Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 1 Chen Guo = Father of Genes (Please give me a reward, please add me to your collection, ple

"You shouldn't have come to save me."

Leaning against the wall of the cabin, Linda and Chen Guo sat side by side. After the brief passion, only emptiness and embarrassment were left in the small cabin.

"Haha, what nonsense are you talking about after being saved?" Chen Guo reached out to touch Linda's hair. Linda subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but she quickly realized and stopped moving.

"I have had three thousand older sisters before and after, but before the Great Crusade began, there were only less than one hundred and fifty alive, and I don't know how many are left now..."

Chen Guo didn't speak. She just touched his hair and looked at Linda, letting her continue to vent her resentment and quietly become a "trash can".

After talking a lot in bits and pieces, Linda revealed a rotten, lewd, chaotic, and dark Mechanicus, and at the same time, she finally spoke out the suppressed words in her heart.

Chen Guo looked at her expression and her expression became much more relaxed. She knew that she had succeeded in making this trash can.

"Feeling better?"

"Hey, what, you think I'm annoying? Are you going to drive me away?" Linda flicked her hair and shook off Chen Guo's hand.

"How come, I want to invite you to be my chief technician, but my fleet is very poor, you have to set up your own laboratory..." Chen Guo half-jokingly extended the invitation to Linda.

After hearing this, Linda fell into a long silence and struggle. After a while, she sighed indifferently: "It's not impossible for me to join. You have to agree to three conditions. If you don't agree, , just give me a frigate and let me leave.”

"What conditions?" Chen Guo did not agree blindly. If he agreed blindly, it would be irresponsible for himself and Linda.

Linda looked at Chen Guo seriously, her beautiful and charming face filled with seriousness for a moment.

"First, you must be my test subject and accept all my transformations and experiments at any time."

"That's no problem, I can promise you, but the condition is that you can't touch my waist again."

"Second, assist me in rescuing all my sisters who are still alive, and I will convince them to join your fleet."

"That's no problem. Anyway, I've been on the Mechanicus' blacklist for saving you. It doesn't matter if I save you more."

"Third... in the future, I want you to help me destroy the Mechanicus. I want to rebuild a clean and pure new church on the ashes of its destruction."

Chen Guo was stunned. Destroy and then rebuild the Mechanicus?

Oh my God, how come the people I’m connected to have such lofty ideals and visions?

Each one of them either wanted to kill the powerful Primarch or snatch people from Slaanesh. Chen Guo originally thought that Linda's last wish was just to kill her Primarch with her own hands, but she didn't expect that she actually wanted to destroy the entire Primarch. The Adeptus Mechanicus!

Why, is it so popular now to be so idealistic?

Then isn’t my ideal of just wanting to be a “chess player” a bit too small?

"What? Are you scared?"

Linda had a look of ridicule on her face. It was obvious that she knew that this last request was too much.

But seeing the troubled expression on Chen Guo's face, she still sighed deep in her heart.

Although Chen Guo's expression at this moment was exactly what she wanted, she just wanted Chen Guo to retreat in spite of the difficulties, but she still unconsciously felt helpless and lonely deep in her heart.

But suddenly, a strong arm pulled her into his arms.

Chen Guo looked at the vast starry sky outside the window and said, "Afraid, how could I be afraid? I am the one who wants to cut flesh from Slaanesh's body, am I not a Mechanicus? You are my woman, and I will help you no matter what. ”

Chen Guo also thought about it. If you have too many lice but don't itch, you will die in the worst case. As for who will use the soul after death as a "toilet", what does that have to do with me, Chen Guo, who is still alive?

Feeling the steady heartbeat of the man behind her, Linda's calm face flashed with a smile of satisfaction imperceptibly. After countless years of fear, she had never felt as at ease as she did today.

"Who is your woman?"

"Yes, yes, you are the great Sage Linda..."


This is Linda, this is Solan and Soni...

There was no harmony as expected. Chen Guo felt that the atmosphere was about to explode. She narrowed her eyes and dragged Des away.

And when he returned from a circle around the ship with a guilty conscience, the three of them seemed to have reached an agreement. One of Solan and Soni was meditating, and the other was meditating. As for Linda, she dragged a lot of demon faces to demolish the cabin. Go to renovate her own laboratory.

Seeing that no serious conflict broke out after all, Chen Guo breathed a sigh of relief and began his own practice.

After half a year of practice, Thunder Henglian has entered the bottleneck of the fifth level, making it difficult to move forward one step further.

However, although she has not yet entered the sixth level, Chen Guo must start to prepare for a rainy day. Once she enters the sixth level of Thunder Horizontal Refining, it means that Chen Guo will immediately need a new technique to allow herself to further advance. growing up.

Chen Guo set her sights on the Blood River Scripture book worth 80,000 points.

As a half-demon with a monster physique and thunder spirit roots, he has already met the training requirements of the Blood River Scripture. However, the introduction does not give a fixed number on how strong the spirit is. Chen Guo felt very unsure.

Fortunately, Chen Guo can't afford it now, and even if he earns 80,000 cash points and can afford it, Chen Guo will wait until the Thunder Henglian is completely completed and has enough confidence before redeeming it. This river of blood.

You have to eat the food one bite at a time. If you take too many steps, you may easily pull off the eggs...

After nearly a month of renovation, Linda's laboratory renovation plan is finally over.

After dismantling almost the entire third deck, a "simple" laboratory in Linda's words was built.

But on the contrary, two thousand demon faces were displaced and forced to move to other decks and other ships.

But even so, Linda was still dissatisfied. She complained to Chen Guo every day, and she wanted to requisition the fourth deck connected to the third deck.

Chen Guo tried her best to put her to sleep, and then she put the jealous Soni and Solan to sleep one after another, so that they stopped making trouble for the time being.

However, with the completion of the laboratory, the peaceful days of Chen Guo, Suo Ni and Solan also came to an end.

Even Des, who had been standing aside to watch the show, couldn't run away.

Linda formulated a complete transformation plan for them based on their genes and physical qualities.

At the beginning, Chen Guo didn't care about the body transformation plan designed by Linda.

Because Chen Guo believed in Linda and knew that Linda was an authority and expert, Chen Guo simply took a look at her transformation plan.

But when he saw that not only did he need to undergo a transformation similar to that of the Astartes from the inside out, but he also had to add two more hearts, one kidney, a pair of livers, three pairs of ribs, and four ridges. Vertebrae, subcutaneous lungs, a muscle blood pump, a separate blood oxygen compression lung, and a cloned brain...

Looking at the long form, Chen Guo couldn't sit still.

What, are you trying to change him to death?

Also, there are no gene seeds in these modifications. Is Linda planning to stuff these organs into their current bodies?

Or maybe Linda has mastered a body gene that is more powerful than the Primarch's gene?

No, I have to ask her for details.

When Chen Guo found Linda, she was operating on Des.

After the preliminary surgery was completed, Linda, who was sweating profusely as she stared at the sleeping giant slowly soaking in the blue culture fluid, listened to Chen Guo's question and explained with disdain: "Use Imperial Star The seed of warrior legion genes, huh? Please, don’t you know how powerful your genes are now? Also, do you want all your women to become men?”

"My genes?" Chen Guo automatically ignored Linda's sarcastic words and grasped the key point.

"Yes, your genes are the most powerful genes I have ever seen..."

After Linda explained, Chen Guo finally understood. With skilled cloning technology, Linda purified and cloned the tiger demon gene (tiger demon blood) that had been mixed with him.

And successfully used the genes of the tiger demon to create a new genetic seed that was more powerful and more inclusive than the ordinary Astartes genetic seed.

However, because Chen Guo didn't tell her the truth, Linda simply believed that the tiger demon gene was Chen Guo's gene, a new gene product that was only born after mutation and benign evolution due to some reasons.

Chen Guo, who understood the relationship, didn't bother to explain anymore and simply accepted Linda's statement.

"Without adding any organs, your gene can transform the physique of ordinary humans to a point where it surpasses that of ordinary soldiers and is comparable to that of Astartes. But once various organs are added and the body is put on a specially made Powered armor, I think, can even meet the Primarch head-on!"

At this point, Linda was suddenly stunned for a moment, and said with a little regret: "Unfortunately, I don't have a sample of the black carapace here. At the same time, I am not a master of macro casting, so I can't help you build a suitable power armor."

"Oh, don't be anxious!" Chen Guo put his arms around Linda's slim waist, and finally seemed to have remembered something, "By the way, do you want Astarte's body?"

"You have?"

"Yes, I killed him when I was escaping. I didn't want to throw the body away, so I kept it. It belongs to the Word Bearers Legion. Do you want it?"

"Yes, it would be best to have their corpses. I only need a little bit of black carapace." Linda showed a happy expression and ignored Chen Guo's groping palms.


Listening to the woman's voice behind her, Linda subconsciously jumped out of Chen Guo's arms.

But unexpectedly, Chen Guo hugged her and stretched out her other arm.

Not long after, two purple heads also stuck together, and like two little mice, they got into Chen Guo's open arms.

Holding the three women in her arms and moving her palms erratically, Chen Guo asked Linda: "How long does it take to transform a person?"

"The transformation will take at least half a year. The main reason is that it takes a lot of time to transform the cloned organs. The other steps really don't take too long.

Oh, in addition, it will take time to adapt to your gene seeds, and it will also take some time to adapt to the organs that are put in them.

If there is any adverse rejection reaction in the organ during the adaptation period, the overall adjustment time will have to be extended.

However, it is certain that the overall time will not be less than half a year, but it can be transformed at the same time. Although I don’t have a mechanical body now, it is still no problem to watch five or six people at the same time..." Linda became more and more energetic as she spoke. How could she not be energetic when it came to her field of expertise?

"Oh... Then who of you will come first, or come together?" Chen Guo looked down at the twins in his left arms.

He called the twins over on purpose.

They can be jealous at ordinary times, and Chen Guo will not care about them, but this is not the time to be angry.

He must ensure that when he is fighting and conquering, his nest cannot be stolen by the enemy, and his woman cannot become the enemy's weak point to threaten him.

In this chaotic universe, talking about all the benevolence and morality is bullshit!

In addition, whether it is Soni who is on the path of wizards or Solan who is on the path of martial arts, they have a strong body and their paths, not only there is no conflict, but also a helping role.

"I'll go first! "

Solan was the first to step forward. She was the elder sister. Although she was born a few seconds earlier, she had always shown with practical actions that she would protect Soni from wind and rain at any time and in any place.

This time, of course, was no exception.

"Okay, Linda, then Solan will trouble you!" Chen Guo looked at Linda, hoping that she could give him a positive answer.

It was not that he was worried about Linda, but he just said it subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this unintentional sentence, Linda got angry.

She pulled Solan and Soni over and began to drive Chen Guo away without any hesitation: "Don't get in the way here. I will take care of Sister Solan and Sister Soni. You can do whatever you need to do now. When I'm done here, I will notify you to come for the transformation surgery! "

Just like that, Chen Guo was driven out of the laboratory by Linda in disgrace amid the laughter of Soni and Solan.

Good fellow, these three guys actually united their front without anyone noticing.

You know, Chen Guo was afraid that they would fight, so she came to be the peacemaker, but she didn't expect that she would become the one who lost in the end.

"Two little girls, you are gloating, right? Wait, you will have a good life in the future!"

After turning around and taking a few steps, Chen Guo was suddenly stunned.

They used the hybrid gene of her and the tiger fairy blood for transformation. According to the order of imperial gene inheritance, Chen Guo indirectly became the genetic father of Solan and Soni, right?


Chen Guo suddenly didn't know what to say.

What's going on? How did his wife inexplicably become a daughter?

Although Chen Guo understood what was going on, he always felt something strange in his heart...

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