Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 105 Four-Winged Angel

The little girl who was persuaded by the painter to rest fell asleep peacefully. The two gene seeds gave her an efficient control over her body. As long as she wanted to sleep, she could fall asleep immediately, but at the same time, she maintained a special state of vigilance to her surroundings. .

The moment she closed her eyes, she opened them immediately - she felt that the surrounding environment seemed to have changed.

After opening her eyes, she began to wonder if she was dreaming.

For she was not in an underground cave, but in a vast pale chamber.

There is a sacred atmosphere here, with pale decorations all over it.

She couldn't help but look around here, amazed that there was such a thing in the world...

Well, she was still a child and her vocabulary really wasn't enough, she couldn't describe it.

After spinning around for several times, she shook her four little ears and started calling.

"anyone there?"

No one responded.

In the shadow of the dome of the temple, the Assassin's disciples covered their faces with their hands, because their master lacked great virtue at this moment.

Ever since this little girl with four ears appeared, her god had transformed into a child, following people around and moving wherever they moved.

Rasta has been pretending to be the little girl's shadow for a long time, and he is playing a very new kind of hide-and-seek.

The little girl wandered around for a long time, and finally came to the middle of the temple to reach for the apples on the table.

There are four apples on it. Regardless of whether this is a dream or not, good children who cherish food want to take them back.

There is one mother, Fumin, who just gave birth not long ago.

The patriarch is the grandfather. He often has to remove mutated and hyperplastic tissue, which requires a lot of energy.

Uncle Kelly, because Uncle Kelly buried the little girl's father.

She really wanted to leave one for God, but unfortunately, the tribe leader did not allow the tribe's people to approach the angel without authorization.

The last one, divided into four pieces, is for the children who cannot speak yet.

She had a great idea, but unfortunately she was not tall enough to reach the four apples.

This made the assassin disciples in the shadow of the dome look anxious.

Fortunately, the pale god reached out his hand from the little girl's head and gave her the apple.


The polite thief suddenly realized that he had been caught red-handed.

She turned around sharply and kept apologizing.

"Well, you apologize, right? What do you want to compensate for? Delicious child!"

Guangyu, who appeared as a god, tried to use his tall image to scare the little girl who stole the apple without thinking of herself.

The other party would never have seen him, so she prayed that he could go back to the scene ten thousand years ago, which was the first time Rasta and the other party met.

But now everything has changed.

The four little ears twitched, and the little girl looked at Rasta blankly.

"Hey, hey, are you scared to death by the powerful, evil and terrifying me?"

Light desire puts his paws on his hips.

Unexpectedly, the virgins who came as tribute were not afraid of the King of Inspiration at all.

She has an extremely strange brain circuit.

The god of Rasta is taller than Sanguinius. In her opinion, this is a god. As for why it looks so strange, it is probably because...

"Are you a mutant god?"


Guangyu felt aggrieved immediately.

The Assassin disciple in the shadow of the dome began to feel that the little girl was not so cute, and she wanted to come down and give her two slaps on the butt.

"No! I'm here to steal apples too, let's divide the spoils, and then run away together!"

Rasta was extremely unruly. He tried to look around like a thief, but it looked like a god looking around his territory majestically.

"Is...is that so? Then, should I divide you into two, or three?"

The little girl was successfully fooled.

"Yes! That's right! I've already stolen a lot, you don't have to divide it up with me, I'll divide it up later! Let's run away, people will come later!"

Guangyu picked up the little girl and rushed directly outside the temple.

The little girl couldn't help but pray.

Sanguinius, forgive me! Your little disciple is stealing!

The pale god flew out in the night, and immediately the entire City of Origin began to kneel down and worship the patrolling god, praising Him.

The little girl huddled in the arms of the Lord of Lights and did not see this scene. She thought that there were so many people chasing after such a huge momentum.

Rasta took her around the City of Origin, and finally came to the sea of ​​clouds.

Distorting reality and solidifying a cloud in the sky, Light wants to put the child in her arms on the cloud.

The soft and elastic clouds perfectly match the children's imagination.

It's not cold here, after all, the Sixth Evil God is watching over it.

The bizarre and magical experience made the Daughter of Sanguinius think that this must be a dream.

She couldn't help but feel a little regretful, because next time she dreamed, she might not see this pale thief.

"Scowling face, if there's something wrong, tell me."

The Zhixin Evil God lay on the clouds, took out a box of macarons and handed it to the other party.

The little girl took a bite of the pink distant relative of the Imperial Prime Minister, and then said slightly bitter words in the sweetness on the tip of her tongue.

"Are my ears ugly?"

She was a precocious child, so of course she could tell that the God of Painting was trying to comfort her by saying her ears were cute.

Mutants have a scar in their hearts, which is where they mutate and are different from ordinary people.

People who dislike them will use this as an excuse to exclude and ridicule them, and even if they don't dislike them, their attitude is not much better. Those people will think it's nothing. Mutants themselves care about their mutated body tissues and they are making a fuss.

Both attitudes do mutants a disservice.

Rasta is obviously much more powerful than Nusgreen, and he is a competent evil god.

"Then let me ask you, what is the difference between mutations?"

Guang Yu grabbed a piece of solidified cloud, shaped it into a halo, and placed it on the little girl's head.

"Of course, it is different from the common characteristics of most people..."

The little girl felt a little sad when she said this.

"The most special one in your tribe, or the one you respect the most, is there something different about him from others?"

Rasta guided the little girl and asked her to think of the Archangel.


The little girl felt that the God of Angels was so perfect and impeccable.

"Didn't he have an extra pair of wings? That's what makes him different."

Rasta stretched out his fingers, and light gushed out from his fingertips, pouring into the halo above the little girl's head.

The fairy tale version of the Astartes transformation surgery, Light Desire, was going on, painlessly.

"But aren't those wings a symbol of God?"

The little girl felt that this statement was a bit offensive to her own god, the god of angels!

"So, you think those wings are not a mutation, but a sacred symbol."

Raste looked around, then slightly adjusted the angle of the halo. Finally, he picked up the opponent's hand and began to inject the power of light desire, while at the same time activating the power of the Sanguinius gene seeds in the opponent's body.

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded repeatedly.

"Na na na! It's great that he only has one pair of wings, but you have two pairs!"

After Guang Yu completed the transformation surgery and added the blessing, he touched the other person's ear before retracting his hand.

"I...I don't have wings."

The little girl turned her head in confusion. For some reason, she felt that the top of her head was particularly bright, but she couldn't see it. However, she touched her back and found that there were indeed no wings.

"Your wings are in my hand."

Rasta explained to her.

The dull little girl suddenly turned red.

She tried to retort: ​​"These are ears, not wings!"

"But I heard a god say, these are wings!"

"Where is that God?"

"He is a bit far away from here. You need to go around the world from your direction to find it."

Guangyu retracted his hand and stopped touching those little ears.

"So? These are really wings?"

"No, you are a four-winged angel!"

At the request of readers, I will add two more chapters. As for tomorrow, there will be about six chapters tomorrow.

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