Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Chapter 143 Innocent Heart


The number of auxiliary troops in the Third Company is more than a hundred times that of the Space Marines, and there are many captain units.

The number of auxiliaries that will accompany the Great Company of Astartes cannot be fixed.

After a war is over, no one knows how many people will survive. They are said to be auxiliary troops, but in fact, they are cannon fodder that is easier to kill in the eyes of the aliens.

In order to vent their anger, the aliens who cannot defeat the Astartes will try their best to attack the auxiliary troops and engage in trapped beast fights.

"Stop! Shut up!"

Rasta stopped the captains.

Still glorious? I'm still a girl! My name is Rasta, not Lux. How about I call Demacia and summon Igubiko, the giant statue of justice, so that you can recognize who is the emperor?

The team captains who were kneeling on the ground were very depressed. They never shouted a complete "Glorious Emperor".

"These lists are of no use. Just use them to make a fire. I will arrange the governor's position."

The mere desire to speak gives these things their nature.

Two squad leaders took out two pieces of paper from their arms.

"Two warlord leaders tried to bribe us. This is the list of supplies they handed over."

There is definitely an undercurrent of competition for the position of governor, but it is just suppressed by the auxiliary troops, so it cannot be seen on the surface.

"I'm going to kill them."

Abraham picked up a steak and threw it to one of the squad leaders.

The other Astartes also tossed a steak to the other.

This is a reward mechanism within Phoenix Sons.

The two team captains took the food and before they could say thanks, they heard Anduin's words.

"Eat, the food cooked by our Primarch is the first time we have eaten it today."

The honor education of the Third Legion is deep in the bones. Even though Rasta corrected it a lot, it is still stronger than other legions.

This strong sense of honor also infected the auxiliary troops.

Glory and life, many auxiliary troops will choose the former.

For the Sons of Phoenix, one can imagine how precious this meal is.

But when the two space warriors divided this honor between them, the weight of the reward was no longer comparable to the weight of a piece of steak.

Delicious and delicious meat steaks are extremely precious in all legions - they are tender and juicy. The ant beef that is buy one and get ten thousand free is excluded because it is not clear who is the eater and who is the food. Everyone is here to eat meat, not Come for a meal.

One plus one is more than ten, which makes the auxiliary army's sense of honor and belonging extremely strong at this moment.

"Sit down for me."

Rasta stopped Abraham, who was about to swing his power sword to kill, and then asked the auxiliary captains to retreat.

As soon as the auxiliary army captains left, Abraham, who was playing tricks, knelt on the spot and cried bitterly.

"Ah! I'm already missing a potato! Now I'm missing a steak, my mother's love..."

The conspicuous bag also cried bitterly. Although it was unpalatable, it was made by the original body and had extra points of taste and strong friendship. Why did the deputy company commander follow suit when he was trying to be cool?

Brothers and sisters hugged each other and cried, and Rasta asked people to close the curtain.

It was getting dark, and He called away the two purple cans that were going to guard the cemetery.

"I have something to do. It's inconvenient for you to be here. Don't worry, it's not a bad thing."

His orders are an absolute oracle to the Sons of the Phoenix, and no one will disobey them.

Even Anduin left. They knew something was going on and whether they should get involved.

With the departure of the purple cans and the auxiliary troops, the cemetery returned to silence again, with only the chill and breeze at night, and the misty darkness that refreshed the soul.

A figure that was not tall and even a little thin climbed up the hillside with difficulty.

He looked around, afraid of meeting someone.

Today, many visitors from outside the world came, and the arrogant King Yesun, who claimed to be a descendant of the Flower Lord, was shot to death. The civilians nearby finally broke free from the enslavement of the terrifying warlord.

Elden, who went from being a free man to being forced into slavery, is seventeen years old this year.

But he was too stunted, making him look like he was only eleven or twelve years old. However, the clarity and maturity in his eyes made him surpass his peers in appearance and age.

This was the heart of a child, the quality Rasta asked Huestis to look for in himself.

This time, Elden came to see the scumbag demon Huestis. This temporary gravekeeper had helped the young man several times in the past period, so that when Elden was desperate, he would come here to seek help. help.

Huestis was a man of great intelligence, and it told Eldon—me—from the very beginning! It's a devil!

This is to prevent unnecessary suspicion from shaking the faith of a smart child.

I am a devil and you are a good boy. If you are prepared to sacrifice for the people you want to help, then you will come to me if you know the price you have to pay.

These were the impressions Huestis left on Eldon.

The old gravekeeper, who looks ordinary and even stooped, will turn into an extremely handsome devil with two extremely polished horns on his head when only it and Elden are left. .

Elden's previous requests for help were for medicine, food and protection.

It's always difficult for ordinary people in this cruel galaxy.

This time, Elden came to ask for clean water.

When the Astartes warships arrived, the warlords cleverly poisoned all nearby water sources.

Those poison cans can be directly immune, and the auxiliary troops also have water purification methods, but ordinary people...

These canned people who adhere to the creed of lust have not had time to take care of ordinary people, because it is only the first day of arrival, and they need to calm down the warlords first.

Elden finally came to the cemetery. Every time he came here, his heartbeat would speed up for a moment, and then return to normal. He didn't know why.

Following his usual habit, he came to the tombkeeper's hut, knocked on the door four times, and then took a step back.

The door still opened on its own, and no one opened it.

After taking a deep breath, Elden stepped on the stairs and crossed the threshold.

He was very nervous, he knew he shouldn't deal with the devil, but he had no choice.

The world was spinning, and the world behind the door looked nothing like Igorns.

Elden is used to it. The devil always uses this method to make people realize how powerful he is.

Library, coffee shop, dark pavilion, every time Elden comes, the world in the tombkeeper's hut is different.

This time, it was a low hill with no trees and only flowers all over the mountains.

Sitting on a low hill, He seemed to be integrated with the world, like a painting.

Elden began to realize that this time, what he came to see might not be the devil.

He was worried but walked on determinedly. He promised the children who were comatose due to fever that he would bring them clean water.

He came behind the not-tall boy who looked like a boy and was ready to kneel down and pray.

His relationship with the other party is far less familiar than that of the demon who calls himself Huestis, and his attitude must be like that of a beggar.

"come over."

Rasta waved his hand and motioned for him to sit on the stone slab next to him.

Elden obeyed without hesitation.

He saw the other person's face. He looked like a young man, not much older than him, but with such an appearance, he was definitely not the other person's age.

"Making a deal with the devil, why are you playing Sword of Sword III here?"

Rasta threw him an apple, then fell back and lay among the flowers, looking at the starry night sky.

Elden took a bite of the apple and just chewed it, not knowing how to answer.

Guang Yu revealed his other identity.

"Really? Lord of Flowers."

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