Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 35: They have to be confused (Please give me a reward and collect it.) (1/2)


It's poisonous indeed!

Chen Guo covered his chest, and under the surge of electricity, he forcefully vomited out the red mucus that was accidentally sucked into his body during the battle.

Sure enough, the words "Khorne in the galaxy are all a bunch of rough guys who can only chop and chop" were definitely said by "Lorgar"!

Because only he would say such nonsense.

However, this Khorne apostle really opened Chen Guo's eyes.


Spitting out all the red liquid adhering to his body, Chen Guo held on to an unknown tree beside him and looked up into the distance.

In the open space in front, a Slaanesh apostle and a Nurgle apostle were confronting each other, and on the ground not far from them, the bodies of the natives of this planet were densely packed.

At least thousands of them.

Moreover, the scars on many corpses had begun to fester and maggots had grown.

It seems that the Nurgle apostle killed the natives first, and then was blocked by the Slaanesh apostle.

Then, the two sides fell into a tense confrontation.

Chen Guo did not hide himself, so the two Chaos apostles quickly discovered Chen Guo, and also saw his "weak" vomiting appearance.

Without any hesitation, the two enemies who were still confronting each other almost joined forces to launch a fatal attack on Chen Guo at the same time.

The Nurgle apostle on the right silently chanted a strange spell and instantly threw a large amount of dark blue mist at Chen Guo. The other Slaanesh apostle raised his hand, and a delicate and small grenade gun appeared in his hand and began to fire pink bullets.

"Puff", "Puff"!

Chen Guo narrowed his eyes and did not move, but the next second, the transparent air in front of him suddenly appeared red ripples, easily blocking all attacks.

Then, the current surged, and a large amount of current penetrated the body, and the current force field quickly evaporated the blue plague fog that stuck to the red ripples.

"So weak, why do I have a feeling of bullying the weak with the strong!"

Chen Guo muttered, trying to hold back the strange smell of the red liquid.

However, this is normal. It can't be blamed on them being too weak, but on Chen Guo himself being too strong. In addition, the demonization on their bodies is not very serious. It can be seen at a glance that they were dragged here to be cannon fodder!

In this preliminary round, no more than two hands, that is, ten people can fight him on equal terms.

The others are just trash that is not worth mentioning!

At this time, the demon apostle's eyes were wide open, looking at Chen Guo in horror.

It looked like seeing a monster.

The Nurgle apostle who attacked with the plague mist had his hair standing on end, and he ran away without even thinking. His fat body was shaking like a deflated basketball, and he left rotten and disgusting green slime behind as he ran.

The other Slaanesh apostle obviously reacted a little slower. Chen Guo smiled cruelly and turned into a blood-red lightning, piercing through his body directly, turning half of his body into a ball of purple blood mist!


The Slaanesh apostle didn't even have the chance to scream, and the rest of his body was directly ignited by the hot current.

No one knew what was in his body, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and it also emitted a strange smell, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a pile of ashes.

[Unit of Manifestation]: 3698050

Just as the fantasy manifestation data table gave a prompt, Carlos' voice came over, "One low-level apostle of pleasure, 100 points, and another 1,358 points... Mortal, if you don't hurry up, that fat pig will run away!"


Ignoring Carlos' nonsense, Chen Guo continued to retch until he vomited out the acid in his stomach, and finally recovered completely.

"This old bitch, actually played dirty!" Chen Guo secretly swore that he must let this damn Khorne apostle know what real cruelty is!

"Wait, wait until you help me save more points, I will personally put the grenade gun into your ** and shoot, so that you can feel what real ** is!"

Muttering silently, Chen Guo took out the projection map and began to identify his position, and determined that a local indigenous gathering and living place was not far away.

This is how he chased after the fleeing Nurgle apostle slowly.

This fat guy is really funny. What's the point of him running so fast?

Even if Chen Guo is a blind man, he can easily find the green slime by smelling the rotten smell!


After following the green trace for a while, Chen Guo suddenly froze in place, because he unexpectedly discovered that a large number of fist-sized, winged colorful ants suddenly appeared in the distance!


Chen Guo rolled his eyes. He didn't expect that this fat guy had so many ghost ideas and could even set traps.

The colorful ants rushed over head and head, and while flying, they kept spitting out colorful "formic acid", quickly corroding the invisible red barrier outside Chen Guo's body.

The barrier outside Chen Guo seemed to be alive, constantly flashing, and dutifully bearing every extremely corrosive formic acid attack.

Although the barrier looked shaky, Chen Guo actually didn't take these big ants seriously at all.

If that Apostle of Nurgle only had this ability, then his death would be an inevitable fact.

Chen Guo slowly clenched her palms, and a large number of silver-red electric flowers began to gather on his palms. At the same time, a faint smell of blood began to penetrate from his skin.

As this weird bloody smell became stronger and stronger, the big ants who dared not approach the electric field were so stimulated that they lost their minds and rushed towards Chen Guo in the electric field.

Chen Guo watched expressionlessly as these big ants were electrocuted and scorched to death by his current force field. They rushed into his arms to become tangible points and collided with the fatal current force field.

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After a while, all the big ants died. Almost at the same time, the Nagou apostles hiding in the bushes in the distance fled away in embarrassment again.

What a joke, this Apostle of Nurgle saw with his own eyes that Chen Guo was besieged by tens of thousands of giant ants that had undergone dark genetic modification and were infected with the deadly plague virus, and he was unscathed!

You know, not long ago, he relied on these "baby assistants" to kill his opponent and obtained the qualification to participate in this chaos competition.

But now these powerful assistants couldn't even break through the defense of the guy in front of him, which immediately made him lose the desire to fight anymore.

Or should I say, fighting against such a monster is simply despairing!

"Humph, after watching it for so long, you can leave just now?"

To Chen Guo, these guys were all running around with tangible points. What's more, at this moment, he was still in the middle of a kill count competition. In this case, it was even more impossible to let him go.

Chen Guo pointed with one hand towards the broad back of the fleeing Apostle of Nurgle. There was a roar and a dazzling bolt of lightning quickly struck towards the back.

This was a move that Chen Guo came up with on a whim. At the same time, he was testing whether he had any other long-range attack methods.

After all, not long ago, he was tortured by an apostle of Khorne who only knew how to fly a kite!

"Oh, your Excellency, please don't push yourself too far!"

The escaping Apostle of Nurgle snorted coldly, and the pustules on his back exploded one after another, spraying out green pus columns. While counteracting the lightning, he also began to mutter strange spells in his mouth, and the huge The body visibly decomposed into black flies, flying away in all directions.

"Want to run?"

Chen Guo snorted again, disappeared from the spot, and quickly rushed towards the group of flies that had not completely dispersed.

(This fly-turning spell is called "from one to many" and is a spell often used by Nurgle mages. Nurgle mages transform their bodies into a humanoid swarm of buzzing flies. They wear Or anything and equipment you are carrying will fall to the ground.

But this allows the Nurgle mage to fly. In this state, he is immune to damage from almost all non-magical weapons. He also cannot be the target of spells (other than dispel spells), except those that deal area-of-effect damage. If at the end of the spell the mage is trapped in a space too small to contain his body, he is instantly killed. )

Before these flies could completely run away, Chen Guo chased after them. A large amount of electric current began to spread outside the body. All flies that touched the electric current were electrocuted to death in an instant!

"go to hell!"

Seeing that he had no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, the Nurgle apostle made a quick decision and cast some spell. The bodies of all the flies began to expand rapidly, as if they were inflated green balloons. They were about to die. Completely exploded!

Chen Guo grinned when he saw this horrifying scene. The flaming brick hammer, which he had not used for a long time, appeared in his hand. He suddenly swung it at the flies that were about to explode in front of him.

Then, a fireball the size of a washbasin hit the group of flies flying randomly in front of them.


With a dull sound, the fireball turned into all the flies wrapped in flames. Those flies that were still expanding immediately exploded in advance under the terrifying high temperature, and the green juice splashed everywhere, surrounding them alive. Everything including the soil was dyed green.

The screams of the Apostle of Nurgle came from the flames, but Chen Guo didn't even look at him. Instead, she focused on the two or three flies in the distance that were about to fly away.

"Puff puff puff~"

The three lightning bolts accurately hit the three flies. At the same time, the Apostle of Nurgle who had been shouting in the flames also lost any life. However, after a long time, a voice full of resentment came out: "Ping. Lin will help me take revenge!"

"Die quickly!" Chen Guo rewarded him with another fireball, and then the Nurgle apostle became silent.

【Present unit】: 3700369

"Kill an Apostle of Nurgle..."

"Carlos, stop talking nonsense. There is no need to report it. Just tell me the total at the end!" Chen Guo, who had not obtained any tangible items, interrupted Carlos's nonsense rudely and turned around. Get ready to leave this place that has become stinky.

But after taking a few steps, he stopped again and slowly looked behind him.

In a large pile of dark red rubble in the distance, a head was shrinking back in panic.

"Anyone else?"

Raising his eyebrows, Chen Guo ran to the rubble in a few moments. It didn't take much effort for him to find the natives hiding in the rubble.

There were hundreds of them. Judging from their attire, they should be dignitaries among the natives of this planet, because they were not only dressed gorgeously, but also had necklaces and ornaments made of dried skulls hanging on their chests.

However, Chen Guo didn't have too much to accept.

After all, this is the subspace, no matter how dark and cruel things happen, it is very normal.

"Sir!" An old man in gorgeous clothes, supported by two evil young girls, walked in front of Chen Guo, "Sir, please let our Mir family go, we are willing to exchange all our wealth with you!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, what wealth?"

"Two-legged sheep, all two-legged sheep, they are pure real human beings, with extremely sweet souls, and hope..."

Chen Guo slapped the old man's head directly from his body, and scarlet blood spurted out from the broken end like a fountain, frightening the two girls beside him and collapsed to the ground with exclamations.

He took out an axe and said to the panicked natives in front of him: "Tsk tsk, so you have thirty seconds to escape!"

After that, he walked in front of the imperial humans who were lying on the ground like beasts.

"Save us!"

"My Lord, please save us!"

Faced with their desperate pleas, Chen Guo did not speak, but silently released a large amount of electricity, and in an instant, all the imperial human captives in front of him were electrocuted to death.

No one was left!

There was no way, Chen Guo did not want to save them, and there was no way to save them.

The best choice at this moment was to send them to liberation, a liberation without any pain.

This was the only thing Chen Guo could do for them at the moment.

Silently turning around, looking at the natives running wildly, Chen Guo showed a cruel smile on his face.

For these guys, there was no need for him to be too kind, he had to make them completely confused!

And they had to see it with their own eyes!

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