Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Comments on the launch

I received a notice that it will be available at noon tomorrow.

I have been writing novels for several years and have written all kinds of articles, but this is the first time I have really calmed down to write fan fiction, especially for Warhammer 40k, which I like.

I have not been in contact with Warhammer 40k for a long time, only less than ten years.

At the beginning, I was relatively young and could not appreciate the beauty of the Warhammer world. When I grew up, I found that the beauty of Warhammer was so refreshing.

I don’t like playing chess or games. The only thing I like is to collect all the stories related to Warhammer 40k on the Internet, read and organize them carefully, and then I will adapt some stories that I am not very satisfied with the settings of GW.

I will imagine what would happen if the Emperor became selfish, and what would happen if the Emperor was full of real fatherly love for his children instead of perfunctory to tools, and I will also imagine if Horus won, would he really continue to believe in the Four Gods...

I wrote a lot of speculations and assumptions, but unfortunately I lost them later.

After my last Marvel fan fiction ended forcibly, I fell into thinking, should I continue writing? Maybe I am only suitable to be a reader rather than a writer.

Until I moved last month, I found the Horus Heresy that I bought several years ago, and I suddenly had an urge to write Warhammer.

I can't describe where this urge came from.

It may be a spur of the moment, or it may be that the love for Warhammer that has been deep in my heart has awakened again, so I started writing again, and this time no matter what the result is, I must finish this fan fiction, which can be regarded as a wish for myself and an answer to myself!

It's on the shelves, I still write 8,000 words a day, and now I owe three chapters. I really don't have the energy to write recently, I will make up for it later. In addition, I can't promise to add more chapters, I can only guarantee continuous updates and 8,000 words a day.

Mysterious number - 860519128

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Finally, special thanks to Changqing1040 for the reward and monthly ticket, special thanks to Xiaoming灬 for the reward and monthly ticket, special thanks to Mars Commander Great Sage for the monthly ticket and information support, special thanks to 161124224911622 for the reward and monthly ticket , special thanks to 161217100847842 for the reward and monthly ticket, special thanks to Renjian Zhengdao for the support of Cangsang. To be honest, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought of writing SeSe so early... Uh ...Alas, it turns out that everyone is a Slaanesh believer...

Thank you for your support, thank you for the monthly ticket, reward and recommendation ticket, thank you very much...

Finally, long live Slaanesh!

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