Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 41 Are you... a loving father? (Please reward, please collect, please recommend, please ever

"Kill him!"


Because they are in the subspace, the scale of the portal and the quality of the demons are far from comparable to those rotten fish and shrimps encountered in the real space.

Unfortunately, the enemy they are facing at this moment is not an ordinary human, but Chen Guo who has been infused with Karsus's power.

According to the agreement between Karsus and Chen Guo, he can help Chen Guo once for free.

Of course, that is only for gods of the same level as him. If he is dealing with enemies below the gods, he will lend part of his power to Chen Guo, so that Chen Guo can have the so-called demigod power to kill the enemy himself.

This means that Chen Guo is no longer a mortal at this moment, but a demigod, which is equivalent to having the same strength as Carlos and other Chaos Demons, or even stronger than them!

This is why he can easily kill the Slaanesh Demon and cut off the arm of the Nurgle Demon!

Everyone is a demigod now, what qualifications do you have to be arrogant here?

The only pity is that except for the first use, which is free, Chen Guo needs to pay high materialization points to borrow Karthus' energy at other times, and the price is as high as hundreds of millions of materialization points.

According to the millions of materialization points on Chen Guo, it's better to just think about it!

With an axe, Chen Guo chopped down a group of Chaos Demons. Like a meat grinder that keeps running, Chen Guo crushed large groups of Chaos Demons into minced meat.

Seeing that the Chaos Demons under his command had a way to cause any substantial damage to Chen Guo, the Nurgle Demon showed his full body and rushed over again. At this moment, he had put on a set of mighty armor and held a pair of swords and shields covered with pustules and oozing thick water in his hands.

He ran over very slowly, but the unstoppable temperament rose steadily as he kept approaching, and finally reached the peak. Along the way, whether it was Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch or the Nurgle Demons under his command, as long as they did not get out of the way, they would be ruthlessly crushed by him, leaving only pieces of meat patties that kept dissipating.

Of course, Chen Guo also felt the momentum from behind him, which was like a mountain. He swung his axe again to sweep away the Chaos Demons that rushed to him one after another, and then swung his axe to chop at the Chaos Demon's body that was like a small mountain.


The deafening shock wave knocked away all the Chaos Demons that rushed around, and at the same time cleared a large area of ​​​​the ground, allowing Chen Guo and the Nurgle Demon to fight together, but this was not over yet. The Khorne Demon, who was originally the master of the fire, appeared out of nowhere, holding two daggers that looked short and sharp in his hands and stabbed Chen Guo in the back.

Sure enough, it's not that people of the same family don't get along well. How could the Chaos Demon who could choose such a wretched Chaos Apostle be an idiot who only knows how to chop and chop!

Fortunately, Chen Guo was prepared. The moment he took action, he broke away from the battle between him and the Nurgle Demon and rushed to the open space on the side.

But the chaos fight was not over. Carlos, the bastard, had never stopped casting spells. It was just that he had not dared to attack freely to prevent accidental injuries.

Now, seeing that his spells would no longer hurt Nurgle and Khorne, he waved his magic wand constantly. Various spells were like free, forming a colorful torrent of spells that fiercely smashed towards the direction where Chen Guo was fleeing.

Chen Guo was forced to not even have a chance to breathe, and could only dodge by constantly moving.

"No, these three bastards are too annoying when they unite. I have to kill one first. As long as I kill one of them, the remaining two are ripe persimmons. I can squeeze them however I want!"

After picking and choosing, Chen Guo still set his sights on the body of Nurgle. Compared with this unconventional Khorne demon and Carlos who has the ability to see into the future, this one obviously looks like a meat shield. Nurgle should be the easiest to deal with.

It is said that you must kill the tank first in a team fight.

Without the tank to attract hatred and take damage, Chen Guo had to see what the squishy assassins and squishy mages could use to stop his killing axe!

Thinking of this, Chen Guo, who had already made a decision, pounced on the Nurgle Demon again, and at the same time spit out a large number of lightning balls wrapped in blue sparks from his mouth, temporarily forcing the Khorne Demon who was following him like a shadow and always thinking about sneak attacks to one side.

Where did this weird Khorne Demon come from?

If you have the guts, just take out your weapons and fight with real swords and guns. What's the point of thinking about sneak attacks and cutting people's kidneys?

"Go to hell, mortal!"

The Nurgle Demon was really angry. Since he was promoted to the Great Unclean One, he hasn't been as angry as today for a long time.

The only thing he wants now is to kill this mortal and use his body to make a pot of delicious soup.

The long sword wrapped in green pustules, which looked like a door panel, slashed at Chen Guo's body rapidly... It was more like a smash than a slash, and the real fatal part was not the long sword, but the large green pustules wrapped around the long sword.

These ugly green pustules contained strange germs accumulated by this Great Unclean One for thousands of years.

Once infected, Chen Guo would probably be in a state worse than death.


Facing this fierce chopping, Chen Guo's eyes were full of disdain. He glared and white light shot out from his right eye. The power of the Eye of Medusa quickly condensed. Under the blessing of Karsus's power, the Eye of Medusa was also strengthened to a certain extent. Although it could not petrify the Great Unclean One immediately, it still made his movements stiff.

This gave Chen Guo an opportunity to take advantage of it. With lightning flashing all over his body, Chen Guo turned into a residual image and disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared above the head of the Great Unclean One, and at the same time, a pair of axes slashed fiercely at the sides of the Great Unclean One's fat neck from left to right.


Accompanied by two dull sounds, a deep crack was cut on the back of the Great Unclean One's neck, revealing the white spine crawling with various tiny Nurglings in his body.

Such a wound was nothing to the huge unclean one, but as the axe passed, blue flames sprang out of thin air, and the undead fire from another world began to burn the body of the unclean one quickly. The severe pain made him quickly break free from the rigidity.

A large number of pustules all over his body began to explode, and the green pus quickly sprayed on the blue undead fire. But except for making the undead fire burn more and more vigorously, there was no sign of being extinguished.


He couldn't bear it anymore, and he didn't want the sword and shield in his hand. His big hands kept slapping the burning part of his neck.

But soon, even his palms began to emit blue sparks.

Chen Guo certainly wouldn't miss this opportunity. He once again drove the damn Khorne Demon aside, and rushed up to the neck of the unclean one against Carlos's spell torrent and chopped it randomly.


Finally, with a crisp bone-cracking sound, the Great Unclean One's huge head was chopped off. The head, which was only slightly larger than the front of a truck, was quickly wrapped in blue flames. The tank among the four Chaos Demons was also gradually turned into a pile of ashes under the burning of the undead fire.

Time seemed to be still, and all the Chaos Demons were silent. If it was normal for the Slaanesh informer to be killed, then it was very abnormal for the powerful Nurgle Demon - the Great Unclean One to be killed.

Seeing Chen Guo slowly pointing the axe at himself, the Khorne Demon laughed hahaha, "...Hahaha, misunderstanding, this is all misunderstanding!"

Although he said so, his little movements did not stop. A pair of daggers covered with red mist had already touched Chen Guo's back without anyone noticing, and slowly stabbed into his lower back.

Chen Guo didn't even turn his head and directly stretched out his hand to knock away the two daggers behind him, and then rushed towards the Khorne Demon with an axe.

"What a joke!" The Khorne Demon showed a serious expression on his face, and the red mist in his hand surged, and a red meteor hammer several feet long appeared in the center of his palm.

Seeing the almost identical meteor hammer, Chen Guo remembered the Khorne apostle who was set off as a firework by him, and the movement of his hand could not help but increase a little more.


The huge force made the Khorne Demon retreat continuously. Facing this scene where he was almost suppressed, he did not feel embarrassed at all.

After all, he was not one of those fierce men who could only rush around. His position was a lurker and assassin. Being able to temporarily resist Chen Guo's strange huge force showed that he had superb fighting skills.

"Don't be afraid, I'll help you!" Carlos' various buff-type spells were quickly added to the Khorne Demon, allowing the Khorne Demon, who was almost completely at a disadvantage, to slowly regain the disadvantage.

But what Carlos didn't expect was that, as he was turning the disadvantage back little by little, the Khorne Demon didn't know what was wrong with his brain. He took the opportunity and turned into a ball of red mist and disappeared on the spot, escaping from here without any hesitation!

Not only Carlos was stunned, but even Chen Guo was stunned, but Chen Guo did not relax his vigilance, but quickly sensed the surroundings.

Really gone?

Chen Guo didn't believe it and sensed it again. This time he used the power of Karsus!

This time he saw the figure of the Khorne Demon. This guy seemed to have entered a strange dimension. At this moment, he was approaching Chen Guo's back little by little to sneak attack him!

Sure enough, this was just a trick of the Khorne Demon!

Chen Guo quickly dodged to the side, dodging the pair of palms that stretched out from different dimensions, and Chen Guo's big arms chopped down his double axes fiercely.



The miserable howl was accompanied by the palm and dagger falling to the ground. This time, the Khorne Demon really left, fleeing like a stray dog.

For a moment, in the star port, two of the four demons died, one ran away, and only Carlos, the two-headed flat-haired beast, was left struggling to support.

Oh, and there are these Chaos Demons around.

But... what's the use of these cannon fodders?

Carlos suddenly tapped his staff, and the Chaos Demons around him began to disappear one after another.

Soon, in the huge hall, only Chen Guo and Carlos were left looking at each other.

Oh, Carlos is blind, and Chen Guo is looking at him unilaterally.

"Why, do you want to make peace with me?"

"Make peace? Hehe!" Carlos suddenly laughed, and laughed louder and louder, while bending down, "I won, hahahahaha!"

Looking at his crazy appearance, Chen Guo was a little confused.

"Hehehe, I'm not crazy, Chen Guo... There is a being who wants to talk to you, I'll take you there." Carlos touched the ground again, and the huge space force quickly surrounded Chen Guo's voice, trying to teleport him away.

Chen Guo frowned, and the undead power from Karsus on his body rippled, and all the space power around him was dispelled.

But the next second, all the power in his body, the power from Karsus, was suddenly taken back, and at the same time, Karsus' voice also came into his ears, "That... It's overtime, this time it's free, so don't charge, remember to calculate the time next time!"

Feeling the rapid fading of power, Chen Guo's face suddenly darkened.

"Karsas, I ****..."

Almost at the same time, the space forces that Chen Guo had dispersed quickly gathered around him again, without giving him time to react. Carlos took him and disappeared into the star port with his laughter.

Chen Guo tried hard to open his eyes, wanting to see everything outside clearly.

But all he saw were colorful spots flying past his eyes, and after just a short while, he felt his eyes start to bleed and sting constantly, so he could only close his eyes again and wait for the end of the transmission.

After about a few hours, Chen Guo, who had been counting silently, finally felt the existence of gravity again, and fell heavily into the pool!


He opened his eyes, and in addition to the clear pool water, all he saw were green ancient trees and a huge pot standing tall in the distant sky!

Chen Guo had never seen such a big pot before!

"Oh, welcome, welcome!"

Just as he was about to observe the surrounding situation, a friendly voice suddenly came into Chen Guo's ears, "My child, you must be tired from the journey. I asked Aisha to make soup and some delicious snacks. Come up and have some!"

Chen Guo looked at the source of the voice.

It was a tall old man with thick black hair and beard, and a kind and benevolent face, just like an old man next door.

As soon as Chen Guo saw him, he felt an inexplicable sense of closeness.

The only pity was that in the middle of his decent robe, there was a big mouth full of sharp teeth.

This big mouth not only destroyed his friendly image, but also made him look scary.

"Oh, oh, oh, sorry, I was a little anxious just now, and the belt was not tied properly!" The old man smiled embarrassedly, and at the same time stretched out his hand to tie up his loosened robe, "Is it scary? Come, I'll pull you up!"

"Are you... a kind father?"

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