Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 33 It turns out that I was in prison because of Slaanesh. (Please collect, reward, and every

"Jack Smoak!"

Listening to the call behind him, Chen Guo felt that it sounded familiar, but she did not stop.

"Jack Smoak!"

Another call came, and Chen Guo stopped.

He finally remembered the name.

This is exactly the full name of Little Jack in his body... So who is calling his name right now?

Fighting back the doubts in her heart, Chen Guo did not look back but continued to move forward.

It was a coincidence that the daughter of the colonel lived in Viyani's hive. He just asked the devil to borrow the identity of a hive official, looked up the information, and found it easily. The girl and her mother.

In order to leave here quickly and avoid being targeted by the mechanical monks of the Mechanicus Order, Chen Guo decisively came down from the starport alone after learning the news.

Who would have thought that not long after he stepped out of the lift, someone would already recognize his body.

"Long time no see, Jack Smoak!"

A man in an elegant tuxedo blocked Chen Guo from the front. He and the crowd chasing behind him surrounded Chen Guo.

Chen Guo frowned slightly. When he came to this world, little Jack was only one step away from death. Except for some very important memories, such as the high and low skills that he finally mastered through hard study and practice. Apart from Gothic, there are only some relatively profound memories left.

For example, the planet where little Jack was born is called Charlie V. His family is a prominent planetary governor family, but they rebelled due to some unknown reasons. Except for a few people, many people died...

Except for the fact that these memories were successfully inherited by Chen Guo, all other memories had disappeared with little Jack.

"What? You don't recognize me anymore?" The man adjusted the bow on his neck very elegantly, "It doesn't matter if you pretend not to know me. I know you. Come with me. If you still want to see you again, Sister’s words!”

"Sister?" Chen Guo repeated the word expressionlessly.

It's unbelievable that little Jack actually has an older sister... But what does this have to do with me, Chen Guo?

"Yes, Andana Smoke, your sister misses you so much, let's go!" The man in a tuxedo in front of him winked at the crowd behind Chen Guo, and then turned around gracefully.

Feeling the muzzle of the gun pressed against her back, Chen Guo took another look at the crowd around her, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and obediently walked forward under their escort.

Anyway, the people we are looking for have been found, and we don’t have much time left. Let’s follow these idiots to see what they have done, and silence them in the meantime.

After all, his true identity now is that he is dead, smashed into a puddle of unrecognizable corpses by the Scarlet Walker.

Following them, turning left and right in the crowded and chaotic hive city, Chen Guo was finally brought into a building.

The appearance of the building looks extremely ordinary, but its interior decoration is magnificent and high-profile. It seems that walking into this place is equivalent to walking into an extremely gorgeous palace.

But when the elevator door opened again, another equally splendid and luxurious palace, but wrapped in purple and pink, appeared in front of Chen Guo.

However, what caught Chen Guo's attention the most was the figure facing the elevator door. His whole body was covered in a purple gold robe. He had a looming and beautiful face, with his palms clasped together and two crab claws moving one to the left and the other to the right. Swinging, a pair of deer feet inlaid with gems, a strange statue that directly brings the emotions and happiness of everyone who sees it to the peak.

"Let's go, you'll be able to see your sister soon."

Stepping into this level of the palace, a dizzying and weird fragrance hit my face. Against the background of this weird fragrance, the purple and gold robe outside the statue in front of me suddenly disappeared, and its true face was exposed and displayed in front of Chen. In front of the fruit.

In addition to everything before becoming more real, the muscular body under the purple robe is covered with dazzling jewels, and if you look towards these dazzling jewels, you can clearly see the painful and happy souls one after another. Drifting in it.

The sharp crab claws are no longer hidden, and the red paint is like brilliant blood. With the gorgeous embellishment, even the most dangerous place is full of supreme charm.

Combined with everything that happened before, the true identity of the statue became immediately clear. It was the Lord of Joy sitting down with the Great Demon - the Keeper of Secrets.

Shaking his head vigorously, Chen Guo drove away the fantasies in his mind. He held his breath to stop the hallucinogenic smell from causing trouble in his mind, and the statue in front of him returned to normal again.

Chen Guo was now almost sure and certain that this was a cult that believed in Slaanesh. But what Chen Guo didn't expect was that these damn subspace cultists actually dared to create such a thing openly in the middle of the bustling hive city. This place... If the future Tribunal and Gray Knights encounter this place, they will be overjoyed and immediately drive over to level this place?

What, hiding in the city?

Just kidding, in order to find the hiding place of these cultists, the future Gray Knights have almost searched the entire universe. Not to mention this place, even Terra will give you a chance!

No...why do I feel an unusual sense of familiarity with everything in front of me?

Chen Guo suddenly had an ominous premonition... Could it be that the reason for the rebellion of Little Jack's family was because their belief in Slaanesh was discovered?

Chen Guo stopped. What a joke. If one day he had to choose one of the four gods, he would definitely choose Nurgle or Khorne without hesitation. He would rather die than throw himself into the arms of a pervert and a conspirator who was calculating all day long.

"How is it? Are you amazed by the atmosphere here? Hehehe, this is just the beginning, there are more things to open your eyes to!"

The swallowtail pushed open the door at the end of the corridor with force, and a hall filled with a more intense and fragrant atmosphere appeared in front of Chen Guo.

In order to pass the review, it can be simply described in eight words - drunkenness and debauchery, lust and desire.

Chen Guo, who had never seen such a big scene, really gained some experience this time.

If he had not had a firm will on the prison planet, he would probably have been unable to withstand the temptations on the ground at this moment and joined in happily.

Seeing Chen Guo following him calmly, and resisting not joining this happy family, a hint of doubt flashed in Tuxedo's eyes.

According to the style of this young master in the past, he should not be able to poop at this moment, why is there no reaction at all until now?

Could it be that he grew up because of something he encountered on the road of escape?

Alas, what a poor child.

Crossing through the pool of wine and meat, Tuxedo stopped in front of a pink door. He reached out and knocked on the door respectfully, and a woman's lazy voice came from inside.

"What's the matter?"

"My Lord, guess who I met on the road?" Even though they were communicating through a door, Tuxedo's face was still full of extremely flattering smiles.


"Your brother, Jack Smoak!"

"Who... what did you say?"

The pink door was pulled open forcefully, and a naked, sweaty blonde woman appeared in Chen Guo's sight.

Unlike Chen Guo's expressionless face, Andana Smok's blurred eyes were immediately filled with disbelief and joy when she saw Chen Guo... and a little bit of unnoticeable greed.

She moved her feet and was about to throw herself into Chen Guo's arms, but Chen Guo just dodged slightly, and she missed and almost fell to the ground.

At the same time, two other blond men with strange tattoos all over their bodies walked out of the room. Their faces were almost exactly the same. They looked like twins and looked a little similar to Little Jack.

I think they should also have some blood relationship with Little Jack.

But unlike the women, when they saw Chen Guo at this moment, their eyes were not only not surprised, but immediately full of vigilance and hostility, as if seeing Chen Guo was like seeing a mortal enemy.

"Little Jack, I didn't expect that you are still alive after more than a year, and you have grown so tall?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's unbelievable. The little mouse who could only cry has grown up.

Why, you don't kneel down to say hello to your brother when you see him? Oh, it turns out that you are blind in one eye. It seems that you are not only stupid, but also blind."

"Shut up, you two idiots, get out of my way, little Jack, come in with me!" Andana Smoak rudely drove the twins away and stretched out his hand to pull Chen Guo into the room.

But Chen Guo just shook his hand and dodged her pull again.

"Little Jack?"

"Oh, no problem, I just think you are dirty!" Chen Guo calmly passed by her and walked into the room, not caring at all, and didn't care that Andana Smoak's face began to become a little strange.

The facilities in the room are very simple, with a big bed, a small swimming pool, and a weird wooden stake hanging in the air.

The floor beside the bed was full of clothes, the gorgeous big bed looked extremely messy, the boiling swimming pool was full of strange purple liquid, and the air was filled with a strong smell of hormones. It can be guessed that a hearty drama had just happened here.

The sound of wind came from the ear, and Chen Guo dodged the woman's attack again, letting her fall straight into the soft big insect.

Lying on the bed, the woman smiled charmingly, without any shame for being penniless, but showing her beautiful body to Chen Guo, and constantly inviting Chen Guo to bed.

Unfortunately, Chen Guo was not interested at all.

After a long time, the woman put away the smile on her face.

"You are not Little Jack, right?"

"Heh!" Chen Guo suddenly moved, like a tiger coming down the mountain, and his sharp nails shot out and pierced the woman's throat.

The woman seemed to have expected this to happen, and two crab claws suddenly appeared on her smooth back.

Purple daggers appeared in her empty hands, and she opened her mouth, and a pink, narrow tongue tube spurted out from her mouth. As soon as the tip of the tube touched the air, it began to spit out pink mist with a strange fragrance.

Facing Chen Guo, she just gently swung her hands, and the sharp daggers flew out immediately.

"Da Da~"

Chen Guo flew backwards, and the two sharp daggers pierced his shoulder blade muscles and nailed him to the wall.

"Tsk tsk tsk, although you are no longer Little Jack, you are still the same as him, just as naive, just as vulnerable, just as stupid!"


Chen Guo suddenly laughed nervously, tilting his neck slightly, blue electric sparks surged and flashed, and the purple dagger was immediately squeezed out by the twitching muscles.

Looking at the pink shadow visible on the dagger, Chen Guo understood that it was not that his Thunder Refining was ineffective, but that the dagger had the evil power from the subspace, which could break through his physical defense!

Black hair came out of his body, blue electric light flashed in his one eye, Chen Guo didn't even take out the hammer, and looked cruelly at the apostle of Slaanesh in front of him who also lost his human appearance.

Feeling Chen Guo's eyes focusing on her body again, Andana Smok's originally mocking face became extremely serious.

This was the first time she felt the threat of death since she became a demon!

"Very good, very good. I didn't expect that I would get unexpected gains just on a whim. I hope you have spoils that satisfy me... My, elder sister!"


"Didn't you say that he would die on that prison planet?"

"Yes, how could he not die?"

"No, he must die, otherwise all our efforts over the past year will be in vain."

"Andana Smoak, that bitch, we brothers serve her wholeheartedly, but she is so heartless... No, we have to go in!"

"Yes! Go in!"

Tuxedo looked at the twin brothers who were coming over, and his eyes flashed with deep disdain, but he still had a smile on his face, "Sorry, my lord said that the two young masters are not allowed to go in now!"

"Get out, you cheap guy!"

"Get out, don't force me to beat you!"


Tuxedo was about to speak, and there was a sudden violent vibration from the wall behind him, and he immediately smiled knowingly.

On the other hand, the twins' faces were livid, as if they felt two green hats appear on their heads.

After looking at each other, the twins took action directly, and with their hands flashing with purple light, they pinched Tuxedo's neck at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, and threw him to the side together.

Unexpectedly, Tuxedo was firmly stuck to the ground like a Dinghai magic needle. No matter how hard the twins shook him, they couldn't move him at all!

"Have the two young masters made enough trouble?" Tuxedo, who stretched out his palm to fight back, was suddenly stunned, and looked back at the wooden door behind him with shocked eyes.

The next second, an incomplete and beautiful shadow quickly smashed the wooden door, and hit him and the twins' bodies heavily, carrying them all away, until they flew into the lewd wine pool and meat forest behind them!

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