Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 13 Lord of Lights

In the morning in Liting, the Governor's Mansion was very busy.

The matter of Li Ting's independence has been passed down.

The Astra Militarum garrisoned in the Reiden almost rioted at first, seeing this as a betrayal of the Empire.

Until the material providers of the Emperor's Glory stepped forward and temporarily calmed the turmoil.

As a legend that intensifies on the battlefields of the Great Expedition, the voices of material providers are the greatest testimony.

Various cities in the hive capital began to shut down, and at the same time, the civilians felt at a loss.

At this time, one of Li Ting's flaws became apparent.

The upper floors and spiers of Liting are not actually filled with people like other hive worlds.

The high-pressure rule of the hive world often relies on the consciousness of civilians.

When Rasta reshaped Akami into Liting, he did not resurrect many nobles and officials.

The forty-four disciples did not like to take on many heavy responsibilities. Instead, they wanted to find anything to do in the Lord’s city.

Duoan's guards and the army of the Forty-Four Disciples acted as managers of various cities in Liting, but they obviously did not have enough manpower.

When civilians asked to return to the arms of the Emperor, the administrators did not suppress them forcefully.

In the past twenty-six years, they have preached to those who deserve to be brought under the glory of the Lord. Since they have chosen to leave the rest, no one is willing to force them to stay.

"A company of Luna Wolves will come to Liting later. Don't break out into conflict with them. They will be responsible for notifying the surrounding world and sending civilians to other worlds through large transport ships."

Rasta guided Loken to come, of course he knew where he was.

Even Guang Yu knew that the governor of Naixing would bring him a great gift from Tzeentch.

There was no way around it. The material provider and the Tenth Company of the Luna Wolves were too close to Salic and his purple box. Through these connections, it was difficult for Rasta to figure it out.

Tzeentch obviously didn't have much malice. This god of fun might be up to something. He deliberately let Rasta discover his "gift" and had great expectations for it.

how to say? Greetings between evil gods?

Rasta did not let down his guard. When the gift arrived, he would set up heavy defenses and be prepared before opening something that was definitely not right.

"Aren't you angry? You gave them a second life, but they still..."

There were disciples standing by who were complaining about their Lord.

"It doesn't matter, they are not light chasers anyway, I don't care about them."

Rasta's coldness and ruthlessness are reflected here. His love is only for those who can come to him in some way, and he doesn't care about the rest.

That's why the Emperor is wary of him.

A train is about to enter a bifurcated track. There are more people on the left and fewer people on the right. The Emperor will choose to save the side with more people.

Rasta will always choose the side he thinks should be saved.

Speaking of the emperor's caution, Guangyu pursed his lips and became indignant.

"Speaking of which, I'm quite angry about something."

The disciple next to him immediately wanted to solve the problem and came forward.

Before they could speak, Guang Yu continued speaking.

"When I went to see the emperor one time, he said that because I had paid so much, he allowed me to ask for something. Otherwise, I would always feel that something was wrong while watching the evil god pay unilaterally, and I would lose more in the future."

"So, my lord, what do you ask for?"

The sweet sound of the anklets was heard, and Doan strode in. She had already compiled a part of the migration list, and calculated which nearby worlds should accept these imperial civilians who chose to leave Liting on their own.

At this point, Rastke became energetic.

"I asked him if he could upgrade the ceramic steel of the Ninth Legion, the Luna Wolves, or the War Dogs. He was stunned for three seconds, and then rejected me! He rejected me without any room for negotiation!"

"Isn't it a good thing to upgrade your power armor? What upgrade are you talking about?"

“Change the coating on the ceramite to pink.”


For some reason, the disciples present suddenly understood the reason why the Emperor rejected his own evil god without even thinking about it.

The scene of the Ninth Legion, War Dogs and Luna Wolves wearing pink power armor charging on the battlefield...

A little too beautiful for them to even imagine.

Guangyu was still pointing at the emperor excitedly.

"I was so angry at the time! I sneaked over there in the middle of the night, thinking that even if I couldn't paint the other legions pink, I still had to paint the Emperor's power armor pink.

After meowing, when I finished applying it, the Emperor came out with a sneer, "Good guy, the one lying on the bed holding back his smile while I applied it for a long time is an Imperial Guard." "


The disciples knew very well that this was something that lust could do.

Raste also recognized the Imperial Guard painted on it at that time. It was a consolation prize given by the Emperor to Raste, and Raste used the steps to get down.

Painting the Custodes pink would be nice, but painting the Emperor would be unrealistic.

It's a pity that the masterpiece "The Emperor's Pink Angel" still never came out.

"Master, the specific list and arrangements for the relocation will be completed tomorrow morning at the latest. The transformation of the hive city..."

Doan was a little helpless about the wild death land outside the hive world.

"Leave that part to me."

To change the ecosystem in a short period of time, Rasta felt that he had to take action himself.

But he was amazed at how efficiently the forty-four disciples and their army got things done.

The population of Liting Nest City is so large, and the migration list is processed so quickly?

"You did a good job."

Facing Rasta's affirmation, Doan's guard felt a great sense of satisfaction in his heart.

As a loyal believer in light desire, her inner thoughts could not escape the eyes of her soul owner.

The Forty-Four Disciples have had various preparation plans for a long time. The preparations for the relocation started early, and now they are just beginning to be implemented.

"About 129 material providers will come to us for employment due to the recruitment notice, and some will bring their families with them. Try to make arrangements as much as possible."

Rasta regarded his evil whisper as a sincere declaration of employment conditions and benefits.

This made Doan a little jealous. Twenty-six years ago, she was still a little uneasy when she first heard the whisper of an evil god. Later, she could sleep peacefully only after listening to this whisper.

For the next twenty-six years, she was extremely devout to the Lord in her dreams, and her words were all prayers. Occasionally, she had a blasphemous possessive desire for the Lord, which she quickly suppressed.

Guangyu walked up to the governor and touched her head.

"Thanks a lot."

Then he led his disciples to the council chamber at the top of the tower.

The people on the road were all his followers, and the civilians who wanted to return to the empire did not experience any obstruction. They were placed in centralized areas, waiting for the arrival of transport ships carrying material providers from other worlds.

The material providers who arrive and the civilians who leave have one-way tickets.

Wherever Guang Yu went, believers knelt down on one knee.

The mission of Osiris, the first disciple, was very successful, and the army he brought with him was the spark for him to spread his faith.

They will declare this to everyone who has the potential to be a light chaser:

"Please allow me to introduce you to the great Lord, the great being who gives you, me and even the entire Court of Dawn a second life!

He is the Lord of Lights, the Originator of Material Providers..."

Everything in the long story that follows is true, but it’s also a bit bluffing.

Among the forty-four disciples, the one who was good at negotiating stayed in the conference hall, and the Assassin disciples followed Rasta into the room behind the conference hall.

The Sixth Evil God directly took out a stove and started to stew sweet potatoes. At the same time, he took out a large pot of salted quail eggs, with a large amount of mashed potatoes next to it, and finally a large amount of grapefruit.

Then he began to think of some of the foods that all the Luna Wolves 10th Company liked, but also some that they particularly liked.

"Well, Kari likes to chew hawthorn preserved fruits, Mu En has a special liking for wild vegetables with a bitter taste, and that guy Luoken likes fried chicken, but he just pretends not to like it..."

The entire lounge was quickly filled with food and some drinks.

"this is for you!"

Lust interrupted the Assassin's disciples' enjoyment of being alone with the Lord, and He handed the disciples a piece of persimmon.

The Assassin disciple hurriedly took the persimmon cake. After his head was touched again, he felt that his Assassin training was not up to standard.

"Okay, just wait here for them to come."

Guang Yu raised his finger and moved the warships in the subspace, using a favorable wind to accelerate them to Li Ting.

He is an impatient God.

in subspace.

"Company Commander, we're here."

Loken on the bridge frowned when he received the report.

Logically speaking, sailing across star regions, even in subspace, is not that fast unless...

They were accelerated by some force.

After adjusting the subspace engine, the two battleships rushed out of the subspace together and came to Li Ting's outer space.

Loken saw the hive world through the battleship's observation window.

A desolate and lonely world.

The center of the world is a huge mountain of man-made buildings made up of thousands of cities, occupying all the world's landscape.

"Initiate a request to Li Ting to settle in."

The moment Loken gave the order, six more subspace vortexes appeared, and then six large transport ships rushed out of space and stayed in the distance.

This made the Luna Wolves, who had become instinctive to fight, alert. Fortunately, they quickly exchanged information with their opponents.

There are material providers in those battleships.

With all kinds of doubts, the Shadow Moon Wolves came to this hive world after leaving some people behind.

The moment they arrived, the Astra Militarum troops stationed in Liting finally felt at ease. They were really afraid that Liting's independence would be a real rebellion.

Loken affirmed the courage of the Astra Militarum and confirmed that Liting's independence was recognized by the Empire.

During this period, the loyalists of the Blue Emperor have been urging him to quickly go to see the governor of this planet, asking the planet to immediately sign a peace agreement and at the same time make a deeper surrender to the empire.

Salic has been completely abandoned by wisdom. At this moment, he is almost dizzy, and his thinking is getting more and more laborious.

The first person to greet Loken was Hain.

Standing in front of the Astartes wearing power armor, his height of two meters and three meters was no less impressive.

An Astartes recognized Hain's identity.

"this way please!"

Haine leads the way for Loken.

Salic, who was ignored, wanted to explode, but when he was watched by the followers of light who welcomed him, he felt guilty for some reason.

As Loken walked, he evaluated the strength of these welcoming groups.

In the end, he came to a result that he didn't want to admit - the 10th Company may not be able to defeat these people.

Hayne quickly handed over the guests to Osiris.

Loken stared at Osiris for a long time, feeling that this person looked a bit familiar.

"The person you have met should be my brother. He often releases some tasks in various legions. He wants to find the human technological products of the golden age, and... me!"

The answer Osiris gave to Loken allowed Loken to recognize the identity of the bishop of the Mechanicus.

As the truth approached, Loken felt that he still didn't know enough about the familiar material provider.

When he entered the council chamber and saw the disciples, he began to wonder if he had arrived in Terra.

Sister Silence, Lucifer's Black Guard, plus the former Bishop of the Mechanicum of Mars and the Thunder Warriors he had seen before, as well as more beings whose identities he could not recognize.

Governor Duoan was sitting in the main seat, she said.

"Please come up with the peace agreement and sign it early. The great Lord of Lights has been waiting for you for a long time."

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