanted to negotiate with him about something, and did not want to fight with him...It was this way of forcibly dragging him in that made him very angry.

"We have no ill intentions!"

"We just want to ask you for a favor."

"As long as you can help us kill Horus and sacrifice his soul, we can give you all the wealth we have collected."

"Although he will die, without his soul for sacrifice, we will never be able to leave this damn ship."

"Please help me, we must get his soul to break the curse on this ship! This damn guy imprisoned us here. Because of the curse on this ship, we can't do anything to him and his subordinates and allies, and we must protect this ship. Once the curse is not lifted, , this ship is damaged, then we will become the food of the evil god! "

"Please, I am willing to give you my hidden wealth!"

Chen Guo curled his lips and smiled: "Tell me your hidden wealth first, I will help you sacrifice the soul of Horus and break the curse of this ship."

"Kill him first..."

"Don't bargain with me!" Chen Guo's face turned cold, "You are not qualified to bargain with me, give me your wealth, I will do my best! Believe me, now except me, no one can do this, you say right?"

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There was a commotion among the crowd, they gathered together and whispered, and before Chen Guo waited too long, these earthbound spirits trapped on this ship made a decision, and some returned to their statues. They did not trust Chen Guo, so they were not prepared to put their last chips on Chen Guo. But more guys came over and told Chen Guo the location of their hidden wealth or treasures.

Chen Guo patiently memorized the corresponding location and carefully looked at everyone who came over.

Although all these guys had been defeated in life and death battles, they were all the best among the enemies of the human empire.

Many of them were even some old monsters who survived the Dark Age. Because of their overconfidence, they blindly jumped on board and beheaded.

But the final result was that they could never leave such a cursed warship.

The last one to come over was an old antique who looked like he had lived for thousands of years. He exuded a smell of decay all over his body, and his eyes had become turbid.

But all the others were afraid of him. Even though they belonged to the same camp now, they still hid from this old guy far away.

"My name is Zales, you can call me the Decayed Old Man... I know that you are unlikely to sacrifice Horus' soul, because there are many people eyeing his soul, and more importantly, no one knows whether the curse on this ship will really disappear after sacrificing his soul... I don't expect to be free, I have lived for nearly ten thousand years, and I have no concept of freedom... I just want you to help me meet an old friend, he should still be alive, because he has no concept of life span. He is outside the Milky Way, in a place left over from the Golden Age.

He is an artificial intelligence who likes to wear a golden coat and hold a golden stick in his hand. He is a stick-to-rules person, and has a very rigid mind.

I once wanted to take him with me, but he said that he could not leave his post without receiving the order to retire... It's ridiculous. The human federation in the golden age has been destroyed for many years.

He is a very good friend. I really want to give him freedom, so I told him that I would help him find the order of the human federation.

Later, I really found a federal secret document handed down from the golden age, which was blank and stamped with a signature.

I imitated the order and passed the review of another artificial intelligence, but for some reason, I didn't have time to hand him this document. Now, I hope you can help me hand him such a document. I don't expect freedom, but I hope to free my friend.

For this, I can answer you a question, an answer to the question I know.

What do you think... about this deal? "

Chen Guo knew who his friend was when he heard half of it. It was the golden old man stationed on the planet with time and space turbulence.

He grinned, "Okay, I promise you!"

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