Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 16: Provocation from the Assassin's Court (Seeking rewards, collections, everything, mo

"Angron's body?"

Linda's face showed an expression of disbelief!

"How did Guilliman ask you to bring it back?"

"Humph, who knows? I'm not him!" Chen Guo snorted coldly, "How is it, is it still alive?"

"Are you questioning my professionalism?" Linda rolled her eyes, carried Angron's head and body, and walked towards the laboratory.

"Hey, remember, this is just for your research. If you want to disrupt the research, you'd better make a clone yourself. This body may be of great use to me in the future. Don't damage it for me. If I can't take it out when I need it, it will be troublesome!"

Chen Guo gave many instructions, fearing that Linda would get excited and cut Angron's body by accident.

After all, if Guilliman asked Chen Guo for the body in the future, Chen Guo couldn't take out the body that had been dismembered into pieces and tell him that this piece of meat was Angron's pectoralis major and that piece of meat was Angron's cheek meat!

If that situation really happened, no matter how well-educated Guilliman was, he would probably not be able to resist coming up to Chen Guo for a fair duel of ∞Astartes vs. Chen Guo!

Watching Linda walk away, Chen Guo was still mumbling in his heart.

"My Lord!" Des' voice came from behind, "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission and successfully brought back the Death Ray battleship."

"So fast? There was no big mistake in the middle!"

"Yes, this battleship is an antique from the golden age. Although it is well maintained and very strong, the weapons and design are really too outdated. It is like a turtle when crossing the galaxy. It is really too slow!

If it can be replaced with the latest engine, then I can at least come back a month earlier.

In addition, in addition to delivering this battleship to us, the Extreme Warriors used the lame excuse of "temporarily not having" to perfunctorily deal with us for other things.

Not only those ships don't have it, even the weapons and fuel on the battleship have been taken down. Fortunately, I brought enough supplies and manpower, otherwise I really can't drive this big guy back!"

Chen Guo raised his eyebrows and fell into deep thought.

On the way back, he and Des parted ways. Des was responsible for picking up the battleship, while he followed a frigate alone to Licmons to save time and sent Angron's body to Linda.

After discussing with Des, Zack and some high-level people in the demon face, Chen Guo came to a conclusion, that is, although the combat effectiveness of the biological weapon army can reach a casualty rate of 50:1, in exchange for the life of an Astarte.

Although it is 50:1, this number is already terrible for biological weapons. You must know that it does not take much time and resources to make biological weapons. They are all cultivated according to existing templates. It can be said that it is a complete assembly line product.

But the resources required and consumed to cultivate a mature and powerful Astarte are incalculable. Therefore, using fifty biological weapons to exchange for one Astarte is a good deal.

But the biological weapons also have a very fatal flaw, that is, there is no command at all, they will only rush forward, and they will not have any tactics, so they cannot carry out any tactical coordination. They will only attack all the creatures in front of them according to the attack template designed by Linda.

This unorganized, undisciplined, uncommanded, and untacticed legion must be replaced. The fundamental reason why it can work wonders this time is due to the terrain of the canyon, but not every time there will be such good luck.

If it is on an open plain, let alone 300,000 or 3 million biological weapons are just cannon fodder under the muzzle of Astartes!

Another thing is the matter of the martial arts legion. The bodies of the demons are too fragile and cannot fully exert the strength of martial arts.

Therefore, except for the demon wizard legion, the other two legions must be replaced or upgraded professionally.

But whether it is replacing the main battle legion, it cannot be solved by talking.

Fortunately, Chen Guo got a powerful sample this time-Angron.

If Linda can successfully reverse the production process of the Primarch, or cultivate a smart and loyal clone of Angron, then all problems will be solved.

At worst, if neither of the above two methods succeeds, she can also imitate Angron's body structure and create a new World Eater Astartes based on Chen Guo's genes... Although this path is the most troublesome and the most likely to cause trouble, it is still a solution.

Of course, in addition to Angron, Chen Guo also has the fantasy embodiment data table, especially now that Karsus and the Blood River Elder have opened their treasure houses to him, which finally allows Chen Guo to not worry about making up the unfortunate refresh bar.

On the way back, Chen Guo carefully flipped through the exchange table they put out. There are indeed many good things in it, but the price is too high, so high that Chen Guo cannot accept it.

For example, a bottle of pills with similar quality to the Yellow Dragon Pill was sold for two thousand embodiment points in Karsus's treasure house!

What does two thousand materialization points mean?

According to the average 20 points that an ordinary human can provide, 2,000 points is equivalent to the souls of 200 people!

Isn't it obvious that they are treating him as a sucker?

Therefore, unless it is a critical moment, Chen Guo will never exchange anything from their treasure house!

"My Lord, my Lord, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Chen Guo who was in a daze and had not recovered for a long time, Des asked softly.

"Oh, I'm fine..." Chen Guo shook his head and kicked out all the random thoughts in his mind, "What's wrong, is there anything else?"

"My Lord, we heard when we passed by the Rick Sector for supplies that now the entire Ultramarine has its own lighthouse, and most ships can sail normally in the Ultramarine. Of course, there are still some places where the subspace storm is very strong and it is still impossible to sail, so they can only pass through the real universe."

"Lighthouse... so fast?" Chen Guo narrowed his eyes and knew what happened. He was one of the few loyal members of the Iron Warriors. He brought a technological creation (lighthouse/beacon) derived from the Necrons, and the one who could operate it was the famous war blacksmith-Barabas Dendiok.

This lighthouse is fundamentally different from the psychic torch built by the Empire. The Empire's torch is the light emitted by burning psychic energy in the subspace, and this beacon simply relies on burning emotions to generate electricity and emit light... It's really confusing.

Emotions can also be used as fuel. Is this the so-called power generation with love?

But no matter how this beacon works, it is precisely because of its existence that the loyalists scattered in the Extreme Star Region can gather together again.

And in the near future, a brand new Second Empire will once again stand on the vast starry sky of the Extreme Star Region!

However, this has nothing to do with Chen Guo for the time being. At this moment, he still has a lot of things to do and has no time to care about others.

"Des, you bought back all the copper mines I asked you to buy!"

"Yes, my lord, I packed up all the last copper mines in the Rick Star Region, a total of 400,000, is that enough?"

"Enough, enough, enough... Where did these slaves come from?" Looking at the slaves who were driven past him, Chen Guo's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

These slaves are all female slaves, and some are subspecies with hair all over their bodies and furry tails behind them.

"It was Mistress Linda who wanted it. She sent me a communication specifically asking me to buy a batch of slaves with good brain capacity, but she didn't say what they were going to do?"

"... Brain capacity computer, a powerful biological computer, Linda wants... found you!" Chen Guo reached out and grabbed a cat-eared slave girl by the neck and lifted her up from the ground.

Facing Chen Guo's sharp eyes, the slave girl still pretended to be charming, and her big watery eyes kept flashing, looking very cute!

"But in the next second, a green needle flew out of her mouth quickly, flying towards Chen Guo's eyeballs, and at the same time another blue light appeared on her hand, with a cold light piercing Chen Guo's heart."

"Snap!" The dazzling electric light appeared out of thin air, and the powerful electric current accurately hit the flying needle, and also hit the slave girl's body, making her lose consciousness in a twitch, and the plasma dagger in her hand also fell to the ground, easily inserted into the deep of the hard floor of the star port.

The flying needle struck by lightning rubbed the arm of a female slave. Although it was only a slight rub, leaving a very fine blood mark, within a few seconds, the female slave turned into a pool of rancid pus in silence.

"My Lord!"

"Don't come over!" Chen Guo looked down at the red dot on his chest with a playful smile on his face. He looked at a thumb-sized hole on the ceiling of the Far Star Port, and suddenly tore the unconscious maid in his hand in half, and then turned into a residual image and disappeared on the spot.




The gunshots that resounded through the sky woke up the peaceful Star Port from its sleep. The slaves began to flee in all directions under the deliberate indulgence of the demons, and helped Chen Guo to dodge every bullet shot at him with all their heart and responsibility.

"Number three, retreat!" Hearing the order, the sexy gunman didn't even want the gun in his hand, and quickly left the narrow ventilation duct.

But when she opened the ventilation duct opening and prepared to evacuate according to the route she had planned, she saw a person completely covered in a black robe standing at the ventilation duct opening waiting for her.

She suddenly took out the plasma dagger at her waist and prepared to kill the guy who was blocking her way, but she didn't expect that a black mist quickly penetrated into her body from behind. In the blink of an eye, she couldn't even muster a bit of strength in her whole body, and couldn't even control her heartbeat to trigger suicide by toxins in her body. She could only fall out of the duct opening like a dead dog.

"Number three!"

"Number three, please reply if you get it!" Zack slowly stretched out his palm and pulled off the skull mask on the killer's face, revealing a gorgeous face underneath. It was a pity that the woman's eyes were full of indifference without any emotion, which directly destroyed the gorgeous beauty.

"Number three, please reply if you get it!"

Zach smiled, and put the mask to his mouth. In the horrified eyes of the killer on the ground, Zach began to say in her voice and code: "Black crab, belly, rabbit... play!"

"Understood, please go to the gathering place!"

After speaking, Zach raised the mask in his hand and handed it to Chen Guo who finally arrived, "Master, their hiding place is under the deck of Starport No. 5. There is a small secret room that was deliberately left when the starport was built."

"... This matter is handed over to you. I want to know who asked them to kill me!"

"Understood, my master!"


In Macragge, in the towering castle, after meeting his elder brother Leon Johnson, Guilliman entered his huge office as usual. Facing the pile of documents, Guilliman had no expression on his face. He just sat behind the table silently and began to review documents one by one.

As a Primarch, his ability to handle government affairs is many times faster than that of the masters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Empire, but even so, he still cannot handle all the government affairs, so he can only handle some of the most urgent and urgent government affairs every day, and the rest of the government affairs can only be handed over to his descendants and secretaries!

After spending several hours to deal with the urgent documents piled up like a mountain in the room, Guilliman breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his forehead with some fatigue.

The establishment of the Second Empire is almost unstoppable. The Primarch of the Dark Angels, Leon Johnson, Guilliman's eldest brother, did not express his agreement, but he did not say he disagreed.

It's just that his eldest brother said he was unwilling to sit in the position of the commander of the Second Empire, which made Guilliman extremely worried.

As the king of 500 worlds, Guilliman knew that anyone could sit in that position, but he could not sit in it anyway, otherwise it would be a naked rebellion, which was a bad reputation he could never bear, and at present, this position must belong to Leon Johnson.

Except for him, Guilliman was not at ease with anyone.

But his elder brother was notoriously stubborn. Once he made up his mind, even 100,000 Space Marines couldn't pull him back... Guilliman silently clenched his fists. Now was not the time to give up easily. If 100,000 Space Marines couldn't pull him back, then he would use 1 million Space Marines to pull him back.

Without knowing whether Terra was dead or alive, as the descendant of the loyalists, Guilliman felt that he had the responsibility to shoulder the glorious mission of protecting mankind.

"My lord, here is an encrypted document that we cannot translate or interpret."

"Give it to me!"

Guilliman took the document and read it carefully. He quickly translated these strange words into words that he could understand in his mind. Guilliman's face gradually became ugly.

[Secret Order of the Assassin's Court: Red and Blue Sacrifice]

[Publisher: Grand Master of the Extreme Zone]

[Transportation method: Only hand-delivered by the person]

[Date: █████]

[Location: █████]

[Permission level: Red level]

[Do not transmit]

[Only one copy is allowed, cc Robert Guilliman only]

[Destroy after reading]

Sanction target:

Jack Smoak/Chen Guo, about 27 years old.

The commander of an unknown legion, a follower of the evil god, killed Angron, the Primarch of the World Eaters/Hounds of War Legion, in a one-on-one duel, killed the system governor and occupied the Lecmons system, triggered a Chaos Demon invasion in the Badab system, and is related to the Great Vortex Pirate Family. It is suspected to be one of the behind-the-scenes commanders of the pirate carnival...Currently living in the Lecmons system on the northern border of the Ultramarine.

Security Threat Level:

Very High

The target is very powerful and does not belong to any of the original genes. He also has the ability to be blessed by the strange evil god. He is suspected to have the ability to control psychic spells. His body is strong and he is suspected to have undergone biological transformation...

Secondary target, Linda, the former biological sage of the Mechanic Cult, is proficient in biological transformation and is suspected to have multiple spare bodies. Please make sure to strangle them all.

Evidence: Top confidentiality.

Mission objectives and parameters:

Primary goal:

The Grand Master of the Extreme Region approves the members of the execution team to use all feasible means to eliminate Jack Smoak/Chen Guo and his core followers.

Secondary goal:

The Grand Master of the Extreme Region approves the execution team to use all feasible means to reduce the damage that may be caused by the assassination storm, and guide the imperial officials who may still be alive in Licomons to take over the Licomons galaxy.

Parameter Alpha:

Since the focus of the operation is to kill the evil god believer Jack Smoak/Chen Guo by all means, the execution team can use all weapons and facilities and equipment, including the use of powerful extinction bombs, but only at the most dangerous moment.

Actions speak for themselves, the end speaks for itself.

[Order ends, destroy immediately]

"Assassin's Court...Assassin's Court...Very good, very good!" Guilliman tore up the documents in his hand with an ugly expression, opened his mouth, and chewed them vigorously.

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