Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 40: A big and strange story, the daughter of the demon of Khorne. (Please give me a reward,

"Here we go, boss!" Des, covered in blood, walked in from the outside.

"Oh, what did you say?" Chen Guo ended her meditation and opened her eyes curiously.

He didn't expect that Des was actually a good interrogator, and could actually interrogate a dead soldier who didn't speak even though he was shocked.

"They are spies and killers in the Badab sector. They have another mission here this time. However, they discovered you, the boss, last time during the lurking process, so they decided to assassinate you temporarily. However, I still Found something wrong! ”

As Des spoke, he untied the belt around his waist and took out two pieces of blood-stained human skin. Both pieces of human skin were printed with weird and coquettish human faces. Chen Guo just Just looking at it made my whole body feel hot.

"This is the mark of the Church of Joy. They are all believers of the Church of Joy."

Chen Guo narrowed her eyes and nodded, indicating to him to put away the human skin, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you can see that I have become a thorn in some people's side, but as long as it's not..."

The words "Assassin's Court" appeared in Chen Guo's mind again.

I have to say that today was still very thrilling. If Chen Guo had encountered an assassin from the Temple of Callidus who came to assassinate him with the Star God Phase Knife, the Nerve Destruction Gun, and the Secret Poison Blade, then Chen Guo would have definitely lost his life today. Dead.

‘It seems that Thunder Henglian’s plan to break through to the next level needs to be tightened up, and at the same time, he has to collect enough realization points... Alas, his strength is still too weak. If he had enough strength, how could he be so cautious? This abandoned ship port has long since been demolished. ’

After a moment of silence, Chen Guo continued to ask, "Do you know where their lair here is?"

Just as Des was about to answer, there were loud explosions one after another outside.


"Boom boom boom~"

The violent explosion caught Chen Guo's attention and completely interrupted Chen Guo's thoughts. He walked to the window and looked out through the string window.

The violent explosion was caused by a pirate cruiser not far below the ship.

At this moment, countless red figures with big horns were climbing and roaring on the outer walls and decks of the ship like crazy demons. The panicked pirates screamed and jumped from the ship or were killed by Khorne. Demons are thrown from the spaceship.

It wasn't until they fell heavily to the ground and turned into a pile of meat that they finally closed their mouths.

And the pirates who did not take the initiative to jump or fall, after a brief and futile resistance, were quickly killed and beheaded by the Khorne demon with red horns, and ended up like a tower. , were piled neatly on the top deck.

Facing such a scene, the surrounding pirate ships were indifferent. Even other ships belonging to the same fleet did not react at all. They just watched silently as the human-headed tower got higher and higher.

"They're just watching?"

"I can only watch. Everyone knows the fact that the Blood Torture Fleet is raising subspace demons, and the basis for these demons to exist in the real universe for a long time is to keep killing, killing, and killing. They can only keep moving towards the subspace." The gods sacrificed blood and human heads in order to continue to exist in the real world.

Since the Misk family established a relationship with the Blood Cruel Fleet, they would be invited to come and help out at every meeting, and they also acquiesced in the murderous behavior of the Blood Cruel Fleet.

However, the Misk family is still reasonable and will give excessive compensation to the corresponding pirate group after these killings, so the selected leader just pretends not to see it. Anyway, the dead ones are just ordinary crew members.

What's more, the real situation is that some guys deliberately sell their crew members in exchange for rewards so that they can buy what they want on the black market or auction house.

Human life... is the least valuable thing in this universe, but it is also the most valuable thing. "

Des' tone was also full of helplessness. His long career as a pirate had given him a thorough understanding of the reality of the universe.

Chen Guo looked at the burning ship below expressionlessly.

"Des, did you just ask where they are hiding?"

"The Misk family, they arrived two Terra months ago."

"Terra arrived two months ago, and is still entangled with the Misk family? That... is interesting." A cold light flashed in Chen Guo's eyes, and he couldn't help but look at these Khorne demons taking action. It's itchy, but he's not stupid, the persimmon still needs to be squeezed until soft.


In the corridor connecting the hulks, two female pirates from the Misk family were leaning against the wall, smoking strange blue tobacco with tired faces.

Although the Hulk Port is usually a trading port, where pirates set up stalls and do business all year round, and a pirate convention must be held every ten years, no matter what year it is, the number of people has never been so large as this year.

Having a large number of people is not a bad thing for the Miske family, it means that their income will increase countless times.

But this is too busy for the people below. After all, the guests who come here are not good-natured, they are not murderers, they are pirates, they are fugitives and rebels who come here pretending to be pirates. Each one is more ruthless than the other. To put it bluntly, even if we blow up the whole place and kill everyone, no one will be wronged.

"I've been so exhausted lately!"

"Are you tired? Follow Miss Solan. She solved the problem by herself. You just need to be responsible for the final step. I followed Miss Soni and went to the abandoned ship port several times in the past two days. My legs are almost broken!"

"Hehehe~" The exposed female pirate smiled awkwardly. She took a last puff of tobacco in her hand, "Huh~ When it's time to change shifts, I'll treat you to a drink. I heard that there are a few new slaves. ****, wow, that figure, I guarantee you will be* heaven!"

"You slut, I know you go there often, why aren't you afraid of the master punishing you?"

"Shh, if you don't say it, who will know! I'm treating you today, and I'll pay for all your expenses!"

"You said it!"

"What did you say?"

"You don't want to admit it again, right..."

The female pirates were suddenly stunned, because the source of the voice came from behind them instead of beside them, and it was a man's low voice.

Years of combat experience allowed them to turn their heads back in tacit agreement without looking at each other. The muzzles of their guns were aimed at the direction of the sound before they turned their heads.

But the moment they turned their heads, what caught their eyes was not a man, but two fists the size of sandbags.


The huge force broke through the limit they could bear, and even directly broke through the limit their spine could bear. With a dull sound of "kacha", although their heads were not blown away by a punch, the depression of the skull and the fracture of the spine still made them lose all consciousness in an instant.

Chen Guo looked at the unconscious female pirates on the ground and shook his head with some regret. This really couldn't be blamed on him. He had already collected a large part of his strength, but he didn't expect that he would still kill the two female pirates with one punch.

"Sorry!" After quickly putting the two bodies into the magic bag, Chen Guo continued to move forward.

Walking forward from this interface, they completely entered the area that other pirates could not enter, that is, the core area of ​​the Misk family in the abandoned ship port.

Chen Guo actually had no opinion on the Misk family. He even had a little bit of goodwill towards this asexual female pirate family.

He could hardly imagine what kind of setbacks and difficulties these women had gone through, and what kind of efforts and hard work they had put in to finally gain such status and strength.

This was what they deserved, and it was one of the reasons why Chen Guo liked them.

However, no matter how difficult and hard they were, they should not have anything to do with the evil gods in the subspace.

After all, as the saying goes, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is already considering whether to let you dance on a pole with clothes on.

He knocked down the two female pirates who were responsible for vigilance again, but unfortunately there was no place around for him to hide. In order to prevent himself from being exposed, Chen Guo simply killed them and threw their bodies into the magic bag without leaving any survivors.

He continued to quickly pass through more roughly welded interfaces, and a gorgeous blue battleship appeared in front of Chen Guo.

Looking at the battleship in front of him, which was definitely more than ten kilometers long, Chen Guo curled his lips. Needless to say, this must be the strongest force of the Misk family - the Void Siren.

However, the women of the Misk family are really showy. Not only did they paint the entire battleship dark blue, but even when Chen Guo stood under the ship, he could still vaguely see a gorgeous palace shining on the upper deck of the battleship.

It was like a pearl in the sea, shining and dazzling.

After a brief sigh, Chen Guo began to worry again.

According to the map that Des got, this should be the end of this road, but he did not see the so-called residences and apostles of joy, and even the female pirates who were responsible for guarding were nowhere to be seen.

There were only a large number of supplies that had not yet been loaded on board, piled up in a mess not far from the exit, as if the crew who were supposed to carry these supplies on board were suddenly driven away.



"The Misk family wouldn't be so careless as to allow outsiders to live in their battleship flagship!"

Just as Chen Guo was hesitating whether he should retreat first, dense footsteps came from the passage he had just walked through.

Chen Guo quickly turned over and hid behind the supply box, suppressing his breathing to the lowest, quietly listening to the footsteps that were getting closer and closer.

I don't know if it was an illusion, as the footsteps got closer and closer, the air began to be filled with a faint smell of blood.

"Ah, damn mortals, I'm so angry, I'm so angry, I want to kill them, I want to cut off their heads!"

"Aksu, who are you going to kill? Why don't you kill us? If you kill us, will you also kill your daughter?"

"Darling, that's not what I meant. Why did you stop me just now? Why didn't you let me kill them? These damn mortals dared to negotiate terms."

"Kill them? Without them charging into battle, do you expect my fleet to die?"

"Darling, don't you still have me? Isn't my fleet your fleet?"

"Aksu! How dare you say that? Who was it that left the four of us mother and daughter alone to face the White Scars last time, and ran into the subspace without even looking back to be a coward?"

"Darling, that's my Lord calling me. You know, I can't disobey my Lord's orders, otherwise, you will never see me again!"

"Then go live with your master, and don't be so shameless to come to see my daughter in the future. Sister, let's go!"

"Darling, you know, I don't mean that. Really, you have to believe me. For you... I can do anything!"

Listening to the footsteps getting farther and farther away, Chen Guo silently stretched his head out of the supply box and immediately saw a scene that shocked him. A Khorne demon with a height of nearly three meters trotted beside the two purple-haired young women. The hideous face was full of human flattery, and he kept nodding and bowing as if he was apologizing to the women.

Although he would clench his fists and stomp his feet to kill people, he restrained his irritability and anger again in the next second, and continued to smile at the two women humbly.

Watching them riding on the transport ship that flew down from the battleship and completely disappearing from his sight, Chen Guo slapped himself twice, repeatedly confirming that he was not in an illusion or dreaming.

Feeling the burning pain on his cheek, Chen Guo swallowed a mouthful of bloody saliva.

He knew he was not dreaming, but what he saw this time was too scary.

A Khorne demon that theoretically had no entity would actually call two women darlings, and it seemed that he had two daughters... Wait, purple hair, sisters, they can't be the current heads of the Ask family!

Those two girls with purple hair, could they be the daughters of this Khorne demon?

Chen Guo seemed to understand why there was no one along the way, and why this pile of supplies like a small mountain was placed here in a mess.

Indeed, if such a shocking melon... um... a shocking secret was spread out, Chen Guo couldn't imagine what kind of storm it would cause!

So asexual reproduction is fake, it's just a gimmick made up by these two women.

After all, even if they have fallen into interstellar pirates, they will never let others know that the father of their children is actually a void demon from the warp!

Of course, it is also possible that he gave birth to a child before he became a demon... But this still cannot change the fact that he is a warp demon!

No, the time is not right. The two girls look only in their twenties at most, but the Misk family has received help from the blood-slaughter fleet for at least decades.

Could it be that the warp demons that no longer have a physical body really still have the ability to reproduce with humans?

Or are the two girls actually maliciously acting cute... old women?

"Fuck, I'm running away!"

Chen Guo just climbed out of the hill of supplies and was about to run away, but the next second he turned back again because footsteps were heard again in the depths of the passage.

"Solan, stop right there!"

"Bah, you told me to stop and I'll stop? You pig, this stupid and slow pig head."

"I'm going to kill you!"

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