Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 43 Returning Home (Please give me a reward, please give me everything.)

"Goodbye, kid, good luck."

"Goodbye, sir!"

The huge force of space quickly surrounded him, and Chen Guo felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then his feet suddenly became empty.

With the previous experience, Chen Guo immediately closed his eyes, but in the next second, his feet had already touched the ground, and at the same time he could sense that there were suddenly many more people around him.

Opening his eyes, Chen Guo looked at the eyes and gun muzzles around him, and finally figured out that he was back on the cruiser.

"Master?" The demons looked at the man wrapped in black creeping armor in front of them with some uncertainty, and asked tentatively.

"It's me!" The armor on his body twisted, and Chen Guo's face appeared in everyone's sight.

The demons immediately put down their guns, but the wandering Astartes led by Lu Duoyiner did not put down their weapons.

As Astartes who had fought and fought side by side with Chaos Demons, they knew all the tricks of these Chaos Demons and were more familiar with the impressive Chaos Aura.

Therefore, they now had reason to suspect that Chen Guo at this moment was just a Chaos Demon who was good at disguise!

Chen Guo glanced at them and silently took out two big axes.

Looking at these two iconic big axes, the Astartes finally believed that this was Chen Guo, and under the command of Lu Duoyiner, they all put down their guns.

"Boss...what happened?"

Seeing that they still had a skeptical expression, Chen Guo did not want to explain more.

He shook his body quickly, and the black armor quickly dissipated until it finally turned into a copper-yellow ring on his index finger.

"Okay, don't be stunned, go back to your respective posts, we have wasted too much time, now return at full speed!"


The demons quickly returned to their respective posts and started working.

The Astartes also went to their respective posts under the command of Lu Duoyin.

After everyone started to work, Lu Duoyin walked to Chen Guo and continued to ask the questions he had just asked, "What happened? I can feel that I lost a whole section of memory!"

Chen Guo shook his head, "You didn't lose your memory, you lost time!"

"Time?" Lu Duoyin was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand what Chen Guo meant by this sentence, but he was not a fool, and quickly reacted, "You mean, I feel that a short period of time has passed, but in fact, a long period of time has passed!"

"You can understand it any way you want.

Don't look at me with such eyes, I am still me, I have not fallen into chaos, I just made a deal."

Chen Guo stroked the ring on his finger, his heart was very complicated.

Unexpectedly, after hiding for thousands of times, he was finally involved with the four evil gods.

However, in the face-to-face contact with the kind father, the overall feeling is quite good. The kind father really looks like an old man next door.

He is amiable and nagging at the same time.

As for whether the kind and gentle side is deliberately disguised... Chen Guo personally thinks that it should be the true face of the kind father.

After all, the gap between him and himself is still shockingly large. There is no need for such a powerful existence to pretend another face in front of him.

The lion will disguise himself in front of the fierce tiger because it knows that it may not be able to beat the fierce tiger.

But, when have you ever seen a lion be gentle to a lone hunting dog?

Even the gentlest lion will not do that. If you want to ask why, it is unnecessary!

However, I don’t know if it’s because these gods have a big appetite. For such a set of broken fungus armor, Chen Guo actually has to sacrifice ten colonized planets to Nurgle in the real world to complete the price requirements with Nurgle.

Fortunately, there is nothing in the Warhammer world, but the colonized planets full of people are the most!

In addition, even if Chen Guo is now able to sacrifice ten planets in reality, he will not sacrifice them immediately.

Because he now needs a backer in this universe, not someone like Karsus who is obsessed with materialization points.

And Nurgle, Chen Guo's angel investor, is his backer to some extent.

However, after having Nurgle as a backer, he accidentally established an enemy, the mother goddess of the Eldar, Lady Aisha.

From the words of Lord Nurgle, Chen Guo can basically be sure that after he killed Angron and was determined to kill Slaanesh, he directly replaced Angron's position and became the demon in the Eldar prophecy that will destroy the Eldar!

This means that from today, Chen Guo will become the enemy of all Eldars and will face their endless hatred and hostility - this is really a speechless race, relying on the instructions of the charlatan to attract cats and dogs all day long, making enemies everywhere, and still thinks that what they are doing is right.

However, Chen Guo hopes that they will take the initiative to find him.

After all, the Eldar are scattered throughout the galaxy, and are even hiding in some strange Webway dimensions. If Chen Guo were to find and kill them one by one, who knows how long it would take to destroy them all.

So it is better to let them come to find me, so that there will be a lot of things.

After three or four Terra days, the cruiser, which did not encounter any subspace storms along the way, returned to the real world smoothly with the shaking of the subspace engine and entered the empty Licmons galaxy.

If it flies at a normal speed.

Even if it flies in the subspace, it is estimated that it will take more than 20 days for the cruiser to return to the Licmons star region smoothly.

After all, the subspace storms along the way are not a joke. If you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and people will die, or you will be directly swept into the subspace storm and lost in it for hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of years!

But as the saying goes, it is easier to do things with someone above you.

Since having Nurgle as a backer, Chen Guo no longer needs to avoid any subspace storms, but the subspace storms avoid them.

The cruiser almost stepped on the accelerator and never stopped, and rushed back to the subspace position of the Licmons galaxy.

This speed not only made up for the time wasted before, but also was nearly a month faster than the previously planned date!

So much so that when the Demon Face Fleet patrolling in the Licmons galaxy saw that it was their master's cruiser flying back, they all showed unbelievable expressions and quickly surrounded the cruiser.

Until the captains confirmed it several times and heard the notice of lifting the warning from the star port, they dispersed from the cruiser and continued to be on guard in the galaxy.

It's no wonder that they are so serious and cautious. Although they didn't understand it at first, Chen Guo later learned from Des that not long after he left, a group of alien pirate fleets flying from outside the domain raided Licmons.

The firepower of that group of alien pirates was very strong, and they came fiercely, as if they had planned it in advance. As soon as they came in, they directly destroyed many secret defense turrets arranged in the galaxy and launched a boarding battle towards the star port.

Fortunately, Des had a battleship like the Death Ray, and with its huge density advantage, he killed the pirates' flagship with a fierce charge, and then drove all the pirates out.

If he only relied on the cruisers and frigates that took off slowly from the starport, let alone driving away the pirates, it would be hard to say whether he could save his life!

But although these alien pirate fleets withdrew from Licomons, they did not run far away, but hid outside, and came in from time to time to attack and interfere... It was very similar to the nomadic tribes wandering on the grassland.

Because Des was afraid of being tricked, he did not dare to gather the fleet to encircle and suppress. He just formed a large linkage security network covering the entire galaxy with the ships in his hands, temporarily maintaining the safety of the galaxy, and no longer worried about being attacked directly.

The cruiser landed on the starport, and Chen Guo took Alice and Leopold, who were released again, down the transport ship.

As for the other Astartes and demons on the cruiser, they were temporarily prohibited from disembarking.

The reason was that Chen Guo was worried that Carlos, that bastard, would do something to these crew members.

In order to prevent any unexpected situations, they had to undergo the most stringent inspection before they were allowed to disembark.

The twins standing on the deck waiting for their husbands to return wanted to rush up and hug Chen Guo, but when they saw the Slaanesh apostle whose form had changed drastically but whose face was extremely familiar, they were stunned again.

Although they were not twins in the true sense, their unbelievable expressions were almost exactly the same, which made Chen Guo laugh, but he didn't laugh because of the slightly heavy scene.


Hearing the familiar cry, the mothers who had been suppressing their emotions could no longer hold back, and they stepped forward and hugged their daughters, and their tears began to flow down uncontrollably, which made Chen Guo almost want to cry.

"Hmm, why do you smell wrong?" Linda appeared out of nowhere and began to look up and down at Chen Guo.

Soon, she set her sights on the ring on Chen Guo's hand.

She wanted to reach out and touch it, but Chen Guo easily dodged it.

"Don't touch it, I haven't had time to fully master it yet. When I fully master it, I will let you study it slowly!"

"What is this?" Linda's curiosity was immediately seduced, and her palm was very cheap just wanting to touch the ring.

Rolling his eyes, Chen Guo grabbed Linda and turned around and walked into the star port.

The warmth of the four mothers and daughters is estimated to continue for a while. Taking advantage of this time, he can just vent some of the anger that has accumulated in the past few days.

Half of Terra is later.

When Soni supported Solan, whose belly was slightly bulging, into the room, Chen Guo was holding Linda and telling the story of these days.

Looking at the two guys who had finished cheating, Solan and Soni looked at each other speechlessly, and climbed onto the bed together, lying in Chen Guo's arms and listening to the story.

After listening to Chen Guo's explanation, Linda became more interested in the ring, and insisted that Chen Guo get some Wanling fungus for her to study.

Because she had not yet fully mastered this set of armor, Chen Guo ignored Linda's unreasonable troubles, but chose to change the topic and asked about the progress of the Likmons Forge World in recent days.

"no progress!"

"No progress? How is that possible? I have been away for several months, how is it possible that there is no progress at all?"

"Oh, there are no craftsmen, no tools, no machine tools, no equipment, no blueprints... In addition, even some of the scarce resources of Lyquemons cannot be brought in because of the constant harassment of those damn pirates. How can the Forging World Something strange has happened if there is progress!”

"Pirates... what kind of pirates!" Chen Guo frowned slightly.

But before he could get a reply, the star port's alarm sounded.

"That's it. It's here again. It's the seventy-eighth time. It seems that this group of pirates has completely come to blows with us!" Linda's tone was full of helplessness.

These days, it was because of these damn pirates that she couldn't even continue the experiment. What was even more annoying was that once these pirates discovered that a large number of fleets were coming, they immediately turned around and fled without hesitation.

He's so cunning and ruthless that he can't be caught at all!

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