Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 123 Titan of Slaanesh

"She will definitely not take your place. She doesn't like fighting. She prefers blacksmithing and sleeping!"

What Rasta said was true.

The Mother of the Fire Dragon usually huddles underground in the Holy City. Her consciousness will be divided into countless parts and enter the bodies of all the daughters of the Fire Dragon to guide them. This can also make the Mother of the Fire Dragon less boring and even full of energy while her life remains eternal. Wonderful.

She will feel the sadness, anger and joy of every little dragon girl, and will also gain a sense of accomplishment with them.

The one who wants to steal your position as war commander is the big cat from the First Legion!

Light Desire had no intention of adding anxiety to Horus.

He walked through the gate of ashes.

Horus and Loken followed.

The world behind the door is called Rooniken.

Pink and purple vegetation covers every inch of Roonican, the planet's defense mechanism.

The Roonican aliens cultivate these flowers of joy to corrupt any incoming foe.

In the original timeline, after the Expedition was unable to attack for a long time, the Emperor personally launched the Extermination Order to wipe out all life on the planet.

Daemons of Slaanesh possess a corrosive sweetness that corrodes the brains of intelligent beings, damaging nerves and even souls.

After mortals smell this smell, they will be so attracted to the demons of Slaanesh that they give up resistance, and then the demons of Slaanesh will use the evil on their prey.

Even if a mortal who smells the smell manages to survive on the battlefield, he will be poisoned by the poison for a lifetime and produce various symptoms.

For example, he indulges himself, is addicted to gambling, drinks alcohol, bullies others, and even feels itchy and scratches every inch of his skin.

The poison brought by the demons of Slaanesh is different for everyone and varies from person to person.

These flowers of joy are more terrifying than the corruption in the demons of Slaanesh.

The moment Rasta stepped out of the Ashes Gate, all the vegetation under his feet began to quickly burn to ashes.

The divinity of Horus and Loken who had absorbed the "potato chips" completely ignored this childishness.

The pink smoke produced by burning Delight is a hundred times stronger than the smell of Delight itself.

But where Rasta stepped, the flowers of joy had no chance to burn and could only turn into pale ashes.

Everything in the world will reach its only end in front of Him.

The Roonican aliens had a roughly human form before being corrupted by the Prince of Joy, otherwise they would not have been able to develop a powerful civilization.

After being corrupted, the Roonican aliens mobilized all civilization to build the Temple of Joy on the highest peak in the world.

Afterwards, they destroyed their own civilization, burned all technological products to the ground, and planted flowers of joy that grew wildly all over the world.

This plant directly destroys the brains of all Roonicon xenomorphs, turning them into giant flesh-colored slugs.

They feed on the flowers of joy, which even dye the ocean pink, where they act as seaweed.

Seen from space, this planet is beautiful, a dreamy pink planet.

But just like the purpose of Slaanesh, it attracts people with its so-called beauty and perfection. When I opened it, I found that it was the most disgusting rot!

The demonic armies of Slaanesh are responsible for guarding these Roonican aliens. They will do various things with these androgynous aliens, and even use them as food, sucking out the power of pleasure that erodes in their bodies.

Slaanesh's ranch received many uninvited guests today.

The first to arrive was the stitched secondary god Ibosas who wanted to fight for the "most powerful Lord of Joy".

The moment it arrived in this world, it triggered the planet's protective mechanism.

Countless pollen from the flowers of joy poured into its mouth and nose, trying to corrupt it.

Ibosas certainly would not be corrupted by such power.

It's just too empty, its thirst for the power of pleasure endless.

So it stood there and accepted the power of pleasure to fill the big hole in its heart.

After discovering that Ibosas couldn't be fed at all, a large number of Roonican aliens surrounded it.

"Humble maggot!"

Ibosas pulled out his spine and faced the world with a grin.

It felt the power of joy that far exceeded the sum of the previous five joy temple worlds.

Slaanesh is stocking up on food and I am stocking up on guns! Slaanesh Ranch, my granary!

Once the abyss of gambling, Slaanesh's great son, after a roar, the huge spine sword in his hand was thrust straight into the ground.

Ellores's spine conveyed to it endless joy.

The moment this sword penetrated the earth, it began to drain every ounce of power from the flower of joy in the entire world.

Whether it is mountains, plains, rock crevices or oceans, all the flowers of joy are withering.

The Roonicen addicts, unable to live without the flower of joy, neighed miserably.

The one closest to Ibosas had already pounced on him.

These mobile rations of Slaanesh's demon army cannot get close to Ibosas and will be decomposed.

Ibosas dragged its spine and giant sword, slowly, slowly towards the highest peak that reached into the sky.

Wherever it passes, the flower of joy withers, and the Roonican alien naturally decomposes into a stream of pink and purple light.

This is an extremely gorgeous scene.

It became the center of the infinite pink-purple light stream, and the fluctuations emitted by its giant sword shook the air.

"It's quite enjoyable."

Horus and Rasta were sitting on a high cliff.

The Internet cafe owner took out the tablecloth and spread it on the floor. He also took out drinks and food, and started a picnic for all the Internet cafe members.

To the Primarchs and Captains of the Astartes of the Imperium of Man, there was no more pleasing sight than the burning of the Pastures of Slaanesh.

What is beautiful scenery? This is called beautiful scenery.

The demon army of Slaanesh was first frightened by Ibosas' aura that was obviously that of a god. Then, they twisted their bodies and rushed towards the abyss of gambling in their most accustomed fighting posture.

The ants' mantises blocking the car were not taken seriously by Ibosas at all.

Its hand left the spine giant sword, and then spread it out. It first looked at the sky, and then looked straight ahead.

It clasped its hands together and slapped it.

The pure power generated a shock wave that even flew away the soil. The secondary god walking in the world and absorbing the five joy temples became inhumanly powerful.

A large number of Slaanesh Daemons were sent directly back to Chaos by this slap.

After all, Slaanesh was reluctant to commit his chief demon to this battle.

But He used something else.

For example, the Eldar Titan!

When the Eldar Empire was destroyed at his birth, many Eldar weapons were left on various planets.

There are six elegant white titans in Rooniken that look graceful and in line with the artistic aesthetics of the Eldar.

Now, these titans are covered with pink flesh tentacles, and it is difficult to tell what shape the Slaanesh demons are controlling these titans to attack the lesser gods.

"Humble mortals! Your machines cannot fight against gods!"

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