Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 140 The Demonic Army of Light and Desire

The Sons of the Phoenix are the only Legion of Astartes whose entire staff knows the truth about the Warp.

At this time in the original timeline, this legion could not even form a complete squad of 100 Space Marines.

There were indeed hundreds of them, but after Fulgrim returned, there were less than a hundred left.

But what is the standard configuration of a squad?

Not to mention other units, the Sons of the Phoenix in the original timeline no longer even have the most basic professional scout team, pharmacists and technical sergeants.

The gene seed recovery efficiency is close to zero!

Twenty-five years ago and nine months ago, Rasta met these Sons of the Phoenix who regarded glory as everything.

They initially did not identify with the child who claimed to also be from Holy Terra.

Yes, in their eyes, the young Rasta is just a child.

If the other legions were frantically besieged by the demon army, it was because of the arrival of Rasta.

Then the annihilation of the Legion that the Sons of the Phoenix encountered was already destined.

But the lust of light still saved them. At first, the evil god's idea was to use these as bargaining chips to blackmail Fulgrim into changing his bad habits, getting rid of his obsessive-compulsive disorder, and curing his genetic defects.

As a result, as time passed, Rasta was unable to use these people as bargaining chips.

Many of the Terran nobles in the original timeline disappeared in the long river of history due to the sharp decline in the Sons of the Phoenix. The Astartes they sent to the battlefield were the last bloodline of the family.

The core purpose of their education is glory.

This is given by the family, given by Terra, given by the Emperor.

But light desire gives something different, something beyond this.

Maybe one or two apparitions are nothing.

But ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times...

When so many years have passed, the concept of God in the minds of the Sons of Phoenix has become their own material provider.

The lives of the four thousand four hundred and forty-four Third Legion Astartes were obtained by the incarnations of light desire being transformed into plasma time and time again.

They have a fatal flaw - they regard sacrifice as an honor.

Therefore, when they refused Rasta to join the army again, they were silenced by the Lord of Lights.

"Isn't sacrifice an honor? Are you blaspheming my glory?"

Rasta practiced it personally and finally taught them what meaningless sacrifice is.

There are too many such examples in the past years.

Finally, one day, they, who had been completely corrupted by lust for light, swore allegiance to this evil lord.

Light Desire also told them many secrets about the Empire, the Warp, and possible enemies from beyond the galaxy.

Believing in Light Desire, there is no harm in letting them know this knowledge.

They themselves feel that they have not betrayed the empire, but they are also devoted to lust for light.

The day they pledged their allegiance was the day before Rasta officially announced that he was "Light Desire" in the real universe.

Therefore, it can also be said that they awakened the desire for light and made him stand up completely.

They did what Lorgar did to the Emperor, and lust stopped them.

But the intensity is not as strong as that of the Emperor.

Therefore, the ideal city never emerged, and the Sons of the Phoenix did not pursue perfection strongly.

They do everything that is in line with the purpose of light desire.

For example, he took the jobs of the Salamander and the Weeper who might appear in future generations, and he was very good at taking care of children.

Another example is that everything comes to an end, such as the belief in light desire - no resources are spent on building unnecessary faith facilities for Him, including but not limited to churches and temples. Each son of the Phoenix only needs to bury his faith in his heart without any need. Singing loudly and living freely and kindly is the most pious manifestation of lust for light!

Or, as now, forgive a heroic soul who is not guilty but blames himself.

The person guarding the cemetery was sweating profusely and carefully bent over to serve him.

And the Astartes from the Third Company of the Third Legion who had just left an alien battlefield had their hands on their weapons, as if they were ready to swarm up at any time and kill this scumbag demon!

Huestis felt very bitter in his heart. If it hadn't hinted at these Phoenix Sons one after another and said forty-four times along the way without dying, it would really be dead.

Guang Yu is particularly partial to his own demon army. If other legions fight against the Four Gods Demon Army, it will be a normal attack.

When the third legion fought against the four gods and demon armies, every attack was a critical hit!

Although Huestis himself is blessed by the spine of the gods, he is not sure whether he will be directly killed by the devout beliefs of these lustful believers.

"Okay, replenish supplies as soon as possible. In addition, organize the political power of this planet and let them choose a suitable governor who will be loyal to the emperor, but also follow the path of the light chaser."

The third company commander called up two lusty battle monks.

The regime of Igorns was in chaos. Before the arrival of these Astartes, more than a hundred forces were fighting in the entire planet.

Each of them claims to be the sole descendant of the Flower Lord, the Purple Sword King, and is entitled to rule the planet.

After the Light Demon Army killed 80% of the Igorns warlords, these people finally sat down and obeyed, and clarified that they actually did not have any so-called noble blood of Holy Terra.

Are you kidding? The Third Legion is the stamp collection of the holy Terran noble blood. If you dare to say that you are a Terran noble, the Third Legion will dare to draw your blood for comparison. Why don't you just give me the name of the noble you mentioned on the spot? The genetic sequence looks like it spirals upward.

"How about the Governor letting me choose?"

A familiar voice in the cemetery with light mist in the early morning.

He came from the depths of the fog, and the dark world seemed to be covered with a dim veil of light.

Huestis hurried up and lay on the ground like a dog.

"Great, supreme, and supreme Lord of Chaos, I am looking for you to have those nine qualities.

Believe me, I have found one, but I can't be sure whether he has [Dry Bones in the Tomb] or [Innocent Heart]. "

"He has both. Just step back and go to the next world."

Ralast commanded the dogs he used to steal Tzeentch's power.

The scumbag demon Hustis quickly apologized with a lot of thanks, and then left.

In its view, it has failed because its search seems like a waste.

Because Guangyu's demon army has already discovered this place, it means that Guangyu has also seen this place. This search makes it feel that its role is not great and its value is not great.

It must speed up the search.

The Third Legion did not make any impassioned speeches when facing its own god, but only knelt down on one knee and a period of silence.

They have used every action of theirs to prove that they are the most devout believers in the desire for light. They are more keen on doing things that are in line with those who pursue the light.

"Get up, the ground is quite cold."

Guang Yu said, waving slightly, and the steaming dinner plates behind him flew into the arms of these Astartes one by one.

Then He sat down, leaning against the tombstone that had just been worshiped.

"Didn't you say that the ground is cold, Lord..."

The company commander tried to let Guang Yu get the treatment he deserved.

"Just call me Master, otherwise other legions should feel that they are being treated differently. Also, I have been looking for this tombstone for a while."

In Raste's hand were two Abates heads with their spines connected, which he had just taken from Huestis.

The evil Lord was thinking that it would not meet the requirements of the ceremony to dig out the Flower Lord from the tomb and then throw the head of Abates into it and bury it together.

The head of the Keren family is currently receiving the envy of other Phoenix children.

They couldn't have been thinking "Look! My ancestor is backed by the Lord's Light, what an honor it is" just a moment ago.

As a result, the next moment they were confused by the fact that "the two-meter-high grass on the graves of my ancestors that had only grown since the golden age was pulled up by our gods."

That would be a little too embarrassing.

He, the majestic Lord of all lights, cannot dig graves and drag out people who have been dead for so long to work.

His descendants and his devout believers are watching.

Well, I have to turn off the lights and come back at night!

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