Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 39 Chaos, everything is in chaos! (1/2)

"Sir, this virus is very complex. It is a virus trunk that has never been seen before. In addition, it is more of a parasite than a virus. However, it is different from the zombie plague. Although it is not as infectious as zombie chickenpox, its lethality is many times higher than zombie chickenpox. It only takes three minutes from infection to outbreak!"

"Sir, you cannot get points after killing these natives who have become zombies!"

"Sir! Carlo is infected!"


"Quick, drag the body out and burn it!"

"Sir, I am also infected with the virus..."

Lando sat on the mechanical throne expressionlessly, his mechanical eyes emitting blue light kept beating, carefully distinguishing this powerful biological virus.

After a long time, he shook his head: "Give me your sub-brains. If you die in battle, I will revive you after you get out!"

With almost no hesitation, after hearing the order issued by the sage, all the dark mechanical monks put down their work, and even stopped controlling the mechanical servants. They all obediently came over and handed their sub-brains to Lando.

As the sub-brains were forcibly extracted one after another, the mechanical monks fell to the ground one after another.

Soon, there were many mechanical monks lying dead on the ground.

However, they did not die, because what was extracted was only the sub-brain, and they still had their own brains, but with the removal of the sub-brain, the huge amount of calculation of the metal body was added to their brains.

Therefore, this made them temporarily fall into a coma.

As the body gradually recovers and adapts, they will wake up.

But that is a normal situation. This time they are afraid that they will never wake up.

Lando looked at the subordinates standing in front of him, and then looked at the sub-brains in front of his mechanical throne. He directly controlled the mechanical throne to extend the dense muzzles and fired at them violently. He stopped only after all the sub-brains and mechanical monks were swept into sieves.

As these subordinates were completely judged to be dead, a large number of points were inherited to his body, and Lando's mechanical face without any human touch showed a strange smile.


Mechanical monks?

Haha, if there is no choice, who would choose to become a cold mechanical sage who can't even give birth?


"Brother, our points are still not enough! Only in the top 20 can we avoid being wiped out, but now we..." Barnes suddenly stopped, and the words that had reached her lips were because her brother who had been protecting her by her side suddenly had a strange light in his eyes.

Barnes came from an ancient Nurgle world, a planet that had been swallowed by the Warp long ago. As the first family to join the Chaos, Barnes's family also gained the right to control the planet and had the opportunity to join the arms of the loving father.

As we all know, the loving father is a loving father god.

Therefore, Barnes's family can be said to be one of the few human families that ended up well after joining the Chaos.

However, Barnes and her twin brother Babs were very unlucky. The draw of the thousands of direct family members happened to let them, the brother and sister, all got it, and became the scapegoat of the whole family.

However, fortunately, the family did not kill them all. Not only did they teach them many powerful psychic spells, but they also gave them several Warp treasures as a backup, which made their strength reach the first-class level of competitors.

If they were lucky enough, without encountering those perverts, it would be a sure thing for the brother and sister to enter the top 20 just by slaughtering the natives.

However, as Chen Guo and Caihong began to flip the table and use their big moves, the situation of the entire competition changed.

The natives that were originally everywhere turned into zombies and zombies, and according to the ban standard, these natives who turned into zombies and zombies no longer had points, so they suddenly lost their source of points and were forced to rob and kill other contestants.

Which of the contestants who could survive the zombie plague and T virus was easy to mess with?

The brother and sister finally found a lone Slaanesh contestant, but they didn't expect that even if they were two against one, they were almost killed. Even after they used all their trump cards and killed this Slaanesh contestant, their points still didn't enter the top 20, or even the top 30, and they were still outside the standard line of killing.

And there was only one day left!

It was obviously impossible to cross a contestant in one day.

"Brother, what do you want to do?" Barneys' tone was full of reluctance. She was not a fool. She almost instantly figured out why her brother Babs looked at her like that.

Indeed, they were indeed siblings, but they were also competitors. According to the tens of millions of points each of them had obtained, as long as they could kill each other, they would get a ticket to the top 20 and could survive temporarily.

If it were in the past, Barnes was not afraid of her brother, but in the battle with the apostle of Slaanesh just now, she was seriously injured. If her brother Babus attacked her now, she would have almost no ability to resist!

Looking at the vigilant eyes of his sister looking at him, Babus shook his head with a little sarcasm, "Haha, my dear sister, do you miss your brother so much!"

Barnes did not speak, but continued to be very alert. As a sister, how could she not know how insidious and cunning her brother was.

She didn't want to die yet, so she decided to fight.

Suddenly, Babus moved, his fat body was like a high-speed train, the big mouth on his chest opened rapidly, and his sharp teeth bit Barnes who was standing there and seriously injured.

Barnes' heart sank to the bottom of the valley, but fortunately she had been prepared. When she opened her mouth, she sprayed out a large number of Nurgle spirits as big as mosquitoes. Then the green light in her hand kept flashing, and one after another Nurgle spells were cast on her brother's body.

Seeing her brother Babs's speed getting slower and slower, Barnes did not relax her vigilance at all, because she knew how terrifying her brother's strength was. Moreover, as a Nurgle apostle, she clearly knew that her Nurgle spells would be discounted when released on Babs.

But there was no way, he could only fight at this moment.

However, in the next second, she felt a little shocked and unexpected. The hard and bloated skin of her brother Babs was suddenly pierced by her powerful plague missile, and the huge body knelt on the ground like a hill.

A relieved smile appeared on Babs' face. He turned himself over and looked up at the atmosphere dyed red by the subspace energy.

"Sister, live well!" Babs said, and without waiting for any reaction from Barnes, the sharp blade in his hand stabbed into his body fiercely!

"Brother!" How could Barnes not understand her brother's plan at this time? She wanted to stop him, but it was too late. The voice of the great demon Nurgle also appeared in her ears at the right time.

"Alas...child, cry if you want to! He has fulfilled his responsibility as a brother. Don't be sad. You have to walk the road ahead by yourself..."


The voice of the great demon Nurgle was interrupted directly. A pink crab claw pierced through Barnes' body. The rippling pink energy not only directly destroyed her internal organs, but also destroyed her last hope of survival.

"Disgusting, so disgusting!"

"It's really disgusting!"

"Darling, you are absolutely not allowed to touch us with this claw today!"

"That's right, Darling!"

The voices of the women began to spread in Barnes's gradually blurred consciousness. She slowly turned her head and immediately saw a tall, bloated Slaanesh apostle, smiling and slowly pulling out the pink crab claw from her chest.

Beside that handsome face, there were several faces of charming women, and it was they who just made the chirping sound.

"Okay, okay, don't argue, we don't have much time, if we don't hurry up, we will fall to fourth place!"

The Carnival Messenger - Saluto, the most powerful apostle of joy in the Church of Joy around the Great Whirlpool. At the same time, if someone stares at the face of a woman growing on his chest, they will be surprised to find that she is actually the newly appointed Governor of the Badab Star Region, the governor of the star region who advocates that all interstellar pirates must be suppressed with an iron fist!

Unexpectedly, she is just a clone of the Messenger of Carnival, Saluto!

No wonder since she took office, although the number of interstellar pirates has been greatly reduced, the number of evil sacrifices performed by the Apostles of Pleasure in various star regions near the Great Vortex has become more and more frequent!

PS: The Messenger of Carnival is a fan-made original.

The Messenger of Carnival, Saluto, is the dark horse of this Slaanesh competition.

He was originally the offspring of a great noble family on Badab.

He has a talent for psychic power and an affinity for the warp. Speaking of which, he and Chen Guo have a certain origin - he met Jack Smoak once, and it was also under the recommendation of the Smoak family that he successfully joined the Church of Pleasure.

However, unlike ordinary Slaanesh apostles, although Saluto also enjoys the ultimate pleasure, he is obviously more interested in power.

Under this psychological trend, he did not know when he started to collect high-ranking opposite sexes like collecting stamps, and he also used the power of Slaanesh to corrupt and win over the top leaders of a large area of ​​the star region and became their leader.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the first to make the Church of Joy in the star region near the Great Vortex have the strength and status it has today!

Unfortunately, it was precisely because of this that he was bewitched by a damn two-headed bird and resolutely participated in this Chaos Championship Competition in a hot-headed and confused state.

When he reacted, it was too late. Carlos only used provocation to pull out the most powerful enemy and opponent of the Church of Tzeentch.

Although Saluto is very powerful, his strength is obviously not enough in the Chaos Championship, especially in this Chaos Championship, there are many perverts.

However, the Great Demon of Slaanesh did not give up on him, but helped him to upgrade further, turning him from a handsome and elegant gentleman into such a ghost.

But this also greatly increased his ability to survive in the Chaos Championship, and he no longer had to die here casually like cannon fodder.

"Darling, be careful!"

Listening to the reminder of the toy on his chest, Saluto was on guard, and the pink mist on his body flashed, and quickly condensed into a red barrier.


A violent explosion sounded, and Barnes resolutely detonated his body and soul at the last moment of his life!

The green mist expanded rapidly, but Saluto, who had been prepared, seemed to be fine, and walked out of the mist quickly with a pink barrier flashing outside his body.

He looked at the corpse of Barnes, which had completely turned into nothingness, with some disdain. These Nurgle apostles all looked like this. They liked to use themselves as biological bombs to detonate when they disagreed.

Don't they know that the whole universe knows that they will do this?

"Darling, I'm awesome, right!"

"Awesome, awesome, I will favor you more after this!"


Saluto suddenly stopped flirting with the woman on his body, and then turned around and ran without looking back, cursing as he ran: "Rainbow! You are endless, I have said, I didn't mean it, I didn't know that they were your wife and daughter, I have returned your wife and daughter to you, what else do you want now?"

Although Saluto's words were full of apology and regret, they sounded like provocation and ridicule, and Rainbow, who was chasing behind, really heard it. Those tentacles that were originally attached to his body began to swing randomly, looking completely angry to the extreme!

"Die!" With a dull roar, Rainbow jumped high from the ground, and the big knife in his hand could not help but ripple with colorful light, and slashed towards Saluto with the force of thunder.

Saluto was shocked and regretted saying those provocative words just now, but he was indeed angry. After all, since he landed, he has been chased by Rainbow, the mad dog.

It's just that you have been cuckolded for a few months!

As for this?

Saluto muttered while running, trying to find an opportunity to get rid of him.

Suddenly, he saw a man in the middle of the sand dunes in the distance, leisurely eating barbecue around a fire!

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