Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 27 How can you say it's stealing? It's called borrowing! (Please give me a reward,


The old oilmen use this nickname for their workstations.

After all, they often stay here for their entire lives, and that workstation is not their exclusive seat. When they die, the seat will become the seat for newcomers, so this place is called the cemetery.

379966 is an old oilman who looks very similar to Old Zabu... Maybe it's because they have undergone the same mechanical transformation, so all the old oilmen actually look very similar.

"What's the matter?"

"Hehehe, it's like this. The person at this station is number 374794. He still owes me 10 steel ball gold coins. I wanted to get them back, but I didn't expect he was dead.

I wonder if you can take out his things in the cellar to pay off the debt, because only you have the secret order to open the cellar, so I want to trouble you."

After hearing this, Chen Guo knew immediately that this guy wanted to take advantage of his old status to rob. After thinking about it, Chen Guo nodded and said, "Then come in and choose for yourself! I'll take you in!"

"Oh, oh, thank you so much!"

The wretched oil man immediately rubbed his hands and walked over, ready to climb down the cellar with Chen Guo, but the moment he approached, Chen Guo suddenly grabbed his body, and then threw him into the magma in the distance with a force.


Clapping his hands, Chen Guo was ready to continue studying the drawings, but when he turned around, he saw two more oil men standing behind him.

They still had weapons in their hands, but at this moment, they were looking at him with a horrified expression.

Rolling his eyes, Chen Guo turned into a shadow and disappeared from the spot. When he appeared again, two bubbles were surging in the rushing Yanjiang River.

After confirming that there were no oil masters around, Chen Guo hurried back to the cellar and continued to study the map.

Quickly memorizing the route he was going to take, Chen Guo was not in a hurry to implement his plan, but acted as an oil master as if nothing had happened.

Although he had no experience, Chen Guo was very lucky. None of his mechanical servants broke down, and he easily completed the workload of 7,000 pieces, but the mood of the mechanical monk in charge of this area was not very good.

Because of the sudden martial law, many of his oil masters were killed as spies and traitors, and the output was seriously insufficient.

After finally filling the number of people, three veterans suddenly left their posts today, causing the mechanical servants at the workstations under their jurisdiction to be in chaos, and the production volume did not meet the standard again today!

"These three idiots, if you have the guts, don't come back!" After scolding fiercely, he praised the newcomers who successfully met the standard through the communicator, especially No. 495271, who was the first newcomer to complete all the workload faster than some veterans.

What he didn't know was that Chen Guo actually didn't do anything, but was just too lucky that all the mechanical servants didn't cause any trouble.

After being praised inexplicably, Chen Guo touched his head in confusion. Could it be that he was more suitable to be an engine oiler?

Shrugging his shoulders, Chen Guo looked at the time.

The time showed that the star had already walked to the back of the planet at this moment, and the area where he was located had completely entered the night state.

Although there is no distinction between day and night in the forging world, and the fiery red magma river will light up everything, the dark sky still brings some convenience to Chen Guo, and he is going to take action.

Taking off the clothes that only oil masters wear, Chen Guo put on the fiery red clothes of the mechanical priest, came to the secret passage on the No. 1 work line, and quickly got into it.

As he quickly shuttled through the secret passage, he soon came to the work line he was going to reach, but he did not steal the machine tool first, but found the mechanical monk in charge of this entire work line.

"Hmm!" The mechanical monk looked at the strange priest who suddenly appeared behind him, and performed a ritual with some hesitation: "My lord, what do you want?"

"Are you in charge of this line?"

Listening to the slightly unfamiliar secret language of the mechanical church, the mechanical monk said "yes" and reached out to touch the weapon switch on his body, but before he could do anything, Chen Guo appeared behind him and forcefully inserted a needle into his neck that had not been transformed.

Seeing the mechanical monk fainted in his arms, Chen Guo took out a rectangular crystal culture chamber from his magic belt, placed him in it, and then put away the culture chamber and rushed to the nearest machine tool.

Facing the complex machine tool, Chen Guo directly stretched out his palm flashing with sparks and cut the floor inlaid with the machine tool. After cutting off the entire floor, he quickly transformed into a demon and used all his strength to slightly push the machine tool in front of him, which weighed dozens of meters. Only then did he successfully lock it and put it into the magic bag.

With a long sigh of relief, Chen Guo continued to return to the secret passage and began to move towards the next work line.

The steel ball casting world is really too big. Even if he took a shortcut through the secret passage, even if Chen Guo used all his strength to hurry, it still took nearly two hours to reach the next work line he wanted to steal.

Fortunately, what happened in the previous line has not been discovered yet, so Chen Guo followed the same method and easily obtained another mechanical monk who was proficient in using machine tools, as well as a complete set of machine tools.

He returned to the secret room again, followed by the third line, the fourth line... Unknowingly, when the stars in the sky above the foundry world were about to turn the next day, Chen Guo had completed most of his goals.

Not only did he steal most of the machine tools and the unique raw material processing machines in the foundry world, but he also gained a large number of mechanical monks with professional skills. There were only a few left to complete all the goals.

But at this moment, Chen Guo suddenly stopped in the secret passage, because even through the thick metal wall, he could clearly hear the urgent alarm coming from outside...

If he guessed correctly, the alarm outside should be directly related to him... It seems that his good deeds were finally discovered by someone.

I didn't expect these people from the Mechanical Church to react so slowly?

However, it took so long before they found something wrong!

With this level, it's no wonder that they were beaten miserably by a small number of Titan rebels when they left.

With this level of defense and combat awareness, it's fortunate that no rebels came to attack, otherwise it would be broken in minutes?

Standing there thinking for a moment.

Chen Guo decided not to continue lurking. Anyway, there were only a few targets left, so he might as well complete the target in one go and then slip away!

Damn it, he was a being who could kill Angron in a single fight, but he had to pretend to be an oil man here?

This was too embarrassing.

But things are unpredictable, and sometimes coincidences can happen so easily.

Just as he was about to move forward, other footsteps suddenly came from the secret passage in the distance, and it sounded like there were quite a few people!

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