Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 38: The Void Kraken and Khorne's Fleet (1/2)

"Nordic... Siren!"

Chen Guo looked at the octopus monster wandering and flying in space in front of him. While his heart was filled with shock, he also thought about how many manifestation points he would get if he could kill everyone.

Of course, just think about it.

"The Void Siren, first discovered in the Golden Age, is a silicon-based creature that feeds on metals and ores. With its predatory tentacles, it can grow up to five kilometers or more... The Mix pirate family spent a lot of time It took decades to find one, and hundreds of years to tame and raise it, before following it to find this space hulk harbor hidden deep in the universe," Des explained methodically.

"Is it the found space junk ship port?" Chen Guo raised an eyebrow. He thought that the giant planet-like ancient giant junk in the distance was built, but he didn't expect that it was actually picked up ready-made.

"Yes, the method of reproduction of the Void Sirens enables them to carry all the memories of their mothers and ancestors, so of course they know where their mothers and even their ancestors have hidden the delicious food, and they also know where their mothers and ancestors are. Built a nest!"

"It's like the burial ground of elephants..."


As if he heard someone talking about it, the Void Siren, who was feasting on a cargo ship with an unknown Rogue Trader mark, let out an earth-shattering roar.

Chen Guo's expression changed slightly. It sounded like a voice coming from her ears, but it was actually a roar coming from the spirit.

Under this roar, the sleeping personalities in Chen Guo's body actually showed signs of collapse... Chen Guo slowly raised the corners of his mouth, these subsidiary personalities are very thieves. After two or three were killed by Chen Guo's fishing and law enforcement, After everyone found out about Chen Guo, they didn't want them to live, so they simply slept to death. No matter how hard Chen Guo tried, she just couldn't wake up. Chen Guo really couldn't do anything about them.

I originally thought that after becoming a wizard, I would see if there was any way to eliminate these personalities. Unexpectedly, this big guy roared softly, causing those weak subordinate spiritual personalities to collapse.

Does that mean that Chen Guo can imitate cats and learn from others?

"Boss, it discovered us and is alerting the Meeks family." Des walked to the console and looked at the communication request that suddenly popped up on the console with an expressionless face, "The communication signal has arrived. ”

"Take it."


A bald woman with both eyes replaced by mechanical eyes immediately appeared on the projection.

"Please show your invitation and code."

Des pulled down his collar forcefully, immediately revealing the red tattoo of two intertwined small axes on his heart, and then opened his mouth to reveal all his teeth.

The woman in the projection scanned with her mechanical eyes. Soon, she nodded and her attitude became much more enthusiastic.

"...Welcome, Bloodaxe Des. The pilot spacecraft has been dispatched. Please wait where you are for a while. Do not leave or move to prevent unnecessary trouble."

After saying that, the woman cut off the projection directly, and at the same time, the Void Siren in the distance who had just lowered his head to eat roared again.

Soon, another dense group of red dots appeared on the fleet's radar scanner, and they stopped behind Chen Guo's fleet.

Looking at the fleet logo on the projector, Des said calmly: "Boss, they are the Desert Fang pirate group. They are proficient in gang jumping and land warfare."


"The Forever Fail Pirate Regiment, proficient in airborne combat and reconnaissance behind enemy lines."


"The Black Shadow Wolf Pirate Group is proficient in assassination and infiltration."

Seeing more and more pirate groups appearing in front of her, Chen Guo looked calm on the surface, but she was really shocked in her heart. Is the Mix family's appeal too strong?

The individual strength of each pirate group should not be underestimated. When they are brought together, except that they do not have the powerful genetic warriors of the Astartes as a sharp knife force, the other strength is probably the same as that of a certain genetic primarch. The expedition fleet is probably about the same.

Of course, Chen Guo has not seen a battleship so far. They are all cruisers and frigates. The only ship that is more than seven kilometers long is a firepower platform transformed from a super-large cargo spaceship.

This firepower platform looks very powerful, but everyone understands that this thing is just a showpiece. Its huge size and ugly shape make it unable to navigate in subspace, and as long as its fatal weakness is found, it will probably be a frigate. can easily sink it.

However, according to Des, the Meeks family has its own battleship - the Void Siren!

It's just that except for the Meeks family, which drives it loudly during the carnival every ten years, the rest of the time is almost parked in the ancient giant garbage composed of countless spaceships and garbage in the distance, making custom-made artifacts.

'The appeal of the Meeks family is not weak. They easily gathered such a huge fleet, and the division of labor is very clear. They are good at land warfare, assassination, infiltration, naval warfare, and post-war medical treatment. , and a firepower platform that cannot be underestimated...Which star sector are you preparing to start a war with? ’

"Master, there are subspace fluctuations... not far from us!"

The demon face driving the spaceship made a sound, directly interrupting Chen Guo's contemplation, and the Void Siren, who had not stopped eating, also stopped eating. Its huge eyes stared at a relatively empty area not far from Chen Guo's fleet. above the area.

Chen Guo and the others didn't have to wait long before the space in that area was shrouded in a vortex of blue mist.

Soon, warships painted blood red flew out of the blue vortex quickly. They didn't even wait, and they were not afraid of the void sea monster suspended above, arrogant and domineering. , rushing towards the Hulk Port in the distance.

They do have the capital to be arrogant.

A battleship over ten kilometers long, five heavy cruisers, seven or eight light cruisers, and nearly a hundred frigates.

Such a huge fleet can almost challenge any long-distance fleet under the command of the Primarch alone.

"Boss, this is the Blood Cruel Fleet, a powerful fleet led by subspace demons. Originally, if I hadn't met you, I would have joined them after this carnival!"

Des had no intention of hiding anything from Chen Guo, but when he turned around, he saw Chen Guo looking at him with a strange expression.

"What's wrong, boss?"

"Old man, it's a good thing you didn't join them. If you did, you wouldn't even be able to avenge yourself in this life!"

Chen Guo tried her best to hold back her smile. Needless to say, this fleet was definitely the fleet under Khorne.

What did you say, admitting your mistake?

I'm kidding, with that almost substantive murderous intent and the paint that looked so perverted, even if Chen Guo wanted to recognize it as a fleet under the command of another evil god, she couldn't!

And Des actually thought about joining the Bloodsurge fleet and using Khorne's fleet to kill the Demon Prince of Khorne... What's the difference between this and letting Khorne slap him?

Des was a little baffled by Chen Guo's words. He was just about to ask why he said that if he joined the bloody fleet, he would have no chance of revenge. The sailing demon face was the first to answer: "Master, the pirate's pilot ship is here." Yes, do you want to follow?"

"Of course I'm following you. By the way, before the signal is blocked, send another communication to the fleet outside and tell them that if you don't have my order, just stay quietly!"

"Yes, Master!"

Led by the pilot ship, the fleet passed by the Void Siren without incident.

Looking at this behemoth up close, Chen Guo once again began to marvel at the magic of the Creator of the universe. What kind of miracle could give birth to such a creature?

"...I really want to raise one."

Listening to Chen Guo talking to himself, Des twitched the corners of his eyes.

After the Meeks family adopted this thing, they were reluctant to even launch a battleship.

There is no way, this Void Siren is too edible, and it must continue to eat in order to obtain enough energy from minerals, so that it can keep living in the near-vacuum universe.

Under the guidance of the pilot ship, the spacecraft slowly docked at the Hulk Port.

Hulk Port, also called Space Hulk (the one occupied by creatures is called Hulk Port, and the one not occupied by creatures is called Space Hulk.).

They are a mixture of wrecked ships and wreckage. Because some of the hulks have subspace engines, they not only float in the real universe, but also in the subspace. Over thousands of years, more lost ships, asteroids, and space junk would collide with them and fuse together until a giant hull planet formed.

Some space hulks are so huge, dating back to the Golden Age, that they even have their own atmosphere and gravity.

It's a pity that the hulk port owned by the Meeks family is not large enough to give birth to atmosphere and gravity. After all, it is only formed by the accumulation of void sirens and is not formed naturally by various chance coincidences in the universe. hulk port.

However, it is large enough to berth thousands of ships, and is safe enough that there is no need to fear that the Hulk Port will inexplicably enter the subspace world due to some out-of-control subspace engines. .

Before disembarking, Chen Guo pushed Desi away and entered a secret cabin alone.

There, thousands of demon faces were chatting and waiting for Chen Guo's arrival.

Seeing these demon faces who volunteered to participate in the latent plan, Chen Guo was satisfied but also a little moved.

However, he didn't show it.

"According to the previously planned battle plan, you need to blend into other pirate ships. You don't need to take over too high a position. You just need to be able to send the position on time. In addition, reproduction is not allowed! ... I wish you good luck !”

"Promise to complete the mission!"

"Understood Master!"

Listening to the loyal shouts of the demon faces, Chen Guo shook his hand, and the demon faces disembarked from the ship in an orderly manner and quickly merged into the chaotic hulk port.

Chen Guo knew that with the Demon Face's superb mimicry talent and the ability to use weak spiritual energy to assimilate thoughts, most of the Demon Face should be able to come back alive, but this universe is too dangerous, and even Chen Guo There is no guarantee that I can survive for a long time, let alone them!

Des was found again, and he was saying his final farewell to several close subordinates.

As the first mate of the fleet appointed by Chen Guo, Des actually didn't know until not long ago that these strange crew members who had been with him day and night for nearly a month were actually biological weapons from before the golden age.

While shocked, Des also fell into silence. Finally, after a few days of struggle, even though he was very reluctant to give up, he still decided to kill all his cronies... There was no way, in this world where even the dead were dead. There is no way to keep secrets in the universe. Burning to ashes immediately after death and discarding it into space is one of the best ways to keep it secret.

Looking at the crew members who had not been replaced by the demon face, they were shot into sieves by Des with a laser gun amidst the fierce screams, and then were thrown into the incinerator to be burned up. Chen Guo patted Des hard. Shoulder: "Your life is not just about hatred. Of course, if you can't listen, you can just pretend I didn't say it."

"Boss, I understand, but I'm afraid I won't be able to let go before watching Angron fall in front of me."

The goal of a gladiator is to kill the enemy from the moment he steps into the arena. As a gladiator, Des's only goal is to kill Angron, or even the entire Devourer, from the moment he steps into the arena of the universe. Legion of soldiers.

"Well, let's go!"

Chen Guo knew that he couldn't be persuaded, so he simply gave up. Not to mention that he might not be able to defeat Angron now. Even if he could defeat Angron, he would have to wait until Horus started the rebellion. After all, Angron He is not alone, he has the entire Devourer Legion around him.

No matter how arrogant Chen Guo was, there was no way he could face hundreds of thousands of men charging at him with blood-red chain saws and axes.

However, if you want to kill Angron, you must do it before he becomes a demon. Otherwise, once he becomes a demon prince, it will be difficult to kill him... Chen Guo has already thought of a key location, and if If he is lucky enough, he can also obtain the heads of two other Primarchs besides Angron as collections.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, am I a little drifting?" Chen Guo shook her head with some self-mockery. With Des's puzzled expression, she stepped off the spacecraft and entered this cosmic building suspended in space.

In order to facilitate walking, the Meeks family thoughtfully installed gravity equipment, tens of thousands of giant oxygen generators, and thermostatic protectors on this giant piece of space junk to ensure that the pirates can move without wearing spacesuits. Walking freely on this giant piece of space junk.

Although the Meeks family is very hospitable, not many pirates appreciate it. Most of the pirates are either wearing thick space suits or sealed exoskeleton mechas. Only the Meeks family members and some brave ones The interstellar pirates dared to travel lightly, jumping and walking in the hulk port without wearing any protective measures.

But this also led to the appearance of various pirates in strange and weird costumes in the Hulk Port. Under their background, this place looked more like a masquerade party than a pirate convention.

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