Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 3 Trash talk before the game is a fine tradition in every game. (1/2)

Looking at the scarred man behind him, Chen Guo narrowed his eyes:

"Are you... threatening me?"

If it were in the past, Chen Guo would definitely choose to join the other party.

But now he has his own plan. If he blindly joins the other team, then all the previous plans will be in vain, and it will also lead to many unnecessary changes.

Besides, facing these vicious death row prisoners, Chen Guo will never believe a word from their mouths, and will never think of getting involved with them.

After all, Chen Guo can't guarantee that he can play with them in his mind.

It would be fun if he is not sold as cannon fodder by them.

But the problem now is that the other party is not prepared to have a friendly discussion with Chen Guo, but is prepared to force Chen Guo to board the ship and directly threaten Chen Guo's life.

"You can think so."

Koz suddenly looked at Chen Guo in surprise, with doubt, regret, and viciousness flashing in his eyes:

"Don't think too much, you have no choice, half of the people in the entire cell have joined us.

In addition, I will tell you another piece of news for free, those high-ranking Astartes only need 10,000 people, and this place will be crowded with 210,000 people in a while.

Take one out of 21, it is absolutely impossible to survive here by relying on personal strength alone, so joining us is your only choice."

Koz carefully observed the surroundings with the corner of his eyes to make sure that no one noticed them:

"Little Jack, if you don't say anything, I will take it as your consent. Hehehe, gather in the corner over there after a while!"

After speaking, Koz turned around and crawled away, crawling towards another burly prisoner.

It seems that his team is not open to anyone who wants to join, and there is actually a very high threshold.

"Little Jack, ignore him. If you believe him, you will die without knowing how.

The law of the Empire against interstellar pirates is to kill without mercy, but if you are willing to help the Empire capture and kill famous pirate leaders and destroy famous pirate fleets, you can be exempted from the death penalty.

This guy sold out his parents, brothers and sisters to come here in exchange for his life. If you believe him, just wait for him to find an opportunity to sell you out directly!"

A hoarse voice came from his ear. It was his other neighbor, Lu. He said that he was framed by a political enemy who was friendly with the Midnight Lords.

As for whether what he said was true, no one knew.

"Then what do you mean?"

"I want to hire you. As long as you can help me enter the Atonement Camp alive, I am very confident that I can take you out."

"Haha, very confident?"

Chen Guo understood that this was another politician who was proficient in getting something for nothing.

This huge prison, surrounded by the Imperial Army and the Night Lords, is like an iron barrel. It seems a bit thin to describe it as a copper wall and iron wall. It is impossible to escape from here.

But nothing is perfect, there is still a way to survive.

It is the road of atonement.

Chen Guo has been planning for a long time. Ever since he accidentally heard from a white coat that a new atonement camp was needed when he was a test subject, he has been planning secretly.

At this moment, he has already made all preparations. As long as he is not too unlucky, he should be able to survive to the end and join the atonement camp.

"Hehehe, Chen Guo, I know you are not an ordinary person, otherwise you would never have survived the injection of Sigh One, which is a forced confession potion that even the powerful Astartes can't withstand.

Luckily, we are here, facing some mortal scientists. If you were discovered by the priests of the Mechanicus, I'm afraid you would have been sliced ​​into thin slices for research.

Let me tell you the truth. I made a deal with a certain existence with something. As long as I can get on the interstellar transport ship of the Atonement Camp, he can rescue me.

Although I can't take you with me at that time, I will give you a self-defense item that is enough for you to survive the atonement.

And as long as you can survive, according to the laws of the empire, no one will pursue you anymore, no matter what your previous crimes were."

Lu was still painting big cakes with perseverance. What he said was so true. If Chen Guo hadn't almost vomited from eating cakes in his previous life, he would probably believe it.

However, it was not the time to offend anyone. At least the other party was negotiating with him instead of forcing him. Chen Guo pondered for a moment: "Such a promise is not enough to hire me to protect you. Let's do something practical!" Although Chen Guo understood that the other party was just making big promises, what if these big promises were not all illusions? Therefore, if Lu could produce some substantial evidence, it would not be unacceptable to cooperate with him. Chen Guo's answer surprised Lu. He was silent for a moment, and his eyes became gloomy: "Give me your hand." Chen Guo raised his eyebrows. Does this guy really have any tricks? After hesitating for a while, he put his hand into Lu's rough palm. It was a very strange feeling. It was clearly placed on his palm, but it felt like touching a layer of rough canvas. It seemed that outside Lu's palm, there was a rough glove disguised as this dirty palm. 'Boy, you guessed right, I did wear gloves. ' Lu's voice suddenly appeared in Chen Guo's mind, but his mouth never opened again.

‘Don’t be surprised, this is a psychic spell - speech-voice transmission. This is enough to prove that I am a psychic. Now you should believe me!

Also, I can't peek into your mind, I can only hear what you want to say to me. ’

Wild psykers.

The news revealed by Lu made the corners of Chen Guo's eyes twitch. No wonder this old guy looked so frail, unable to lift four ounces with his hands, and feeling like he would die of old age at any moment, yet he has been able to survive the cruel experiment without incident until now.

It turns out that he is a psyker with ties to the Warp.

Warhammer 40k is a chaotic world. In addition to the material universe composed of matter and rules, there is also a subspace universe composed of endless energy.

The connection point between the two universes is the psykers. These guys can break the barrier between the physical universe and the subspace, absorb the energy in the subspace, and obtain a variety of strange abilities, such as every ship in the Empire. They will be equipped with astropaths and navigation officers.

Without the presence of Astropaths and Navigators in the Imperial fleet, even the most experienced captains would be lost in the chaos of the Warp.

Of course, since the end of the Golden Age of Warhammer 20K, when certain demons and evil gods appeared in the warp, the unofficially bred wild psykers have become street rats.

After all, no one knows when they will be contaminated and become the portal and incarnation of a certain subspace power.

‘That little story of yours must have been made up too, right? Mr. Psychic. ’ Chen Guo tried to form a sentence in her mind.

‘No, I’m not making this up. I was indeed a planetary governor who once held great power. It's a pity that I accidentally awakened my psychic powers, and the empire doesn't allow psychics like me to appear, so I have no choice but to come here! ’

A wry smile appeared on Lu's face. To be honest, he still hasn't figured out why a mortal who is almost sixty years old can still awaken his spiritual power?

Recalling the scene at that time, Lu's face became a little ugly, but he continued to say in Chen Guo's mind:

‘Chen Guo, the opportunity has been placed in front of you. You have no other choice but to cooperate with me. "

"last question."

Chen Guo's eyes flashed, she took out a breath and said slowly in her mind:

‘I want to know why a prison planet would be stationed with a large company of Astartes. Is this necessary because it is just an ordinary prison planet? ’

Lu was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly:

'I don't know the specific reason, but when I was still in office, I heard some rumors saying that this planet looks like a prison planet, but in fact it is not to imprison us, but to imprison us. The Midnight Lord's sworn enemy, we are just accessories. There is actually only one real prisoner on this planet. "

Lu's eyes showed caution, and he glanced at the surrounding guards inadvertently:

‘A sworn enemy who has been on the opposite side of the Midnight Lords since their inception. ’

As she digested the information revealed by Lu, Chen Guo's heart was filled with waves.

As one of the 20 founding chapters, the Night Lords Chapter is extremely powerful. What enemy stood against them when they were founded, and they have to send a large company of Astartes to carry out the mission. Constant watch?

‘Is it the Saragorn Enclave? ’

A name quickly flashed through Chen Guo's mind. This was Earth... which was the name of the technological barbarian warlord who once existed on Terra.

During the Emperor's unification of Terra, he surrendered to the Emperor after his psyker armies were defeated by the Emperor's original genetic warriors, the Thunder Warriors, the oldest of the genetic warriors.

However, after surrendering to the Emperor, he did not restrain himself. Instead, he continued to use dark means to cultivate psykers in an attempt to cultivate a legion of psykers that could withstand the Genetic Warriors.

According to records in the Warhammer 40K Chronicles, his conspiracy was discovered by the Emperor, who directly sent the newly formed Night Lords Chapter to punish him.

As for the subsequent chronicles, the writings are very general, and they don't even know whether Saragorn Enclave is dead or alive. They just write that the Night Lords Chapter completed the mission with great difficulty and officially became one of the twenty founding Chapters.

'who are you? ’ An astonishing killing intent appeared in Lu’s eyes, and he couldn’t help but use his strength to squeeze Chen Guo’s palm.

Looking at his expression, Chen Guo suddenly realized that she seemed to be stupid.

That's right, he actually knows things so clearly about things that happened hundreds of years ago, and even directly named the mysterious name Saragorn Enclave.

Hehe, if you don’t doubt this old guy Lu, he is a ghost.

However, he clearly knew about the existence of Saragorn Enclave, but why did he pretend not to know?

This old guy must have some ulterior conspiracy.

Also, is the Saragorn Enclave really being held here?

It's just a technological barbarian warlord on ancient Terra. Wouldn't it be nice to kill him? As for locking him up here with great fanfare?

With a sudden exertion, Chen Guo pulled her palm back and said, "Who am I? I'm little Jack!"

Lu looked at Chen Guo deeply and said, "Then, it's over here, little Jack."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Chen Guo, as if everything that had just happened was just Chen Guo's illusion.

With a grin, Chen Guo silently put this old guy on his must-kill list.

Later, he had to find a chance to get rid of this old guy.

Chen Guo had a faint premonition that if he didn't get rid of him later, there would definitely be some bad consequences.

After about two or three hours, the huge arena was already full of prisoners. Although there was not much noise because of the guns, the originally fresh air began to become thick and smelly as the number of people increased.

Finally, as the last batch of prisoners entered the arena, the iron gate at the entrance was lowered.

And those imperial officers who were originally standing next to the iron gate had already climbed onto the stands and sat together with the many spectators who suddenly appeared at some point.

In addition to the Astartes, imperial officers and a few soldiers, the spectators sitting in the stands also included many exquisitely dressed imperial nobles.

It is not difficult to see from their excited expressions that they are full of anticipation for the upcoming show.

"I don't know if they will sell tickets."

"If they sell tickets, we will have to take a commission. After all, we are actors!"

"Tsk, I'm not giving you a commission, but I'm not giving you a bullet. I'm already doing you a favor."

Seeing that no one was watching, the voices of the prisoners talking to each other became louder and louder, and soon drowned out the voices of the audience in the stands.

The entire underground space became hot and humid, and the smell was very bad. And it was very noisy, making Chen Guo, who was in it, feel that her brain was about to explode.

"Puff puff puff..."

A tall Astarte didn't know if he was disturbed by the noise. He suddenly stood up from the stands and fired at the prisoners below with the grenade launcher in his hand.

The pale blue rocket bullet dragged a long tail flame, and easily crushed everything on the trajectory into minced meat.

And these minced meat also successfully restored the tranquility of the entire arena.

"Hahaha, thanks to our Luke Bloodclaw, oh, you saved my ears.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the great midnight arena. First of all, before everything starts, please stand up and let us pay the highest respect to the great Emperor and the Lord of the Night, the King of the Night, His Excellency the Midnight Ghost.

Long live! The Lord of Mankind!

Long live! The Lord of the Night!"

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